Those investors or speculators who came in later always hoped to see the inflection point of stock price rise through observation and persistence, but they were wrong. 【】Whether it is in the West or the East, the herd mentality exists, and the blow of the loss of investment confidence is far more serious and important than the investment itself.

Chen Kangjie remembers that more than ten years later, when a large-scale global financial crisis occurred, our Prime Minister always said a word around the world, confidence is more precious than gold.However, once confidence is lost, gold may not be as good as rotten rock, and these three communication technology companies are now facing this situation.

On Thursday afternoon, until the close, the stock price fell without stopping. It's just that this roller coaster feeling hasn't reached the bottom yet, it's just in the middle of the rotation.Those investors who haven't sold or haven't had time to sell also feel that the situation is not good. If they don't sell again, they will probably lose all their money.

At this time, there is still a group of people who are most worried, that is, the board members of the three companies. The stock market continues to fall, and their losses are the greatest.

The second generation of the Galvin family, Robert Galvin, is holding a board meeting at the company headquarters in Schaumburg, a suburb of Chicago. Motorola is the Galvin Manufacturing Company (ion), founded by his father Paul Galvin in 19 (1947). In [-], it was changed to Motorola Inc. because of the high popularity of the trademark. Although he no longer served as the company's CEO and stepped down as the chairman more than three years ago, there is no doubt that he is still the company's actual controller.

How could a powerful figure who was the CEO of the company from 1953 to 1986 and held the position of chairman until 1990 be replaced so quickly? History, he waited for his son Christopher Galvin to serve as chairman and CEO for more than three years before resigning from the board of directors. Christopher Galvin, who is now the senior vice president and chief operating officer of Motorola, also appeared in the conference room, This guy came up with the idea of ​​joint Ericsson strangling anycall communications company.

"Let's talk about what's going on here? What should we do?" Robert Galvin, 72 years old, has white hair and looks like Jack Welch. The chief sitting in the conference room fiddles with a pipe and asks. his colleagues.

"Someone should be targeting us. This ups and downs are too abnormal," said a well-dressed young director by the window.

"There is no doubt about it. If it weren't for someone to manipulate it, it would not be possible to have this roller coaster effect. Monday and Tuesday are a bit normal, yesterday and today are very weird. It's incredible that we don't know what it is. Institutions run it all, I've read it from the stock exchange, all show scattered investors, from all over the world, there is no one big institutional leader at all," said a middle-aged director next to Robert Galvin with contempt Glancing at the young director, he turned to Robert Galvin and said.

"We must reverse this situation, otherwise, we will not be able to deal with the next investment," another director said without distraction.

"Yes, if this situation cannot be contained, it will have a very negative impact on us for a certain period of time, and the company's financial situation will be at relatively high risk," echoed a Jewish-like board member.

"Everyone, how should we turn this situation around? This is the key." Robert Galvin tapped his pipe on the desk.

"Father, the company can buy back those stocks." Christopher Galvin, who was sitting by the side, couldn't bear it anymore. He really wanted to show his wisdom.

"Repurchase? Our company's sales last year were 139 billion U.S. dollars, and the company's current books can use 12 billion U.S. dollars of funds. If we use this fund, what should we do with China's commitment? We are right The lobbyists have promised to invest $5 billion next year," said the chairman and CEO of the puppet company.

"Mr. Mi Gao said just now that those are scattered investors, or speculators. We don't expect to raise the stock price when we take out the money, but we only need to stabilize the downward trend and stabilize those large-scale investors. It is enough for the investors in the company, and we can release these tradable shares later and get the funds back, which is the best of both worlds, not to mention that we can also obtain financing from the bank," Christopher Galvin retorted.

"What do you think of this method?" Robert Galvin asked without expressing his opinion.

"I think this method is feasible," the director by the window answered very simply.

"I think it's more risky," the puppet chairman said without support or opposition.

"If you don't do this, the risk will be even greater. This is the first day. If it still falls like this tomorrow, then our life will be sad," Christopher said with some dissatisfaction.

"I also support this, otherwise we really can't afford such a loss," said the director named Mi Gao.

After the two finished speaking, several directors expressed their support one after another. They all believed that they must invest to stabilize the market, otherwise their losses would be serious.

"Okay, let's do this. Tomorrow we will rescue the market ourselves. Fortunately, the stock price has fallen a lot now, otherwise the $12.5 billion is really too tight." Robert Galvin bypassed the chairman and made a decision directly.

Under such a situation, what can the chairman do? It is not the only way to accept this suggested measure.

When Motorola decided to do this in a meeting, Ericsson was also in a meeting. In the end, the company also decided to use one billion US dollars to rescue the market, hoping to stabilize the stock price at the current situation.These two companies can easily come up with billions of dollars in funds. Nokia is pitiful. The company can only get less than [-] million dollars. If they want to save the market by themselves, they have to find a bank, but it is too late to find a bank now. , can only watch helplessly to what extent it will deteriorate.

When I woke up on the morning of Friday, June 6th, some people were in a good mood, and some people were in a tangled mood. Those investors who saw that the momentum was not right and sold their stocks first and made a lot of money were naturally comfortable people. Investors who have to own the stocks of these three companies are entangled. They are looking forward to the good performance of the stock market after the market opens, but they are just looking forward to it. As for the result, it is still unknown.

As the stock market opened, their expectations immediately fell through, and the stock market still fell. Motorola's top executives were all staring at the computer screens displaying the stock market in the company's conference room.

"Mr. Galvin, the Finance Department has already invested [-] million dollars, and the market has not improved at all. Do we need to continue?" The phone in front of Galvin was pressed on speakerphone, and the manager of the Finance Department on the other end of the phone was reporting. Work.

"Go ahead, invest 10 million dollars in [-] minutes," Robert Galvin said calmly.

He has been in charge of this company for decades. The 72-year-old Galvin is someone who has seen big scenes. He has always kept himself in a stable state. Under the tempered Chengfu, it is hard to see him being too happy or too sad anyway.

Time keeps moving, the stock markets of Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia are still falling, and the two companies that want to save the market are investing [-] million US dollars and then [-] million US dollars. Like entering an abyss, you can't see the waves, and you can't hear the sound.

"Mr. Galvin, we only have 5000 million US dollars left, do we have to invest it too?" Near noon, the manager of the financial department reported.

"Vote, why don't you vote, vote for it," Galvin replied firmly, but you will find that his voice has been raised several degrees, as if to highlight his momentum, but this just shows that this old horse is also I'm in a hurry.

. . . . . .

At this moment, in Georgetown in the northwest of the Caribbean Sea, Han Geng was also receiving reports from his subordinates.

"Mr. Han, the other party seems to be bailing out the market today. When everyone is selling, we found that there are billions of dollars in Ericsson and Motorola stocks that are sold separately in the market."

"What about Nokia?".

"There is no movement over there, basically only going out but not going in."

"Nokia shouldn't be too ruthless. As for the other two... let them have fun for a while, keep a little leftovers in their hands, and play exciting games for them after lunch. We only have a week, and today is just right."

"Play exciting?".

"Yeah, our bosses are not feeling well, so they shouldn't think about being comfortable either. Hehe, the greatest pain for a human being is nothing more than extreme joy begets sorrow."


"This belongs to the Eastern culture, you Westerners don't understand it, tell Bermuda, Virgin, Western Samoa, Bahamas, Anguilla, and colleagues in Europe, the United States, East Asia, and South America to take a short break and continue working after lunch." Han Geng obviously Matured a lot again.

. . . . . .

"Mr. Galvin, the stock price has stopped falling." After 3 minutes, the company's stock price has stabilized, and the manager of the financial department dared to call to report.

"I see, thank you for your hard work." At this time, Robert Galvin resumed his gentlemanly demeanor.

"I've just said that if we spend more than a billion dollars, it's impossible to have no effect. There are not many companies that can compete with us," Christopher Galvin said proudly.

"Everyone, we have been staring here all morning. You must be hungry. I invite you to have French food for lunch." Regardless of his son's words, Robert Galvin happily invited his colleagues to have lunch.

A group of wealthy gentlemen took a limousine to a nearby high-end restaurant. They ordered a lot of food. It seemed that to celebrate the victory, Galvin specially ordered two bottles of top-quality Bordeaux red wine. Everyone chatted and laughed happily among themselves.

However, the waiter opened the red wine for them and poured it into glasses. Looking at the bright red color of the wine, Galvin raised his glass. At this moment, his secretary's mobile phone thought, the secretary answered the phone, and his expression became pale. livid.

"Mr. Galvin, the stock price has started to fall again... and worse than this morning."


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