rebirth of change

Chapter 600 Don't underestimate the Chinese

Robert Galvin's right hand holding the wine glass froze, as if struck by lightning. 【 】The expressions of the others were very ugly and awkward. Everyone didn't know what they were thinking, and they couldn't be too happy anyway.

"Come on, let's have a drink, we still have to eat." After a while, Robert Galvin greeted everyone with the wine glass to show his demeanor and temperament.

Everyone raised their glasses and followed, "Cheers".

After taking a sip of the appetizing red wine, Robert Galvin put down the wine glass, picked up the knife and fork, and began to taste the medium-rare steak and other delicacies in front of him. Seeing Galvin like this, it was difficult for others to say anything. , I could only lower my head in silence and eat.

Facing the delicious food on the table, everyone ate like chewing wax. They are here, but their hearts have already gone back to the company. They really want to know how the stock price has fallen at this moment.

Others are like this, so Galvin is no different. He spent 15 minutes eating half of the steak in front of him, and he only drank half of the red wine in the goblet. He wiped his mouth with a napkin to indicate that he had finished eating.

After a hastily finished lunch that was supposed to be a celebration, everyone drove back to the company.

"How's it going?" Galvin asked the manager of the finance department who opened the door for him just as the motorcade crossed the lawn in front of the main building and stopped in front of the administrative building.

"It's not optimistic. It's like a boulder rolling off a cliff. It can't be stopped at all. Now it has fallen by 20.00% compared to the morning." The manager of the financial department replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and have a look." After hearing the report, Galvin didn't say anything, the deal was done, and he had no good solution now.

"Mr. Galvin, we have discovered a very special phenomenon." The manager of the financial department followed closely beside Robert Galvin, and said softly, as if he was afraid that the words would be heard by other directors.

The manager of the financial department was originally promoted when Galvin resigned as CEO. When he resigned as CEO and chairman, he made two large-scale personnel adjustments within the company, which made the entire company's middle and senior management They are all his people, and these people are only responsible to him to a certain extent.

"What's the situation?" Galvin just glanced at the other party, but didn't stop completely.

"In addition to our company, Ericsson and Nokia have also encountered a similar situation. The only difference is that Nokia suffered a weaker blow. We and Ericsson suffered the most in the stock market. I just contacted them. After a while, they, like us, took out a billion dollars to rescue the market, but there was no bones left," the manager of the financial department said cautiously.

After hearing what the manager of the finance department said, Galvin finally stopped at the elevator entrance. Two seconds later, he walked into the elevator, "Okay, I understand."

The directors who followed saw that the big boss was having a conversation with the manager of the financial department, so intentionally or unintentionally, they lagged behind by three or four meters.

Back in the conference room, Robert Galvin and everyone looked at the bleak company stock price on the computer screen for a while. They couldn't bear to see it. With the investment of 45 billion US dollars, the wealth of Motorola, a group of shareholders, had evaporated. Losing $[-] billion, it can be described as a heavy loss.

After watching for a while, Robert Galvin left and called his son when he left.

"You will really cause trouble for me. I see you like a son-in-law all day long. How can you rest assured that the foundation created by your grandfather will be taken care of by you?" Robert Galvin just sat down in his office on the top floor , He said to Christopher Galvin in a low voice, from his voice, he could hear his vicissitudes and worries, no matter what, he was also a 72-year-old old man.

"Father, what's the matter? I don't understand. Recently I've been honestly staying in the company." Little Galvin sat down opposite his father, full of grievances.

"Do you think you are wronged?" Robert Galvin leaned tiredly on the armchair.

"I dare not, it's just that I don't know what you're talking about?" 41-year-old Galvin pouted like a child.

"Did you know? Like us, Ericsson and Nokia's stock prices have plummeted, and Ericsson has suffered heavy losses like us. What does this mean?" Elder Galvin stabilized his mood and asked amicably.

"Hehe, it turned out that it wasn't our family that encountered it. I was still worried that Ericsson would replace them with such a big loss. I didn't expect them to do the same." Little Galvin looked like a gloating villain.

"Idiot, we are now on the same front and allies. Do you think there are only two electronic communication companies in the world? Siemens, Alcatel, Philips and even Nokia all want to replace us. At this time, Ericsson has suffered heavy losses. What benefits can you get?" Robert Galvin was really helpless with this stupid son.

"Oh." Little Galvin restrained his smile that shouldn't have been there, "Father, then how come Nokia has suffered like this?".

"I should have asked you this. Don't you think about it more? You are working in the CEO's office and in charge of operations. You have to learn to be mature and independent. Don't just show off your family background." and playing with grace".

"Understood, I understand", although young Galvin answered straightforwardly, but Robert only really understood, and his son would not really understand, but what could he do, he could only shake his head slightly.

It's useless for Robert to understand, he only has one son, and the family business cannot be handed over to others. He doesn't expect his son to grow the company much, he only needs him to keep the current position of the company.

"Father, according to what you said, our loss should come from China. Both Ericsson and we are preparing for a large-scale attack on this huge emerging market. The profits there are really huge. A piece of equipment is cheaper than that in the United States. The price is many times higher, but I just can't figure it out, who in the poor country of China would have such great strength? Without an investment of more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, it is impossible to have such a big impact. Moreover, why is Nokia so powerful? Will your small company be involved?" Christopher Galvin thought for a while, and got a little clue.

"Children can be taught. If you can think of this, it is progress. Think carefully, what competitors do you have in China?".

"Competitors? China's domestic communication market and communication technology are basically blank. Although those state-owned companies have some strength, their management is loose, they don't pay attention to efficiency and future, and their management is chaotic. Most of the private companies have extremely limited strength. Our next one The branches will be much bigger than them, and there will be no competitors at all." Christopher regards domestic companies in China with a superior view.

"The Chinese culture is extensive and profound. This country has been open for more than 15 years, and its economy has grown very fast. During these 15 years, they have accumulated a lot of wealth. Moreover, wise Chinese pursue a restrained philosophy, and they are unwilling to publicize their wealth. , There are historical reasons for this, don’t forget that the British who once claimed to be the empire on which the sun never sets have surrendered to them ten years ago, so it’s possible that you don’t know some information,” said Robert Galvin He taught his son some oriental philosophy and oriental culture like a wise man.

"Well, what you said reminds me of a company. The purpose of our Ericsson cooperation is this company called Anycall Communications Company. It is invested by a Hong Kong company. It is now their domestic investment in communications. The largest company, because of this, I suggest persuading Ericsson to abandon the g** standard and unite to suppress them. As long as this company is taken down, the annual profits of billions of dollars in China will be ours," my father said to The mention of Hong Kong finally reminded Christopher of the existence of anycall communication company.

"I saw your report on this company, and it really shouldn't be underestimated. The investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, especially in research and development, is simply an anomaly. It actually spends more than 1 million dollars in research and development in more than a year, although it is far inferior to ours. , but it is unique in China, and that’s why I support your idea, even if you pay more, you must use the cdma standard for the Chinese market.” Old Galvin took out his pipe and filled it with some Cuban Tobacco, after finishing speaking, he took out an exquisite alloy lighter from the drawer and lit it.

"But it's impossible for them to have so much money. More than 200 billion U.S. dollars, that's more than 1000 billion RMB. Even if it's a Hong Kong company, who can spend so much money at once?" Christopher shook his head and said.

"As I said just now, don't underestimate the internal strength of the Chinese. Didn't you mention in your report that in addition to investing in this anycall communication company, they also invested in computer companies, software companies, and travel companies? All of these are big investments. This shows that they are very strong."

"Those are probably jointly invested by many companies. Besides, I asked someone to investigate those investment companies last year. There is no money on the books. Let alone 200 billion US dollars, [-] million US dollars can't be raised." It seems that Christopher, who is a rich second generation, is not confused about everything.

"Then this is strange." After hearing what his son said, Robert Galvin was also confused.

"However, the parent companies of those investment companies are not in Hong Kong. For example, the parent company called Hongyuan Investment is registered in the Cayman Islands. It is obviously an offshore company, and no information can be found," Christopher added.

In fact, the capital structure of the company under Chen Kangjie is much more complicated than it was at the beginning. It is not just a registration in one offshore place and then transferred to Hong Kong. Zero's global dispersion, well-known and dark, for example, in Europe, the funds are also dispersed through many Swiss banks, just for fear of people who want to investigate. After a few years, let alone outsiders, Chen Kangjie himself is not very clear about himself How many dark investment companies are there below?


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