The time Ouyang Zhenhua stayed in Hong Kong to accompany his wife was not idle. The focus was on doing this. The 2000 billion US dollars withdrawn from Japan was scattered around the world by him and Han Geng. The whole process was very complicated and involved To hundreds of banks in dozens of countries and regions. 【 】

"If you can't find it, don't check it. It may be that their government's funds are not necessarily the same. The US government has a large amount of secret funds overseas, and others may have them too," Robert Galvin said smartly.

Robert Galvin was right in other places, but his experience misled him. Maybe the United States really has a lot of secret funds overseas, but he also regarded Chen Kangjie’s funds as government funds. So wrong.

"That's not right. We've been cooperating with their government. We've always been working with officials or companies with official backgrounds. How could they do this?" Christopher couldn't figure it out.

"No matter which country's government is not monolithic, there are those who support it and those who oppose it. There are interests of this sector and those of that sector. Nothing is impossible. Just like us, the Republican Party supports it, and the Democratic Party may oppose it. And as a hindrance, a one-party state may not be so obvious, but there are factions, and the profits of mobile communications are too generous, how do you know that there is no one in the government to support them?" Galvin used He analyzed this country on the other side of the ocean based on his understanding of American politics, and he really didn't know whether to say he was right or wrong.

"Then what should we do now? Forget it?" Christopher Galvin asked exactly the same question as Ouyang Zhenhua once asked Chen Kangjie.

"At this stage, do you have a better way?" Robert Galvin asked back.

"No," Christopher replied simply, but he thought it wrong, and he added, "Maybe we can put pressure on their government."

"How to exert pressure?" Robert Galvin glanced at his son.

"First, we can cooperate with Ericsson to threaten to withdraw from the Chinese market, and what's more, the Secretary of State will visit China next month to put pressure on the other party through him."

"Hey, unless you really want to completely withdraw from the Chinese market, these two methods of yours are suicidal. If we threaten to withdraw, then the other party will be afraid. Yes, there will be a lot of pressure, because they The equipment and technology from us and Ericsson are used, but this kind of fear is two-way. Everyone in the world is afraid of dealing with naive people because the risk is too high. Second, if the Secretary of State puts pressure on it, it will turn economic problems into It is unwise to become a political problem. Once we use political means to solve economic problems, the situation is out of our control. Moreover, the other party’s culture is most opposed to this, so it will also create a sense of insecurity, and the risk factor remains the same. It’s very big. Both of these methods are equivalent to giving up that piece of the market.” Jiang is still old and spicy. Robert Galvin was able to develop Motorola to a dominant position in the world, but his son was step by step. Losing the foundation of his ancestors, even he himself had to leave his job in the end seems to be very reasonable, which illustrates the old Chinese saying that wealth cannot last three generations.


"Come on, I guess the other party doesn't really want to deal with us, but just wants to teach us a lesson. After all, our company is an important cooperative company in the field of aerospace and communications in the United States. After Armstrong landed on the moon, he used our equipment to communicate with the earth. , If we are really defeated by financial means, they will probably be sanctioned, so as long as we do nothing, we will pass," Robert Galvin interrupted his son and expressed his own analysis.

I have to say that this old guy is right. Chen Kangjie really just wants to teach them a lesson, just to weaken their strength and let them calm down. If they really beat them down, he will also be in trouble, and he will not say anything abroad. , what should I do with a and b previously established in China?What about those users?Others may not know that he did it, but Zhao Zhibang, Wei Zhonghua and other high-level officials will definitely know, because he is the only one with this strength, which will affect the domestic investment environment and bring bad views of foreign-funded enterprises to the country.Therefore, even if Chen Kangjie really wanted to defeat them, he would use upright market competition methods.

That is why Chen Kangjie only gave one week to act. In this way, the lethality can be controlled within a certain range, and the strength of the opponent can be weakened. The meaning of warning is very obvious.

"What about Ericsson?"

"Don't worry about this. What we can see, others can see too. Instead, you should pay more attention to Nokia," said Robert Galvin inscrutablely.

Yes, when they learned that Motorola's stock price had also suffered the same suppression, the top executives of Motorola's board of directors immediately realized that it was related to competitors in the Chinese market, but they couldn't find out who made the move. Although they suspected that they had communicated with anycall The company is related, but that is only at the stage of suspicion, there is no evidence, and they don't really believe that anycall communication company has such strength.

The directors of Ericsson who suffered heavy losses had no place to vent their anger, so they vented their anger on the CEO who agreed to cooperate with Motorola to give up his g** strength and switch to cdma. The officer was fired.In fact, this guy is completely a scapegoat. He accepted Motorola's suggestion, but it was also approved by the board of directors.

"What does this have to do with that small company?" Little Galvin asked his father.

"I don't know what the relationship is, but they are also involved, which means that they are also involved in the Chinese market. Don't underestimate them. Their current strength is not strong, but it doesn't mean they have no technology." Robert Galvin warned.

Motorola and Ericsson are confused and understand half of the reason. Nokia, who was shot while lying down, is confused. Jorma Ollila didn't even think about what was going on. The company's hundreds of millions of dollars are so unclear Vaporized, it made him mad.

It was with great difficulty that the company’s sideline business with little prospect was separated, and it was only on the right track to concentrate on mobile communications. When I accumulated a little strength and wanted to expand overseas markets, I unexpectedly encountered such an inexplicable disaster. Jorma Ollila was very depressed.

The stock market was closed on Saturday, and Jorma Ollila was trying to figure out how to solve the current difficulties in her office. She didn't know whether the company's stock price would continue to fall next week.He just came back from South Korea, and he was planning to go to China without hesitation. He also valued that piece of virgin land with great prospects. Loans, but the current stock price is so low, the company's assets have suffered serious losses, will the bank help?Or how helpful would the bank be?These are all unknowns.

While Jorma Ollila was racking her brains, the phone on the desk rang, "Mr. Ollila, there is a call from Hong Kong, saying they are looking for you, do you want to put it in for you?" The call is The secretary dialed in.

"A call from Hong Kong?", Jorma Ollila was full of suspicion, because he had no business relationship with Hong Kong for the time being, "Did the other party say what it was?", just to be on the safe side, Jorma Ollila didn't immediately refuse , but choose to ask clearly before speaking.

"The other party only said that they could help us out of the predicament, and didn't say anything else," the secretary replied honestly.

The secretary's last words immediately excited Jorma Ollila, and at the same time, the doubts in her heart deepened, "Come in, come in."

"Mr. Ollila, hello!", a man's voice on the phone, speaking English with a distinct British accent.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Jorma Ollila asked calmly and politely.

"My surname is Ouyang," Ouyang Zhenhua said directly.

"Mr. Ouyang, hello, I don't know what you are calling me for?".

"Didn't your secretary tell you?" Ouyang Zhenhua was wearing sunglasses, basking in the sun in front of his villa, leisurely.

"How do you know that our company is facing this difficulty? How can you help us tide over the difficulty?" Jorma Ollila tried to control her emotions as much as possible.

"Let's open the skylight and speak honestly. It's no fun to beat around the bush. I can help you raise your stock price next week." Ouyang Zhenhua switched the phone to his left hand, and took a sip of juice with his right hand.

"Our company's stock price has been suppressed so low, is it you who did it?" From the other party's mouth, Yorma Ollila heard the meaning.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to know if you are willing to cooperate?" Ouyang Zhenhua neither admitted nor denied, firmly grasping the initiative of the conversation.

"How to cooperate? To what extent can our company's stock price be raised?" Yoma Ollila didn't know anything about the situation now, so it was impossible to agree so quickly.

"The stock price can be increased by 20.00% on the basis of your last Monday. In other words, your stock price will more than double next week. As for cooperation, you can talk to your vice president. Ten days ago someone I went to China to talk about cooperation, but was rejected."

"Is there such a thing?" Jorma Ollila asked, frowning.

I originally wanted to go to China to seek opportunities to enter, but someone came to me, but no one told me, how can I not be depressed.

"You don't need to ask me about this, I'm looking forward to your good news", Ouyang Zhenhua hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Now that the other party is a grasshopper in his hand, Ouyang Zhenhua naturally has to take care of it. In the past, people from his own side went to find them, but now, it is now and then.


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