rebirth of change

Chapter 606 Oath of Sovereignty

The students seemed to hear a bad news, especially suddenly, they were full of confidence to continue to be classmates with Chen Kangjie for three years, but when they looked back, the protagonist was about to leave. There are mixed flavors, and I can't figure out why this is. Some people even have sore noses and tears are about to come out. 【 】

"Everyone be quiet first, be quiet, I understand everyone's mood", Chen Kangjie really wanted to stabilize everyone's emotions, but he himself was depressed and his voice was hoarse.

"Chen Kangjie, why are you leaving, why are you leaving?" After asking a few words, Deng Min's tears fell.

Deng Min has been studying hard all the time, thinking that through his own efforts, he and the person he likes will be able to join a group together every day. The struggle turned into nothing, and she was very sad and sad.

At this time, the school playground was full of students who had just finished the exam and walked out of the exam room, chatting and laughing in twos and threes, most of them were discussing interesting holidays and their own future, but Chen Kangjie and the others were talking about such a heavy topic, and there were actually some Cried, which made Chen Kangjie a little at a loss.

"Xiao Min, Xiao Min, don't be like this. My dad's job has changed, and our whole family has to move. I have no choice but to part with you." Chen Kangjie tried to coax Deng Min quickly, otherwise it would be out of control.

It was the first time for Chen Kangjie to call Deng Min so affectionately like Fan Xuexi.

"Can you not go, I don't want you to go", Deng Min didn't care how many people were there, she rushed forward and hugged Chen Kangjie's neck, buried her head in his chest, her tears couldn't be controlled, splashing.

This is the first time Deng Min has made such a blatant confession. Although she didn't use any words like "like" or "love", her heart has been fully revealed. Only when she deeply likes a boy in her heart can she be like this It's uncontrollable to be so reckless.

This time Chen Kangjie didn't know where to put his hands like when Deng Min hugged him for the first time. They looked like a close couple. Some of the classmates around them were surprised, some were indifferent, and some blessed them. Anyway, among their classmates and partners, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min had been consciously or unconsciously regarded Fan Xuexi and Deng Min as Chen Kangjie's girlfriends.

Among the crowd standing next to her, Fan Xuexi felt the most complicated. She felt very jealous in her heart, but what Deng Min said was what he wanted to say, and what Deng Min was doing was what he wanted to do. I also hope that Chen Kangjie can really stay.

But the relationship between Chen Kangjie's female friends in elementary school has faded a lot in the gradual estrangement. The relationship between Chen Kangjie and them is more maintained by the sixth sister. That feeling is very strange.

"I am also reluctant to leave you, but I have to go. Although we will go to school in different places, I promise that we will never be separated," Chen Kangjie said tenderly in Deng Min's ear.

"Really?" Deng Minyu raised his head with pear blossoms.

"Really, I keep my word." Chen Kangjie put his hands on her shoulders and nodded firmly.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie almost wanted to lower his head to kiss Deng Min. This shy look was the most alluring, but it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to do that, because behind Deng Min, Fan Xuexi was also looking at him charmingly.

"Xiao Min, he can't disobey the orders of his parents. Why don't you still have me by your side?" Fan Xuexi said, taking two steps forward, putting her arms around Deng Min's shoulders.

"En", Deng Min also put a hand on her and nodded.

"I will come to see you from time to time, and I will miss you too. In high school, we all studied hard, and we will meet again in college." Chen Kangjie couldn't help but raised his right hand and wiped Fan Xuexi's cheek.

"Boss, boss, what about us?" Yang Cong always made discordant voices at such tender moments.

"You...", Chen Kangjie pointed at him, scared him back a step, he thought he was going to get a chestnut or something, who knew that Chen Kangjie just shook his finger in the end, didn't say anything, didn't do anything .

"Little Fatty, Boss is in a bad mood right now," Chu Xiang pulled Yang Cong and said softly.

"I know, but... But what should we do? I can't bear to..." As he spoke, Yang Cong, who was usually carefree, also choked up.

"Man, be strong, or you won't say you are my buddy." Chen Kangjie threw a hard word, and Yang Cong was so frightened that he quickly wiped away the tears that had spilled from the corners of his eyes.

"Boss, when are you leaving? We'll send you off." Zhang Qiang was also in a low mood. Although he didn't reach Yang Cong's level, he could still see that he was in a very bad mood.

"There's no need to send it off. It's like a big parting. I don't come here often in the future. I will invite everyone to a party tomorrow to celebrate the end of our junior high school life and enter a higher stage of study," Chen Kangjie said with a forced smile.

"Why is no one talking? Don't you want to?" After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he looked left and right, but he didn't hear anyone answering, so he added another sentence.

"It's not that I don't want to...but it feels a bit like the last supper," Pang Yanli muttered.

"What are you talking about, the last supper will be decades later, hehe, let's go home and report the results of the exam," Chen Kangjie said, holding one hand and walking outside.

The two girls were more or less shy being pulled by Chen Kangjie like this. Isn't this a clear recognition that Chen Kangjie is their boyfriend, but one boy and two girls are always a bit awkward. The shy Fan Xuexi wanted to pull her hand out temporarily, but Chen Kangjie didn't Without letting go, she held her catkin tightly, and Fan Xuexi couldn't pull it out, so she approved of this kind of irregular "frivolity".

Chen Kangjie just wanted to use this method to clarify the relationship. The palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, and he is reluctant to let go of either. No matter whether it is shocking or not, he will go forward.

Seeing them clarifying their relationship like this, most of the large group of students guarding behind them felt more at ease. All along, Chen Kangjie's attitude towards the two monitors has always been weak and weak, which made their good friends feel uncomfortable. There are some worries and grievances. Now "lover will get married" is exactly what everyone likes to see.

Of course, it couldn't stop several girls who were secretly interested in Chen Kangjie from being a little unhappy, but there was no way around it. They were incomparable in terms of study, appearance, and relationship with Chen Kangjie.In the distance, there were also a few boys from other classes looking at these three handsome young men with strong hostility.

Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, two beauties from No. [-] Middle School, still have many admirers on campus, but because of Chen Kangjie's existence, they can't get in.Chen Kangjie is clear about this, so he used this method to declare "sovereignty". He did it deliberately for others to see, meaning to tell those who have evil intentions, don't be tempted, they are mine.

. . . . . .

The next day, Chen Kangjie and his party were not arranged in the usual snack street, but in the big restaurant of the tourist hotel.

There are two reasons for this. First, the snack street in Taohua Park has been demolished and is being optimized for construction. Those snack bars are temporarily closed and will not reopen until a few months later.The second reason is that since it was a junior high school graduation celebration ceremony, it was a more serious and formal event, so Chen Kangjie changed the location to the restaurant of Mengting Hotel.

In order to maintain quietness and independence, Chen Kangjie booked one of the two restaurants himself. He plans to pay for the meal at the original price. The company has independently accounted for it. Chen Kangjie can accept internal privileges, but he will pay for them and cannot pay extra. To increase the burden on the company, although it is paid to itself with its own money, there must be a form, and in the future, the interests of other executives and shareholders will be involved. Such things must be done clearly.

The tourist hotel is only the first four-star hotel built by Mengting Tourism Group according to the five-star standard in six places. According to Dong Siying's plan, a five-star hotel will also be built. They focus on high-end hotel business. Leave it to other companies to operate.

It was the first time I walked into this magnificent hotel lobby, and the first time I sat in the elegant and comfortable restaurant with bright windows, the students were very excited and happy. It seemed that as long as they were with Chen Kangjie, there would always be constant surprises.

Not only were Chen Kangjie's classmates from the No. 80 Middle School present at the graduation party of the third year of junior high school, but also more than a dozen of his former elementary school classmates from the mine, nearly 380 people.For this reason, Chen Kangjie served eight banquets, each table according to the mid-range standard of [-] yuan, thirteen dishes and one soup, not shabby, not extravagant.

"Dear students, we are gathered here today to celebrate the end of three years of junior high school life. From today onwards, we are no longer children. Everyone will start to step into the ranks of adults, and some will continue to go to high school to continue their studies. , some people will go to technical school to learn some practical work skills, maybe... Maybe some people will go to the society in advance, no matter which choice, I wish you all, because we will always be classmates and friends, I hope everyone can Be a good person and live a happy life...Maybe some classmates already know that I will leave here soon to study and live elsewhere. Although we can't be together all the time, I will still miss it very much You guys will come to see you from time to time, of course, if you go to the city, you can come and play with me anytime, I will definitely welcome you..."

The voice of Chen Kangjie holding the microphone ended, and nearly 80 people in the restaurant burst into warm applause.

After the party, all the students took group photos in twos and threes in the hotel, with all kinds of affectionate actions and various funny actions. The kind of farewell feeling between the classmates was beyond words. Chen Kangjie also met Fan Xuexi and Deng Min for the first time. They left an intimate group photo, and nearly ten of them were taken by three cameras.


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