rebirth of change

Chapter 605 Can't Be a Classmate

"Wow, I'll call you Mayor Chen from now on!" Chen Kangjie joked about his father. 【 】

"Poor mouth", Ma Fangqin stood up and patted Chen Kangjie's scalp, then turned to Chen Qigang, "When are you going to leave?".

"We have to wait for them to finish the exam, and there is still work to be handed over here, so half a month later."

"Dad, Qiu Yi should take over from you, right?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"I'm not sure about this yet. Deputy department-level officials are under the control of the province. When Secretary Huang and Governor Tan asked about the successor, I recommended Qiu Yi, but what will happen in the end depends on the Standing Committee's meeting to discuss it." I know the final result." Chen Qigang didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Chen Kangjie's question, and his answer was very natural.

"What about the district chief?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask.

"Then I really don't know. There hasn't been a meeting to discuss it in the city yet, so I don't think it will be considered in a short time."

Indeed, the secretary of the municipal party committee was promoted to the province and became an official with real power at the deputy ministerial level. He is still the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, which is the political treatment that all mayors have.

So at this time, there is a lot of handover work that needs to be done in the city, and we can only discuss the work positions at the department level below after everyone takes office. It seems that Qiu Yi can only continue to be the head of the district.

Since this is the case, then Chen Kangjie can no longer stay in Liuzhi to go to school. He and his two older sisters who are still in school must go to the city with them.

Chen Kangjie planned to tell his friends and partners the news after the senior high school entrance examination. He was worried that telling the news in advance would affect everyone's emotions.

On the first day of the senior high school entrance examination, Chen Kangjie came to the examination center of the Second High School very early. He wanted to spend as much time with his classmates as possible.

"Chen Kangjie, it's rare to see you arrive at school so early." At the school gate, Sun Xiaolei, who was eating glutinous rice balls for breakfast, greeted Chen Kangjie.

"Isn't today an important high school entrance exam day? How are you preparing? Should be sufficient?" Chen Kangjie asked with his arms around his shoulders.

"Absolutely no problem. You have been helping everyone this semester. We will make rapid progress. I believe that all of our class can be admitted to high school and technical secondary school."

Sun Xiaolei's previous academic performance was only at the middle level. In order not to be left behind by his classmates, he studied very hard in the last semester, especially English. After school every afternoon, he was always one of the group of people who persisted until the end to leave school.

"Take the exam well, just show your usual normal level." Chen Kangjie patted Sun Xiaolei on the shoulder twice to encourage him.

"I have already applied for the high school section of our No. [-] Middle School. I hope to be your classmate again. According to your grades, you will definitely be number one again."

"There is still a chance to be a classmate." Chen Kangjie took Sun Xiaolei into the school gate. Sun Xiaolei didn't understand what Chen Kangjie said. He thought Chen Kangjie was talking about high school, but in fact Chen Kangjie meant that he could do University classmates.

"Chen Kangjie, why are you so early today?" A crisp voice came from behind, and Chen Kangjie knew it was Fan Xuexi without looking back.

"Are you used to eating this for breakfast?" Chen Kangjie asked, turning around and seeing that Fan Xuexi was also holding a glutinous rice ball with oiled chili and other ingredients in his hand.

"I've been used to it for a long time. Do as the Romans do. By the way, if you want to eat, I invite you."

"Okay, here's a dollar." For the first time, Chen Kangjie was not polite.

"You wait", after finishing speaking, Fan Xuexi ran to the school gate with her schoolbag on her back, her steps were light, bouncing and bouncing, feeling that this was a very happy thing.

In fact, Chen Kangjie had already had breakfast at home, but he just wanted to enjoy this kind of treatment. He needs a lot of energy every day and needs milk, so he seldom eats breakfast outside.

"Here, I added a lot of peanuts, shredded potatoes, and sour radish." After a while, Fan Xuexi bounced back and handed Chen Kangjie a big lump of glutinous rice balls.

"Why are there so many?"

"Hehe, I was worried that one yuan would not be enough for you to eat, so I bought two yuan." Fan Xuexi happily replied, smiling.

Chen Kangjie felt that Fan Xuexi's smile was very sweet and beautiful at this moment, and most importantly, Chen Kangjie could smell a trace of his wife's breath.

The 15-year-old Fan Xuexi is already slim, and she looks like a big girl in her gestures. Her hair is tied into a ponytail, her bangs are slightly thinned, matched with her sharp lips, her snow-white skin and her pair of With expressive eyes, Chen Kangjie is a little fascinated.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Chen Kangjie staring at him after taking the glutinous rice, Fan Xuexi felt unnatural.

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's nothing, I wish you good grades in the high school entrance examination", Chen Kangjie hurriedly returned to normal in embarrassment, but the words he said were still somewhat different from his usual style.

"We will definitely get good grades, I believe we can still be in the same class," Fan Xuexi said confidently with a smile.

"Well, it will definitely be in the future."

"What is the future? It's the next semester. The future is a very distant thing." Fan Xuexi corrected Chen Kangjie's "speech error".

"Okay, don't talk about this for now, let's finish the exam first, which exam room are you in?" Chen Kangjie knew that this topic should not be continued at this time, so he changed the topic and diverted Fan Xuexi's attention.

"Deng Min and I are both in the examination room 21. We visited the examination room yesterday. You didn't come, you were in the examination room 23."

"Chen Kangjie, the two of us are in the same examination room," interrupted Sun Xiaolei, who had been listening to the conversation between the two.

In the past two days, the personnel layout in the city has been greatly adjusted, so some of Chen Kangjie's own affairs have to be adjusted, and he is doing this. Among other things, at least the office building of Mengting Tourism Group that has been built in the city Two offices had to be freed up for him and Ouyang Zhenhua to use. He had to have a place in the city to handle official business. Secondly, he had to call He Baoguo and Liang Minkuan to congratulate him, and he had to find Qiu Yi talk.

The content of Chen Kangjie's conversation with Qiu Yi not only hinted that he would maintain his original development ideas, but also recommended him to be a partner.

The person recommended by Chen Kangjie was Luo Zirong. Luo Zirong was already the deputy secretary of the Shuishan Special Zone, at the deputy director level. Although he hadn't served a full term after taking office, his promotion from the deputy director to the director level did not seem abrupt.

Chen Kangjie always felt that Liu Zhi should arrange his own people to take power as much as possible. In addition to making political achievements easier, Chen Kangjie didn't want other mediocre officials to come and make this place a mess.According to the current development speed of Liuzhi, it is believed that in another year, at most ten years, it will become a modern medium-sized city, and people's livelihood will be greatly improved. This is a model of the experimental area, and it must not be distorted by others up.

Qiu Yi supported Chen Kangjie's idea. He said that if he took over as the secretary of the district party committee, he would apply to the municipal party committee for an important person.He was the one who competed with Luo Zirong for the post of district chief. Luo Zirong lost because of his lack of qualifications. Now that he can change from district chief to secretary, the post of district chief can be given to him.

The reason why Chen Kangjie didn't directly tell his father and godfather about it was because the influence was not good.Now the He and Chen families, as the first and second in command in the city, have been operating for several years, and there will be no slight resistance to any personnel promotion in the city. Because of this, Chen Kangjie can't let them bring up this matter. It would be better if it was replaced by Qiu Yi, the secretary of the district party committee. We should try our best to create a good political environment in terms of image.

. . . . . .

In Chen Kangjie's depressed mood, the three-day senior high school entrance examination was finally completed under the tension of most of the students. The moment he walked out of the examination room, everyone seemed very relaxed, especially the students in Chen Kangjie's class. It can be seen that everyone did well in the exam.

"Boss, I think I did well in the exam this time. If I'm in your class again, remember to be at the same table as me." Zhang Qiang excitedly reserved a seat before he even entered high school.

"I guess I chose the wrong question for today's question. Chen Kangjie said the exact same question two weeks ago. I forgot whether it was a or b. But apart from this question, I feel quite confident about the others. Yes", although Yang Cong said an exam question that he was not sure about, he didn't see any depression in him, but he was very confident.

"Xiao Min, how did you do in the exam?" Fan Xuexi asked Deng Min.

"I believe we can be in the same class next semester," Deng Min glanced at Chen Kangjie first, and then replied to Fan Xuexi.

"Hehe, good, good", Fan Xuexi smiled unnaturally, if Deng Min was in the same class as them, he wouldn't know who the class leader was, and the distance between Chen Kangjie and them would be the same, but Fan Xuexi couldn't show it My own worries, this kind of relationship that is both a friend and a competitor is really a bit tangled.

"I'm afraid we can't accommodate so many people in one class. Everyone did well in the exam this time. I heard that there can only be a maximum of 60 students in a class in senior one, so some people may have to be assigned to other classes." Pang Yanli was a little worried.

Now the students in Class [-] and Class [-] all want to be in the same class as Chen Kangjie, and many of the other classes who are good at studying will also go to this class. The competition is not normal, and it is estimated that if it is not for the top five in the class, they will not be sure.

"Chen Kangjie, why don't you say a word? You didn't do well in the exam, did you? Haha", Fan Xuexi saw that Chen Kangjie was silent and said that he was making fun of him. Anyone may not do well in the exam, except Chen Kangjie Impossible, this freak has not been deducted excessive points in the three-year examination of junior high school.

"Everyone, I'm afraid that I won't be able to be classmates with you next semester. I'm going to the city to attend high school," Chen Kangjie said in a low voice.



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