rebirth of change

Chapter 604 Three People Are Promoted

Chen Kangjie, on behalf of anycall communication company, reached a basic cooperation intention with Nokia, represented by Jorma Ollila. As long as the key issues are resolved, the rest of the detailed and technical issues will be left to Zhao Rundong to discuss. 【 】

Although it cost 13 million U.S. dollars, about [-] billion RMB, the price is not low, but if you can get a whole set of g** technology, then anycall communication company will not only provide mobile phone products, but also provide switches, base stations, etc. Network equipment, that piece is very profitable, anyway, making money for foreigners is better than making money for Chinese people, Chen Kangjie has to get some orders in this area no matter what.

That night, Yoma Ollila must have been arranged to stay in the already opened Mengting Tourist Hotel. On the second day, they were not asked to go back so quickly, but to visit several scenic spots in Liuzhi first. Then I went back to the provincial capital to discuss the details. As for the funds, after they have negotiated, they will transfer the money from the overseas account to the Nokia account, and will not transfer the money directly from the Anycall Communications Company, whether it is for tax avoidance or for It is necessary to hide strength.

For Chen Kangjie, what he has to do is not finished. After a week of careful consultation, Zhao Rundong and Jorma Ollila finally negotiated the details and technical standards. Now, it is time for Chen Kangjie to clear up his relationship. .

Zhao Rundong and Jorma Ollila talked about a three-year alliance period. Within three years, the two companies will share technology in the field of mobile communications, and the two sides will send researchers to each other. However, this is limited to equipment, not Terminal, for terminal products, each company makes its own. Until the middle of 97, all Chinese governments invited bids for the procurement of g** communication equipment. The two companies jointly bid, and after winning the bid, the two companies shared the bid amount equally for The goods are also in half.

The last item is a request from Nokia. They hope that such a bundle will help them quickly enter this market. Only after the communication network equipment is really supplied can they really enter the first echelon. For such a request, Chen Kangjie They can only agree, not to mention, even if there are orders for their initial production capacity, they can't produce at all. This is determined by the degree of integration between the workers and the machinery and equipment.

On the eve of the founding of China Unicom, July 7, the founding day of the Communist Party of China, Chen Kangjie called Zhao Zhibang, Wei Zhonghua, and the old man to congratulate the festival. The congratulations were just a name, but they were actually acting as lobbyists for his Anycall communication company.

Zhao Zhibang's status is rather embarrassing. Although he is among the giants, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Electronics Industry are not under his control, so Chen Kangjie just mentioned it to him and tried to help when he can. Zhao Zhibang said that he would pay attention to this matter. After the standard formation plan is determined, it will be submitted to the Politburo for discussion, and he will speak for Anycall Communications.

For Wei Zhonghua, Chen Kangjie's wording should be more polite, serious and orthodox. I hope Secretary Wei can support national brands more, whether it is from the perspective of national communication security, the market, or even the perspective of supporting the development and growth of national enterprises. In favor of them in terms of policy, at least they must follow the principle of most-favored-nation treatment. At the end, Chen Kangjie did not forget to make a small joke, "That's my company."

Of course, Wei Zhonghua also expressed his support for him. Regardless of the just reasons mentioned by Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie has made many contributions, and he should be given some compensation and support.

As for the chat with the old man, it was of the different types, basically he could talk about everything. The old man even commented on the first movie made by Chen Kangjie, saying that this movie not only had good pictures and visuals, but also reflected the American culture. Strong and ideological conflicts in today's world, the old man did not criticize Chen Kangjie for using Muslims as villains, because in terms of ideology and national sentiment, Americans do seem to have a natural contradiction with Muslims.A culture that is too open and a culture that is too conservative is a contrast.

Chen Kangjie didn't just call these giants. He also called Zhao Gang and CCTV Director Li. They said that they would focus on publicizing anycall communication company in the near future. A kind of pressure.

Now that these people have all called, Mr. Cao, Director Cao, and Wei Liang should also make a call to talk about it.Although the military doesn't care about this matter, it doesn't mean they have no right to speak at all. The military also needs communication systems and communication networks. Chen Kangjie remembers that after the country chose g**, the military developed cdma, but later Cdma was assigned to United Communications for free.

During Chen Kangjie's phone call with them, this matter was just mentioned casually, and it was more of a small talk. For example, the high school entrance examination he was about to face was an important topic. Everyone hoped that Chen Kangjie would continue to work hard and get good grades in the exam.

After Chen Kangjie finished these things, he didn't care about the affairs of anycall communication company. If he had done such a job, Zhao Rundong and the others still couldn't handle it, so Chen Kangjie probably wanted to go to Beijing to go to university besides firing Zhao Rundong. There was a lot of trouble.

On July 1994, 7, both CCTV News and Qianzhou News broadcast a message that Comrade Zhang Shan, the executive vice governor of Qianzhou Province, was transferred to work in Nanhe Province in the Central Plains. Candidate for the governor, waiting for the appointment of the Nanhe Provincial People's Congress.

Zhang Shan has been promoted, and Chen Kangjie should congratulate him. Even if their relationship is not as close as that of Huang Zhenhua, it is still very good. After dealing with him several times, Chen Kangjie recognizes Zhang Shan, and Zhang Shan also appreciates and likes him. Chen Kangjie, so Chen Kangjie made a phone call to congratulate Zhang Shan, and also said that he would go back to Nanhe Province to visit him.

Naturally, Zhang Shan couldn't wish for it. He could clearly see that Huang Zhenhua was able to secure the position as the secretary of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee. Chen Kangjie also made a lot of efforts and made great contributions. The province is also relatively poor. It is a province with a large population and a large impoverished province in the Central Plains. It may not be easy for him to go to Nanhe, because the secretary of the provincial party committee of that province is not on the same side as him.

The officialdom is full of carrots and pits. Since the position of executive deputy governor has been vacated, it means that the personnel changes in the province are not limited to this. Internal promotion, no matter what it is, is an important change in the personnel structure in the province.

And Chen Kangjie judged that the possibility of being promoted from the province is the greatest, because at this point in time, the three important leading cadres in the city were all meeting in the province. Chen Qigang, who is also the secretary of the six district committees, is in the provincial capital. According to Chen Kangjie's sensitivity to politics, he keenly judged that this must be related to the position of executive vice governor who became vacant after Zhang Shan was transferred.

"Mom, it seems that our family has to leave this place." During dinner, Chen Kangjie sighed at the dinner table with his rice bowl in his hand.

"This kid, what nonsense, he's lived here for decades, and he's doing well, where will he go!" Ma Fangqin said angrily, putting a piece of scrambled eggs with bad chili into Chen Kangjie's bowl.

"Hey, sometimes people can't help themselves in the officialdom!" Chen Kangjie sighed like an adult.

Since the three bosses were all recruited to the provincial meeting, it means that their positions are very likely to change. Chen Qigang is already the top leader in the district, and his position cannot be promoted. go elsewhere.Chen Kangjie has lived here for more than ten years, not to mention, if he really wants to leave, he will be reluctant, so many classmates and friends are here, even if Chen Kangjie leaves, he will feel sad.

"Old Wen, what do you know? Is it possible that Dad is going to be promoted?" Chen Yuchang, the third brother who was going home for dinner, stopped eating and asked with great interest.

"I don't have any news, it's just a hunch." Chen Kangjie wasn't too sure until he got confirmation of the exact news.

"Tch, don't guess if you don't know." Chen Jing expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Kangjie's "nonsense".

"What do you know? What Lao Wen said must be reasonable. It would be great if Dad was promoted again." Chen Yuchang's understanding would naturally not be so superficial, and he knew that Chen Kangjie would not be aimless.

"Third brother, what's so good, it's nothing more than that you don't have to go with me, and you can live freely in Liuzhi alone. Who doesn't know, I heard that you are talking about a girlfriend." Fifth sister Chen Mei revealed Chen Yuchang's old bottom.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense outside, it's not good to influence, it's a matter of speculation." After several years of being the first lady of the district, Ma Fangqin's knowledge has increased a lot even though she is a housewife.

"Of course I won't talk nonsense. This is just casual chatting at home." Chen Kangjie immediately stated that he understood and supported his mother's meaning.

On July 7, after three days away, Chen Qigang finally returned to Liuzhi from the provincial capital.

As soon as he entered the door, he put down his briefcase and said to Ma Fangqin, who was picking up vegetables in the living room, and Chen Kangjie, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa watching TV, "I'm leaving six to work."

"Huh? Leave the six? Could it be that what Lao Wen said the day before yesterday came true?" Ma put down the vegetable bowl in his hand, looked at Chen Qigang and said.

"Boy, what did you say the day before yesterday?" Chen Qigang put on his slippers and sat down beside Chen Kangjie.

"It's nothing, I just said that our family may have to leave here."

"How do you know? I only knew about it for two days."

"Cut, is it hard to guess? Vice Governor Zhang was transferred to Nanhe Province, which vacated the position of Executive Vice Governor, and the three of you are all meeting in the provincial capital. Idiots also know that your work will change. There is no position for you to change the six, so where else can you go if you don't go to other places?".

"Yes, the three of us have been promoted. Secretary Liang is transferred to the province. Your godfather will take over, and I will take your godfather's place."


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