rebirth of change

Chapter 608 Encounter and Quarrel

Later facts proved that what they reached was a win-win decision. Rising Sun Electronics Co., Ltd. was able to obtain a large number of free movie and music copyrights, most of which were very popular in the market. 【 】At the same time, Feiyang Entertainment also used this method to push the band Beyond to the vast mainland market, and cultivated a large number of Cantonese fans. Moreover, Chen Yuchang paid 480 million endorsement fees according to market conditions .

After many days of busy work, the Chen family finally moved to the Municipal Party Committee's Family Court with the help of the Municipal Party Committee Office Affairs Bureau and the District Committee, and lived in the small villa where Liang Minkuan's family lived. The He and Chen families finally reunited in the same courtyard As neighbors, from the moment they arrived, Zhao Yuexiang came to help Ma Fangqin, and the two old sisters could chat while working.

The two old men, Chen Qigang and He Baoguo, were naturally mainly talking about work, they were planning the city's economic and social development and personnel adjustments.

After Chen Qigang left, Qiu Yi acted as deputy secretary and head of the district temporarily as secretary of the district committee. Once his district committee secretary was confirmed by the province, he would need to be assigned a partner to form a team.If the city's economic and social development wants to reach a new level, there are still many things to do. The first thing they want to do is to transform the city's normal college into a university, improve the level of running the school, and provide more opportunities for local development. It is also planned to establish a mining college with the University of Mining and Technology, which is in line with the local and provincial talent needs.

Chen Kangjie didn't have time to discuss things with the two old men at this time. They still did their work, and they did their own work. If they needed help, they would go out and help.

Chen Kangjie has already prepared an English album list, and he is going to Hong Kong to record his first English album, which is a sign of his complete integration into the entertainment industry.

On July 7, Chen Kangjie set off from the city, planning to transfer to Hong Kong in the provincial capital.

Ouyang Zhenhua's Global Express XRS is undergoing maintenance, and he cannot be picked up by a special plane, so this time he can only take a commercial flight by himself.

Before the car Chen Kangjie was in drove into the urban area of ​​the provincial capital, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and after a while, heavy rain poured down from the sky.

Summer is a typical thunderstorm season in the south. Under such weather conditions, it is extremely unsuitable for planes to take off and land. Sure enough, when they went to the airport to inquire, all afternoon flights were cancelled. The rain was too heavy, accompanied by some Lightning, the outbound flight could not take off, and the inbound flight also landed at the airport in a neighboring province. According to the weather forecast, this weather will last until midnight, so normal flight operations can only be resumed tomorrow.

Chen Kangjie has nothing to do with such natural disasters. No matter how rich or smart he is, the power of nature is unstoppable for him.

"Jie Shao, or just stay at the airport hotel for one night and leave tomorrow," Xiong Ziqiang suggested after returning to the car from the waiting hall.

"Go to the city to live, the airport hotel is very monotonous, go to the city, I will treat everyone to eat fish in sour soup at night", Chen Kangjie put forward different opinions.

Finally, the group drove to a newly renovated five-star hotel near the fountain in the city center. Anyway, it was raining heavily and they couldn't get out. After the room was opened, the group went back to their room to rest.

Chen Kangjie likes rainy days very much. He especially likes to sit in front of the window and watch the rain quietly, or listen to a soothing music, or hold a book. He will feel very poetic, comfortable and peaceful when he hears the sound of raindrops hitting leaves and glass.

All afternoon, Chen Kangjie sat on the marble table in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel room with a copy of "Dream of Red Mansions" in his arms. , but the thing to do is the most suitable Western pop music. I have to say that there will always be such an almost contradictory contrast in Chen Kangjie.

It wasn't until Xiong Ziqiang knocked on the door at 06:30 and asked him what time he was going to eat, that Chen Kangjie threw the book on the cozy big bed, put on his coat and went out to eat.

In the evening, the rain was much lighter, but the sky was still dark with dark clouds, and there was no telling when another rainstorm would come down.

Chen Kangjie and the others still went to the Suantangyu hot pot restaurant on Zhaiji Road that he took Ouyang Zhenhua and Xiong Ziqiang to experience last time. Xiong Ziqiang went there before, so he didn't need Chen Kangjie to show the way, he could take everyone Accurately drove the car to the door of this Kai Miao Ling Sour Soup Fish Hot Pot Restaurant.

Because of the heavy rain, there were not many people dining. Chen Kangjie and the others ordered a large box, ordered several plates of fish fillets, green vegetables, potatoes, tofu, etc., and ordered a few bottles of waterfall beer. As soon as it is delivered, everyone will eat happily.

No one persuaded anyone, since they were familiar with each other anyway, they could eat whatever they wanted. Chen Kangjie drank a glass of beer instead of rice and ate a lot of food.After eating a meal for more than an hour, everyone's stomachs were full, and they finally paid the bill.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, the street lights were on, and the raindrops were falling under the lights. It was very clear. There were not many pedestrians on the street. Even some people who were off work hurried past with umbrellas. The good thing is that there is water on the road, and cars and buses drive a little slowly.

Chen Kangjie and the others got into the car and planned to turn from Capital Road to Zhonghua Road to return to the hotel.Three vehicles just got on Capital Road, and they were blocked at the junction of Capital Road and Zhonghua Road. A bus and a Santana car scratched. The driver was arguing. The traffic police hadn’t arrived yet. The car can't move.

The vehicle couldn't move forward, and the rain was not too heavy, so Chen Kangjie rolled down the window to look at the scenery on both sides of the road and this familiar city.

However, as soon as his car window was rolled down, he saw a BMW sports car parked at the entrance of a bar on the side of the road. No matter how familiar it looked, he looked at the license plate under the street lamp, qb312514. It was not given to Lin Ling by himself. Car, why is it here?

Chen Kangjie poked his head out to search around. Since the car was here, Lin Ling should also be around. After looking for a long time, Chen Kangjie didn't see Lin Ling.

"Give me an umbrella, you can drive back by yourself, I'll go for a walk", Chen Kangjie wanted to get out of the car to take a look, even he didn't know why, it stands to reason that his relationship with Lin Ling is not very close Okay, but now he just wants to go down and have a look.

"Young Master Jie, you can't do this. If you want to go shopping, we can just accompany you." Xiong Ziqiang felt a little terrified when he thought of what happened in the six small squares last time, and he didn't want Chen Kangjie to act alone again.

"It's okay, there are so many dangers, I'm just going for a walk, I know this place well", Chen Kangjie waved his hand indifferently.

"Otherwise, you go shopping, they drive back, and I will go shopping too", Xiong Ziqiang is still a little worried about saying anything.

"Whatever you want, give me that black umbrella." Chen Kangjie had no choice but to back down half a step. For this kind of life where people follow him all the time, Chen Kangjie would not like it all the time.Although he is the boss, there is no sign of being supervised, but no one wants to be a transparent person.

After receiving the umbrella handed over by Xiong Ziqiang, Chen Kangjie opened it and got out of the car, and Xiong Ziqiang followed, but he was very good at being a man, so he didn't follow Chen Kangjie closely, but stood on the sidewalk outside the car door to smoke. The purpose is to only need to know where Chen Kangjie has gone, and he can show up quickly when there is danger. It is not his responsibility to care about what else Chen Kangjie is doing. Jie Shao has been a very independent person since he was a child. Much bondage.

Xiong Ziqiang took two puffs of his cigarette, and Tan Jun and Wang Wei also got out of the car.

"What are you doing down here?" Xiong Ziqiang asked.

"The same purpose as you", Tan Jun answered.

"I think Young Master Jie doesn't like people following him at this time," Xiong Ziqiang said lightly.

"We knew that, so we didn't come down until he walked away, you know, we have a mission."

"Okay, do you want one?" Xiong Ziqiang took out a cigarette and handed it over.

"Captain, you know we don't smoke," Tan Jun pushed back the cigarette box in Xiong Ziqiang's hand.

"Hehe, I thought you guys had learned it."

As the guards of the Security Bureau, according to the regulations, they are not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol. Until now, Tan Jun and Wang Wei have not fully learned these two things. They only taste a little red wine when they have red wine. Otherwise, they don’t even drink beer. .

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie walked up to his sports car under an umbrella. He didn't see anyone in it. He walked forward to the door of the bar, hesitated and didn't go in. Chen Kangjie, who is 1 meters tall, was wearing a dark suit that is rare in China today. Casual suits, yellow lambskin soft-soled shoes, he doesn't look like a student at all, just a handsome and handsome young man, so even if he wants to enter the bar, there is no problem at all.

Chen Kangjie passed through the arch at the entrance of the bar, and after walking a few steps forward, he heard a man and a woman arguing.

"If you came all the way from Mingzhu just for this, then you really made a wrong calculation."

"Xiao Ling, don't you think about our deep relationship for four years in college?".

"Niu Dezhi, don't forget, you were the one who proposed to break up."

"At the beginning... At the beginning it was because of you...".

"Because of me, because I didn't give you my body? Because I kept my work from you? Huh, don't you think it's funny?".

"Hey, you don't have to be so high-minded, you don't have to be so arrogant, you are driving a BMW sports car now, do you like the guy who gave you the sports car? You sold yourself with a car?".

"You... you're shameless... well, then I'll tell you, I just fell in love with him, what's the matter?".

"You bitch..."

"You let go of me, bastard, you let go".


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