Chen Kangjie was originally standing in the corner listening. From his voice, he could hear that Lin Ling was arguing with a man about emotional matters. It was not easy for him to intervene in such personal matters. He originally planned to leave, but Lin Ling's call from behind made him feel the need to stand up. 【 】

Chen Kangjie flashed out from the corner, and saw Lin Ling wearing a black dress under the eaves, pulling with a man in a suit wearing glasses. The man wanted to hug Lin Ling, but Lin Ling was resisting strongly. The middle-aged woman thought it was a couple quarreling, so she just took a second look and walked away.

"Let go," Chen Kangjie stepped forward and yelled.

Hearing someone appearing, the man put his hand on and spun a strand on his parted head, while Lin Ling opened her eyes wide and looked at Chen Kangjie standing under the umbrella in front of her in disbelief.

"You mind your own business, we quarreled, you go away," the man looked at Chen Kangjie maliciously, and said impatiently, the mandarin he spoke obviously had a soft accent of Pearl.

"Sister Lin Ling, are you okay?" Chen Kangjie glanced at the man, ignored him, and asked Lin Ling with concern.

In the process of struggling, a hole in Lin Ling's coat was torn off. Although she was still wearing a black silk tight-fitting thin shirt, Lin Ling's left hand just pinched the collar of the coat to prevent the The black shirt is exposed.

"It's okay, I'm okay, why are you here?" Lin Ling said unnaturally.

"I'm going to Hong Kong. The plane has been cancelled. Come here for dinner." Chen Kangjie looked at the delicate Lin Ling and replied, feeling a little throbbing in his heart.

Niu Dezhi was left alone like this, feeling very humiliated, they completely regarded themselves as transparent, how could Niu Dezhi stand it, and immediately went into a rage.

"When I don't exist? Who the hell are you?".

This time Chen Kangjie responded to him, but not with a sound from his mouth, but a crisp sound with his hands.

Chen Kangjie stepped forward quickly and slapped Niu Dezhi on the cheek, leaving five finger marks and a crisp sound.

"Look at you wearing glasses, and your mouth is so smelly. Since you are not polite, I don't need to be polite to you. Who are you?" Chen Kangjie stared at him with fiery eyes.

Chen Kangjie was really angry. He was not only angry at being scolded, but also at the conversation between Niu Dezhi and Lin Ling just now. From that conversation, he already knew what kind of man this guy in front of him was. Ling has a new understanding and impression.

Although he didn't make any further moves, Chen Kangjie's momentum was completely overwhelmed by Niu Dezhi, which made him lack the courage to fight back. Niu Dezhi thought to himself, the person in front of him looks gentle on the surface, but he really moved Come on, not soft at all.

When Niu Dezhi was beaten, Lin Ling really wanted to stop him, but Chen Kangjie was too fast to give her time at all.He wanted to hold Chen Kangjie back, not because he felt sorry for Niu Dezhi, but because he felt that it was not in line with Chen Kangjie's usual image.In Lin Ling's impression, Chen Kangjie was a handsome boy who was full of talent, polite and gentle, with a touch of chic, and this kind of behavior was not suitable for him.

I really don't know what he would think if he knew that Chen Kangjie often did such rough work, it would probably be a subversive impression.

"I'm his boyfriend." Niu Dezhi touched his hot left cheek, squinted, and looked at Chen Kangjie resentfully, showing that he was afraid of Chen Kangjie and wanted to eat Chen Kangjie.

"Niu Dezhi, you are talking nonsense, we have already broken up." As soon as Niu Dezhi finished speaking, Lin Ling retorted.

"Mr. Niu, it seems that you are not sister Lin Ling's boyfriend, please don't harass him in the future, or he will be rude to you," Chen Kangjie warned in a soft voice.

The voice was soft, but combined with Chen Kangjie's sinister eyes, the meaning was very certain, and there was no room for negotiation.

"Who are you?" Niu Dezhi asked again the question that he didn't get an answer.

"I am the one who gave her the car." Chen Kangjie did not say that he was Lin Ling's ordinary colleague or anything else, but deliberately said that he was the person he mentioned before. This is to hit Niu Dezhi mentally and drive him away .

What Chen Kangjie said was the truth, but Lin Ling really didn't expect Chen Kangjie to say that, the meaning seemed too ambiguous, Lin Ling was a little shy, and at the same time, there was some sweetness gushing out of her heart.

"You just like him? You just like him?" Niu Dezhi seemed to have developed courage again, pointing at Chen Kangjie and questioning Lin Ling.

Just now when Chen Kangjie called Lin Ling Sister Lin Ling, Niu Dezhi didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but when he learned that Lin Ling's sports car was given by Chen Kangjie, Niu Dezhi became like a resentful woman who caught rape, feeling very painful and unbalanced .

"It's not that he likes me, it's that I like her. Are you satisfied with this? I advise you to go back where you came from, or you will be in trouble." Chen Kangjie is unwilling to let a girl face such a problem, so he will Everything was taken over by him.

"You're threatening me? I don't believe it, Lang Lang Qian Kun, what can you do to me?" When a person is overwhelmed with anger, he is full of courage, and Niu Dezhi at this time belongs to this kind of performance.

"I can do anything to you, if you don't believe me, just try it." Chen Kangjie went to the previous one again, eye-to-eye with Niu Dezhi, face to face.

Lin Ling was worried that they would grow up again, so she quickly grabbed Chen Kangjie and tried to pull him away, but she couldn't pull him no matter what, "Xiaojie, don't talk to such people, let's go."

"You're ruthless." In less than 15 seconds, Niu Dezhi lost the confrontation with Chen Kangjie, left behind a word, turned and took a taxi to leave.

As long as he left on his own terms, Chen Kangjie would not make things difficult for him, no matter how they were all foreigners and Lin Ling's ex-boyfriend, so Chen Kangjie didn't say a word and let him leave.

"Sister Lin Ling, where do you live, I will take you back?" After Niu Dezhi got into the taxi and left, Chen Kangjie turned around.

"I live in Xinyue Hotel, but I don't want to go back now," Lin Ling said with her head down.

"Then where do you want to go? I'll accompany you." At this time, Chen Kangjie really looked like a gentleman, polite and modest, forming a complete 180-degree contrast from when he faced Niu Dezhi just now.

Lin Ling raised her head and glanced at the neon sign of the bar above her head, "I want to drink, can you accompany me?".

"Why not?" Chen Kangjie spread his hands and put away his umbrella.

Chen Kangjie accompanied Lin Ling into this mid-range bar called "Thursday Eight", handed the umbrella to the doorman, and sat down at a table by the window inside.

It may be because of the rain. There are very few people drinking in the bar, and it is relatively quiet. There are only a dozen people sitting sparsely, and the soothing saxophone music is played, which can make people very quiet and calm. It is easy to bring back a person's memory.

"Thank you today," Lin Ling took off her coat and handbag and raised a glass of xo from the waiter to Chen Kangjie.

At this time, xo was popular in many bars, a bit like Chivas Regal or Martell was popular later. Of course, the xo in most bars was fake, and it was really unaffordable for ordinary people, and their profits were not that high.

"You're welcome, it's a matter of little effort." Chen Kangjie also raised the glass in front of him to greet him.

"Ding", the two glasses collided, and Lin Ling drank half of the wine in the glass. Chen Kangjie originally only wanted to take a sip, but seeing ladies like this, how can he just taste it as a man? Also drank half of it.

Fortunately, the wine they drank was real. Maybe the staff saw Lin Ling's BMW sports car and knew that this kind of customers are very high-end, and the general fake wine is not easy to be deceived, so they took it out of the store. The rare real wine, of course, the price is probably not cheap.

Many people who have suffered emotional setbacks like to drink away their sorrows, and when they encounter such a gloomy rainy day, it seems that such desires are even stronger.

"I met him when we were freshmen. He is a cadre of the student union of our department. He is one year higher than me. He has been chasing me since the first day he accepted the freshman. I disagreed with it at first, but he has been pestering me all the time. In addition, he was really good at studying at that time. After half a year, I agreed to get along with him and gradually became a lover. It is strange to say that I have always wondered if I really like him. I was very happy when I was young, but I always felt insecure, but I always stick to my bottom line, he asked for many times but didn't get me..." Putting down the glass, Lin Ling naturally said to Chen Kangjie Tell their stories.

"After graduation, both of us stayed in Mingzhu to work. At that time, I didn't expect to go back to Qianzhou. I worked in an American-funded company, and he went to a Japanese-funded company. It was divided into two ends of the city. It was rare for ten and a half months. We met once, but I persisted for a year, until one day, he came to my place and we cooked dinner by ourselves, but...but...unexpectedly, he put drugs in my drink. ...Fortunately, my co-worker came back early, otherwise I would..." Lin Ling twitched as she spoke.

"Sister Lin Ling, don't think about the unpleasant things in the past, come, have a drink." Chen Kangjie took the initiative to raise his glass this time.

Chen Kangjie took the initiative to raise his glass because he wanted to divert Lin Ling's heart and his own attention.

Lin Ling was only wearing a thin black silk tights. Under the light of the chandelier on his brow, Chen Kangjie could clearly see his lace pattern underwear.I have to say that Lin Ling maintains a very good figure, round and prominent, and he is now engaged in the cosmetics industry. Even without heavy makeup, he still looks more feminine than when she was in Master Kong's company.

The distance between the two is so close, Chen Kangjie with the tip of his nose can clearly smell the fragrance of virginity from Lin Ling's body, just now when Lin Ling was concentrating on talking, Chen Kangjie was a little distracted, in order not to make himself too embarrassed, so He raised his glass to hide his embarrassment.


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