rebirth of change

Chapter 611 Lost

"Shh, can you keep your voice down?" Chen Kangjie quickly stretched out a finger to cover Lin Ling's little lips. 【 】

This action became more ambiguous and intimate, but the two who had a good chat didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"I also read the book you wrote." Lin Ling glanced left and right, and found that no one noticed them, so she pulled off Chen Kangjie's finger and said softly.

"You don't even read "The Story of Spring", do you?"

"What's so strange about that, we study economics, and we often have nothing to do with politics, and the many stories you intersperse make that book a lot more interesting, but how do you know those stories in such detail?", Lin Ling's strong interest shifted again.

"Because I was traveling all the way," Chen Kangjie said with a helpless smile.

"No wonder",

"No wonder what?".

"Hehe, no wonder you can write those contents, no wonder you can be so independent, no wonder you are so mature and generous."

"Thank you for your compliment, why do I feel that I am blushing and hot?".

"I'll try to see if it's true. It's not hot. I don't know how your head grows. Come on, have another drink. I'm so happy today." Lin Ling, who was on the top of her head, stretched out her hand and stroked it without hesitation. Chen Kangjie's face, and then picked up the glass again, as if he would not be drunk.

After Chen Kangjie was reborn, it was the first time that a girl stretched out his hand to his face so gently. It felt very special, really special. His face, which was not red at first, was reddened by this blow.

"Why are you happy?" Chen Kangjie could feel the change in his face, and quickly covered it with one hand, and picked up the wine glass with the other.

"Because I know so many secrets about you." Lin Ling smiled charmingly, and drank the brown wine in the glass in one gulp.

Chen Kangjie also drank it boldly. It is strange that Chen Kangjie, who is too strong to drink, drank several glasses of wine in a row today, but he didn't feel anything at all. He neither wanted to vomit nor dizzy. It deepened a little, and there was no obvious drunkenness.

"I also know a lot of your secrets, so it's a tie," said Chen Kangjie jokingly, putting down his wine glass.

At this time, Lin Ling beckoned for two glasses of cocktails with three distinct colors. The name of the drink was "Three Flowers Blooming".

"Is your English album mainly about love songs?".

"Yes, love is one of the eternal themes of art. Whether it's movies, music or literary works, if there is no love story in it, it will always feel like something is missing? There will be something wrong," Chen Kangjie replied.

"You are my idol now, the real idol. You must send me an English album, remember." Lin Ling's words gave people the feeling that the element of coquettishness exceeded the element of request.

"No problem, I'll send you a signed one."

"Have you ever been in love?" Lin Ling asked suddenly.

"This question... I don't know how to answer it, I can say that I have talked about it...or I can say... I haven't talked about it, sometimes it's like in a dream", Chen Kangjie's expression sank, and he clicked again Lit up a cigarette.

It's really difficult for Chen Kangjie to answer this question. If the truth is true, if you count the past life, then you have talked about it. If not, then you haven't talked about it. At most, it's just ongoing with Fan Xuexi and the others.

"Why do I feel that I don't understand?" Lin Ling was indeed a little confused.

"Hehe, we talked about it in the last life, but it's going on in this life," Chen Kangjie replied half-jokingly.

Chen Kangjie's joking tone did not get a joking response from Lin Ling, because Lin Ling heard that Chen Kangjie was in a relationship, and an inexplicable melancholy and loss surged in Lin Ling's chest, a bit like hearing someone she likes say that he already has a crush. For people, this feeling is completely natural.

"Are you surprised that I fell in love so early?".

"No, no, it's the 90s, it seems normal for junior high school students to fall in love, let alone you are going to high school soon," Lin Ling replied with some sadness.

"However, we separated again at the beginning. You know my family has moved to the city, and I can't stay with the six to go to school. Do you still want to drink?" Chen Kangjie narrated and asked.

"Drink, why don't you drink, it's rare to want to drink, and it's even rarer to have you as a company." Lin Ling looked like a heroine today, and turned to the waiter after speaking, "Twice as many cocktails as this."

"Aren't you afraid of getting drunk? It's even more worrying to drink away your sorrows. You don't look like you are drinking away your sorrows today."

"Isn't it okay to borrow wine to express one's ambition?".

"Okay, of course, do you usually like to drink?".

"No, I almost don't drink," Lin Ling replied with a wave of her hand, becoming a little hazy.

"Then why are you drinking so much today? It seems that the saying 'a woman is born with half a catty of alcohol' is correct."

"I don't know, I think it's amazing. Come on, cheers." Lin Ling shook her head and picked up the wine glass.

"Then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, cheers."

. . . . . .

The drink, Chen Kangjie and the others, didn't end until after twelve o'clock. Neither of them could tell how much they drank in the middle. Anyway, they drank a lot, and they didn't quite remember who paid the bill in the end. , Chen Kangjie himself was also confused.

Afterwards, it seemed that there was a fight with others. The reason was that someone saw that both Chen Kangjie and Lin Ling were unsteady and wanted to take advantage of it. As a result, two of them were beaten up by Chen Kangjie.Even when Chen Kangjie was drinking, it was easy for Chen Kangjie to deal with the two gangsters. As for whether the other party was seriously injured, he couldn't remember. He only remembered that he and Lin Ling walked out of the bar supporting each other.

Whether it's xo or cocktails, the stamina is quite strong, maybe you didn't feel it at the time, but later on, it will slowly increase, especially when you walk out of the bar door, the cold wind blows, and the alcohol rushes straight to your head.

How did he get back to the hotel, Chen Kangjie didn't know, but when he woke up the next morning, Chen Kangjie still had a headache even after lifting the quilt, but what made him even more headache was not only the physical reaction caused by alcohol, but also made him scratch What was crazy was that Lin Ling was lying naked next to him, leaving a trace of bright red on the bed sheet.

Chen Kangjie immediately anticipated the seriousness of the matter, pulled a bath towel over the quilt to wrap his naked body, ran into the bathroom with bare feet, turned on the faucet, and let the cold water wash over his body.

Chen Kangjie felt a little regretful, why did he drink so much wine by accident yesterday?What should I do now, she is still a young girl, if something like this happens, how should I end up, how should I face her?

marry?Don't talk about it, I have the ability to support my family, but I still have a lot of important things to do, and besides, I am not the right age to get married.

Pretend it never happened?That was not done by the man in charge. Chen Kangjie couldn't do that kind of thing, no matter what the reason was, if he dared to do it, he had to do it, and he must not be that kind of heartless person.

But what can be done?For a while, Chen Kangjie really had no good solution.

At this time, Chen Kangjie asked himself again, do he like her?It seems that there is no emotional foundation between the two of them. Yesterday was the first long talk, but if I didn't like it, how could I have a drink with her, and finally this kind of thing that shouldn't have happened happened.

After rushing for almost half an hour, Chen Kangjie was still struggling, and there was no good way to solve the current predicament.

When Chen Kangjie opened the bathroom door and came out wearing a towel, he found that Lin Ling had already got up, put on his white shirt, showing her white thighs, and stood by the window looking at the city in the early morning.

"Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, I will pretend it never happened." Lin Ling turned around and said to Chen Kangjie with a bitter face.

When Chen Kangjie got up, Lin Ling knew it. From the moment Chen Kangjie entered the bathroom, Lin Ling could hear the sound of rushing water. No need to think about it, he also knew that Chen Kangjie must be alone in the bathroom.As an adult ten years older than Chen Kangjie, Lin Ling felt that she should bear the main responsibility.

Seeing Lin Ling like this and saying such words, Chen Kangjie felt a little pain in his heart.

"Since I have done it, I will be responsible." Chen Kangjie stepped forward and sat down on the sofa by the window.

"That will ruin you, don't be stupid, how old am I, I can take care of myself, you still have a bright future, you still have two little girlfriends, you... still have enough youth", Lin Ling sat on the bed opposite Chen Kangjie, her words were harsh.

Her open collar revealed two hemispheres, and pink panties could be seen at the base of her snow-white thighs, but for all of this, Chen Kangjie just glanced at it and dared not look again.

"If you like me, then I will really take responsibility, it's just...the time is not right now, I need some time. don't like me, it's just...that's nothing, then neither do I It will hinder your happiness," Chen Kangjie said with great difficulty.

"I... I don't know either," Lin Ling stared at Chen Kangjie for a long time, and suddenly said something ambiguous.

"Then if you think it over clearly, you can tell me anytime, this is your first time, and it's also my first time, I will cherish it." After speaking, Chen Kangjie looked around.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie was looking for cigarettes, Lin Ling turned over and picked up Chen Kangjie's coat from the floor beside the bed, took out cigarettes and matches and handed them to Chen Kangjie.

"Thank you", Chen Kangjie really didn't know how she knew from her subtle actions that she was looking for cigarettes.

"I'll take a shower and change clothes first." After Chen Kangjie took the cigarette, Lin Ling picked up her clothes and hairpins that had been thrown everywhere and walked into the bathroom.

After Lin Ling entered, Chen Kangjie smiled wryly. One can imagine how fierce their battle was last night. There is no doubt that Lin Ling, who is really the first time, must be passive, and the initiative is definitely in the hands of herself with actual combat experience hands.


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