This room is Chen Kangjie's room in Xinyue Hotel. Lin Ling went to take a shower and change clothes, and Chen Kangjie took out the clothes to change himself. After waiting for half an hour, Lin Ling came out of the bathroom, and Chen Kangjie was also fully dressed. 【 】

"Let's go have breakfast." With so much exercise last night, Chen Kangjie himself was already hungry, and he thought that Lin Ling might not be much better.

"I won't go, I still have work to do." Lin Ling's expression was a little numb, and she picked up her handbag on the sofa and was about to go out first.

"Don't work today, you can take a good rest in the room." Chen Kangjie noticed that Lin Ling's legs were a little tight when walking. Many girls will feel this discomfort after becoming a woman, so he made a suggestion.

"I know, thank you, I'm leaving." Lin Ling paused, greeted Chen Kangjie, opened the door of the room and went out.

At this time, Chen Kangjie didn't know how to face Lin Ling. Lin Ling didn't know how to face Chen Kangjie. The way to get along with each other, since this is the case, it is better to avoid each other.

Lin Ling opened the door and came out, walked seven or eight meters in the corridor, saw Xiong Ziqiang chatting with Tan Jun by the window at the corner with a cigarette in his mouth, Lin Ling and Xiong Ziqiang who knew each other didn't say hello, just nodded awkwardly After a signal, Lin Ling pressed the elevator and went downstairs.

After Lin Ling left, Chen Kangjie didn't go out in a hurry, but sat down on the single sofa depressedly, took out a cigarette and lit it, took two puffs, and Xiong Ziqiang knocked on the door and came in.

"Jie Shao, it's time to have breakfast, and I have to catch a plane later."

"What happened last night?" Chen Kangjie raised his head and asked.

"Which area are you referring to?" Xiong Ziqiang wanted to confirm a range.

"How did we get back? Pass, tell me the story." Chen Kangjie threw the cigarette case to him and raised his legs.

"Last night, you drank a lot of wine, and you fought with others. You beat the two boys until your nose bleeds. Later, they called six more people. It was settled by me and Tan Jun. When we left, You didn't pay the bill, you didn't have any money on you, she was completely drunk, I paid the bill. Later, after going out, you were also very drunk, but you two supported each other, we couldn't help, and it turned out You took a taxi back to the hotel, of course... I also paid for the taxi, and finally two hotel attendants helped them into the room. I don’t know what happened after that It's over," Xiong Ziqiang sat down, lit a cigarette again, and slowly narrated.

Chen Kangjie rubbed his forehead, which was still a little uncomfortable. He didn't expect that he was so embarrassed last night. It seems that drinking is really wrong and harmful!

"Don't tell others about this," Chen Kangjie warned.

"I know this. I've talked with Tan Jun and Wang Wei, and I won't tell anyone." Xiong Ziqiang, as Chen Kangjie's closest bodyguard, knows what to do and what not to do.

"Forget it, I won't go down for breakfast, you go ahead and eat, just bring me a copy." Chen Kangjie took off his coat and threw it aside, and threw his slightly tired body on the bed.

Today was the first time in several years that Chen Kangjie did not do morning exercise.

Looking at Chen Kangjie lying motionless on the bed, Xiong Ziqiang shook his head and opened the door to go out.

Chen Kangjie lay comfortably on the bed, and did not close his eyes to sleep, and it was impossible for him to fall asleep, but he really wanted to get back some of the feelings and impressions from last night.Gradually, he felt as if he could see something. He entered the door with a beautiful woman in his arms. The thin silk gown was so silky, and the deep kiss between the two was so evocative.

I pushed the other party against the wall, lifted her clothes, and my shirt was also untied by the other party. Everything was so realistic and blurred. In the end, both of them fell on the big bed, and I kept panting , the other party kept making a sound that was both penetrating and seductive.

At this time, Chen Kangjie was like Zhu Bajie, who swallowed the life fruit in one gulp and then turned around to find the taste of the life fruit.

At the same time, Lin Ling didn't go to work at this time either. After she left the hotel where Chen Kangjie was staying, she took a taxi directly back to where she was staying. She still hadn't picked up the BMW in the parking lot next to the "Saturday" nightclub.

Lin Ling was lying on her own big bed, and wanted to get back the feelings and impressions from last night. He was a little annoyed at himself, that the most important first time in his life was lost in a daze.

Gradually, she also remembered something similar to what Chen Kangjie thought of, but it was not as profound as Chen Kangjie's mind. Even so, even if she was alone, Lin Ling's face would also turn red, and she would still be somewhat embarrassed.

After she couldn't catch any more information, Chen Kangjie's words flashed in Lin Ling's mind, "I will be responsible... I need some time... If you like me If... If you don't like me...".

"Do I like him?" Lin Ling began to ask herself inwardly.

"I should like it," Lin Ling gave the answer herself.

From the beginning when they sat together to analyze the competition methods of the "Uniform" company, Chen Kangjie's impression on himself became deeper and deeper. In the cafeteria, he solved the problem of equal eating environment for employees. I applauded for him. Unexpectedly, after leaving the cafeteria gate, this guy gave me his car to drive. At that moment, I would have a feeling of receiving a token of love for no reason. Weird, faint ,sweet.

Later, I went to work in his sister's company, and the two of them loved each other like sisters and got along well. On that day, at the dusty construction site, I realized that most of the songs I fell asleep listening to every day were from this man. After the child, if he doesn't like him, how can he appear in front of his eyes every time he hears those songs?If I don't like him, why would I want to tell him my past love story yesterday?If I don't like him, how can I feel so relaxed and happy sitting with him?

Soon, another practical question lingered in Lin Ling's mind, do you like those?Even if I like him, he is still a child!We are ten years apart in age, ten years apart, is this realistic?

However, at this time, some pictures will pop up to attack this problem. When Chen Kangjie slapped Niu Dezhi on the face, his expression was so resolute. It is so believable to come out and see myself saying "I will be responsible", which is not close to a child's noun.

Amidst a series of conflicts, Lin Ling fell into a deep sleep. She really didn't sleep well last night, and they didn't even know when she was tossing.

On the other hand, Chen Kangjie had arrived at Zhucheng Airport accompanied by Xiong Ziqiang and the others at this time, planning to wait for the security check to board the plane and fly to Hong Kong.

Today's weather is completely clear, the sun is shining, the air after the rain is very clean, the mountains around the airport are lush and green, the grass on the roadside is full of nutrients and desperately growing, and many workers on the entire construction site of Zhucheng Airport are waving in the muddy construction site after the rain Khan was busy, all kinds of large machines were swaying and roaring, and there were lively scenes everywhere, but Chen Kangjie changed from his usual lively and laughing, and sat with his head drooped on the sofa in the VIP room of the waiting hall without saying a word.

In order to meet the rapidly growing market needs and reflect the ambitions of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, Zhucheng Airport is undergoing a 4e-level transformation. It has reached the final stage of overcoming difficulties. When it is completed next year, it will be able to meet the annual air transportation needs of 1500 million passengers. At that time, they will also apply to upgrade this airport to an international airport to meet the increasingly frequent international exchanges. The towering arched circular steel structure glass wall terminal building will also replace the current square masonry terminal building.

Some people criticize this move by the province as a face project and an image project. It is not worthwhile to invest 18 billion in renovation funds, because the current annual number of people entering and leaving Hong Kong is still far from 1500 million, but Chen Kangjie strongly agrees with this .

After 94, the national economy will be on the fast track, especially in the eastern region, and the export economy will become stronger and more prosperous. Under such circumstances, it is a very wise choice to make some forward-looking planning and construction.

What's more, since 92, Qianzhou's economic development has been on the overtaking lane. After 95, this overtaking speed will be further accelerated, because those large-scale high-tech projects invested by Chen Kangjie will be put into production one after another. A large number of supporting investment projects will also be held and put into operation. In the future, coal chemical projects and large aircraft projects will also produce economic benefits. If the construction of the 4500-kilometer high in the province is added, the speed of this overtaking will at least Continued into the next decade or even year of the next century, the investment and industrial transfer inside and outside the province and at home and abroad driven by all these are extremely far-reaching.

If it is really done step by step, then around 02, the airport will need to be expanded once, and it will need to be expanded once every 10 years or so. Chen Kangjie hates this kind of repetitive and uninterrupted infrastructure construction and municipal construction.

He has been to many cities, and he can always find that the roads in many cities are undergoing renovation, construction and beautification all year round. Many streets that have only been repaired for a year or two have been dug up, either buried wires or Planting trees means laying floor tiles or widening the station. Some stations that have just been built a few years ago have also been pulled down and rebuilt. Anyway, the officials are just messing around with the money of the common people.

Everyone understands that it is just some people's way of making money, but the common people have no choice but to stop it at all.Therefore, relatively speaking, Chen Kangjie would rather support the government to do some planning and construction that will not fall behind in ten or fifteen years. In comparison, this is the lowest cost.

The plane shuttled through the clouds, no matter what Chen Kangjie's mood was, he had to put aside the "love affair" of going out now, and do what he should do well.


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