Chen Kangjie came to Hong Kong with a tangled mood, and Ouyang Zhenhua personally went to Kai Tak Airport to take him to the villa where He Wanrong lived. 【 】

"Young Master Jie, why do you feel that something is wrong with you when you come to Hong Kong this time?" Ouyang Zhenhua, who has a close relationship with Chen Kangjie, only spent a few minutes with him before he felt something was wrong.

Ouyang Zhenhua is very happy and agrees that Chen Kangjie finally wants to release his own album.Since they met through music eight years ago, Ouyang Zhenhua has been looking forward to this day.Although Chen Kangjie can be called a devil in terms of making money, he still feels that with Chen Kangjie's genius musical talent, it would be a great loss for the music industry not to shine in the music world, but he didn't expect that this might be Disaster for the music industry, as many stars will be eclipsed under his light.

As soon as Chen Kangjie got off the plane, Ouyang Zhenhua chattered a lot of passionate and expectant words, but Chen Kangjie responded very little, and his behavior was quite different from the Chen Kangjie he knew.

Chen Kangjie was sitting in Ouyang Zhenhua's Bentley, leaning on the window with one hand, looking at the street scene and pedestrians outside the window. Hearing Ouyang Zhenhua's question, Chen Kangjie didn't know how to answer him,

"It's nothing, maybe it's because I didn't rest!" Chen Kangjie replied casually.

"Then you have a good rest tomorrow. We will meet those people the day after tomorrow. Are you tired from moving? You have too many books." When Chen Kangjie said that, Ouyang Zhenhua really believed it.

In order to make Chen Kangjie's first solo album well, Feiyang Entertainment has recruited many world-class music producers, recording engineers, and accompanists from American bmg and mcr at high prices, including Jeff Casey from the United States and Safta Jaffery from the United Kingdom. Ouyang Zhenhua's plan was for Chen Kangjie to arrange for them to meet with each other on the second day after he arrived in Hong Kong to communicate. Since the boss is a little tired, he can only take it easy, anyway, just keep those few people.

"Alright, I'll give you the lyrics of the score later, let Fan Wenxuan show it to them first, if they don't know it first, they won't know what to communicate." Under the current emotional situation, Chen Kangjie himself knows that It's hard to get involved, so it's better to spend a day adjusting yourself.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived at He Wanrong's villa, He Wanrong, Fan Wenxuan, Tan Meiyun, Situ Yu, etc. were all there, and Ouyang Xuanhua was sleeping soundly in Tan Meiyun's arms.

"After so many years, you guys finally can't help but want to play in person. I have full confidence in you, and my sister supports you." He Wanrong walked into the door with Chen Kangjie in her arms.

"I hope I won't disappoint you, yo, sister Meiyun, is this the crystallization of your love? It's so cute, give me a hug!" Chen Kangjie said to He Wanrong, and was immediately caught by the cute little girl in Tan Meiyun's arms. The baby was attracted, and he reached out to hug him.

"Xuanhua is asleep now, you will wake up as soon as you hug him." At this moment, He Wanrong is the only one who can say such words in this tone.

"Wanrong, it's okay. The little guy has been asleep for more than two hours. Besides, Xiaojie is his uncle, and Xiaojie took his name. It's the first time for this uncle and nephew to meet. Hugs are the right thing to do." ", Tan Meiyun said with a smile, and gently put the hug in Chen Kangjie's arms by the way.

"Wow, this guy is quite heavy, oh, kid, do you know me?" Chen Kangjie held Ouyang Xuanhua between his arms and teased him to sit down.

"He is so young, how can he know people?" Fan Wenxuan said with a smile.

"Hehe, IQ needs to be cultivated from an early age," Chen Kangjie replied, touching Ouyang Xuanhua's chubby face.

"Yeah, you are his master, let's train him to be a genius like you. You have been extremely clever since you were a child, and only one is born in 500 years." He Wanrong took the iced drink that the nanny took out of the refrigerator, and put a can of strawberries Juice was in front of Chen Kangjie, and added with a charming smile.

"If we can worship Xiaojie as our teacher, our husband and wife can't wait for it." Of course Ouyang Zhenhua can't ask for it. With this relationship, Ouyang Xuanhua will be handy no matter what he does in the future. Of all the people he knew, no one was more intelligent than Chen Kangjie.

"Boy, do you want to worship me as your teacher?" Chen Kangjie kissed Ouyang Xuanhua's small face and asked with a smile.

"Woo, woo, woo", maybe Chen Kangjie, who has no experience in raising children, moved a little too much, and Ouyang Xuanhua, who was disturbed by his dream, didn't give him any face, opened his Yin Tao mouth and cried, which made Chen Kangjie Big embarrassment.

"You hit me too hard, please, please go to your mother." Chen Kangjie lifted Ouyang Xuanhua and was about to hand it to Tan Meiyun when he received the first copy from his nephew. Gift.

Only then did Chen Kangjie lift Ouyang Xuanhua up, and the little guy who had been holding back for several hours "uh, huh" pissed down, spilling all over Chen Kangjie's body.

"Ah, wow, little guy, what do you mean? If you don't want to, you don't want to, and you actually protest like this."

"Hahaha, hahaha", the others laughed happily.

"Haha, haha, who told you to wake him up, go upstairs and change clothes." After Chen Kangjie returned Ouyang Xuanhua to Tan Meiyun, He Wanrong stood up with a smile and asked Chen Kangjie to change clothes.

"Boy, you wait, I'll clean you after I change my clothes." Before Chen Kangjie stood up and went upstairs, he didn't forget to say a harsh word to Ouyang Xuanhua who was nursing in Tan Meiyun's arms.

When Chen Kangjie came down from his room upstairs and changed into a pair of shorts and a short shirt, Ouyang Xuanhua was also changed into a pair of floral trousers. Seeing Chen Kangjie, he opened his hands and smiled at him.

"Boy, you don't do this, you just got wet all over me, and you want me to hug you, there's no way." Chen Kangjie pretended to be angry, and deliberately sat opposite.

"!@#¥¥Mi Ya", Ouyang Xuanhua still stretched out his hand towards Chen Kangjie.

"What language do you speak? I don't understand it. Please speak Mandarin. If you can't, you can speak Cantonese and English." Chen Kangjie waved his hand at him.

"Woo, woo", Ouyang Xuanhua pursed his lips, and soon began to cry sadly.

"I'm afraid of you, come here, I'm convinced you, but don't pee anymore!" Seeing him crying, Chen Kangjie quickly let go of his prejudices and hugged him.

"Hahaha, hahaha", everyone was elicited another burst of laughter.

Strange to say, the little guy, who was still crying, started giggling immediately after being in Chen Kangjie's hands this time. I really have to admire his acting talent.

"It seems that he still likes you without being disturbed and drowsy," Fan Wenxuan said.

"Maybe this is called not being acquainted without fighting," Chen Kangjie squeezed Ouyang Xuanhua's small palm and said with his head down.

"Hehehe, hehehe", as if he could understand Chen Kangjie's words, the little guy laughed happily again.

After such a toss, Chen Kangjie's mood improved a lot, and the melancholy clouds in his heart were temporarily blown away by a gust of wind.

"Xiaojie, why don't you choose an English album instead of a Chinese album?" Fan Wenxuan came here with work, so he brought the topic to the main topic.

"What's the point of earning your own money? If you want to earn money, you can earn dollars, pounds, francs, marks, etc." Chen Kangjie replied relaxedly, as if his record would definitely sell well, full of confidence.

"Xiaojie, show us the lyrics of your music score. Although you can't hear the sound for a while, you can take a look first." He Wanrong made a common request on behalf of everyone.

"No problem, wait a minute. I just took it upstairs. I'll take it down. Sister Wenxuan will take it back with me later, so that those master music producers can take a look."

"Son, come to me and ask uncle to get things." Ouyang Zhenhua stood up and wanted to take his son back, but the little guy hugged Chen Kangjie's neck tightly and refused to let go.

"Forget it, I carried him up."

Chen Kangjie hugged Ouyang Xuanhua three steps instead of two steps, and quickly ran upstairs. Others thought that Ouyang Xuanhua would be scared to cry, but he was very courageous and trusted Chen Kangjie, just like his father, not only Instead of crying, he smiled happily.

Chen Kangjie took back a music book and ran down quickly. The little guy was never afraid.

Holding Chen Kangjie's music book, Fan Wenxuan, who knows music, He Wanrong and Ouyang Zhenhua sat side by side and opened it carefully. Only Tan Meiyun, who didn't know much, was playing with Chen Kangjie and the children.

The more the three watched, the more surprised and excited they became.

"It's great, the standard is very high, and at least five of the ten songs will be very popular." After turning the last page, Fan Wenxuan couldn't help saying.

Fan Wenxuan has lived in the United States for a long time, and she can understand what kind of music is suitable for the tastes of Western consumers. However, she is not born in a professional degree, but she lacks a certain perception in terms of music scores and lyrics. She just made music After being the boss of the company, he only learned some music knowledge.

"I think so too," Ouyang Zhenhua and He Wanrong echoed.

Ouyang Zhenhua is similar to Fan Wenxuan, both of them are semi-laymen, while He Wanrong was born in a music major, but he has never lived in Western society, and he doesn't know much about the culture and popular styles of Western music. These reasons lead to their understanding. To a certain extent it is a deviation.

Of course, another factor is that they haven’t heard the voice performed by Chen Kangjie. If Chen Kangjie turns the written content into a more intuitive voice, maybe their understanding and perception will be further improved, but they haven’t listened to it yet. I have been to Chen Kangjie to perform the sound of English songs.

"Hehe, I'm also very satisfied with the five songs, let's show them first," Chen Kangjie joked indifferently.

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