rebirth of change

Chapter 62 Shopping Spree

Chapter 62 Shopping Spree

"Miss He, are you willing to join the entertainment industry? If you want, come to my company. I think you will be popular when you release a record."

Fan Wenxuan started a small record company by herself and invested 100 million, of which 50 was a mortgage.She went to Columbia University in the United States to study media for several years, and also studied the American entertainment industry for several years. In addition, she earned some money through work and study in the United States. After returning to Hong Kong, she wanted to start her own business and use what she learned.It's a pity that the start time is short and the funds are not strong, so there has been no big improvement. The company only has a few second- and third-rate singers, and those singers were eliminated by the big record companies.So seeing He Wanrong is not only beautiful, she sings well, but also has a strong creative ability. If she joins her company, it will bring great benefits, so she sent an invitation to He Wanrong.

"What kind of popular singer can your company produce? It's not bad to ask President Ouyang to invest some money." Dong Siying listened to Fan Wenxuan's suggestion and deliberately took the lead in teasing her.In fact, this joke is very particular. I mainly hope that Ouyang Zhenhua can invest some funds in her cousin's company. This is why she specially called Fan Wenxuan here today. Although Fan Wenxuan and Tan Meiyun know each other, they don't have a good relationship. That's why she 'inserted' such a sentence.

Now it is no secret that Ouyang Zhenhua controls a large investment company among the relatives and friends around him, otherwise Tan Meiyun's family would not have changed their approval for this marriage, although everyone does not know what is the difference between this company and Ouyang Zhenhua It's an ordinary relationship, but there is one thing that is beyond doubt, that is, Ouyang Zhenhua is the president and a person with real power, so there is no problem in approving some investment funds.

"I just heard who is going to be a singer?" Ouyang Zhenhua greeted a few relatives and friends over there, and saw Chen Kangjie surrounded by several beauties, so he rushed over, just in time to hear Dong Siying's words. Ask out of curiosity.

The reason why he asked the first half of the sentence and not the second half was because he knew that among the few people here, only two could be singers, and no matter which of these two people they were, he didn't need his investment.

"Hehe, I saw that Ms. He sang the song I gave you so well at noon, so I asked her if she would like to enter the entertainment circle, and if so, come to my company." Fan Wenxuan hoped to leave a good impression on Ouyang Zhenhua. Impression, got financing from their Hongyuan International, so explained with a smile.

"I think Ms. He will be popular 100% if she releases an album, but I don't know if Ms. He is willing to do so." Ouyang Zhenhua looked at Chen Kangjie with a faint smile, and said very firmly.Only Tan Meiyun can understand Ouyang Zhenhua's words, and He Wanrong can't understand them all.Tam Mei Wan knew that Chen Kangjie was good at writing songs and had money, so it was hard for her not to be popular with these two things.

"Sister Wanrong, what do you think? How about thinking about it?" Chen Kangjie said to He Wanrong with a smile.He felt that it would be a waste for He Wanrong to stay in a small place like the mainland to teach. If she is willing to develop her acting career, Chen Kangjie, the younger brother, would not mind helping her with all her strength. However, I hope this is such an important choice that He Wanrong should think carefully about. Two days ago Ouyang Zhenhua mentioned that Chen Kangjie had this attitude at that time.

"Miss Fan, I'll think about it, if I sing, I'll go to your company," He Wanrong said unnaturally to Fan Wenxuan after a little hesitation.Everyone was talking about her. Even though she was a teacher, she just came to Hong Kong from the mainland, and she was not used to it all at once. After all, several people were not familiar with her.

"Okay, here is my business card. Call me anytime you think about it, or tell Sister Meiyun." Fan Wenxuan handed He Wanrong a business card. Seeing He Wanrong holding Tan Meiyun's hand, she added One sentence.

"Brother Ouyang, if Sister Wanrong goes to Miss Fan's company, I think you should really invest some money, otherwise Sister Wanrong won't be really popular, then it's your fault, you are the ones who introduced her into the entertainment industry", Chen Kangjie Seeing He Wanrong taking Fan Wenxuan's business card, she said to Ouyang Zhenhua jokingly.

Ouyang Zhenhua originally planned to pull He Wanrong or Chen Kangjie into the Rolling Stones if He Wanrong or Chen Kangjie entered the music scene. He told the boss of the Rolling Stones when he left, but now he is in charge of a billion-dollar business Assets are no longer the wage earners when they first left Rolling Stone Records, and the boss has said so, so the smart Ouyang Zhenhua naturally knows how to choose.

Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know what it meant, and immediately stated: "For us to produce a superstar in Hong Kong, as long as Ms. He goes, we Hongyuan will definitely invest." His statement was actually quite righteous.

The reason why Chen Kangjie said that was not only to help He Wanrong, but he also felt that although this Fan Wenxuan looked carefree, from the performance point of view, he should be very capable. Considering that he will enter the entertainment industry in the future, it is better to be in the early stage. Investing some money will be much more convenient than stepping into this industry after a few years. Maybe I will play in the entertainment industry one day. I have seen those celebrities in the past are all glamorous, so I can experience it myself.

When Fan Wenxuan heard Ouyang Zhenhua say that he could invest, she was thinking about how to bring He Wanrong in. Ouyang Zhenhua made it very clear, if He Wanrong joined him, she would invest.

In fact, there are many investment companies in Hong Kong, and He Wanrong has also found others, but because of the characteristics of the entertainment industry, and there are already many capable companies in Hong Kong's performing arts industry, and He Wanrong is a novice who has just graduated, so all Failed to raise funds.


"Has Philkopski returned to the Soviet Union?"

After the reception, Ouyang Zhenhua drove Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong back to the hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui alone.After He Wanrong went back to her room to rest, Chen Kangjie pulled Ouyang Zhenhua to the balcony and asked.

When Chen Kangjie came back that day, he didn't dare to let He Wanrong know what happened, especially since he was injured, so he pretended to be tired and went back to his room to sleep without taking a shower.

"I have given him some money, and he has booked a plane ticket to go back today." Ouyang Zhenhua still didn't know Chen Kangjie's intentions, but he replied calmly.

"In this way, you can find a few people who understand Russian during this time, preferably those who have studied in the Soviet Union. When you are ready, I will let them go to the Soviet Union to handle business in the next year. In addition, that Han Geng has performed well this time, so ask him to go to the Soviet Union. Registering several investment companies in the Isles of Man, Virgin Islands and other places will be useful at that time. Moreover, during this period of time, all the cash will be collected, and no investment will be made except for the six factories. It is useful, after I go back, I will finish the rest of the manuscript as soon as possible, and let Li Wendong publish it as soon as possible, we need money now," Chen Kangjie gave Ouyang Zhenhua serious instructions.

From Chen Kangjie's serious expression and resolute eyes, Ouyang Zhenhua knew that what happened this time was really a big move, and Chen Kangjie gave so many orders at once. It can be seen that Chen Kangjie attaches great importance to it. He guessed that these things should be inseparable from that Philkopski.

"Okay, I will be ready within this year." Ouyang Zhenhua replied with few words, but very simply. He knew that this was his duty. The kid in front of him was not only a genius, but also very bold. When Chen Kangjie came back from meeting Jiang Xiaoyi that day, he just briefly explained it casually, but he was still terrified.

After attending Ouyang Zhenhua's wedding, it is reasonable to go back, but Chen Kangjie still chose to stay one more day and promised to bring gifts back, but Chen Kangjie hasn't visited the shopping mall well yet, so where can he bring gifts?

No, today I brought He Wanrong with me, invited Ouyang Zhenhua and his wife, and we all went shopping in Central. It was the first time I brought gifts back from Hong Kong, and Chen Kangjie was going to make a big purchase.

In Times Square and Pacific Place, Chen Kangjie bought a lot of clothes and cosmetics for He Wanrong and several sisters, and also bought two outfits for Chen Qigang and Chen Yuchang, and went to Chow Tai Fook to buy some jewelry, jade and other things, In addition to sending a few older sisters, Zhao Yuexiang and He Wanrong had to be prepared, and He Baoguo also chose a watch.

Of course, those partners who play well will naturally have gifts.But they are not too expensive, basically some novelty toys, school supplies and fashion small handicrafts or electronic products.

Chen Kangjie's shopping is not like ordinary girls wandering around. He is very straightforward. Basically, he buys the right one when he sees it. He spent nearly 100 million Hong Kong dollars in just over three hours. Not to mention He Wanrong, even Tan Meiyun was a little staggered.Ouyang Zhenhua felt better, he knew that this amount of money was nothing to Chen Kangjie, but he didn't expect Chen Kangjie to spend so freely.

The more Chen Kangjie spends, the more unhappy He Wanrong seems to be, always saying: "Xiaojie, you spend money too 'recklessly'"

"Sister Wanrong, earning money is for spending, otherwise what are you earning money for?" Chen Kangjie replied with a smile, still going his own way.

When they came back, everyone's hands were full of big bags and small bags, which made the three coolies complain endlessly. Chen Kangjie was young, but just took a small amount symbolically.But when they were complaining, the salespersons were grinning from ear to ear, 'Who said mainlanders have no money?You don't even look at the price when people buy things, just take what you like'.

This time Chen Kangjie can be regarded as an upstart.

After consigning these gifts the next day, the two returned to Qianzhou. Chen Kangjie also gave Ouyang Zhenhua a half-month vacation to go on honeymoon. He finally got married, and Chen Kangjie should not be too exploitative. He believed in Ouyang Zhenhua Zhenhua will arrange relevant work before going on vacation.

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