rebirth of change

Chapter 623 He Wanrong's Transformation

Speaking of which, this is a very interesting thing. Those who came to act as guest performers for He Wanrong have already held a concert at the Hung Hom Stadium. It can be said that they are very familiar with the venue, but this is the first time for the host. 【 】

In 1991, beyond held the "beyond live 1991 Life Contact Concert" at the Hung Hom Stadium, becoming the first band to hold a concert at the Red Hall. From May 1993th to 5th, 6, Little Cyclone Lin Zhiying held 9 solo concerts. Full house, singing and dancing for 4 minutes, singing 150 songs and changing 35 outfits.He was only 13 years old at the time and was the youngest singer to hold a concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum.Three months ago, Guo Fucheng just held the "Su Yishao Wild Guo Fucheng Temptation Concert" here, and the number of performances increased from 18 to 14.Among the big-name stars of Feiyang Entertainment, there is only one sister, He Wanrong, who has not performed in this venue.

When Chen Kangjie and the others came to the auditorium surrounded by bodyguards, the audience was already full of more than 1 people.Fan Wenxuan left ten tickets, six of which were for Xiong Ziqiang and his bodyguards. Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua, Tan Meiyun and Fan Wenxuan sat in the middle, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others sat around in a fan shape, ready to deal with emergencies Situation, in the Red Star team of 4, apart from Samidov following Chen Kangjie, there are three other players who are winning.

The security of concerts in the Red Hall is relatively strict, and there have been no serious accidents in history, but the bodyguards still adhere to the concept of "be careful to drive a thousand-year boat".

The stage is a patterned quadrilateral, extending outward from low to high, surrounded by a large pink silk scarf for decoration, two of the small areas separated by the four sides will be used by the band, and two will be used as dancers' exit aisle.The highest point of the auditorium in the venue is 23 meters, so it is difficult to see the stage clearly. They can only rely on the on-site video system to watch the four large screens on the top of the center of the stage to feel the atmosphere of the scene. Will be replaced with led display.

With the screams of the fans, the lights on the scene were dimmed row by row, and the entire venue was plunged into darkness. It was obvious that the concert everyone was looking forward to was about to begin, and it seemed that they had integrated into the atmosphere of the scene. Chen Kangjie also mischievously put a finger in his mouth and whistled.

Suddenly, four beams of lights crossed from all sides through the dark air and hit the very center of the stage.

"Inexplicable, I just like it, fall in love with you deeply..." He Wanrong's clear and tender singing resounded through the sky before hearing his voice before seeing anyone else.

Hearing He Wanrong's singing, the fans became even more excited, with constant applause and shouts, which almost interrupted He Wanrong's singing.

"There is no reason, there is no reason..." Accompanied by clear singing, He Wanrong, who was wearing a white dress and a pure white bowknot on her head, was slowly lifted up by the elevator to the final stage of the stage. central ground.

He Wanrong chose this song "Do You Know I'm Waiting for You" as the opening song, which is very meaningful. This is her first song and her first song to win the Hong Kong Top Ten Golden Melody Awards. The revolution of the song seems to show that she is waiting for the fans, not the fans are waiting for her. In turn, it also sings the voice of the fans, just like the song "From the day I saw you" in the lyrics, the fans From the day we met her, we fell in love with her deeply.

Seeing He Wanrong, who is fresh, refined and glamorous like a fairy, none of the audience was not excited, and some fans even shed tears of emotion and happiness. They were finally able to meet their goddess face to face.

Just like a pot of good soup sometimes falls into rat droppings, in this clean and exciting atmosphere, a discordant noise came from beside Chen Kangjie and the others, "Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful, his mother It's so beautiful", it's a big disappointment.

This sentence made Chen Kangjie, who is sensitive to hearing, frown. He glanced to the right, and under the dim light, he saw a young man with a neat parted hair and a scar on his chin, clapping hard, with round eyes. Staring at He Wanrong who was a few meters away, she opened her mouth, and the halazi was probably about to flow down.

However, Chen Kangjie just looked at it in disgust, he couldn't do anything, it was common for the fans to go a little too far, he turned his head and continued to enjoy He Wanrong's performance on the stage.

At the end of the song, He Wanrong did not stop, but directly sang the next song "The Moon Represents My Heart".

"You ask me how deeply I love you, how much I love you...", this song He Wanrong widens her voice a little bit, making it more feminine, especially while singing The soft and graceful twisting in the center of the smoky stage, the sound makes people mesmerized, and it makes people feel like a dream before their eyes. Fangfo is really a fairy performing her voice of nature.

These songs are the most familiar to the fans, and they are popular. From bottom to top, everyone shook their heads and reveled in them. They sang along, and Chen Kangjie did the same, beating the beat with his right hand on his knee, " love is not Change, the moon represents my heart... ".

After the second song was sung, the band immediately changed the music to "Whose Tears Are Flying". He Wanrong's third song is this sad and gentle song.

"...whose tears are flying, are they popular eyes..." He Wanrong stopped when he finished singing the song.

These three songs are the opening songs she chose. They are very feminine and tender, and they are also one of the most familiar songs to fans. It is perfect for He Wanrong's current attire and his usual personality.

He Wanrong's singing stopped, and the band kept the instruments quiet. On the other side, the cheers of fans rang out wave after wave, deafening. Everyone stood up and applauded warmly, expressing their welcome and love to He Wanrong.

Standing in the middle and enjoying the warmth and passion, He Wanrong also smiled from time to time and bent down to the audience, expressing her gratitude and gratitude.After he finished bowing on all sides, the applause hadn't stopped, so she could only stand awkwardly in the middle of the venue and giggle. Seeing such a lovely scene, both male and female audiences became more enthusiastic. They felt that He Wanrong was really So cute, so gentle and charming.

"Thank you, thank you everyone, think you, thank you." After 40 seconds, the applause finally stopped, and the audience sat down, looking forward to He Wanrong's next performance. Only then could she raise the microphone to speak, and she spoke in Mandarin and English. and Cantonese in three languages.

"I am very happy and excited today, today is the most important moment in my music career...", He Wanrong continued his speech.

At this moment, the disgusted man on the right of Chen Kangjie and the others shouted to the center of the field, "I am also happy, I am also excited, and this is also the most important moment for me."

Everyone was quietly listening to He Wanrong's words. This guy's words made Chen Kangjie a little annoyed, but He Wanrong thought that the words were said by someone from Chen Kangjie and the others, so she happily pursed her lips and laughed in Chen Kangjie's direction.

"Look, she smiled at me, it's so sweet, I must get her," the man said to the person beside him presumptuously.

Hearing the last sentence, Chen Kangjie was already a little angry. No matter who it was, he would not allow his relatives to be hurt, otherwise, the price would be very cruel.It's just that the concert has just started, and he can't affect the progress of the concert, otherwise he can't wait to rush over and slap that guy to the ground.

"Hehe, thank you. The Red Pavilion has always been a place I longed for. I am honored to be able to hold a concert here today. You have given me the opportunity and strength. A few years ago, I came to Hong Kong from the mainland to develop , I really didn’t expect to achieve such a result, I didn’t expect to win so many likes. Here, I want to thank a person, I sincerely thank him, it is he who helped me selflessly, it is he who changed me from an unknown person to a He has become a singer that everyone can accept. He gave me a brand new attitude towards life. He is... my brother Dayangyu. The three songs my friends heard just now were all written for me by him. , so he should take most of the credit for my achievements, brother, sister, I thank you, I love you", He Wanrong put down the microphone and turned to Chen Kangjie and the others, the audience applauded very cooperatively.

"Xiaojie, tell me about you," Tan Meiyun whispered in Chen Kangjie's ear.

"I know." Chen Kangjie wiped his eyes. He didn't expect He Wanrong to say such words in public, and he was also touched. Hearing his relatives express such expressions, Chen Kangjie would feel a sense of happiness and pride born.

Of course, Chen Kangjie would not understand He Wanrong's love as the love between a man and a woman, but the love of the relatives themselves, which is pure love.

After the applause of the audience stopped, He Wanrong raised the microphone again, "Tonight is a happy moment. I hope my singing can bring you some joy. For tonight, I have made some changes to my style. I hope you will like it, and the big potato has also come to our scene. The next song is written by myself, called "I Really Love You", and I will give it to him, and I will also give it to you."

"Oh! Okay, He Wanrong, I love you", when He Wanrong's words ended, the enthusiasm of the fans boiled up again, and they shouted one after another, especially the disgusting man next to Chen Kangjie and the others shouted with all his might.

After He Wanrong finished speaking, she grabbed the collar of her white dress and pulled it down suddenly, the audience couldn't control it even more, they thought why Wanrong would make the kind of irrational behavior that men expect, "Ah! Ooh!" yelled again and again.

In the end, He Wanrong let them down, but at the same time gave everyone another surprise, including Chen Kangjie's eyes and mouth wide open.

Because after He Wanrong's dress was ripped off by her, she revealed a tight-fitting black leather skirt, which was still super short, with a neckline that was neither high nor low, and she also took off the bow tie on her head and threw it towards the audience.

This miniskirt perfectly outlined He Wanrong's S-shaped figure. Fortunately, the distance was not too close, otherwise many people would have nosebleeds. ~

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