I have to say that He Wanrong's figure is too good, with her jet-black hair hanging down, she looks even more wild. Just such a transformation will make the fans who bought tickets tonight feel that it is worth it. 【 】

"Many years ago, when I saw you for the first time, you were deeply burned into my heart...", changing the flavor of the previous three tender love songs, He Wanrong's "I Really Love You" "is a slightly mischievous rock song, it is fast and slow, and the music idea is a bit heavy, much stronger than the previous ones.

Together with He Wanrong's singing, four groups of male and female dancers came to the stage on both sides, wearing black and white dance costumes, and provoked a ballroom dance with a slightly stronger rhythm. The four sets of lights nailed to He Wanrong's body became eight sets , the colors are colorful, and a man appeared beside her. Through the camera, everyone found that the man was Guo Fucheng, one of the four heavenly kings. He was wearing black trousers, a white shirt and a black vest, and his hair Groomed to shine.

After He Wanrong sang the first six lines of the lyrics, she started a jazz dance under Guo Fucheng's support.

As the most dancing "Asian Dance King" in the entertainment industry, Guo Fucheng, who is only 1.6 meters [-], is as tall as He Wanrong who wears high heels, but this does not affect his dancing skills. Separate for a while, turn around for a while, and hug for a while.

He Wanrong basically couldn't dance before, but after a period of training, coupled with Guo Fucheng's leadership, the two of them danced well, which is very interesting.Apart from Fan Wenxuan and a few people who had participated in the rehearsal, the audience present saw He Wanrong's stage show for the first time, including Chen Kangjie.

"I didn't expect that apart from singing well, Wan Rong could also dance so attractively," Ouyang Zhenhua praised.

"As long as you want to do one thing, nothing is impossible," Chen Kangjie clapped and responded with a bright smile on his face. It seems that he also likes this dance very much.

When the next section of singing started, the two separated, He Wanrong changed to singing again, and Guo Fucheng showed a piece of popular break dancing beside him. This guy can sing so-so, but dances really well. It seems that he also wants to pass This is to make up for his slightly lacking weak position among the four heavenly kings, and to strengthen his own strengths.

As soon as He Wanrong finished singing this passage, the two danced again, and the audience enjoyed watching it very much.

It was just a song, He Wanrong and the dancers left together, leaving Guo Fucheng alone on the stage, He Wanrong needed to go to the backstage to change her clothes, and take a break while drinking saliva.

"Hehe, is Ms. He's singing good?" Guo Fucheng played the host role as a guest.

"Okay", the audience is very cooperative.

"Then Miss He dances well?" Guo Fucheng continued to ask with his arms crossed.

"Okay", the audience is easy to guide at the scene, not to mention that they are all loyal fans of He Wanrong, so how can they say it badly.

"Oh, then can I dance well? Hahaha", Guo Fucheng teased himself.

"Okay, okay", as one of the four heavenly kings, as He Wanrong's guest performer, the audience also gave him a lot of face.

"Thank you, I was really afraid that you would say 'not good', hehe, I feel much more comfortable, thank you for giving me face", the atmosphere was lifted, and Guo Fucheng should also turn from lively to serious, "Well, just now Wanrong said The person he wants to thank is actually the person I want to thank. He also gave me help, but I have never had the chance to meet this musical genius who has never seen the end. You say thank you, even if I don’t know where you are sitting.” After Guo Fucheng finished speaking, he really bowed to the surroundings to thank him, and the audience was also mobilized by his request, applauding and encouraging him.

"Next, I will bring a song from the new album "Legend of Innocence" to everyone. This song is also written by Mr. Dayangyu. Thank you, music." After speaking, Guo Fucheng made a gesture to the band , and the music started.

This song was indeed written by Chen Kangjie, but he just borrowed his flowers to offer his Buddha, and returned what was originally someone else's, because this song was originally one of Guo Fucheng's favorite works, and he won the 1995 commercial award. Radio "Professional Promotion Top Ten", "Male Singer in the Music World", "Ifpi Awards in the Music World Album" three awards, 1995 TVB "Top Ten Golden Songs", 1995 Radio Hong Kong "Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards" , "Top Ten Outstanding Pop Singer Awards", "Hong Kong's Best Dance Music Songs" three awards and the 1995 Metro Selection 104 "Top Ten Best Golden Songs" and "Selected Golden Heart Male Singer" two awards.

Guo Fucheng liked this song very much when he saw it. If there is no accident, he will be able to collect a lot of Hong Kong music awards next year as in the original history, so it is a small thing to choose this occasion to sing tonight. small ad.

That's all, Guo Fucheng left the stage, and the stage should be handed over to He Wanrong, who was ready again. He Wanrong, who came out of the elevator, was dressed in a retro style, with a European taste, black top hat, and beige off-the-shoulder Long skirts, with black gloves on the hands up to the upper arms. <" and "barbie girl" which helped her get into the Grammy, these two English songs pushed He Wanrong from Hong Kong to Europe and the United States. On the European and American pop song charts, these two songs are very high. In other words, he has gone from Southeast Asia to the world, and it is her who has become a well-deserved "international singer" in Hong Kong, not limited to Asian Chinese like other artists.

For this reason, He Wanrong once accepted exclusive interviews with Germany's "Der Spiegel Weekly" and American NBC. After adding pictures and videos, He Wanrong, with her typical oriental charming beauty temperament and reserved and humble character, has won the love of many Western fans.

The two English songs fascinated everyone. The Hong Kong people sitting here are proud of being able to step out of such a singer. Only those very few who don’t like English songs or can’t understand English songs sigh. That has always disgusted Chen Kangjie The guy is one of them.

"***, what kind of English songs are you singing so well? I don't know if I only know abc."

"Brother Hui, change places." Chen Kangjie bent his head, bypassed Fan Wenxuan, and asked Pang Hui to change places with him.

Pang Hui was sitting next to the man. It seemed that Chen Kangjie really couldn't bear it any longer. The disgusting buzzing of such a mosquito made him very sick to his stomach.

"This...isn't it good?" Pang Hui was very embarrassed, looking at Chen Kangjie, and then at Xiong Ziqiang behind him diagonally.

"What's the matter? I can't call you anymore, can I?" Chen Kangjie was already angry, even though he knew that Pang Hui was responsible for his own good, he was still a little angry.

"Jie Shao, what's going on?" Xiong Ziqiang lowered his head from behind.

"I just want to change positions, don't I even have this right?" Chen Kangjie turned his head.

"Xiaojie, here... you are sitting here well, why do you want to go to the side?" Xiong Ziqiang still didn't want Chen Kangjie to change to the side.

"It's spacious over there, that's fine, that's it, Brother Hui, come here." Chen Kangjie really didn't want to explain anything.

Xiong Ziqiang hesitated for a moment, then nodded to Pang Hui, "Okay."

"Xiaojie, what's the matter, where are you going?" Chen Kangjie and the others disturbed Ouyang Zhenhua.

"It's nothing, you sit in yours, I'll sit over there." After Chen Kangjie left a word, he bowed his waist and stood up to change seats with Pang Hui.

Fan Wenxuan had no idea why Chen Kangjie moved the seat to the side, but she didn't ask anything, and he knew it would be useless to ask, so he could only shrink his legs to make way for Chen Kangjie and Pang Hui to change seats.

The man also noticed the movement, turned his face, and happened to be looking at Chen Kangjie. Seeing that it was a "little boy", the man hummed without interest, then turned to enjoy the singing and dancing.

After the two English songs were finished, He Wanrong went off to change clothes, and it was Xiao Xuanfeng Lin Zhiying who took the stage. This super handsome guy sang his famous song "The Rainy Season at the Age of 17".

In the entertainment industry, Lin Zhiying was one of the people Chen Kangjie admired before his rebirth. Of course, this has nothing to do with his handsome appearance.

Jimmy Lin is a professional racing driver, a singer, an actor, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, a motorboat driver, an important member of the Formosa Internet Association, and many official images and public welfare spokespersons of Formosa in the United States. It's amazing how big the world is and how many fields it involves.To a certain extent, it is very similar to Chen Kangjie.The smallest singer who held a concert in the Red Hall, has released many albums, made many movies and TV series, and served as a soldier.The No.1 Asian artist who won the Drug Trafficking Ambassador Medal issued by the President of the United States, the second artist who won the International Outstanding Youth after Tom Cruise, and the first Chinese to win this award, and the only one in the Chinese performing arts circle to receive a salary As a professional racing driver, he takes almost all of Formosa’s official endorsements, and is also the boss or director of several companies and associations.San Francisco, USA designated October 10 as Jimmy Lin Day.

Of course, for all these honors, because of Chen Kangjie's rebirth, many of them may have changed, or some of them may not be related to him. Who said that Chen Kangjie's limelight is so strong.

After Lin Zhiying sang and left the stage amid the applause of the audience, He Wanrong, who put on a typical Chinese-style bright red dress, appeared again. She was going to sing "Sisters" with high-pitched characteristics. When it came to the first part, He Wanrong followed other concert singers, leaving the band and backup dancers in the middle, and walked to the sidelines to shake hands with the audience.

However, her move caused a little trouble, and also brought an episode to the concert.

She didn't go to Chen Kangjie's side at the beginning, and shook hands from the left amidst the fans' screams. When she reached Chen Kangjie's side, He Wanrong acted the most natural and happiest, after all, they were all acquaintances, especially Chen Kangjie And gave her a hug.

But then there was an accident. When He Wanrong politely reached out to shake hands with the disgusted man on Chen Kangjie's right, this guy stretched out his other hand to He Wanrong's chest.


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