He Wanrong was facing the audience in a relaxed and happy mood, but she didn't expect a vicious hand to reach her chest so rudely. She was so frightened that her face paled, and her body shrank back conditionedly, but her left hand was still there. He held it in the opponent's hand and couldn't pull it out. At this time, the live video showed a scene where a fan was reluctant to let go of his favorite singer. The chest attack was not captured because the camera was behind He Wanrong at that time. , but Chen Kangjie saw it clearly. 【-】

Chen Kangjie quickly pinched the man's thigh with his right hand, exerting all his strength, the pain caused the muscles on the man's face to twitch, and he quickly let go of He Wanrong's hand.

After the person let go of He Wanrong's hand, Chen Kangjie made a small movement with his left hand. He Wanrong saw it, and ended his interaction with the audience in shock, and retreated to the center of the stage, his singing trembling.

As He Wanrong retreated, the lights, cameras, and the attention of the audience also left the area where Chen Kangjie and the others were, and turned to the center of the stage.

"You **** let go!" The pinched man grinned in pain, trying to pull Chen Kangjie's right hand away with both hands, but he couldn't pull it away, and cursed angrily. Zhizuo slapped Chen Kangjie over, wanting to slap Chen Kangjie in the face.

Since Chen Kangjie moved his hand, everything was prepared. He caught his right hand with his left hand, held it at his wrist, and twisted it around. There was a sound of fracture, and the guy screamed with sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, He Wanrong also took the microphone and sang the high-pitched part at this time, covering up the howling of ghosts and wolves.

In order not to disturb the performance, Chen Kangjie let go of his right hand, rebounded upwards, and punched the man in the face.

Just like in the movie "True Lies" made by Chen Kangjie himself, Harry sat in the car and imagined that he punched the second-hand car salesman until his nosebleeds flew out and passed out. This punch of Chen Kangjie has this effect. I don't know whether it was the blood from the nose or the mouth that sprayed on Chen Kangjie's body. He tilted his head back and passed out, which shows how powerful Chen Kangjie's punch was.

The companion who noticed something was wrong just wanted to stand up to help, but before his body got up, Xiong Ziqiang had ordered him to sit down with a gun and watched the performance.

Before entering this venue, all spectators will be checked by security. Any guns, knives, and other weapons are not allowed to enter the venue, and even beverage bottles will be restricted, so ordinary spectators generally do not have dangerous items on them, but Chen Kangjie and the others were different. They came in through the VIP passage and did not need security checks. This allowed Chen Kangjie's bodyguards to carry weapons.

Just now when Chen Kangjie wanted to change seats, Xiong Ziqiang felt something was wrong, not to mention that Xiong Ziqiang also heard the uncivilized words that the guy yelled, so after Chen Kangjie changed seats, Xiong Ziqiang also quietly changed seats with a female audience over there. location.

"Master Jie, what should we do?" Xiong Ziqiang asked in a low voice behind Chen Kangjie.

"After a while when the lights are all dimmed, get this guy down," Chen Kangjie replied without turning his head, sitting on the spot and looking ahead.


"Be quiet, put a piece of clothing to cover his head, so as not to affect Miss Wanrong's performance," Chen Kangjie added cautiously.

"Understood", Xiong Ziqiang replied, the answer was Xiong Ziqiang, he was naturally not the only one who took action, and since Chen Kangjie asked to change positions, his bodyguards have become more vigilant, knowing that there will be one out of ten Something is going to happen.

"Xiaojie, is something going to happen?" Fan Wenxuan, who was sitting on Chen Kangjie's left, didn't watch the whole process, but she still knew what happened.

"It's okay, you and Brother Ouyang will continue to watch the show later, I'll go down and deal with it." Chen Kangjie acted as if nothing was wrong, and answered Fan Wenxuan's words, not forgetting to smile and applaud.

"Frankly, I'd better go with you. The staff don't know you well, so if you call the police..." Fan Wenxuan's worries were not completely unreasonable.

"Hmm...Okay", Chen Kangjie thought for a while and agreed.

Then Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand and made two gestures backwards, one with two fingers and the other with four fingers, meaning that two people will follow him and four people will stay.

After more than 20 minutes, when He Wanrong left to calm down and came up to replace the beyond band that had exited after singing "Broad Sea and Sky", the lights were all dimmed. He Wanrong's song is "If the Cloud Knows".

Taking advantage of this short gap, Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui took the two guys and quietly retreated from the side. Anyway, they were sitting at the bottom and had little influence on the others. When the lights are turned on, people will only find that there are a few people missing, and there is nothing strange about it. Even the close-up audience sitting in the row behind them just thought that someone was sick and was helped down.

Under the leadership of Fan Wenxuan, several people came down to the VIP room where they stayed just now. After pushing the door and entering, Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui threw them on the floor. Fan Wenxuan stood at the door in fear. That is a lie.

"I tell you, you got into trouble, you know?" The guy who was still awake got up from the ground, patted his butt, and even made a threatening sentence first.

Chen Kangjie walked forward slowly, stood in front of him and looked at him.

This guy took a small step back obscenely, revealing his unconcealed guilt, "You, you, you... what are you going to do?".

Chen Kangjie didn't answer him with words, but took action directly, a strong slap across the face, before the guy's body fell down, Chen Kangjie shot him in the stomach, his body flew up and hit the wall behind He bounced back and fell at Chen Kangjie's feet, unable to get up in pain.

Chen Kangjie took two steps back and sat on the chair brought over by Pang Hui, "I forgot to tell you, I like to cause trouble. Every time I go out, if I don't cause trouble, I will be upset. How dare I threaten me before I speak? Seeing that you are really an old lady who hanged herself, I think you will die too long," Chen Kangjie said with his legs crossed.

The other party wasn't dizzy, and could hear Chen Kangjie's words, but he couldn't answer. He covered his stomach with one hand and tried to stand up with the other, but he couldn't get up. Instead, a few drops of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Pang Hui opened a bottle of mineral water next to him, took a sip in the water, squatted down and pulled the dizzy guy's hair, turned his face upside down and sprayed water on his face with a "poof".

The guy was stimulated by the cold water and woke up slowly. The first thing he did was to wipe his face with his hands instinctively. After he wiped, he opened his palm and saw that his hand was covered with blood. Only then did he wake up completely.

"Ah! My nose, fuck, oh, I recognize you... you were the one who hit me just now, fuck, you dared to hit me..." The man yelled first before he understood Seeing Chen Kangjie sitting in front of him, he pointed at Chen Kangjie and said in a nasal voice.

Chen Kangjie's punch directly crushed his nose.

"You want to say that I got into trouble, don't you?" Chen Kangjie interrupted him and asked jokingly.

"Fuck, you have caused a catastrophe, and you really don't know how to live or die." The man covered his nose with his right hand and accepted Chen Kangjie's painful words.

"It seems that you two are really brothers, you speak so alike, if I'm not wrong, you are a member of the club?... Well, do Hong Kong clubs like to talk and threaten people when they encounter problems?" Chen Kangjie looked at the other party's open clothes I saw the tattoo of drawing a dragon and stabbing a tiger, and there was a big boa constrictor tattooed on my arm, so I guessed his identity, but Chen Kangjie didn't care whether he was a gangster or a white way, and he didn't have to give face to the king of heaven when he encountered such a thing. .

"Have some eyesight." The other party let go of his hand, bit his lip, propped up his body and sat on the wall of the sofa behind him, looking very confident and courageous, and at the same time reflected his fierce look, spitting blood from his mouth , "Hey, I'm the boa constrictor of the Justice Society, so I quickly knelt down and kowtowed to admit my mistake, otherwise I don't care who you are, I will kill you."

"Justice Society? Boa constrictor?" Chen Kangjie bent down with his hands on his legs.

"Yes, are you afraid? Kneel down quickly when you are afraid," the python continued to hold its nose and said sternly, but it must have been misunderstood.

"Hehe, I've never heard of it, what is it, a zoo?" Chen Kangjie laughed disdainfully, and the words that he said almost twisted the nose of the boa constrictor.

"You have the guts, kill me if you have the guts, otherwise..." He didn't need to say the words to know what he meant. The reason why he didn't say it was because Chen Kangjie's eyes suddenly became sharp and dark .

"Smash his left hand," Chen Kangjie sat up straight and said lightly.

Chen Kangjie's tantrum is not necessarily scary, what's scary is that he is calm and calm, just like when he threw a rage and smashed a glass in front of Fan Wenxuan, and explained in a few words afterwards that nothing happened, but if he slows down, it means that someone is really going to be unlucky up.

Under the current situation, only Pang Hui is the most suitable for this kind of rough work. He doesn't have anything suitable for him. Looking left and right, he saw a big crystal glass ashtray on the coffee table over there. Pang Hui walked over I picked it up, tried the weight, and found it to be okay, so I walked straight towards the python with it.

"You dare!...I..." At this time, the python was really a little scared, and its momentum began to change a little.

"Don't say any more threats. In this world, there is no time when I dare not." Chen Kangjie directly pushed the other party back with one sentence.

Pang Hui walked up to the boa constrictor, squatted down, grabbed his left hand, turned his body around, put his knee against his body to prevent him from moving, picked up the ashtray and slammed it down without any mess.

Amid the pain of the python, Pang Hui smashed it continuously, knowing that the back of his hand was bloody and felt that the bones in his palm were all broken, so he stood up and threw the ashtray aside, and unhurriedly pulled out a tissue to wipe the ashtray on his hand. blood.

The guy who was kicked down by Chen Kangjie saw all this, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to get up again, and just lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

This VIP room is right at the performance site, and the sound insulation effect is very good. No matter how the python screams, people outside can't hear it.

"I forgot to tell you that I know your fellow student Huang Weiming."


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