"I forgot to tell you, I know your fellow student Huang Weiming." When the boa constrictor gritted his teeth and was sweating, and turned around with his left hand in his right hand, Chen Kangjie stood up, walked over to squat beside him, and said with a smile. 【@】

Chen Kangjie's inexplicable mention of Huang Weiming made the boa constrictor tremble, why?Huang Weiming is a good friend of the boa constrictor, and more importantly, he is already dead.

"You..." The boa constrictor was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, besides the pain, there was also a trace of fear between his brows.

"Hehe, didn't you say you recognize me?" Compared to Chen Kangjie's question, his smile was more chilling than fierce.

"I... don't know you, really... I don't know you", the python quickly changed his words, and immediately denied it.

"It doesn't matter if we know each other. I'm not worried about you calling the police. Do you need to call 999? If necessary, I can help you now." Chen Kangjie stood up and said falsely.

"No need, no need... I really don't know each other." After Huang Weiming was killed, the python was the one who yelled and killed the most, but now his attitude is too different.

"Afraid that I will kill you to silence you? Are you?"

"Yes, oh, no, no... I was confused", the python was really afraid that Chen Kangjie would kill him, and when Chen Kangjie told him that he knew Huang Weiming, the boa constrictor, who was not considered an idiot, immediately knew who Huang Weiming was. Chen Kangjie did it, otherwise, what would a normal person do by mentioning a dead person for no reason?Moreover, Chen Kangjie's subsequent words further confirmed his guess.

However, if he guessed right, he guessed right. He knows very well that since he can kill Huang Weiming, he can also kill himself. What's more, if he asks him face to face, this is nothing to fear. The python knows that this kind of person is probably killed I will not be afraid of being held accountable.

"You are not too confused, but you are indeed really confused. People, sometimes you will lose your life if you are confused. I just didn't expect you to be so courageous. After Huang Weiming, you would be so stupid. You dare to hit my elder sister's idea, what makes me even more unacceptable is that you actually choose to be in such an open place, you are confident, you are too arrogant," Chen Kangjie said, shaking his head and pointing at the python.

"Brother, I was wrong... I... was really wrong... Go around me once!" In front of Xiao Ming, no matter how ruthless the boss is, he is afraid of death.

Some people in the rivers and lakes don't look at the devil dog of the predecessors, it's because he still has strength, his life is not threatened, and when it really comes to a critical moment, he will eat shit if he is asked to eat, otherwise he will never have a chance to eat.

"Sorry, it's late. I have a characteristic of doing things, that is, I don't leave opportunities for others. You just said that if I don't kill you, what will happen to you? How can I leave opportunities? Give it to you?" After speaking, Chen Kangjie stood up and wanted to go outside.

"Boss, don't, I... that's because I've been obsessed with eating shit, let me go!" Now, the boa constrictor didn't care about the pain, so he knelt down and prayed to Chen Kangjie, hoping for a little life.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Qiang, do it cleanly. I see the two of them, so I chop them up and throw them in the sea to feed the sharks." Chen Kangjie stopped and turned around.

Hearing Chen Kangjie's words, the one who was pretending to be dead just now didn't care so much, turned around and got up, "Forgive me, brother, forgive me."

"Forgive me, brother, please spare me." The boa snake was also sweating profusely. Finally, just as Chen Kangjie was about to open the door, the boa snake shouted, "For Mr. Huo's sake, walk around me once."

"Master Huo?" Chen Kangjie put his hand off the doorknob and turned around again.

In Hong Kong, Mr. Huo's status is aloof. Regardless of the underworld, he has to give some face. Sometimes, Mr. Huo's face is better than the Governor of Hong Kong.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am Mr. Huo's subordinate, big brother... please save face!... Ouch!" Seeing Chen Kangjie stop, he felt that there was a glimmer of hope. When he got excited, he pulled the wound and it hurt so much shouted.

"Mr. Huo's face really has to be given. Since you mentioned him, then I will let him lead the people." Chen Kangjie naturally knew that Mr. Huo was the godfather of the underworld in Hong Kong, and also knew that he was the behind-the-scenes boss of the Justice Society. He took the initiative to mention that it is good to say hello, last time he killed Mr. Huang Weiming Huo without saying a word, if he didn't say hello again this time, it would be a bit unreasonable, a bit arrogant.

"Thank you, thank you...", the boa constrictor thanked in a loud voice.

"Brother Qiang, bring the phone, I'll give Mr. Huo a call." Chen Kangjie has dealt with Mr. Huo before, so naturally he has his phone number, and he remembers it in his mind after hearing it once.

Xiong Ziqiang took out his big brother from his pocket and handed it to Chen Kangjie.

After receiving it, Chen Kangjie dialed a few numbers "beep beep" and waited for the call to connect. This was the first time Chen Kangjie called his old man.

After the phone rang four times, it was connected.

"Hello, this is Huo Mansion." Chen Kangjie could hear the vicissitudes of life of the man who answered the phone.

"I'll find Mr. Huo," Chen Kangjie said directly.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie could really call Mr. Huo with just one phone call, the two of them were both happy and worried.The happy thing is that Chen Kangjie and Mr. Huo really seem to have friendship, so the possibility of letting them go is greatly increased. At the same time, this friendship also makes them worry that Mr. Huo will abandon them for the sake of friendship, and they can call directly to Huo's mansion , it means that the relationship is not shallow, in fact, they only met once.

"May I ask who are you? Mr. Huo is resting." The other party did not refuse, but he did not agree to call Mr. Huo to answer the phone for Chen Kangjie. This is the old way of dealing with things, and there is more than enough to advance or retreat. It mainly depends on the relationship between the other party and the importance of the matter. The extent is coming.

"You tell him that the python is in my hands. I was going to kill him, but he mentioned Mr. Huo and asked me to save face. No, I called." Chen Kangjie didn't say his identity first , but said things first.

"Brother, don't mess around, you can call and say, we thank you, but not everyone in the Justice Society can move casually." The other party's words sounded like a person in the world, and his words were soft belt hard.

"I'm not from the Jianghu, and I don't understand the rules of the Jianghu, but if I want to touch someone, no one can stop me." Chen Kangjie directly didn't follow the other party's thinking, and it can also be said that he played cards out of common sense.

"Are you threatening us?".

"I never threaten anyone. Since you don't want Mr. Huo to answer the phone, it means that the python is not necessary for you. Then I will solve it according to my idea. You can collect his body for him. Remember me I called, goodbye", Chen Kangjie didn't have that much mood to pester, since this guy hurt He Wanrong, he deserved to die, even if Mr. Huo really pursued it, he wasn't afraid.

"Hello...", the other party seemed to want to say something, but Chen Kangjie hung up the phone after saying "goodbye", leaving only the "beep beep" sound from the microphone.

"Brother, brother... Spare me, spare me! I'm not human..." They heard Chen Kangjie's conversation, and since Chen Kangjie said that, it means that the two of them have betrayed the death penalty and were scared Kneeling forward and shouting for mercy.

"It's not that I don't forgive you. You have heard that Mr. Huo doesn't plan to come to pick you up. I have already given the face. As a result, I can't help it. Brother Qiang, get ready to do it!".

The two took a few steps forward on their knees, but they were held down by Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui, unable to move at all.

Just as Xiong Ziqiang nodded, the mobile phone that Chen Kangjie had not returned to Xiong Ziqiang rang. Chen Kangjie picked it up and saw that it was the phone number of Huo Mansion that he dialed just now. After hesitating for a moment, Chen Kangjie still pressed the answer button.


"I don't know who called just now, such outrageous words," said a majestic and slightly old voice.

"So it's Mr. Huo, hello, I'm Xiaojie", Chen Kangjie heard the other party's voice, and since he heard it, the rules that the younger generation should abide by cannot be broken, anyway, he is older than himself Five and sixty years old.

"Xiaojie?... Excuse me, which Xiaojie is it?", Mr. Huo's hearing is not as sensitive as Chen Kangjie's, and Chen Kangjie's kind introduction to himself eased Mr. Huo's tone. A brief introduction to the word "Xiaojie".

"Mr. Huo is such a noble person. I saw you and Sir Li in Mr. Zheng's office that time. Mr. Zheng also gave me a so-called Yuzang sword. Mr. Huo, do you remember?" Chen Kangjie reminded for a moment.

"Hahaha, so it's you little guy, why? Came to Hong Kong?" Mr. Huo finally thought of Chen Kangjie, looking very happy.

"Yes, in Hong Kong".

"It's a bit wrong not to come to my old man when you come to Hong Kong!", Mr. Huo seemed to have forgotten the main purpose of Chen Kangjie calling him.

"I wanted to bother you, but it's just another little accident. I'm sorry to come."

"A small accident? Oh, you mean the python is in your hands?" Chen Kangjie's words brought Mr. Huo back to the business.

"Yeah, no, that's why I called to disturb your old man. I broke his hand. I wanted to kill him, but I didn't think it was appropriate not to say hello to you." Chen Kangjie said everything truthfully.

"I don't know how he offended you, Xiaojie?", Mr. Huo's tone was not as friendly as before. Chen Kangjie's words were too sharp, which made Mr. Huo, who has been in the world for decades, a little angry.

"Today my sister held a concert at the Hung Hom Stadium. I was happy to join in, but I didn't expect..." Chen Kangjie sat on the sofa and told the whole story.


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