rebirth of change

Chapter 631 Secretary Song

【】Have already greeted the head teacher of class 3 and [-] of senior high school, and Zhu Yan, who is waiting for Chen Kangjie and the others to sign up and shut them down, has not seen the two of them. After [-] minutes, he couldn't sit still. He stood up and walked to the window, just in time to see Chen Kangjie and the others walking on the edge of the football field, heading towards the outside of the school.

Standing at the window of the first grade office on the fourth floor of the main teaching building, Zhu Yan saw Chen Kangjie and Chen Jing leaving, with a complacent smile on his face, thinking: "Fight with me? Don't drive you out , you don’t know how many eyes the Eighth Prince has.”

Zhu Yan is very depressed today, but he is also very comfortable. At least it proves that those teachers are still selling his face. He also promised to do it, which means that even if he didn't pass Principal Gui, he still has a lot of prestige in the school.

However, just because he didn't greet Principal Gui in advance and acted on his own, he caused them a lot of trouble.

"Have you figured out a way?", walking out of the school gate, Chen Kangjie didn't say what he could do to allow himself to enter the school tomorrow, Chen Jing couldn't bear it anymore.

Chen Kangjie has been evaluating the methods he thought of while walking just now.

"I said if there is a way, there is a way, don't you believe me? Why don't you just go back first!".

"I'm going back? Then where are you going?" Chen Jing asked impatiently.

"Of course I'm going to find a way to implement this matter. If I don't go to work, how can you go to school tomorrow?" Chen Kangjie thought of a way that it was inconvenient to take Chen Jing with him, so he had to try to send her away.

"Then you have to tell me what the solution is, I think it's reliable or not." Chen Jing was still worried when encountering this kind of thing for the first time.

The tutoring of the Chen family is not strict, but it is not too loose. For the students, entering the school is a big deal. If they cannot enroll in the school, and do not report the situation to the family truthfully, if they find out later, they will definitely get rid of it. Can not be reprimanded fate.

"I can't tell you clearly now, you go back now, go back quickly", Chen Kangjie couldn't explain it, so he wanted to confuse the past.

"Hey, how can I know if you don't tell me? You are bullying me like this. Don't look at me as a senior, you have to figure it out. I am your sister." She had already been brooding about her for the first time, but now Chen Jing felt even more uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, I'm going to find someone for help, he knows the principal of No. [-] Middle School, I just go to him to say hello, this is what boys do, it's not good for you to follow", I have no choice but to , Chen Kangjie could only speak half-truths and half-falsely.

"Really?" Chen Jing still had some doubts.

"True, of course true, truer than Pearl, you didn't sign up, and I didn't sign up either, how can I secretly sign up and leave you behind?".

"Then when I get home, what should I say when my mother asks me?".

"Of course I have signed up, do I still need to ask, okay, that's it, don't waste time", Chen Kangjie finally said impatiently, meeting this sister has always given him a headache.

"Okay, then I'll go home first, if you can't figure it out, be careful", Chen Jing could only compromise, but before leaving, he didn't forget to raise his fist to threaten Chen Kangjie.

"I understand, I understand", Chen Kangjie could only nod with a wry smile and wave his hands.

After Chen Jing walked to Zhongshan Road to the right, Chen Kangjie walked to Jianshe Road directly opposite the gate of No. [-] Middle School, where his bodyguard car was parked.

Just as Chen Kangjie crossed the road, Xiong Ziqiang and Wang Wei followed.

"Master Jie, have you signed up?" Xiong Ziqiang asked beside Chen Kangjie.

"Based on the situation just now, do you think I can register? It's not like you didn't see it just now." Chen Kangjie put his hand on the car door, opened the door and sat in after speaking.

Today Xiong Ziqiang and Wang Wei pretended to be the parents of other students and followed Chen Kangjie into the No. Besides, I felt that Chen Kangjie would have no problem dealing with it alone, so he didn't make a move.

Xiong Ziqiang opened the door on the other side and got in, and Wang Wei got into another Santana at the back.

"Then what should we do? Is that guy really doing this?" Xiong Ziqiang didn't expect that with Chen Kangjie's momentum and intelligence, he would really run into a wall.

That was mainly because Chen Kangjie and Chen Jing didn't want to reveal their identities as the mayor's children. This was Chen Qigang's request, and of course, it was also Chen Kangjie's need. He didn't want to receive extra preferential treatment in school because of his father.

"What do you think, what else can I do? Of course I need help, I can't kill that two hundred and five, right?" Chen Kangjie took off his coat and leaned on the back seat.

"Then who are you going to find? Secretary Luo?" Xiong Ziqiang knew about the relationship between Chen Kangjie and Luo Zirong. If he couldn't find Chen Qigang directly, then Xiong Ziqiang guessed that he should be looking for Luo Zirong.

Luo Zirong is still the deputy secretary of the District Party Committee of Shuishan Special Zone. They are next to each other, so the leadership of Shuishan Special Zone is still very influential in the city.

"I want to look for him, but it's not enough to just look for him, take the phone, I'll call ** Fei", Chen Kangjie stretched out his right hand to Xiong Ziqiang.

The ** Fei that Chen Kangjie was talking about was the secretary that Chen Qigang had just arranged for Chen Qigang from the municipal government office. Xinchang, a remote township, served as the deputy secretary of the township party committee and concurrently as the head of the township.

During this period of time, flying in ** was the most pleasant. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Capital University. When he came back with the passion of returning to his hometown, he gave up the opportunity to work in the capital. He thought that with his brand of Capital University, he would Will be reused, but imagination is always far from reality.

As the first public official in a city-level agency who graduated from Capital University, the first university in China, he was indeed valued by various parties at the beginning. However, because he was too straightforward, or dull, he was gradually led by the leadership. They are alienated, and his colleagues are a bit displeased with his seriousness, and the relationship with him is estranged.

At first, ** Fei joined the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, then he was transferred to the general department, and later, he went directly to the confidential department where the reputation and luxuries were not obvious. The family thought that he would be very successful after graduating from a prestigious university. As a result, six or seven years have passed, and he has not been mixed up with any official position, and the views of his fellow villagers have changed from pride to mediocrity. They can't help him with anything, and even marrying a wife is a matter of worry and concern at home. Under urging, I chose an elementary school teacher from an average family background, but fortunately, both of them have relatively gentle personalities, and their married life is not so-so.

After being silent for several years, ** Fei didn't expect good luck to come to him in a muddle-headed way.

Before Chen Kangjie went to Hong Kong, one day Chen Qigang came back to read a lot of personal resumes. At that time, Chen Kangjie was talking with him about his going to Hong Kong. When he learned that he was the secretary recommended by the director of the city government office, Chen Kangjie looked through it by the way.

Under normal circumstances, the director of the office will only provide three or four candidates for the mayor's reference, but in order to expand the selection, Chen Qigang asked for 12 candidates, with a college degree, around 30 years old, and working in the government for more than three years. That's it,** Fei was able to enter the shortlist, but his resume was pushed to the bottom.

When Chen Kangjie saw this resume, he changed three departments in a few years, but his grade was not improved. He was still a top student at Capital University. He thought this person was very interesting, so he casually recommended him to his father. He never thought that Chen Qigang would really choose him later. .

The position of secretary is actually not high, but it is very special, especially the secretary of the first and second in command in the city, that is a role that many department-level cadres have to get close to when they see it. The little clerk who was treated coldly by everyone suddenly turned into a hot and popular mayor's secretary. The biggest change is that others' attitude towards him has taken a 180-degree turn.

Colleagues who used to be indifferent to him are now very warm to him, and leaders who used to ignore him are now very concerned about him. If nothing else, he was identified only because of the unresolved housing problem. The day after he was Chen Qigang's secretary, the director of the city government office immediately resolved it for him.

It stands to reason that the director of the office is actually the leader of ** Fei, but when it comes to the relationship with the mayor in the future, as long as he is not dismissed by Chen Qigang, he will definitely be better than the director of the office. After all, they get along day and night, and, in terms of general practice , as long as you don’t make mistakes after flying, you will definitely be able to take up the leadership position. This is the normal state in the system. Whether it is promotion or transfer, the leaders will arrange for their secretary’s way out. Moreover, the higher the leadership position, The career of the previous secretaries will become better. These secretaries are the most trusted people, and they are cadres who have experienced their own abuse. Their ideas and ways of doing things are closest to their own, so they are the most reassuring to use.

The way Chen Kangjie came up with was to let ** Fei go out and help him, and now it was his turn to help him. Another purpose was that Chen Kangjie also wanted to test ** Fei's way of doing things.

Chen Kangjie directly called the city government office. ** Fei didn't have a mobile phone yet, and he didn't have an independent office yet. There was only one bb machine. Chen Kangjie didn't want to call the city government office. For unfamiliar numbers, the mayor's secretary might not answer.

The phone was connected, but it was answered by a lesbian, "Hi, hello, who are you calling?"

"I'll find ** Fei, is he there?" Chen Kangjie said directly by name.

"Oh, may I ask who you are?" The other party interrogated Chen Kangjie's identity.

"I'm his friend, is he there? Just tell him to answer the phone if he's not there." Chen Kangjie felt that this woman was very gossip and long-winded, so he said angrily.

If it was changed to before, the other party might choose to hang up the phone immediately after hearing Chen Kangjie's tone, but now they won't.

The other party hesitated for a moment, and then Chen Kangjie heard a high-pitched voice, "Secret Song, I have your call, please come and answer it, I'll hold it for you."~

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