"Hello, who is it?" Xie Fei thanked the woman who answered the phone for him, and took the phone. 【*】

"Brother Song, it's me, Xiaojie."

"Xiaojie?", ** Fei was a little dazed for a moment and didn't think about it, but he quickly reacted, and his tone was very friendly, "Oh, Xiaojie, where are you?".

"I'm at the gate of No. [-] High School. I have something to ask for your help." Chen Kangjie's tone was very flat, not like he was really begging for help.

That's right, there are not many people in this world who can really afford Chen Kangjie's sincere begging.

"Help? Xiaojie, it's not right for you to say that. Isn't your business the business of Brother Song? Tell me! Is there anything I can help you with?" No matter how rigid he was, by pretending to criticize, he suddenly brought his relationship with Chen Kangjie a lot closer.

** Fei is very clear that his influence and power come from the mayor Chen Qigang, and as Chen Qigang's youngest son, how could ** Fei not do his best?

Moreover, it is a good thing for the Chen family to find themselves when they encounter problems. As a secretary, not only should they handle the working relationship with the leader, but also handle the personal relationship well. Success is not far away.

"Then I'll thank you in advance, but it's hard to say on the phone. Do you have time now? Come out and talk, and I'll tell you what's going on." Chen Kangjie is not a real kid, of course he knows what **Fei means, so You're welcome.

"Well, it might not work right now. Mayor Chen is going to hold a meeting on finance and taxation soon. I have to prepare materials. So, can you see it during the lunch break?" Mayor Chen is going to the meeting, Of course, Secretary Song had to make preparations and accompany him, and only had some time at noon.

In 1994, my country's economic system reform entered a new stage under the guidance of the central government's strategic deployment of "comprehensive advancement and key breakthroughs". The reform of the fiscal and taxation system acted as the vanguard of the reform. , local tax, central and local shared tax, established two sets of tax management systems, central and local, and separately set up two sets of central and local taxation agencies to collect and manage them separately; tax rebate and transfer payment system, etc.Successfully realized the division of tax types, tax powers, and tax management between the central government and local governments, and implemented fiscal "separate cooking".

On this critical point, the local government must sort out and become familiar with the new distribution rules as soon as possible. Chen Qigang and He Baoguo are basically focusing on this matter during this period.All major taxes have been assigned to the central government, and the financial capacity of the local government has been greatly weakened. This requires the local government to have a set of countermeasures, especially to find ways to increase local fiscal revenue. The economic development of a region cannot be achieved without the government's financial strength. of.

The remarkable feature of this reform is that after the local power is weakened, it can only increase its dependence on the central government. Moreover, with the advancement of the housing reform, most local governments gradually use the means of increasing financial resources to real estate, which makes the following several Over the years, house prices have risen sharply and are getting higher and higher.

Chen Kangjie is of course opposed to this approach. The way to fundamentally increase financial resources is to rely on economic development, industrial development, and the gdp and tax revenue obtained by relying on housing prices. In fact, it is weakening the happiness index of the common people. The number has increased, but the common people do not He didn't get much benefits, and even caused harm in turn. Chen Kangjie, who has experienced the later history, knows that the real estate market in the United States' subprime mortgage crisis is indispensable.

"Okay then, you work first, and when you're done, just give me a call." Chen Kangjie couldn't delay his father's major events for his own trivial matters.

After hanging up with ** Fei, Chen Kangjie dialed another number, this time he really called Luo Zirong.

"Secretary Luo, I'm busy with work. I thought I might not be able to find you if I called the office." When the call was connected, Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"Xiaojie, don't make fun of me. I've been handing over recently. What's so busy!" Luo Zirong spoke very casually because he was very close to Chen Kangjie.

"Do you want me to see you off?"

"Seeing you off? You should be welcome. That's your hometown, the place where Mayor Chen and Secretary He fought." Because he was talking to Chen Kangjie, Luo Zirong "unruly" put Mayor Chen in front .

"Then since you're not busy, why don't you come out to have a meal and do me a little favor?" Chen Kangjie was not polite at all.

"Okay, no problem, where are you, I'll pick you up."

"I'm at the entrance of No. [-] Middle School, at the intersection of Kangle Road and Jianshe Road. You don't need to pick it up. You can find a quieter place and I'll come over. You are a landlord and are more familiar than me," Chen Kangjie directly ordered.

"Well, if this is the case, then let's go to Yaoshang Reservoir. There is a Ziyun restaurant next to the dam. The environment is not bad, and few people usually go there. Does your driver know the way?" Luo Zirong thought, if Chen Kangjie's driver If he doesn't know the way, then he will pick up Chen Kangjie.

"No problem, I know, see you later."

Yaoshang Reservoir is the main source of drinking water in the urban area. It is located in the northern suburbs of the city, separated from the urban area by a mountain. Does Chen Kangjie’s driver, Qian Degui, know where it is? Chen Kangjie does not, but Chen Kangjie does. been there.

Half an hour later, under Chen Kangjie's guidance, Qian Degui drove the car to the entrance of Ziyun restaurant next to the reservoir, and Luo Zirong was already standing on the steps to greet him.

"Mr. Jie, isn't today the start of school? Why are you so leisurely?" Luo Zirong opened the car door for Chen Kangjie and asked with a smile.

"Don't mention it, because of this, No. [-] High School didn't even sign up for me and my sister, hehe." Chen Kangjie got out of the car, and Luo Zirong helped him close the car door.

Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui got off from the other side of the car, and Dong Mingshu, Tan Jun, and Wang Wei got off the other car on the side of the road.

"I won't sign up for you? It's unreasonable. It's against the sky. Master Jie, just wait. I'll help you deal with it. I'll make two phone calls and it will be done in 10 minutes." Hearing that Chen Kangjie couldn't sign up, Luo Zirong was so angry Thirty feet tall, on the one hand, it is to express itself, on the other hand, it is really angry.

"Come on, if that's the case, what am I doing here? I don't want everyone to know that I'm the mayor's son. Besides, you're going to be the head of the government elsewhere. Why do you do so much at this time? ?" Chen Kangjie reached out to stop Luo Zirong who was about to make a call.

At such a time, Chen Kangjie was still able to consider issues from his own point of view, which moved Luo Zirong very much.

"Young Master Jie, let's forget it then?" Luo Zirong was still a little unwilling.

"How is that possible? Don't tell me I don't study anymore?" After speaking, Chen Kangjie raised his left hand to look at his watch, "It's only a quarter past ten, and it's still early. Let's go fishing. A friend will come later. ".

"That's fine, they have fishing rods, Master Jie, just wait, I'll get them." It seems that Secretary Luo often frequents this Ziyun restaurant, and he even knows that they have fishing rods.

In less than 3 minutes, Luo Zirong took two retractable fishing rods from the restaurant, and handed a silver one to Chen Kangjie, and he kept the black one for himself. Besides the fishing rods, he also took a small red bucket and some baits.

Take the guy with you, and the two went fishing by the water. Not far from the restaurant, there is a sun umbrella with advertisements, and there are small chairs under the umbrella. Some elegant diners will choose to have ample time When they came here to throw a few shots and try their luck, Chen Kangjie and the others used this place as a fishing battlefield. As for Xiong Ziqiang and the others, they scattered around to experience the scenery of lakes and mountains in early autumn.

"Jie Shao, you said just now that someone is coming, who is it?".

"You'll know when you come here, you should know each other, hey, the buoy moved, and the fish took the bait." Chen Kangjie quickly reached out and pulled up the fishing rod.

However, Chen Kangjie was not good at fishing in his previous life, and he has not made much progress in this life. The blame for this shot is that his speed is too fast. He unhooked and fled.

"Hey, since I successfully fished with the old man that time, I haven't caught any fish." Chen Kangjie put away the fishing line in frustration, and planned to put the bait on the hook again.

Luo Zirong didn't know that the old man Chen Kangjie was talking about was the old chief, "You may rarely fish, otherwise, according to your temperament, you should be a good fisherman, but sometimes fishing is also very boring."

Chen Kangjie and Luo Zirong fished by the lake for an hour and a half, and the waiter at the restaurant brought drinks on the way. As a result, after Chen Kangjie's patient waiting and unremitting efforts, he still caught two fish, one for two taels and one for three taels. Luo Zirong didn't know whether it was intentional or just average skill, but he only caught three fish.

Big Brother rang in Xiong Ziqiang's hand. After he picked it up, he brought it to Chen Kangjie.

"Brother Song, are you done with your work?" Chen Kangjie knew that it was ** Fei who called.

"Yes, Mayor Chen just went home. I have two hours. Xiaojie, where are you now? I'll be right over."

"Then you can take a taxi to Ziyun Restaurant in Yaoshang Reservoir. I just caught a fish. Please try it."

After Chen Kangjie and the others packed up their tools and trophies and returned to Ziyun Restaurant, and chatted with the restaurant manager who rushed over for a while, ** Fei arrived in a Fukang taxi.

"Just now Xiaojie said that a friend would come, I never thought it would be Secretary Song, hehe", ** Fei had been Chen Qigang's secretary for a short time, and had dealt with Luo Zirong before, but he did Unexpectedly, it was ** Fei who was called by Chen Kangjie.

"Secretary Luo is here too. I came right after I sent Mayor Chen home, Xiaojie, what you said this morning...".

"Let's talk slowly after dinner. Secretary Luo and I caught five fish, three were braised in soy sauce, and two were made into soup." ~

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