Under the attentive guidance of the restaurant manager, Chen Kangjie and the others entered a box with a window facing the lake and sat down. 【 】

"Manager Luo, go get busy. If there is anything we need, we will call you again, and we will serve you the dishes we just ordered." After the three of them sat down, the fat manager with his hair combed smoothly poured a cup of Tieguanyin for the three of them. After tea, Luo Zirong sent him away.

"Secretary Luo, are you relative?" Chen Kangjie asked casually when he heard that the manager's surname was also Luo and he seemed to be familiar with Luo Zirong.

"I can't talk about any relatives, just my own family. I helped out when I was in a little trouble before, so I always call me big brother." Since Chen Kangjie was introduced here, Luo Zirong has nothing to shy away from, let's be honest.


"Master Jie, Secretary Song, if you want to choose a quiet place to eat in the future, you can come here. He will do a good job of serving you, and it's free of charge," Luo Zirong recommended in a timely manner.

"Secretary Luo, I never eat Bawang's meals, and I don't want to bring burdens to others' small businesses, but the environment in this place is really good." Chen Kangjie always pays for the dinners in the tourist hotels he invests in, let alone for other people's business.

This restaurant has two floors and more than a dozen private rooms. In the eyes of ordinary people, the business is not small, but for Chen Kangjie, it is indeed a small business. Moreover, Chen Kangjie opposes the kind of government officials who use their power to impose demands on companies. , Increase the cost and burden of the enterprise, and most importantly, this method will destroy the normal social order, corrupt the social atmosphere, and bring many rent-seeking temptations.

It can be said that it is not a big deal for government officials to eat and drink in hotels or restaurants, but the destructive influence emanating from this will affect all aspects of society.

"Secretary Luo, I will come to cheer, but I am the same as Master Jie, and I will pay the bill according to the facts, but my salary can't come a few times a month, hehe." When Luo Zirong, who is about to be in charge, called Chen Kang Jie Shao , ** Fei also called that, which shows that he has a good learning ability.

Since Chen Kangjie was not willing to take advantage of this kind of advantage, of course he would not take advantage of it. In the end, he said that sentence jokingly, just to highlight his honesty and cleanliness.He has been with Chen Qigang for a month or two, and he understands that Chen Qigang is very careful in this regard. He does not accept tobacco, alcohol and tea. Except for normal inspections and receptions, he eats at home, and he eats at home at other times. Eating in restaurants outside is also paid out of his own pocket, so he expressed his style to Chen Kangjie, hoping that Chen Kangjie would pass it on to Chen Qigang.

Of course, ** Fei also knows that the Chen family is not short of money, and the children are all in business. It is impossible for Chen Qigang to fancy those small expenses, but as a secretary, he must closely follow the style of the leader, otherwise he will not be able to get on the road. Far.

"Didn't you make me... so let's do it, why did you make me look like a corrupt official, haha", Luo Zirong was a little embarrassed by the two of them, and said with an embarrassed smile.

"Secretary Luo, or call you District Chief Luo in advance. I think you know the difference between township and county posts. When you're down there, it's okay to eat and drink. To be honest, it's a sesame mung bean official, not much. People care, but it’s different when you go to the top. In addition to being able to make political achievements, you must also pay great attention to personal behavior and style. It’s not a high-ranking post, but at least one’s heart must be high, one’s vision must be broad, one’s vision must be far-sighted, and one’s heart is open and upright. Only in this way can a middle-level cadre become a senior cadre. A real politician It is necessary to keep in mind the purpose of "serving the people" mentioned by the chairman. The common people will cherish the memory of Premier Zhou from the bottom of their hearts. This is the reason. Otherwise, they will be nothing more than a politician. Poor people", Chen Kangjie did not respond to Luo Zirong with a smile, but said seriously.

Luo Zirong was the first official recommended by Chen Kangjie. He didn't want such a person to deteriorate, and what he said could be regarded as telling ** Fei, because the secretary's bad deeds would often be counted on the leader's head. Get vaccinated.

"Jie Shao, I understand, I understand, I will not let you down," Luo Zirong nodded solemnly.

"After you go to the six, you must combine the actual situation of the local area, the needs and wishes of the masses, and do a good job in the development work in a down-to-earth manner. As far as the city and even the province are concerned, the development foundation there is the best. , maybe only the high-tech city in the provincial capital can surpass it. With such a foundation, you can do a lot of work. You can do a good job of urban planning for the next ten or twenty years on the basis of the previous ones, the transformation of the old city, Rural infrastructure construction, improvement of rural education level, health level, etc. Now that the fiscal and taxation system has been reformed, other places will have a great impact, but as far as our city and the six cities are concerned, the impact will be much weaker. Many large-scale projects have been launched this year, some have already seen benefits, and some are about to be put into operation. Driven by small loan companies, the individual economy is developing rapidly. These can increase local income to a certain extent. Take advantage of the opportunity, maybe Because that is my hometown, I don't want you to mess around there." Chen Kangjie's words can easily give people the illusion.

Fei Fei, who had been listening quietly by the side, had this illusion. He found it strange that Chen Kangjie was like a secretary of the municipal party committee talking to district and county leaders, talking about precautions and work arrangements.This made him discover Chen Kangjie's political analysis ability for the first time, and at the same time, Lu Fei secretly said: "My son can do this, no wonder I can climb from the township mayor to the mayor of the main hall in just a few years, what a tiger father has no dog son ".

"Don't worry, I will always uphold the thinking and style of Mayor Chen and Secretary He when they were in charge of the six parties, do things in a down-to-earth manner, be a clean person, strengthen my studies, and strive to build a solid foundation under their two old leaders in a few years. On the basis of reaching a new level," Luo Zirong patted his chest and assured, he also knew that he could climb so fast, Chen Kangjie had a lot of strength, and Chen Kangjie's wisdom was obvious to all, so Luo Zirong was very used to seeing Chen Kangjie as a peer , and even with some humility.

At this time, Manager Luo led the waiter to bring up the dishes one after another, braised fish in brown sauce, boiled fish in light water, fish-flavored eggplant, spicy chicken, fried grasshopper, braised lamb in red, plus a wild celery sauerkraut, three people, seven The dishes are not too extravagant nor shabby.

"I'll try the fish I caught myself first." Chen Kangjie pulled out his chopsticks bluntly, picked up a piece of fish belly and put it in his mouth, "Well, it tastes good. I like to put fish parsley in it when I eat fish, which makes it more fresh ".

Chen Kangjie moved his chopsticks, and Luo Zirong and ** Fei didn't have anything to do with politeness. They ate along, praising the fish as good, but they didn't say that the fish was good. Everyone could tell that Chen Kangjie didn't like flattery, so the "Jie It’s not common to catch less fish.” Needless to say such disgusting words.

Since it was lunch and Chen Kangjie was there, no one drank any alcohol and mainly ate vegetables and fish soup.

"Jie Shao, you said you have something to do in the morning, what is it?", ** Fei picked up a piece of mutton and put it in the small bowl in front of him, not in a hurry to eat, but raised his head and asked Chen Kangjie.

"Hey, let me tell you, it's like this, Mr. Jie went to sign up at No. [-] Middle School this morning, and it turned out..." Luo Zirong, who knew what happened in advance, was the first to do it for him, "That's how it happened, originally I wanted to call Done, but Master Jie will wait for you to do it."

"This is too nonsense." After hearing Luo Zirong's words, ** suddenly said a word.

He didn't express his opinion in a hurry. He now knew that Chen Kangjie's purpose was not as simple as just entering the school. Fortunately, there is still a lesson for that so-called bullshit teaching director, and Mayor Chen can't let Mayor know about this, so ** Fei has to be careful.

"Brother Song, don't stop chopsticks and think while eating. It's not a big deal. I believe you have a good way." Chen Kangjie greeted Fei Fei like a landlord, and letting Buddha go is not his business.

"Yeah, eat," ** Fei rolled his eyes and picked up the chopsticks, but his movements were still a little slow. There was only one thing in his mind, how to help Chen Kangjie handle this matter satisfactorily.

"Jie Shao, why don't you just treat me as a relative." Halfway through the meal, ** Fei should have thought of a way.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a relative or a friend, as long as it can be settled," Chen Kangjie said with his hands on his lips.

"Secretary Song, if there is any good way, tell me," Luo Zirong interjected.

"It's not a good solution, but it should be solved. I met Gui Mingming from No. [-] Middle School when Mayor Chen held the city's education conference. He even took the initiative to approach me. I can go to him and say Master Jie. They are my relatives, he should give this face, when the time comes, I will speak more emphatically, I believe that Director Zhu will not have a good life, but if this is the case, I will be a little wronged to miss you",** Fei put down his chopsticks and said his way.

"Hehe, what's wrong with you? It's good to be your relative, so I'll trouble you to make a trip then."

After lunch, there was still a little time. ** Feifei was going to find Gui Mingming immediately. In order not to delay his time, Chen Kangjie asked Qian Degui, who was having dinner downstairs, to drive him to the gate of No. [-] Middle School.

On the first day of school, Principal Gui will definitely be in the school, there is a lot of work to do, ** Fei is lucky, he went directly to the principal's office to find Principal Gui who just came back from dinner.

Principal Gui was very happy to see the secretary of the mayor came to look for him, and warmly greeted ** Fei to sit down and pour tea himself, "Secretary Song, what's the matter, can't you just make a phone call? Why do you need me in person?" Take a trip?"


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