rebirth of change

Chapter 634 No file

Today is the first day of school, Gui Mingming thought that ** Fei must have a friend's child who will be sent to the third middle school, so he would not think of anything else when he found himself. 【 】

"Principal Gui, I can't help it, I have to come." ** Feifei made a embarrassed look.

"Secretary Song, what can I do for you? Tell me directly. I will never fall asleep. You are following Mayor Chen. Work is very busy," Gui Mingming said cheerfully.

"Then I'll make a long story short. In the afternoon, I will go to the suburbs with Mayor Chen for research."

"Okay", Gui Mingming took out his notebook, intending to record what ** said. In fact, he could remember it, so it just showed that he valued it.

"The thing is like this. I have two relatives who transferred from No. [-] to No. [-] Middle School. One is in Class [-], Class [-], and the other is in Class [-], Class [-], Senior. I refused for no reason, I came here to find out the situation and see if the third middle school has revised the management regulations?", ** Fei said simply, neither yin nor yang, neither serious nor serious.

"Is there such a thing? I haven't received a report, and I haven't issued a document refusing any student registration." Gui Mingming made Zhang Er puzzled.

"I heard that it was a decision made by a leader of your school named Zhu. The party secretary of your school is named Zhu?" ** Fei deliberately ran on.

"No, none of our school secretary or vice principal has the surname Zhu." Gui Mingming became even more confused.

"Principal Gui, I'm not talking about you, my brother. The management of your school is really... It's hard to say. The education work conference in our city has just been held. Originally, Mayor Chen said two days ago that he would come to the third middle school to see it." look,......".

"Secretary Song, Mayor Chen really said that he would come to the Third Middle School for inspection?" Gui Mingming suddenly became very excited.

"Yes, but the management of the third middle school is so chaotic, Principal Gui, do you think it is appropriate? How about this, I will trouble you with the matter of my two relatives, I have to hurry back," said ** Fly stood up.

"Secretary Song, don't worry, I promise it will be done in the afternoon. That Mayor Chen just came to work in the city and is not familiar with some situations. I hope Secretary Song can help to talk about it. We will definitely rectify what needs to be rectified." ** Fei's attitude is very respectful and humble, let's not care whether what ** Fei said is true or not, if ** Fei speaks bad things about himself in front of the mayor from time to time, then his future may not be good, even the Director of Education They have to have a relationship with **, not to mention a little principal like him.

"Thank you in advance, Principal Gui, please be busy, I will go back."

"Secretary Song, you are welcome to come to guide our work. Today you are going to accompany Mayor Chen to inspect, so I won't keep you. I will treat you to dinner to make amends some other day."

"Principal Gui, you're welcome. See you later." After casually leaving a word, ** Fei looked at his watch and went downstairs quickly. He didn't have much time.

After the ** flew away, Gui Mingming's face became ugly. Now he wants to find out who did such a thing behind his back, and let him take the blame for no reason.Offend.

Don't look at ** Fei didn't say anything plain, but he went there in person is enough to explain the problem, and he didn't hurt to say that the management of the third middle school is chaotic, which is a shame to throw home.

When he returned to the office, he picked up the phone and started to make a call. His method was that he only needed to call the head teachers of Class [-], Class [-], Class [-] and Class [-], Senior [-] to ask, and he would be able to find out what was going on.

After Zhang Jia and Gao Xuemei, the head teacher of Class One and Three, were called to the principal's office, they didn't even know what was going on.

"Principal Gui, why did you ask us to come?" Gao Xuemei's husband is Gui Mingming, a classmate, and she has a good relationship with Principal Gui, so he asked the question.

"Did you not enroll a student today?" Gui Mingming asked coldly.

"What's wrong?" Gao Xuemei noticed that Gui Mingming's expression changed, and she became nervous.

"Is there any?" Gui Mingming was still holding back.

"I don't have any in that class." The clever Gao Xuemei found out that something was wrong, so she avoided the serious ones and took the lightest ones. It can also be said that she was seeking truth from facts. Chen Kangjie didn't even go to the first and third classes of senior high school to sign up and turned back.

"The dean Zhu Yan went to my office this morning to prevent me from enrolling a student surnamed Chen," Zhang Jia said truthfully, and in his words, he shifted the responsibility to Zhu Yan in a disguised form. Not really dumb either.

"Pa", Gui Mingming slammed on the desk vigorously in a circle, and swung out all the tea that I had just arrived for ** Fei but he didn't drink. The two people sitting opposite were shocked, and habitually Bomb stood up.

"Playing the piano randomly, what happened? Ah? Did I allow it? Do you still see me as the principal? Lawless!" Gui Mingming roared like a lion.

Even if you are an idiot now, you know that today you met a tough boss, especially Zhang Jia. In the end, she gave Chen Kangjie and the others an idea to ask their parents to settle the matter. Come to the door.

Zhang Jia and Gao Xuemei stood in front of Gui Mingming calmly and did not dare to speak. At this moment, Gui Mingming's expression was ferocious, and it was probably useless to say anything, so let's wait for him to calm down.

"Why don't you talk? Are you dumb?" Gui Mingming's words were still unpleasant, but his tone was calmer.

"Principal Gui, that student didn't sign up with me at all." Gao Xuemei cunningly tried to untangle herself.

"Did Zhu Yan say hello to you? Did you agree?".

"This...he visited my office in the morning, and I agreed," Gao Xuemei lowered her head and replied like a mosquito.

"He was rejected downstairs, will he come up again? Besides, you agreed, so you rejected him when you come up? Let me tell you, go back and reflect on me, and deduct your three-month bonus. I don't want to Seeing this kind of thing, you have to understand that I am the principal of No. [-] Middle School.” After being furious, Gui Mingming’s punishment was decided to be neither light nor severe. Perhaps what he was really angry about was that his authority as the principal had been tarnished and belittled.

"Oh, I see, um!", the two homeroom teachers who had been unfairly wronged dared to say no now, and replied with their heads down.

"Get out!".

After criticizing the head teachers of the two accomplices, it was time for Gui Mingming to find trouble with the master. He made a phone call to the teaching office, but no one answered the phone for a long time.

Gui Mingming, who was still angry, simply hung up the phone and went directly to the teaching office to find Zhu Yan.When Gui Mingming walked to the teaching office, Zhu Yan happened to open the door one step ahead of time and walked into his office.

"Ah, Principal Gui, you are here, sit down quickly, just call me if you have any work instructions." Zhu Yan didn't know that he was in trouble, so he was very attentive to Gui Mingming.

"Director Zhu, have you been busy with work these two days?" Gui Mingming teased.

"Hey, I'm not busy. What are you busy with? It's my job to assist the principal in managing the behavior of the students," Zhu Yan said modestly.

"Oh, you still know your duty?" Gui Mingming said in a strange way.

Now that Zhu Yan could hear something was wrong, his heart tightened, and he quickly asked, "Principal Gui, is there something wrong with my work? If there is, please criticize and correct me. I will accept and correct it humbly." .

"How dare I, you are giving orders instead of me now, the teachers are listening to you, even expelling students is a matter of your words, it seems that I don't have to do it, everyone will call you Principal Zhu", Gui Mingming's voice raised a few degrees.

After hearing Gui Mingming's words, Zhu Yan slapped his head, and finally remembered what caused it, "Principal, I was going to report to you this morning, but I didn't see you in your office. Dear you, those two students fell in love, hugged each other before entering school, I criticized a few words, but even hit me, such a student... I am already me...".

"What's wrong with you? You've only been the principal once? Expelled students? What's wrong with the cuddles of young people? You have something wrong with your eyes, right? Mayor Chen's secretary has found me just now!", Gui Mingming said a series of words He kept his mouth shut against Zhu Yan, his face was like dried pork liver.

"Principal, I...".

"Don't leave me alone, you should suspend your job first and reflect on it, as for how to deal with it later, it will be decided after the school affairs meeting." After leaving a sentence, Gui Mingming turned and left.

Going back to his principal's office and sitting for a while, Gui Mingming slowly recalled the plot, and always felt that something was wrong. There were about a dozen children of the deputy department leaders who were studying in No. [-] Middle School. Even if they made a mistake, at most it was just a punishment. Those parents and the secretary had never been to the school, and the most they could do was a call from the secretary, but today Secretary Song came in person.

Although Secretary Song's rank is very low, the influence of many deputy mayors is not as good as him, because Mayor Chen is different from the previous second-in-command. It is said that he has a very good relationship with Secretary He. The city meets to make decisions. Mayor Chen Secretary He unconditionally supports the mayor's proposal, and Mayor Chen also unconditionally implements Secretary He's proposal. With such a strong mayor, who is integrated with the secretary of the municipal party committee, who is not afraid of the people below?The combination of the two can bring down any official in the city.

Thinking of this, Principal Gui was a little worried. He got up and went to the two class teachers. After asking the names of the two students, he went to the Academic Affairs Office to check the files. What he didn't expect was that there were no files in the Academic Affairs Office, only two names. Li Du, director of the Academic Affairs Office, said that the Education Bureau only sent two names, and there were no files, and the Education Bureau did not say why.

This kind of abnormality made Gui Mingming even more anxious. It stands to reason that the files should be in the school. At most, the Education Bureau only has the drafts. The files of the children of the former deputy mayors are all in the school. Why is this? Will the files of the two be transferred?Strange, very strange.This kind of thing has never happened before. ~

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