rebirth of change

Chapter 635 The official word is two mouths

Because there is no precedent for this matter, Gui Mingming certainly can't figure out the reason. 【*】It is reasonable to say that the Education Bureau did not send the files. There must be a legitimate reason. The school does not need to ask any more questions. It only needs to create a file of their situation after entering the school. As the saying goes, it is better to do more One less thing.

But Gui Mingming didn't think so. He felt that if there were unknown people in the school he managed, it would be very dangerous, and it would be very dangerous to him, just like the children of the city leaders, if they didn't know In terms of status, you can’t tell which god you will offend. The principal of No. [-] Middle School is the most difficult, but it is also the most promising of all middle schools, because you can get in touch with many big figures that other high school principals can’t reach, and fight for resources. It is also the easiest to get approved.

Gui Mingming was able to become the principal of No. [-] Middle School when he was in his forties. Naturally, he had his own relationship. The director of the Education Bureau and him were relatives, so he picked up the phone and called his relative directly.

"Xiaogui, what can I do if you call me?"

"Director Wang, I want to ask you something."

"Okay, just tell me, I will report to Deputy Mayor Peng later."

"Okay, that's how it is. Two students were transferred from our school this year, but there is no file transferred from the Education Bureau. What's going on?" Since the bureau time is very tight, Gui Mingming didn't delay. Asked straight to the point.

"Is the surname of the two students you mentioned Chen?" Director Wang asked intently.

"Yes, yes, the surname is Chen, Bureau Wang, you have to reveal some information to me, otherwise it will be difficult for me to work."

"Tell me, is something wrong?" Director Wang's worry could be heard in the words.

"Nothing serious happened, it's just that these two students came to sign up in the morning, there was a little misunderstanding, and the dean stopped them from signing up...".

Before Gui Mingming finished speaking, Director Wang's voice raised an octave, "Confused, who is the principal? This is not a big deal? Xiao Gui, if you really can't be the principal, tell me earlier, I'll find someone Do it, don't hurt me."

"Director Wang, don't be angry, don't be angry first, I know that I didn't do my job well, I will review it. Mayor Chen's secretary came this morning, and I have already dealt with this matter. I should be punished and criticized. Criticized, those two students have automatically signed up, as long as they come to the school, they can take classes."

"Secretary Song has been to No. [-] Middle School? What did he say?" Director Wang didn't expect Mayor Chen's secretary to go to the school, and his heart went up.

"Well, he said that they were his relatives, and he was asking the teacher for his crimes. He criticized me a few words, and that's why I called you to ask about the situation," Gui Mingming said frightened.

"Oh, then when you're done, you should call him back and report. You won't say you didn't do it, will you?".

"That's not there yet. He accompanied Mayor Chen to the suburbs for inspection. I just need to call you first, and I'll reply to him later."

"Well, Xiaogui, what you are doing now is administrative work, and you are the top leader of the school. Many things must be sensitive and skillful, and you will gradually understand," Director Wang said to his relative.

"Thank you, thank you Director Wang, I will, and I will learn more from you." Although he is a relative, Gui Mingming still has to pay attention to his attitude in the officialdom.

"As for the file you mentioned, don't worry about it. Just do your job well and take special care of those two students. Don't let any more accidents happen," Director Wang said earnestly.

"Cousin, tell me a little bit about what you know, otherwise I don't know what to do, and I won't talk nonsense anyway." Although Director Wang has already mentioned something, but the more you don't know, the more you want to know. Eyebrows, Gui Mingming's heart is always itchy and uncomfortable, and only by knowing some news can he grasp the scale of that special care.

"You wait, I'll close the door." After hesitating for a while, Director Wang still understood Gui Mingming's difficulties, stood up and closed the open office door tightly, "The Education Bureau only has one copy of their files. The complete one is called Chen Jing. Secretary He told him not to send it to the school. Chen Jing’s father is the mayor Chen on the file. As for the other file, it’s very simple, only the date of birth, name, and academic performance, etc. Basic information, everything else is blank. According to my speculation, there should be a detailed and complete file, but we can’t see it.”

"Secret?" Gui Mingming was taken aback by the words that came to his mind. Once the file is classified, it is not easy, especially for a student, which makes Gui Mingming a little unbelievable.

"That's all I know. You can know it yourself. Don't spread it, otherwise it may cause trouble. Secretary He specifically explained that it should be kept secret. I am the only one in the Education Bureau who knows it," Director Wang finally urged.

"Thank you Director Wang, thank you cousin, I understand, then can we create a new file?" Gui Mingming understood the meaning of Director Wang's words and asked for instructions.

"This is possible, but in the end this file has to be handed in, and you can't leave a draft. This kind of file is usually handed in for summary."

"I see, thank you, Director Wang, then I won't bother you."

"Work hard, pay more attention, pay more attention," Director Wang finally urged.

Several minutes after hanging up the phone, Gui Mingming still hadn't realized that the existing yamen in the school were considered figures, but compared with this person, this is the real figure!

Although he didn't know the complete file of Chen Kangjie, Chen Jing was the daughter of the mayor of Chen. This news was important enough. The two of them could sign up together, and they both had the surname Chen. Gui Mingming seemed to have caught something.

But why is Chen Jing's file complete and Chen Kangjie's file a concise version?I can't figure it out, and no one can figure it out.

In fact, in order to prepare for a rainy day, a lot of information about Chen Kangjie has been classified as top secret. Especially since 1989, a lot of information behind him has been blocked. This is the decision of the highest level, so let alone ordinary people, even Chen Qigang wants It is not easy to see the complete file information of his son Chen Kangjie.

Before he knew this, he just wanted to give Zhu Yan a simple punishment lesson, as long as he maintained his authority. Now that he knew more detailed information, the result of the punishment would be quite different.

Gui Mingming's work efficiency was very high. At 04:30 in the afternoon, he found a few vice principals, the school party secretary and the director of the Academic Affairs Office to hold a school meeting. There was only one focus, and that was to deal with Zhu Yan's ultra vires and inaction.

Before the meeting, those leaders had already known about Gao Xuemei and Zhang Jia's punishment. Normally, everyone might be friends and call them brothers and sisters, but at this critical moment, no one helped Zhu Yan speak well, and they all felt that they should be punished. Otherwise, the normal operation of the school will be greatly affected.

The only difference is that some people think that he can be punished for major demerits, some think that half a year's bonus can be deducted, and some think that it is enough to reduce his position to deputy director. They all know that Zhu Yan usually flatters Gui Mingming very loudly and has a good relationship, so They didn't say it to death, they guessed that Gui Mingming would not give too heavy a punishment.

After everyone's opinions were finished, Gui Mingming expressed his opinions by himself, which surprised everyone.

"Let me talk about my opinion. I feel that as an educator, he is so narrow-minded, so undisciplined, completely disregarding the students' future and fate for the sake of his own vanity. He made a private decision, expelled as soon as he said he was expelled, and did not go through the school affairs meeting at all. How can such a person be a cadre? He likes to be on duty at the school gate so much. I propose that he be transferred to the duty room at the school gate as a security guard. " What Gui Mingming said was righteous, impartial and selfless.

Just two months ago, also at the school affairs meeting, Gui Mingming's evaluation of Zhu Yan was completely opposite, such as "outstanding ability", "integrity and selflessness", "consciousness and party spirit", "caring for students", etc. There are really two official words, and it makes sense to say what you say, and the leader can say whatever he wants.

Since Principal Gui proposed to deal with it in this way, what else do other people have to say?I can only go along with the flow and raise my hand to express my agreement. As a result, except for the end of the last semester and the holidays, Zhu Yancai was relegated to the guard guarding the gate after being a real teaching director for a day in the new semester. The ups and downs of life are sometimes like this Funny and dramatic.

Zhu Yan was demoted, so this middle-level position became vacant again, and everyone wanted to fight for it, especially the school party secretary, who wanted to recommend someone of his own, but Gui Mingming came to him to serve concurrently, all of which fell through.

I don't know if it's because of Chen Kangjie's unlucky luck or God's arrangement, anyway, no matter where he goes, it is difficult to have a peaceful time, maybe this is a tough life.

That night, Chen Kangjie received a message from **, informing him and Chen Jing that they could go directly to school for classes the next day, and the problem had been resolved. At the same time, Chen Kangjie was informed of Zhu Yan's relegation to the gatekeeper.

Chen Kangjie was very satisfied with the result, he thought it was some ingenious method used by **, but in fact it was his arrangement that inspired Gui Mingming.

Waking up early the next morning, Chen Kangjie accompanied Chen Jing to go to No. [-] Middle School empty-handed. They hadn't received their books yet, so it seemed unnecessary to carry their schoolbags.

When they walked to the school gate with the students gathered from all directions, Chen Kangjie and Chen Jing deliberately slowed down and stayed behind. Zhu Yan and the two old men stood at the school gate with their hands behind their backs. The other students thought he was still the dean and respected him. of.

It's just that from his distorted face, Chen Kangjie could imagine how painful and angry he was. This is how good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil. When walking in front of him, Chen Kangjie deliberately put his hand on Chen Jing's shoulder again In the face of this kind of provocation, Zhu Yan couldn't even put another fart, so he could only turn his head away and pretend that he didn't see it.

He didn't want to come to work today, but his leave application was rejected, and he was told that if he didn't come to work today, he would be automatically fired.


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