rebirth of change

Chapter 636 Encountered Threats From Girls

When they arrived at the main teaching building, Chen Kangjie sent Chen Jing to the entrance of the third-floor Class [-] classroom and then went up to the fourth floor. Anyway, Zhang Jia, the head teacher of their class, already knew Chen Jing, so she would make arrangements. 【_】

When Chen Kangjie arrived in the classroom of Grade [-] and Class [-], all the students in the class had already arrived. Chen Kangjie walked into the classroom, looked left and right, hoping to find a classmate he knew, but was very disappointed, there was no one he knew.

Chen Kangjie thought to himself: "I don't know if all the students I knew disappeared when I was reborn? It seems that there is such a possibility that Li Tingyan can disappear, and there is nothing impossible." Thinking so, he is still a little bit lost.

No way, he walked to the corner of the last row and sat down. The students in the class didn't feel strange about Chen Kangjie. Although half of them were promoted from the junior high school of this school, one-third of them were from other schools. Yes, it is the most normal thing to have new classmates you don't know.It's just that a few students in the front row turned their heads to look at him.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about this kind of scrutiny. He opened a copy of "Reference News" that he just bought yesterday and browsed it, as if he was an office worker.

Ten minutes later, the head teacher Gao Xuemei walked into the classroom.

"After the rigorous entrance examination, everyone finally entered the high school of our school to continue their studies. Here I hope that the students will study hard in the high school stage, make persistent efforts, and strive to pass the college entrance examination three years later. Next, I will start the roll call. On the first day, I don't want anyone to be absent or late." Gao Xuemei spoke quickly, with a pair of flat-frame glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a pink skirt, highlighting her ability and fashion.

"Yu Dandan".

"Yes," a slender girl with short hair raised her hand in response.

"Qin Lu".


. . . . . .

Every time Gao Xuemei calls a student's name, someone will answer accordingly. At this time, the classroom is full, and no one will be absent.

"Wang Qing".

"Here," a tall boy in the back row stood up.

"Ma Chao".

"Here", the boy who stood up was far from Jin Machao, chubby, almost half a circle fatter than Chen Kangjie.

"Wu Guozhang".

"Yes", the one who stood up and answered was Chen Kangjie's deskmate, thin but energetic.

Gao Xuemei scanned the classroom with her eyes before she read the last name, the only student he had never met.

"Chen Kangjie".

Chen Kangjie didn't stand up, but stretched out his right hand, "To".

Gao Xuemei's gaze stayed on Chen Kangjie for three seconds before she retracted.

"Now the students have known each other. We assign seats. I am very democratic. You can form groups freely. You can sit with whoever you want. Next, go out and line up in the order I just called." The set is basically exactly the same as the one Wu Hui did. Could it be that they were alumni and teachers from the same person before?

The students carried their empty schoolbags one after another in order and walked to the corridor outside to line up. Chen Kangjie folded the newspaper and put it in his trouser pocket, and followed him out to be at the end of the line.

Starting from Yu Dandan, the students seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding. They walked into the classroom one by one and chose the seat they thought of. Until the end, only Wu Guozhang and Chen Kangjie were left.

"Wu Guozhang, who are you sitting with?" Gao Xuemei asked redundantly.

Wu Guozhang looked left and right cooperatively, no matter how he looked at it, there was only Chen Kangjie with his hands in his trouser pockets leaning on the cement edge of the corridor.

"Mr. Gao, do I still have to choose? He is the only one, so of course I can only do it with him." Wu Guozhang pointed to Chen Kangjie and said humorously.

"Then go in and choose your seat," Gao Xuemei glanced at Chen Kangjie first, and then said to Wu Guozhang seriously.

Chen Kangjie kept smiling and followed Wu Guozhang into the classroom. The last row is usually not a good seat, so the seat on the left side of the last row by the back door happened to be the throne of the two of them just now, and it remained intact.

"Next, I will designate a class monitor and deputy monitor, representatives of each subject, after the first monthly exam, monitor Yu Dandan, and deputy monitor Ma Mingyou." Gao Xuemei took advantage of her privileges to appoint two top class leaders.

As a new class, the head teacher usually does what he says, and everyone has no choice. Next, Gao Xuemei ordered a few students to go with him to pick up the textbooks. As for Chen Kangjie, let him go to the financial office to pay the tuition by himself.

Zhang Jia's attitude towards Chen Jing was much better, and he took Chen Jing directly to the financial office.

When Chen Kangjie came back, books were already being distributed in the class, and Chen Kangjie's copy was placed on his seat.

After the books are distributed, that is one thing that every class must do at the beginning of school. After cleaning, Chen Kangjie thought that there would be no class in the afternoon, and he would have a half-day holiday. Who knew that Gao Xuemei would announce that the class would start in the afternoon, which was really unreasonable.

According to the schedule, the two classes in the afternoon were both chemistry classes. Chen Kangjie walked into the classroom with a green canvas schoolbag and stepped on the bell.

This kind of army green canvas bag is mostly used by soldiers, and children in rural areas, because it is cheap and durable.Chen Kangjie chose this schoolbag for high school, and was criticized by Chen Jing as old-fashioned, but Chen Kangjie didn't mind, sometimes this kind of antique and nostalgia is a kind of fashion, just like contemporary women wearing the cheongsam of the Republic of China.

Anyway, Chen Kangjie didn't know anyone well, so after he sat down in his seat, he took out his chemistry book and a copy of "Zuo Zhuan" by the way. He only had these two books in his schoolbag in the afternoon. Wu Guozhang is similar to him, with a chemistry textbook and "The Deer and Ding Tale", and they each do their own things.

The chemistry teacher is a 30-year-old male teacher with parted hair. His hair is thin, but his hair is still a bit long. He does not use Mandarin to give lectures, but the local dialect of the next-door Jiebi area. His voice is soft, which gives people a sense of his personality. will be the same as his voice.

The teacher walked into the classroom and went to the podium without any nonsense. He just wrote his own name on the blackboard as a self-introduction and then started to talk about the topic.

Chemistry is rather boring for many students. Those molecules, atoms, and many calculation formulas and conversion formulas.

At first, Chen Kangjie didn't listen very carefully, but just looked at the blackboard from time to time, and gradually found that the teacher was very interesting, he didn't read the textbooks, didn't read the lesson plans, and didn't care whether the students were listening or not, he just talked on stage on his own To be honest, the blackboard was creaking and densely written.

Careful Chen Kangjie found that what he said and wrote was exactly the same as the textbook. In other words, all aspects involved in the entire textbook were all in his mind. Although it was boring for such a teacher, Chen Kangjie admired it, at least It shows that the teacher carefully prepares lessons and takes teaching seriously. He temporarily put away "Zuo Zhuan" and intends to listen carefully to the lectures.

At this moment, the boy in the front row turned around and put a note on Chen Kangjie's desk.

Chen Kangjie was a little puzzled, could this be a note for me?I have only been in this class for a day, and I don't know anyone. Besides, I haven't passed notes in class for a long time.

With curiosity, Chen Kangjie opened the folded note, and there was only one line written on it, "I want to be friends with you", and the signature was "Stone Art".

Chen Kangjie smiled and shook his head. Judging from the font, it was delicate and slender, and it should be written by a girl, but he didn't even know who this stone art was. He called names in the morning, but at that time Chen Kangjie was reading the newspaper, and the All the students turned their backs to him, and he couldn't tell who Shi Yi was.

According to the usual logic of passing notes, if Chen Kangjie wants to return the note, he doesn’t need to know who Shi Yi is, he can just pass the written note to the last person who sent it to him, and they will pass the note back. This is the class classroom communication system, which is not slow, has strong confidentiality, and can automatically track back, just like text messages.

It's just that Chen Kangjie wasn't that interested. He crumpled up the note and threw it into the desk box, then raised his head and continued to listen to the class.

After a while, there was another note on Chen Kangjie's desk that the teacher put up while writing in the front row. Chen Kangjie opened it and saw that the content was as simple this time, and it was still a sentence, "the third row from the middle left" .

This was the other party's telling her whereabouts. It was like letting Chen Kangjie know who she was. This was the first time Chen Kangjie had met such a special self-introduction.

Chen Kangjie looked to the third row from the left of the center, and the location showed that there was a girl with long hair, with a straight waist, and something was written on her right hand, as if she was listening carefully and taking notes.

Chen Kangjie withdrew his eyes, crumpled up the note, threw it into the desk box, and continued to attend the class by himself. He didn't take it seriously at all.

The first class ended soon, Chen Kangjie didn't leave his seat, and lay on the table reading a book, but Wu Guozhang put "The Deer and Ding Tale" on the table and went outside the classroom, and came back only when the class bell rang.

In the second class, Wu Guozhang stopped reading novels and listened to the class with his head up like Chen Kangjie.

Ten minutes later, the guy in front sent a third note to Chen Kangjie.

When Chen Kangjie opened it, his first feeling was that the note was not written by the same person, and the font was completely different, obviously rougher than the previous two notes, but he could still tell that it was a girl's note, and the discrepancy in content was even greater. Not only the number of words is much more, but the tone is even more hot and threatening.

"Why are you dragging? We, Xiaoyi, want to be friends with you because we think highly of you and make ourselves so stupid. Who do you think you are? Do you still want to hang out in this class?".

Because Chen Kangjie was staring at the blackboard and didn't pay attention, he didn't know where the note came from.

Seeing this note, Chen Kangjie didn't feel angry, but regarded it as funny. It was the first time he was threatened by a girl like this, and it was a girl he didn't know, which made him really dumbfounded. What is this? ~

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