rebirth of change

Chapter 637 Meeting for a walk

Chen Kangjie didn't intend to care about this innocuous threat, and planned to continue crumpling up the note and throwing it on the desk box at home. 【|】

"Hey, Chen Kangjie, what is that? Let me see." Wu Guozhang reached out to grab the note in Chen Kangjie's hand.

"It's nothing, if you want to read it, just take a look." When someone talked to him, Chen Kangjie would not reject people thousands of miles away. It is necessary to have a good relationship at the same table, so he handed the note to Wu Guozhang without hesitation.

After Wu Guozhang read it carefully, he asked Chen Kangjie, "Who wrote it to you?".

"How would I know? I don't know anyone in class."

"Look at the meaning, there should be the previous text," Wu Guozhang read the note again, raised his head and shook his head and said to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie reached into the desk box, took out the two balls of paper and threw them in front of Wu Guozhang, "Hey, that's it".

Wu Guozhang carefully opened the two balls of paper, took a look at them, and then said seriously to Chen Kangjie: "Chen Kangjie, I'm not talking about you. It's a little wrong for you to do this. Some classmates are friendly to you and want to be friends with you." , This is a good thing, how can you reject people thousands of miles away? You are too proud, you don’t have a single friend in class!".

After hearing Wu Guozhang's words, Chen Kangjie glanced over and stared at Wu Guozhang for a few seconds. Chen Kangjie's sharp eyes made Wu Guozhang a little guilty, and he didn't dare to look at Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, then give me an idea, what should I do? I have no experience in this." Chen Kangjie's eyes suddenly became very gentle, and he smiled and asked Wu Guozhang for advice.

"Hey, let's make more friends, many friends, the road is easy, don't you think so?" Wu Guozhang seemed very enthusiastic.

"You're right, it's true, but I don't know how to answer." Chen Kangjie pretended to be crazy.

Chen Kangjie actually noticed Wu Guozhang's abnormality. This guy was still concentrating on watching "The Deer and Ding Tale" in the last class, but after a few minutes of break between classes, he changed his style of listening to the class seriously, which was obviously abnormal.

Chen Kangjie had read "The Deer and Ding Tale" twice before he was reborn. As long as he read it seriously, it is impossible to pull it out easily. He wished he could read it all at once, but Wu Guozhang threw this novel into the desk in this class box, which made Chen Kangjie realize something.

Since he encountered such interesting things as soon as school started, Chen Kangjie followed his childlike innocence and didn't mind having fun.

"What's the problem? Just nod your head and I'll help you back." Wu Guozhang was very enthusiastic and helpful.

"That's good, of course I have no objection, do you have any paper?" Chen Kangjie was very cooperative, which made people feel that he was simple and honest.

"You don't need paper, just go back on this note." Wu Guozhang spread out the last note, took out the pen, and buried himself in writing.

He wrote it in two or three strokes, and handed it to Chen Kangjie, "Look, can this work?".

Chen Kangjie slid the note to his side with two fingers, and saw it said: "Actually, I like making friends very much, but I just don't know you. It is very happy to meet friends, especially beautiful women."

"You guys are good at teasing girls!" Chen Kangjie said softly with a smile after watching it.

"Hey, I don't have any experience! It's just that I'm a little popular with beauties." Wu Guozhang said confidently as he wiped his hair that should have just been washed today.

But with his swipe, a lot of scalps fell on the desk, and Wu Guozhang quickly blew them off.

"Is it okay?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer just now, but Wu Guozhang asked again.

"It looks good, so be it, anyway, I don't have much experience." No matter what Wu Guozhang wrote, Chen Kangjie would say yes, anyway, his purpose is not here.

"Then I'll pass it on."

Wu Guozhang folded the note and poked the front row with his finger. The boy in the front row did not turn around, but stretched out his right hand from behind. Wu Guozhang put the note in his hand and whispered, "Pass it back the same way. ".

Except for those students who claim to have good academic performance or are not very gregarious, most of the students are willing to be the transfer point for this kind of job of passing notes, because if they don't help, it will be very offensive.

"Actually, that stone art is still very beautiful to us. Brother, it's a lot of good luck. Someone liked it on the first day." After the note was passed out, Wu Guozhang leaned close to Chen Kangjie and said secretly.

"I haven't seen it, I don't know, I hope it's as you said." Chen Kangjie's current attitude is neither pandering nor rejecting.

"Hahaha", Wu Guozhang patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder and smiled, then pretended to be listening to the class.

Two minutes later, the note came back. The comrades on the "communication front" worked very hard and the guarantee was very strong.

Wu Guozhang opened the note first and spread it between the two of them. Both Chen Kangjie and he could see the contents of the note at a glance.

"That's pretty much the same, but don't let the fireworks of the world go, we are only willing to associate with you because you are a good person." There is such a sentence written on the note, and it can be seen from the handwriting that it was written by the author of the last note.

Chen Kangjie was a little puzzled. How did they see that he was good? On the first day of class, he didn't say or do anything. Could it be because he was handsome?But they are already carrying a green canvas bag that is not much in the way, they won't regard themselves as fireflies, right?

"Brother, it seems that half of the success is achieved. The charm is fine. Next, will you answer it yourself or should I help you?" Wu Guozhang seemed very satisfied and excited with the content of the answer.

"Since you replied just now, then you can continue." Chen Kangjie was used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, and this made him feel like watching a drama.

"Okay, if you trust me, just trust me." Wu Guozhang patted his chest, picked up a pen and continued to write what others said.

"Actually, I'm very easy-going, and it's impossible for me not to eat fireworks in the world. Thank you for your compliment. I think we can learn more about making friends. Of course, we need to communicate more. Don't you think so?" Wu Guozhang wrote on the note, No matter what, I felt that the initiative had gradually changed, but Chen Kangjie had no opinion on the content at all, so he nodded casually, and Wu Guozhang passed the note on.

After a while, the note came back, "Your performance now is very different from just now. You looked very awkward just now, and you are not likable at all. Since you think you need to know more and communicate more, let's go for a walk in the gymnasium after school. ?”.

At this time, Chen Kangjie already knew the person who wrote the note. She was sitting behind Shi Yi, wearing a red shirt, with curly hair. When she received the note, she would stretch her neck and whisper a few words into Shi Yi's ear. .

"How about it? They sent out an invitation, do you want to go?" Wu Guozhang nudged Chen Kangjie with his elbow.

"It's so embarrassing!" Chen Kangjie looked embarrassed.

"What's so embarrassing? At worst, I'll go with you. Who told us that we are so destined to be at the same table?" Wu Guozhang is very generous. I don't know if he wants to be Lei Feng in the new era.

"That's not good?".

"Is there anything good, man, come on, girls are not afraid, but boys are afraid? This is a bit embarrassing!".

Wu Guozhang spared no effort to push, Chen Kangjie also wanted to know what was going on, "Okay then, let's go."

Chen Kangjie was coy, pretending to be an innocent little boy who didn't understand anything, which made people feel that most of the time he was led by Wu Guozhang.

Chen Kangjie nodded, and Wu Guozhang immediately passed the latest news back through a note.

The two classes in the afternoon were finished quickly. Chen Kangjie packed his schoolbag and followed Wu Guozhang out of the classroom. On the first day of class, Chen Kangjie was going to pick up Chen Jing and go home together, but since he encountered such an interesting thing, let her go back by herself Yes, anyway, the city is not far away.

On campus, the two didn't wait for the girl, they stopped and waited until they walked out of the school gate.

The sky is overcast, and it feels like it will rain. In Liushuipan in early autumn, it is always half sunny and half rainy. Water molecules gather in the air at any time. It will rain continuously at any time.

After standing by the side of the road and waiting for a while, three girls walked up to them, and Shi Yi was among them.

After the five people met, they walked towards the gymnasium at the foot of Zhongshan in a strolling manner.

Zhongshan is a free and open small mountain park located in the urban area. When you climb to the top of the mountain, you can see the whole urban area. There is only one trail up the mountain. The city sports center is at the foot of the mountain. There are swimming pools, badminton halls, and basketball halls. Wrestling halls, table tennis halls, etc. People are used to saying that gymnasiums refer to open-air football fields. The venue is a standard venue, but the stands are a bit shabby. They are all cement platforms. The lawn in the middle of the venue has been trampled. It is sandy. There are many places to spend money in the city. Instead of cleaning it up, the No. [-] Middle School has been remodeled during the summer vacation. The runway is made of plastic, and the sandy soil of the stadium has been turned into a lawn. It is said that the original indoor gymnasium will be pulled down soon. Rebuild a modern one.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they came to the stadium in the gymnasium. Along the way, only Wu Guozhang chatted with the three girls without saying a word. Chen Kangjie didn't interrupt, and there were so many people on Zhongshan Street, it was really not a place for chatting. environment of.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't join in the words, he has been observing. After passing this short distance, he found that Shi Yi didn't talk much, but the other two girls, especially the girl in the red shirt who threatened Chen Kangjie. , very lively, and there is a kind of boldness in the words.

"It seems that we need to introduce ourselves, otherwise Chen Kangjie will be shy, so why are we embarrassed?" The court was very quiet, there were no people, only two couples who looked like students were sitting on the steps in the distance chatting, "My name is Yao Yiyun, her name is Chu Fang, and this is Shi Yi who wrote the note for you," Yao Yiyun took two steps forward, turned around and stood in front of the four of them and said heartily. ~

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