rebirth of change

Chapter 639 Stand tall and see far

Shi Yi stopped and looked at Chen Kangjie, who was a little surprised by what Chen Kangjie said. 【_】

"Are you not angry?".

"Why should I be angry? Those who know me say I am worried, and those who don't know me say what I want." Chen Kangjie stopped and said something, and then the two walked forward.

"Those who know me say I am worried, those who don't know me say what I want." Shi Yi silently recited the words Chen Kangjie said.

"By the way, I didn't reply to your two notes back then. Yao Yiyun threatened me if I wanted to be in this class anymore. Who is she? She can't be the thirteenth sister of Hong Xing from our school?" Chen Kangjie remembered Asked Shi Yi about the note that he was threatened with.

"What is Hong Xing's thirteenth sister?".

When Shi Yi asked, Chen Kangjie realized that he had said the wrong thing. At this time, "Young and Dangerous" hadn't started filming, and "Hong Xing Thirteen Girls" hadn't been released to the mainland with the movie, Chen Kangjie quickly changed his words, "Is she The eldest sister of our school means "big sister".

"Hehe, she is not a big sister, but she is more lively, sometimes has a bad temper and is bold, but she is very good to friends." Shi Yi laughed at Chen Kangjie's words.

Chen Kangjie could see that when she smiled, there were two small dimples on her face, which looked pretty.

"She should have fought?" This was Chen Kangjie's intuitive judgment.

"I've fought, with both boys and girls, plus his brother is a gangster, so generally no one dares to provoke her in school."

"No wonder you threatened me, hehe, this is the first time I met you," Chen Kangjie shook his head and laughed.

"Don't be angry with her, she is actually really good, she fights, most of the time she fights for friends like us, but she rarely fights for herself," Shi Yi defended her good friend.

"I understand why you are in a dilemma. I'm just asking. If I'm really angry, I won't come," Chen Kangjie said calmly.

Chen Kangjie thought to himself, this Yao Yiyun really has the temper of Hong Xing's thirteenth sister, she is willing to stand up for her friends, she dares to fight with boys, she is quite an interesting girl.

"Thank you," Shi Yi said gratefully.

At this time, Shi Yi's understanding of Chen Kangjie was greatly deepened, it was equivalent to being teased, but she was not angry at all, and gave herself a suggestion. She found that Chen Kangjie was not a simple boy like she just evaluated, but a big heart. Open-minded, intelligent, handsome and temperamental man.

"You're welcome, let's go back. We should play less and spend more time studying." At this time, they had walked around the playground twice and came to the entrance again, Chen Kangjie suggested.

At this time, Shi Yi actually wanted to go for a walk with Chen Kangjie and talk again. She felt that chatting with Chen Kangjie was very easy and wanted to know more about him, but Chen Kangjie had already said it out. Out of a girl's reserve, Shi Yi had no reason be opposed to.

"Okay, I understand", Shi Yi replied softly, then turned her head, "Let's go back, it's raining and wet".

"You two can chat so well, you should walk around more often." Yao Yiyun obviously has the potential to be a matchmaker, and he wants to have a further exchange with Chen Kangjie and the others.

"From now on, we can meet each other in the classroom every day, and there are many opportunities to chat. Look, my trousers are all wet, so I'd better go back." Chen Kangjie then turned around and lifted up his trousers.

"OK then".

After leaving the gymnasium, Chen Kangjie bought an umbrella for five yuan in a roadside store. The three girls went up. Wu Guozhang took the bus back at the bus stop in front of the gymnasium. Chen Kangjie walked down with an umbrella. .

Chen Kangjie actually had an umbrella with Xiong Ziqiang and the others. The reason why he bought an umbrella was because they said they would send him back. In order to prevent himself from being sent, he had to buy an umbrella to get away with it.

After walking down for more than ten meters, at a corner, Chen Kangjie got into a Santana car. The people in the car were Xiong Ziqiang and the others who had just sheltered from the rain under the eaves of the stadium rostrum.

"Jie Shao, did you meet friends on the first day?", as soon as Chen Kangjie got into the car, Pang Hui, who was sitting in front, turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Is this strange?" Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes.

"It's strange, but it's not strange, it's just that I haven't experienced the feeling of walking in the rain with a girl."

"How is it? Is it romantic?" Chen Kangjie's mouth turned up.

"Romantic", Pang Hui looked enviously.

"For romance, go find a place to go for a walk in the rain by yourself." Chen Kangjie lowered the corner of his mouth and blocked him with a sentence, which made Qian Degui who was driving and Xiong Ziqiang beside him couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Jie, where are you going?" Qian Degui asked Chen Kangjie after starting the car.

"go home".

After dinner, Chen Kangjie took a walk to He Baoguo to watch the videotape of He Wanrong Red House concert with the two elders. On the way, Chen Jing also followed and watched it at He's house until late.

Zhao Yuexiang was very happy to see her daughter glamorous and enthusiastic on the stage, the fans cheered wildly, and received rave reviews. She felt that her daughter was more beautiful and confident than when she was teaching before. It can also be seen that she enjoys the joy of the stage.

He Baoguo was also happy, but he was still slightly different from Zhao Yuexiang.

As his position got higher and higher, He Baoguo considered issues more politically. Although he knew that his daughter was clean in the entertainment industry, he always felt that it was not a good thing to show up in public like that. Of course, he never opposed it. For a daughter, as long as He Wanrong is happy and they are happy, they don't expect anything else. Anyway, seeing his daughter singing with a charming smile, He Baoguo always maintains a slight smile.

. . . . . .

Since the first day of school, Chen Kangjie finally had friends in the No. [-] Middle School. His relationship with Shi Yi was only a little close on the first day, and he has maintained the relationship with ordinary classmates since then. Chen Kangjie does not want to continue to play the role of a shield , getting involved in other people's feelings is not a good thing.

Gradually, he also discovered that Yao Yiyun and the others were a huge group, almost half of the class had a good relationship with them, there were both boys and girls, and it could be seen that they were very popular.

Of course, those people have also become friends with Chen Kangjie now. After a few days, no one thinks that Chen Kangjie is ignorant and innocent anymore, because Chen Kangjie's speech and behavior gave them a different feeling, and I don't know how to describe this feeling , is a mature refreshing, sometimes mischievous.

On the eve of the National Day, Ouyang Zhenhua came to Qianzhou from Hong Kong. The purpose of his trip was to attend the operation ceremony of several large-scale tourism classics such as Songcheng and Tangcheng.

After several years of careful construction, Tangcheng in the suburbs, Happy Valley, Songcheng in the six suburbs located in Yongda Town, and Qianzhong Amusement Park have finally been completed. put into use.

Mengting Tourism Group does not blindly pursue speed like other domestic companies. They are very strict about quality control. The training time for all employees is as long as eight months. During this period, all employees can get 70% of their salaries. , that is to say, they start to get paid before they have a formal job, but the training time of at least six hours a day is also very hard, especially the employees of Tangcheng and Songcheng, they study more courses than the students of the history department of the university Broad and profound, of course, there are many undergraduates who graduated from the history department and Chinese department of the university. They think this is a well-paid and interesting job, and they feel that they are living in history.

According to regulations, all employees must pass the assessment before they can take up their jobs, and the training time must be kept at [-] hour each month. Those scholars and experts who participated in the design and construction of these two projects act as training teachers. These people usually work on their own They seldom bring undergraduates, and most of them are master’s and doctoral supervisors, and they will only put down their dignity in order to present a complete and detailed history. Of course, the extra treatment given to them by Mengting Tourism Group is not good Low.

"Jie Shao, tomorrow is Sunday. I will accompany Mayor Chen and Secretary He to inspect Tangcheng. Do you want to go?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked standing in the presidential suite on the 38th floor of Mengting Tourist Hotel. Chen Kangjie looking at the city outside the window.

"The city is still small," Chen Kangjie answered irrelevantly.

Before Chen Kangjie's eyes, the urban area was crowded on a small hill, and the flat land in the development zone had not yet been developed, but the green hills in the distance occupied most of the field of vision.

"There are mountains on both sides, and there is only flat land less than three kilometers wide in the middle. It is very difficult for the city to grow." Ouyang Zhenhua walked to Chen Kangjie with two cups of coffee, and said after handing a cup to Chen Kangjie.

Ouyang Zhenhua has been here many times, and he is not unfamiliar with this city at all, perhaps better than many local people, because he has read many reports about this place, which are all before making every investment. to understand.

"The city doesn't have to be on flat ground, right? It should be possible to cross the mountains, or even climb up the mountains. I think it would be good if there are a few mountains in the middle of the city. These mountains are cultivated in the city like bonsai , This kind of patchwork, on the contrary, will have a sense of beauty. Aren’t many luxury houses in Hong Kong are on the hills,” Chen Kangjie said, stirring the coffee with a silver spoon.

Ouyang Zhenhua thought for a while, "What you said makes sense, but it depends on your father and Secretary He. They are city planners, managers and builders."

"I'll talk to them later. Mountains should not be a disadvantage to the development of the city. We must turn this disadvantage into an advantage. I remember that there are several open parks in the high-tech city that are hills." The more Chen Kangjie thought about it, the more he felt it was possible .

"It seems that I really stand taller, have a wider view, and have more ideas," Ouyang Zhenhua said with emotion.

"It's called standing tall and looking far away. Hehe, if possible, I would still like to stand on the top of Mount Everest." Chen Kangjie said with a smile after taking a sip of pure fragrant Blue Mountain coffee.

"In my eyes, you have already stood on Mount Everest." ~

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