rebirth of change

Chapter 640 New Investment Arrangements

"In my eyes, you have already stood on Mount Everest," Ouyang Zhenhua complimented, raising his coffee cup. 【@】

"Are you flattering?" Chen Kangjie turned around with a smile, returned to the sofa in the reception area and sat down, placing the coffee cup on the crystal glass coffee table in front of him.

Ouyang Zhenhua came back with Chen Kangjie and sat across from him, "If it's for others, then it's fine, but for you, it's not counted at all."

"Then I would like to thank you very much. By the way, do you have other things to do this time?" Only when Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua were together, both of them were quite casual, and there was nothing wrong with them. Cautious and fake.

"A few things. In addition to attending the operation ceremony of those projects, we also need to inspect the two expressways that are about to be completed, and discuss the operation of the expressway with Tongda Company. In addition, it is I want to talk to you, we now have nearly 2000 billion US dollars in cash, so we can’t just keep it in our hands, right? Should we find some investment projects?” Ouyang Zhenhua said seriously.

As an operator, holding a lot of cash in his hand and not investing, this is a very wasteful method, which does not conform to the principle of maximizing benefits at all.

"I don't care about the previous things. You can do it yourself. Anyway, you have Xie Yourong under you. Mei Jincheng and the others can call them. I will focus on the last one with you. Do you have any ideas?" Answer the question yourself, but first test whether he has made progress.

"I think there are a few things that can be done. One is the oil strategic reserve project you are working on. There is news from China Petroleum Import and Export Corporation and Sinochem Petroleum Corporation that the construction of four strategic oil storage bases is about to be completed. In particular, the inexplicable base in the Jiaodong Peninsula and the Donghui base in the southeast coast are coming to an end. The Panjiaying base in Qianzhou will be completed at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, and the Taihang Mountain base in the Central Plains, which is the most difficult to build, will also be put into use in the middle of next year. For the oil storage facilities of the four large bases, the freight and oil purchase cost will be 2 million US dollars, and the freight is mainly for sea freight and the cost of transporting more than 5000 million barrels of oil from the coast to the two inland bases...", Ouyang Zhenhua reported road.

"Wait, how do you plan to transport it into the mainland? By train? By car?" Chen Kangjie interrupted and asked.

"According to the current form, it is estimated that the train can only be used."

"That's so troublesome! Why don't you use oil pipelines?" Chen Kangjie asked an idiot question.

"Because there is no such oil pipeline now, China National Petroleum Corporation proposed to build two such pipelines, but they only handed over the plan to me at the beginning of this month, and it was too late," Ouyang Zhenhua sighed helplessly.

"Those foodies are really inefficient in doing things. They earn so much money from monopoly every year, and they work slowly." Chen Kangjie heard that he only got the plan this month, and he was very angry.

Chen Kangjie knew that these companies were the first large state-owned enterprises in China to break into the world's top [-]. However, what they relied on was not efficiency, technological progress and advanced management, but high prices and high profits obtained through monopoly. In other words In other words, people all over the country are paying for them, and Chen Kangjie will certainly not be satisfied with their actions.

"There is no way. They are doing the specific work in the early stage. The construction company, China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company, is actually with them. Only after the construction is completed, the agents we arrange in the two companies will take over the project."

"In the report they gave you, how much money do you need?", scolding is scolding, helplessness is helplessness, this is the so-called national condition, and what should be done still needs to be made up.

"A northern line pipeline costs 98 billion yuan, and a southern line pipeline costs 142 billion yuan. The construction period is two years. I guess, after they plan to build it, their oil can also be transported through these two pipelines in the future. At least it can radiate There are more than 9 provinces. If they build national pipelines in the future, they can save these two parts that pass through the six provinces.” Ouyang Zhenhua now sees the problem much farther away. The past few years have not been for nothing. Dealing with the country The more you fight, the more you can see the turns and turns.

"Who will pay for the funds?", funds are often the most critical issue, Chen Kangjie asked.

"Of course we released it. They said that we are mainly using it, and they don't need it at all at present."

"Okay, if we go out, we will go out, but we can't lose money. Let them take advantage of it. You can tell them that we will invest the full amount. Anyway, it is not short of three or four billion U.S. dollars. However, if they want to use these two If there is no pipeline, you have to pay the usage fee, if you want us to plant trees, they can enjoy the shade without a door, and enjoy the good things!” Chen Kangjie adopted a countermeasure.

Anyway, I will use it myself in the future. Chen Kangjie doesn't mind spending this, but he has to get back some costs. Chen Kangjie has always been cruel to earn money from foreigners, but Chen Kangjie will also not be soft-hearted when earning money from those monopolizing state-owned enterprises. money.

"Okay, I will talk to them according to this principle, and I will go to the capital in a few days."

"Go on with what you just said," Chen Kangjie picked up his coffee and took another sip.

"Where did I just say?" Ouyang Zhenhua forgot his words when Chen Kangjie interrupted him.

"You said that the purchase of oil and freight costs 2 million US dollars, and then you talked about the transportation situation," Chen Kangjie reminded.

"Well, yes, yes, and it is a sum of money that needs to be spent. An idea derived from this is that since you conclude that the price of oil will rise, then we can invest a sum of money to speculate in oil futures. Anyway, the oil futures market The amount is very large, so it should be someone with a head start. This is how I think about the third investment. Since the price of oil will rise, it must be due to the development of the world industry. Only when the industry performs strongly, there will be a huge demand for oil products. Then For industry, besides oil, there is another thing that is also very important," Ouyang Zhenhua said eloquently, while Chen Kangjie was also listening quietly.

"You mean iron ore?" Chen Kangjie frowned.

"I just said that you have stood on Mount Everest for a long time. You know what I want to say. It seems that you understand better than me." Ouyang Zhenhua gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"How else can I say that I am the boss? But iron ore is not easy to deal with!",

What Chen Kangjie thought of was that China had tried many times to acquire large foreign iron ore companies and shares but failed. Foreign countries are more strict about this area, especially the three giants of Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Vale.

"Actually, it's not difficult to do, because affected by the economic downturn in Japan, Australia's economy is not optimistic. It is a good time for us to enter Australia. Japan has always been the country most interested in iron ore. Now Japan's strength It will be greatly affected, especially if the funds are not sufficient. I think we have a great opportunity. I have discussed with the commercial counselor of the Australian Consulate in Hong Kong before, and they especially welcome us to investigate.” It seems that Ouyang Zhenhua is not only thinking that Simple, he has already started preparing.

Chen Kangjie actually needs such a person, otherwise he would think about everything by himself, how could he have so much energy? After all, he is a human being, not a god, so it is impossible for him to consider all aspects so comprehensively, so he needs subordinates to make up for their lack of functionality.

"Okay, you can do both of the two points you mentioned. You can deepen your contact with Australia. If necessary, I can accompany you. In the oil futures market, you can arrange the following people to do it. It is also good to recover some oil purchase costs. , Now that Australia is mentioned... then... maybe I can buy an island from them." Chen Kangjie was talking about Oceania and Australia, but what he thought of was Southeast Asia.

"Jie Shao, do you want to buy one and build a villa for yourself? It's a good idea!" Ouyang Zhenhua seemed a little excited.

Owning a private resort island, white sandy beach, clear sea water, tall coconut groves, luxurious villas, exquisite yachts, miniature small airports, and sexy beach beauties, who would not want to have all these ah?However, Ouyang Zhenhua's guess was wrong.

"I'm not at the age where I want to enjoy it. What I think of is a very useful island, far away from the Australian mainland. Of course, if you say that, I wouldn't mind buying a holiday island like that if I have the opportunity."

"A very useful island? Far away from the mainland? Mr. Jie, what kind of island are you talking about?" Ouyang Zhenhua knew that Chen Kangjie's way of thinking about problems was often very special and weird, but they were always very useful. Unexpected, so in this case, the best way is to ask directly, don't guess, you can't guess anyway.

"Christmas Island is located in Southeast Asia, with a small population and most of them are Chinese," Chen Kangjie replied simply.

"Christmas Island? An island in Southeast Asia that belongs to Australia? I haven't heard much about it, Mr. Jie, what can such an island be used for?" Ouyang Zhenhua still didn't understand Chen Kangjie's intention.

"You will know in the future," Chen Kangjie said with a bitter face and inscrutable.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see, let's buy this so-called Christmas Island, and then go to the island to spend Christmas, ha ha," Ouyang Zhenhua thought of good things.

"Brother, I'm afraid you won't be able to spend Christmas there at that time. Okay, let's not talk about this. Apart from the three you just mentioned, do you have any other ideas?" Chen Kangjie didn't want Ouyang Zhenhua to continue fantasizing , because even if you can buy Christmas Island, it's not for fun, so Chen Kangjie doesn't plan to get entangled any longer.

"As for the investment, I only thought of these three, but I also thought of an investment that is not an investment, and you should be interested." At this point, Ouyang Zhenhua stopped talking, he saw With Chen Kangjie, it means let Chen Kangjie guess.


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