rebirth of change

Chapter 641 Don't scare me

"Investment that is not an investment?" Chen Kangjie wondered what kind of investment is not an investment. 【@】

"Yes, strictly speaking, it is an investment in the future, and it is related to the future investment of many people," Ouyang Zhenhua said sarcastically.

"Just say it directly, don't imitate me," Chen Kangjie chuckled.

"Education, you have always cared about education assistance before, and it can be seen that you attach great importance to education, so I suggest you build your own university." Ouyang Zhenhua had no choice but to answer.

"You mean a private university?".

"However, wouldn't a private university that can be passed on for a hundred years better reflect your contribution to education?".

"Brother Ouyang, I didn't do it for my own fame and fortune. If I really did it for my own fame and fortune, I could attend a donation ceremony of 1000 million yuan every day. The people of the whole country are not crazy about me? I am really for the country Worrying about the future is because we really want to change the level of education that we have always lagged behind, which is related to the rise and fall of a nation and thousands of families," Chen Kangjie expressed his feelings with a heavy heart.

"That's not contradictory to my suggestion. To be honest, it may be due to institutional constraints. I can't compliment the domestic education level. Frankly speaking, domestic students are very good, work hard, and have a solid theoretical foundation, but education The students who come out are always lacking in innovation and hands-on ability, and they can’t open their minds. I think this has a lot to do with education. Take the tens of thousands of employees below us as an example. The leaders are all educated abroad. , this is not to flatter foreigners, but to seek truth from facts. The most typical example is that Capital University and Shuimu University, which were built with the whole country in China, have a certain gap with Hong Kong University in terms of teaching quality." It seems that Ouyang Zhen before making this suggestion Hua has seriously thought about it.

"So you want me to build a private university and break the domestic education system?" Chen Kangjie asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, you see, Stanford University, Harvard University, Princeton University and other top American universities are almost all private, which shows that private universities are very pioneering and creative, and more flexible." What he wanted to do, he did not hesitate to use examples to lobby Chen Kangjie.

After listening to Ouyang Zhenhua's suggestion, Chen Kangjie fell into deep thought.To be honest, it’s not that Chen Kangjie has never thought about this issue. When he donated money to the Municipal Teachers College, he had thought about it, but the time was not very ripe, and the formation of a private university did not take three to five years. That's fine. It took decades for Stanford University to make some achievements, so Chen Kangjie decided to let it go for a while. Now that Ouyang Zhenhua proposed it, Chen Kangjie was a little moved.

"I think it's okay." After thinking with his chin for a while, Chen Kangjie put down his hands and raised his head, "Then where do you think it is suitable?".

"Well, it can be anywhere, it doesn't have to be in a big city, and big cities are not good. Many world-class universities are built in ordinary small cities. Big cities are too noisy, which is not conducive for teachers and students to calm down and study knowledge. On the contrary, a quiet small town is better. Oh, by the way, didn’t you just say that this city is small, you can build it here, you can expand the scope of the city, supplement the strength and level of science and technology here, and increase the cultural atmosphere here, It kills three birds with one stone, and your father and the others are in power locally, so the approval is easier and can bring political achievements.” Ouyang Zhenhua thinks that the problem is becoming more and more mature.

"I'll think about it, I'll think about it," Chen Kangjie bit his lip and tapped the mahogany arm of the sofa, "If we want to build it, we need to build a university that combines arts and sciences, so let's discuss it with them later. As simple as you said, things involving ideology are still a little sensitive. To build a first-class university, you must break the current admission system, the system for evaluating teachers' professional titles, the school management system, the system for awarding degrees to students, and The recognition of academic qualifications, etc., and the relationship between the school and the government regulatory agencies are very complicated, otherwise, what is built will only be half the same as the current university and will not be effective.”

Chen Kangjie, who has taken the college entrance examination and experienced domestic university education, of course thinks much deeper and broader than Ouyang Zhenhua.

"I believe you can do it, hehe, I am absolutely confident in this point. I have already thought about the name of the university, and I will call it "Chen Kangjie University". What do you think?" Ouyang Zhenhua knows how powerful Chen Kangjie is. He knows almost all the leaders, so he is full of confidence.

"Pfft", Chen Kangjie was so excited by the words 'Chen Kangjie University' that he just spit out the coffee he was drinking.

Chen Kangjie shook off the coffee stains on his hands, and took the tissue that Ouyang Zhenhua quickly handed over to wipe his mouth, "Brother, don't scare me like this? Chen Kangjie University? Are you trying to destroy me?".

"Young Master Jie, why did you deliberately destroy you? Aren't foreign universities named after their founders? It's quite normal. What's wrong? People will still know your name hundreds of years later." .

"Brother, I've convinced you. I don't need such a name now, and I don't need it. That would be like betraying me to the sun." Chen Kangjie was really defeated by Ouyang Zhenhua, and his head was stunned.

"Then you can't choose a name casually, it has no meaning at all."

"If you want to be meaningful, you don't need to be so direct. Our Chinese culture is very reserved. Your name is so direct, it's too ostentatious, and it's a show, but it's too much." Chen Kangjie really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, you can choose the name according to your own needs."

"Come on, I haven't written anything about this matter yet. I will plan slowly in the future. I will write down the suggestion you made. When it is appropriate, I will talk to it. Since you mentioned this, let's put it aside first." Let’s talk about something related to this, Huatang Foundation should expand its scope”, this kind of thing cannot be done overnight, Chen Kangjie thinks it is more practical to do something that can be started right now.

"What is related to this, how do you plan to expand the Huatang Foundation?".

"Don't you have a lot of money in your hands now? I don't think those few investments will be able to spend nearly 2000 billion U.S. dollars. Some people will be drawn from the Huatang Foundation to form four or five charitable organizations. As long as you get together the backbone management That's fine, the following clerks can be recruited by these foundations." Chen Kangjie stood up and went to the corner refrigerator to get a can of iced black tea.

"Just expand like this? Is it necessary to add four or five independent organizations? Are you making any big moves?" Chen Kangjie mentioned that Ouyang Zhenhua still had money to spend, so he knew that Chen Kangjie must have another The new idea was just that he was smart enough to cooperate with Chen Kangjie to say it.

"Come here," Chen Kangjie stood in front of a huge map of China in the suite with an iced black tea, and waved to Ouyang Zhenhua.

Ouyang Zhenhua turned around from behind the sofa and walked to Chen Kangjie's side.

"Look, from the southeast of Caiyun Province to the northeast, this is the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, this is the Qinling Mountains, this is the Taihang Mountains, all the way to here, the Hetao area of ​​the Yellow River, the entire line goes west, twelve provinces , occupying more than half of the country’s land. Over the past ten years of reform and opening up, although some changes have taken place in these places, they are far from enough. I read the news and documents these days, and more than 70.00% of the population in this area lives in rural areas , because of the relationship between geography and natural conditions, it is still very backward, and the education and living conditions are very difficult. You see, the large area of ​​Hexi, maybe you haven’t been there, you don’t know, this area is seriously short of water, and the city is still barely there. The water supply system is very difficult in rural areas, but in the area south of the Yangtze River, most of them are located in mountainous areas, and education in the mountains is a big problem. What we have to do is related to the land of millions of square kilometers in these 12 provinces and autonomous regions.” Chen Kangjie He reached out and pointed on the map to explain to Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Jie Shao, don't scare me. We don't have that much strength. To solve such a big problem, let alone 2000 billion U.S. dollars, even two trillion U.S. dollars is not enough. There are hundreds of millions of people here. The economic development of these areas must be at least astronomical." Ouyang Zhenhua was really shocked by the large area that Chen Kangjie planned.

"Brother, don't worry, if we want to fundamentally change the economy of this region, we alone can't do it, and I'm not stupid, how can I not know? That can't be done without spending tens of trillions of dollars over the years. I didn't let You went there to build roads and bridges, and you were not allowed to build factories and cities there. We only need to do two things. Those are the government’s affairs. It stands to reason that what we have to do is also what the government should do. ,... However, think about what we can do, let's do a little bit, some things, all rely on the government, it will be decades later, this is our country, the people are innocent,...I am not Lei Feng is not a hero, but I am not a miser either, go and sit down!" Chen Kangjie was very sad when he said these words, after the two sat down, Chen Kangjie continued, "Now I don't worry about food or clothes, and my life is happy. But I can't just look out for myself."

"Jie Shao, I understand what you said... tell me, what are the two things you want to do? I will try my best to do it." Infected by Chen Kangjie's tone, Ouyang Zhenhua asked in a low voice .

"We can't do the big ones, so let's start with the small ones, and try our best to solve the problems of rural children's difficulty in going to school and villagers' drinking water. There are [-] primary schools, [-] deep-water wells, and [-] small water cellars. Distribution, how much money to spend, you can figure it out. My requirements are two, first, keep a low profile, and second, try to go to the most needy and remote places as much as possible. By the way, each province chooses two to three universities , to support their development of basic research, of course, there must be at least one teacher-training college in exchange for them to train primary and secondary school teachers, because the institution has not yet been established, so I have no time limit requirements, I only have one suggestion, the establishment of the institution After getting up, do the investigation and research in the early stage. Only when the investigation is clear can you be targeted. At that time, just send me the investigation and research report and the implementation plan. I only hope that after a few years or ten years, life in these places will be a little better. Change, this is what I can do now, in the future, when I have the ability, I will do something else.”


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