rebirth of change

Chapter 642 Think Tank

"Jie Shao, what is the standard for this donated primary school?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked a specific question. 【_】

"In fact, there is no way to be specific about the standard. Different schools and different geographical locations may have different needs, but my suggestion is to make it better, at least it will not be demolished in a year, and it should include sports fields and libraries." Chen Kangjie said Seek truth from facts.

"In this case, I estimate that it will cost more than 200 billion yuan. Adding deep wells and water cellars, it will cost at least 500 billion yuan. If each province funds two or three universities to carry out basic research and train teachers, This part alone costs at least 1 million RMB per year. Generally speaking, the scientific research level of western universities is lagging behind that of eastern universities, especially compared with universities in the capital and Mingzhu.” Ouyang Zhenhua did some mental calculations Said.

"Maybe there will be more than that. The university may be able to directly cooperate with the university. Although the other parts are in our hands, to a certain extent this requires proper cooperation with the government, and most of the places involved are inconvenient. Freight and material costs will be very expensive, money matters are up to you, you have to transfer them in through multiple channels, and different organizations can divide their labor to do different things, after all, there are specialties in the art industry,” Chen Kangjie helped analyze.

In fact, what Chen Kangjie said is not wrong. After five years of calculation, this project, from 1995 to 00, cost as much as 1 billion yuan, which greatly improved the basic education conditions and rural living conditions in the western region, benefiting With a population of 0 million people, five charitable organizations have been established, and each organization spends billions of dollars each year.

This project has laid the foundation for larger-scale actions in the future, trained talents, and improved the operation mode and management methods.

"This is in line with your low-key requirements. Don't worry, I will use multiple channels to transfer funds, and I will just do it without talking about it." Ouyang Zhenhua understood Chen Kangjie's requirements and goals very well.

"Yes, that's what it means."

Although Chen Kangjie asked for a low point and just did nothing, but after many years, the information about Chen Kangjie was exposed step by step. The things he did made tens of millions of people deeply moved by what he did today. Many, many people Treat him as a benefactor.

In fact, this is really not what he needs. He just doesn't want to leave this world with a huge and empty money figure. He just thinks that's what he should do. The thought of "being happy" and the quality of "being kind and generous".

"Actually, if possible, I would also like to establish an independent think tank. Although there are many think tanks in our country, they are all policy-oriented and have specific interests. They are either biased towards this interest group or that interest group. Almost all of them are government think tanks, which will make those think tanks tend to have departments in them before researching problems, it is difficult to play their real role, and their influence is also very small, basically it is difficult to go abroad.” Chen Kangjie suddenly thought of one question.

"You mean think tanks like the Hopkins Institution and the Carnegie Foundation?".

"Yes, think tanks are actually very important. They are the condensed representatives of soft power. The products of our domestic think tanks basically have no market except for sales to the domestic government. For example, the state-level Development Research Center of the State Council is actually for The central government serves, and the government research offices of the provinces serve the provinces. Large central enterprises have their own think tanks, but the scope is very narrow. They serve their own enterprises. This is very biased, although quite a few universities have also established Think tanks, but their research requires government funding, and universities are also state-owned, so they can’t do real independent research. Our current think tanks still have a common problem, which is the shortage of funds. In fact, research on a topic requires It is very expensive to go in-depth, and requires the cooperation of many experts. In order to ensure the smooth flow of information and broaden your horizons, you must frequently attend international academic conferences and conduct short-term, medium- and long-term exchanges and mutual visits with other well-known think tanks and universities. , the most important point is that the research foundation of think tanks is information. Without sufficient information, complete research and analysis cannot be done. However, the information disclosure mechanism in our country is quite tight and dead, and many foreign information may not be available for free. , This requires spending money to buy information. To be honest, if you want to study the economic trends in Asia, it is impossible to draw a very rational conclusion without the latest detailed statistical data from the statistical departments of each country. In addition to statistical data, you also need The internal information of the major banks," Chen Kangjie said dryly.

"Jie Shao, this is a matter of only spending money and no income. If you say that, our company already has a research department, and investing in it internally can still bring benefits." Ouyang Zhenhua obviously has no understanding of think tanks. Chen Kangjie's is so deep.

"This is what I mean by bias. Our internal research department only studies issues from our perspective and lacks objectivity. Moreover, a large-scale think tank not only has investment experts, but also economics experts. experts, strategic experts, sociologists, historians, political scientists, diplomats, military researchers, even geographers, ethicists, and a large number of natural scientists, journalists, officials, etc., just like those Large-scale foreign think tanks, they not only study economic issues, but also study political issues, military issues, social issues, historical conflicts, environmental issues, future technological trends, and even the psychological trend of the crowd, and the impact of technology on people in various countries and regions Wait, since there are so many in-depth and objective research results, its customers are not only the national government, but also various universities, large corporate organizations and banks, international organizations, foreign governments, NGOs, some Political parties and even ordinary people often do commissioned research for a fee. These research results will affect the lives of many ordinary people. More importantly, through these research results, they can issue their own ideas. Voice, expanding the output of soft power, which in turn may affect the foreign policy of a certain country’s government, and affect the views of many rational people around the world. Because it is independent, it is easier to be accepted by the target”, in In Chen Kangjie's eyes, a good think tank will bring unlimited benefits. Some benefits can be seen, and some benefits can only be felt and invisible. No matter what kind of benefits, they have real meaning.

"According to this, we don't plan to exert influence? We don't plan to lead its development direction?" Ouyang Zhenhua always feels that it's not worth the gain if he can't use it for me.

"If that's the case, is it still called an independent think tank? In that case, what's the point? But don't worry, there is no absolute independence in this world. Every think tank will slowly form its own in the process of development. personality and characteristics, especially influenced by the country and national culture. Take some independent think tanks in the United States as an example. When studying China’s national conditions and comprehensive strength, the US government may not directly exert influence on them, but , don’t forget that most of those researchers are Americans, it’s hard for them to get rid of their arrogance and prejudice, and they will release as much information as possible that is beneficial to the United States. This is for sure, but they stand in a relatively From an independent standpoint, their views will be more objective. Unlike our own research on the same issues, they are either boasting too much, or have too much low self-esteem, and their purpose is too strong. Therefore, apart from being useful in China, there is almost no market abroad. For example, when someone tells you something, there are ten sentences, nine of which are true and one is biased, then the result is that you will believe all ten sentences, but that one is biased If you say it, it will affect your attitude. To be honest, the Americans play this trick very well. Unlike us, either ten sentences are true or five or six are false, no matter what it is, Either it is very harmful to oneself, or it is not accepted by people at all. Take the price increase statistics we announced, I dare say, more than half of the common people will not believe it. Finally, there is a psychological logic that will help us, Even if we don’t intentionally affect the research results, since we are funders, we will subtly affect the interest and value orientation of this think tank.” After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie took a big sip of iced black tea .

"Since the common people don't believe it, why do you still announce it like that? Isn't this a fool? He's full of food." Ouyang Zhenhua was very puzzled and disdainful of such a low-level mistake.

"Simple, this is necessary. If the real data is released, the negative impact will be great. Every data will be revised before it is released. You see, the unemployment rate we announced is very low. The reason is very simple. It is necessary to create a thriving scene, and they can make sense, because the unemployment rate they include is only the data of urban residents. If the floating population and rural population are added, if ordinary people know that the unemployment rate is [-]%. [-] or [-]:[-], what effect and influence will that have? People are not that stupid, our country is an elite society, and there are many smart people,” Chen Kangjie said, shaking his head.

"Then what should I do?"

"This requires an independent institution to actually study similar issues and come up with objective answers and research results. This is beneficial to everyone, such as us, who can get all the research materials, which will help us. Making objective and correct decisions actually benefits the government a lot, as they can discover and revise their own policies, which is also a kind of supervision.”

"Will the government agree?"

"Maybe not in a short period of time, but it will happen slowly, after you have tasted the sweetness. Besides, not all research results will be made public. Many research results are only used in a small range, and we have to say that our openness Policies will become deeper and the government’s information will become more and more open. It may be difficult to reach the level we need, but I am confident that when this think tank becomes famous, the government’s attitude will change greatly.” ~

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