Dongshi is actually very big, not a single street, but several streets, there are only one-story buildings, more small two-story and three-story buildings, and some are small courtyards, like those on the upper floors. The ones with higher grades are wine shops, inns, spring houses, etc. The first floor is mainly street shops. 【y】

"Miss Dong, the one on that hill should be the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, right?" He Baoguo asked Dong Siying, pointing to a tall tower on a hill in the distance.


"Cen Shen, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once praised it in his poems, "the tower is like a gushing out, and it towers up to the sky alone.Ascending out of the world, the road is empty.It suddenly overwhelms Shenzhou, and it is as tall as a ghost's work.The four corners block the daylight, and the seven layers touch the sky. "It seems that the name is well-deserved!" Chen Qigang, who loves calligraphy and poetry, even recited Cen Shen to praise this imitation of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

"The ancient Big Wild Goose Pagoda was burned and repaired several times, with different heights and scales. Due to the constraints of our terrain, the layout of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in the city has been changed to a certain extent, which is 60.00% of the existing Big Wild Goose Pagoda today. Proportionally built, the height is 38.3 meters. In order to condense the Daci'en Temple on this hill, the designers and engineers have made great efforts. If possible, we will invite some real monks to live in it. There is a main road with steps and two small paths on the hill," explained Dong Siying, an ancient beauty dressed in ancient costumes.

"Reporting to the crown prince, do you want to go up the mountain and have a look?" Ouyang Zhenhua suddenly turned around and asked Chen Kangjie in excitement.

"It's not early today, and all the ministers are exhausted. In my opinion, let's put it aside for now. The ministers are here today to inspect. I think that climbing mountains and worshiping Buddha is definitely not what the ministers want." Chen Kangjie Pretending to enter the role.

"Of order!" Ouyang Zhenhua bowed down.

"Hahaha", a group of people laughed at these two live treasures, and even Dong Siying couldn't help covering her mouth with a handkerchief.

After laughing, everyone continued to move forward. After a long distance, the architectural forms on both sides remained unchanged, but there was a big difference in momentum.

"Miss Dong, this should be the government office where the ancient officials worked, right?" Qin Honghao asked as everyone was an official and the group was familiar with this kind of momentum.

"Yes, here is the office of Shangshu Province, Zhongshu Province, and Menxia Province, and there is the office of Yongzhou Mansion and Yongzhou Mu. These are the government offices at that time," Dong Siying replied.

"Yongzhou Mansion? What kind of official position is Yongzhou Shepherd?" asked a bureau chief who didn't understand the meaning of Yongzhou Mansion.

"Yongzhou Mu is equivalent to the mayor of the capital today. Yongzhou Mansion is where he works. During this period, the prince was mainly in charge. Tang Taizong Li Shimin once served as Yongzhou Mu. Of course, it is impossible for him to do specific things." , Dong Siying is almost becoming a historian, and these questions can be answered fluently.

"I remember that in ancient times, the capital was called Shuntianfu, and the chief was called Shuntianfuyin or Jingzhaoyin?" the bureau chief asked again.

Dong Siying answered the previous question fluently, but she didn't know how to answer this question, and she was a little embarrassed.

At this time, Chen Kangjie stepped forward, "Maybe it was influenced by TV dramas. In fact, Shuntianfu and Shuntianfu Yin mainly appeared in the Qing Dynasty. Speaking of the position of Jing Zhaoyin, it is true that the Tang Dynasty had this official position, but it was only in the first year of Kaiyuan. The position established by Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, the first Jingzhao Yin was called Meng Wenli, and this ancient city was built according to some characteristics of the late Zhenguan period. Naturally, the official office can only be set in the early Tang Dynasty. It is called Yongzhou Mansion. It is undeniable that this The architectural style and life formats inside have some characteristics of the prosperity of Kaiyuan, but in order to reflect today's era, the designer probably wants to show the vigorous development and prosperity of the Zhenguan period, which is a great leap forward in both economy and culture. period".

In fact, what the designer wants to express is that Chen Kangjie himself needs this kind of meaning. He feels that according to the development stages of each dynasty, today is very similar to the Zhenguan period more than 1000 years ago, so the historical time period is selected as the end of Zhenguan period, just to express The splendor of the Tang capital inevitably included some elements of the prosperity of the Kaiyuan era.

What Chen Kangjie said stunned everyone, not because of Chen Kangjie's profound historical knowledge, but mainly because Chen Kangjie combined that period with today's mid-90s.

"Comrade Cai Bin, I think it's time for all of us to strengthen our studies. With such a project, if we local officials don't even know about these things, we will be ashamed." When Cai Bin was very embarrassed, He Baoguo stood up. Come out, he didn't say 'you', but 'we', which proves that at least he doesn't know.

He Baoguo's words did not make people think that his knowledge was shallow, but that he was frank, which not only relieved his subordinates, but also showed his attitude, killing two birds with one stone, highlighting his frank and pragmatic style.

"I don't know, I've been so busy with work recently that I seldom read books," Chen Qigang echoed.

"It doesn't matter if you know or not. Anyway, your little devil knows. Let's go to the central government office to see. Maybe in the future, the two of you can go to Zhongshu Sheng, Shangshu Sheng as a servant or Zhongshu Ling." Both He Baoguo and Chen Qigang once He is Qin Honghao's subordinate, he gets along very easy-going with the two chief officials who are equal to him today, and often jokes about the two juniors.

Qin Honghao is also implying that he is optimistic about the future of the two.

"Director Qin, being able to do this in Yongzhou Mu has already reached the sky, why dare to think about the high positions of central ministers like Pushe and Zhongshuling?" He Baoguo smiled and waved his hands.

"We don't have the talent of Fang Xuanling, the wisdom of Du Ruhui, the relationship like Changsun Wuji, and the bravery of Yu Chigong and Hou Junji. How dare we have such extravagant expectations? Director Qin joked," said Chen Qigang The five most outstanding people in the early years of Zhenguan were selected to contrast their insignificance and mediocrity.

To He Baoguo and Chen Qigang's words, Qin Honghao smiled but did not answer, but glanced at Chen Kangjie a few times with his wise eyes.

That being said, everyone did not reject Qin Honghao's proposal. They walked into the not-so-large Shangshu Sheng and Zhongshu Sheng to visit a copy. Dong Siying did not snatch the detailed introduction of the functions inside. Instead, a The explainer who is responsible for this piece will explain it.

Coming out of the Central Office, a group of people walked towards the most beautiful and magnificent Daming Palace in Tang City. After walking for a long time, they finally came to the main gate of Daming Palace—Danfeng Gate.

"The building complex in front of us has seriously exceeded our expenditure. The Daming Palace in history is four times that of the Forbidden City in the capital, which is equivalent to three Versailles Palaces, twelve Kremlin Palaces, thirteen Louvre Museums, and fifteen Buckingham Palaces. , 11 football fields. There are 730000 city gates in total, and there are city gates on the east, west and north sides; to be honest, we can’t restore the magnificence at that time, and the terrain here can’t be expanded, so we reduced it by four One-half of it was built according to the scale of the Forbidden City today, and the total area is still as high as 1000 square meters. It mainly built Hanyuan Hall, Xuanzheng Hall, Zichen Hall, Penglai Hall, Hanliang Hall, Xuanwu Hall and other main halls and an inner courtyard. For the sake of refinement, the cost of each palace exceeded the budget by 1000 million to 13.5 million. We only kept four gates including Danfeng Gate and Xuanwu Gate. The width of the city wall was also narrowed from the historical 6 meters to [-]. m, this is for the aesthetic feeling of proportion. Historically, the city walls were built with rammed earth slabs. In order to obtain local materials and shorten the construction period, we used masonry structures inside and restored the outside with soil. The city walls of almost two kilometers also make The cost has increased by tens of millions." Dong Siying raised her hand and introduced the general situation of the magnificent palace complex in front of her.

"This Danfeng gate looks about as tall and grand as the Mingde gate that came in just now," Chen Qigang said with his head raised.

"Today, Danfengmen no longer exists. According to the discovery of archaeological sites, Danfengmen will be taller and more magnificent than today's **, but as far as this Danfengmen is concerned, it still needs to be Slightly smaller than the Mingde Gate outside, the reason is that the outer city wall is wider than this. For us ordinary people, the Xuanwu Gate may be the most familiar one. Li Shimin came to power through the change of Xuanwu Gate. It is much more familiar, Xuanwu Gate is in the north, it is smaller than this Danfeng Gate, there are only three door openings, if we are interested, we can go and have a look," Dong Siying continued.

"It doesn't matter whether you look at the Xuanwu Gate or not. Gu Ke walked for several hours and didn't sit still. Aren't you hungry? This king is hungry. I exchanged some money, so why don't we go back and eat a bowl of noodles?" , Chen Kangjie, who was hungry relatively quickly, saw that it was already two o'clock, but no one called for dinner, so he took the lead in protesting.

The other people are not hungry, but they are embarrassed to say that foreign businessmen did not call for food, but they themselves called for food, how decent.

"No, no, the inside has already been prepared. Hehe, it's still a banquet in the palace banquet. According to the arrangement, we have to stroll in before having lunch. It turns out that the central office has delayed until now." Ouyang Zhenhua quickly laughed Hold Chen Kangjie.

"Are there still grades in court banquets?" He Baoguo, as the supreme officer, couldn't behave like Chen Kangjie in a hurry. Instead, he asked about court banquets with interest.

"To be divided, according to the records of "Quan Tang Zhi? Dining": "The feast is divided into three levels, the lower one is 'Yun Yan', the vegetables are fresh and meaty, and the soup is smooth; the middle is 'Poetry Banquet', the wing soup is juicy, The meal is served on a jade plate; the top is "Wen Yan", gold and green gather together, and the deer is fresh." Today, what we prepare for the leaders is the Wen Yan. The tableware is made of gold and jade, and you can taste the deliciousness of the venison." Out of the little situation just now, Dong Siying had an extra booklet in her hand, she flipped through it and said.

In fact, there is one thing that Dong Siying hasn't said yet, that is, it is also mentioned in "Quan Tang Zhi? Palace Meals": "The Holy One eats together in the back room, and the concubine in the later room is naked, and the ingredients are different. "Food" (the emperor dined with the harem, and the concubines in the harem had to go to bed and put all kinds of delicious things on their bodies for the emperor to taste), of course, it is impossible to present this kind of wonderful food in tourist attractions scene.


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