rebirth of change

Chapter 646 The problem of taking pictures

Walking into the majestic Daming Palace, the servants in ancient costumes led them to a side restaurant to have a lunch mainly made of venison. 【^】

"The emperors, concubines and ministers in the ancient court didn't eat any good food." After eating, walking on the huge square paved with yellow granite in front of Hanyuan Hall, Ouyang Zhenhua complained while rubbing his stomach road.

"This is already very good, what else do you want? In ancient times, there were not as many seasonings as today, and besides, the taste is quite delicious, don't be so picky, you think you can have exquisite delicacies every day like you!" , Chen Kangjie retorted.

In order to truly reproduce the food style at that time, many modern condiments were not used in it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was made according to the ancient secret method, but because of the lack of information and time constraints, it was impossible to completely copy the condiments of the court at that time. Food, will slowly improve in the future.

"Haha, well done, can I be wrong? Let's continue to visit. If we don't hurry up, we won't be able to finish our shopping today. Siying, please introduce us to Hanyuan Hall." Ouyang Zhenhua hurriedly Acknowledge mistakes and change the subject.

"Hanyuan Hall is the main hall of Daming Palace. Historically, it was 600 meters away from Danfeng Gate. Now we have shortened the distance to 250 meters. The area is half the size of ** Square. The place for celebrations and court meetings is commonly known as "Outer Court". The main hall is eight rooms wide, four rooms deep, and each room is 3.3 meters wide. The foundation of the hall is 8.6 meters higher than the ground. We used an original small hill here. It is 25.9 meters long, 15.3 meters long from north to south, and surrounded by auxiliary steps with a width of 2.8 meters. In the southeast and southwest of the main hall, there are Xiangluan Pavilion and Qifeng Pavilion respectively. It is in the shape of "concave". In front of the main hall is a Longwei Road (meters long) alternated with steps and slopes. It is divided into the royal road in the middle and the side roads on both sides. The gate is the archway-style building, with partition walls running east and west on the left and right. The Hanyuan Hall is majestic and magnificent, with a wide view, overlooking the entire "Chang'an City". The poem "A thousand officials look at Chang'an, and all nations worship Hanyuan" describes We made it according to the restoration plan of Mr. Yang Hongxun. Mr. Yang used to be Mr. Liang Sicheng's assistant, a famous architect and architectural historian, and a professor and consultant of many universities at home and abroad," said Dong Siying. road.

"It seems that you have really put in a lot of effort, pursuing speed and quality." Mr. Yang Hongxun and the others have never heard of it, but Liang Sicheng, a master of architecture, is no stranger. Chen Qigang looked at the majestic palace in admiration.

Although the Daming Palace has been shrunk, you can imagine its real majesty in history, and you can also feel how brilliant the glory of the prosperous Tang Dynasty was.

"It's a pity that Mr. Liang Sicheng passed away early, otherwise it would be perfect for him to preside over this project. If so, it is really possible to restore the entire Daming Palace one by one," Chen Kangjie said regretfully.

Among those masters, Chen Kangjie admired Liang Sicheng's character and talent very much, and also respected his love with Ms. Lin Huiyin.

"Little ghost, don't sigh, let's go and see what the place where Emperor Taizong of Tang summoned the group was like?" Qin Honghao always thought that Chen Kangjie was still a child in elementary school, but in fact, he is no different from an adult now. the slightest difference.

"Uncle Qin, I'm not young anymore, why do you still call me a kid? This is discrimination." Chen Kangjie knew that Qin Honghao liked him, but he was always called a kid, and he always felt that he was really small.

"Old Qin, he is taller than you and me. He protested, haha," He Baoguo said jokingly.

"You child, in the eyes of the elders, no matter how old you are, you are still a baby, understand?" Chen Qigang also helped to say, but from his face, there was not much sincere criticism.

"That doesn't make sense. What would you think if the old chief also called you "little ghosts"? Hmph!" Chen Kangjie obviously did not support that logic.

"Okay, boy, is this the head office? I'll call you boy from now on. Your history is so good, so you can explain it inside." Looking carefully at Chen Kangjie, the eyebrows are exactly the same as when he first met. Qin Honghao sighed in his heart, "Time is so fast!" and then surrendered.

"That's about the same. Since you call me a young man, then..." Chen Kangjie looked down at his clothes, "Then I will show you around our mansion and explain it to you by the way."


. . . . . .

"This is the Xuanzheng Palace, the place where the emperor listened to the government. It is called "Zhongchao", which may be the reason why the Daming Palace was reduced. There should be Zhongshusheng, Menxiasheng, Hongwenguan, Shiguan and Yushi on the left and right of the hall. You have already seen the official offices such as the Taiwan Pavilion before. Those official offices could not fit inside the palace, and they were moved outside the palace. Standing here, the hall that you can see to the north, if you are right, should be the Zihuan Hall. Sister Siying, what is the distance?" Chen Kangjie really acted as the narrator, but he knew the real distance in history, he didn't know the modified distance.

From the start to the completion of Tangcheng, Chen Kangjie only came to inspect it once, and the construction site was still full of mess.

"Historically it was 95 meters, but now it is 41 meters," Dong Siying replied.

"Well, the Zihuan Hall is the "Inner Dynasty". It is said that it is there to meet the emperor, so it is commonly called the "Cabinet". The pattern of the Chinese and Inner Dynasties was followed by the palaces of many dynasties in later generations, and the three halls of Taihe, Zhonghe, and Baohe in the Forbidden City in the capital are the embodiment of this pattern." This little explanation, Chen Kangjie still got it down.

. . . . . .

"The place where we are now should be an inner courtyard, mainly a garden area, with sparse architectural layout and various forms. This oval-shaped clear pool should be Taiye Pool, and there is another name called Penglai Pool. I estimate the area... It should be about [-] square meters. We can see a small hill in the center of the pool. If you guessed right, it should be Mount Penglai.” Chen Kangjie explained all the way to the inner court, but he didn’t ask any questions when he encountered unclear data. , I even guessed.

"Miss Dong, is the Crown Prince wrong?" He Baoguo asked Dong Siying with a smile.

"Basically there is no mistake. This garden is scaled down according to the actual size. This oval Taiye Pool is the same as the real Taiye Pool. It is oval. The lake surface is 7580 square meters. The real Taiye Pool It is 16000 square meters, and the corridors and pavilions next to it were also built according to the characteristics of the palace architecture at that time, and the flowers and plants we planted may be a little different," Dong Siying added.

"Hehe, I'm a layman, you should do the rest." Chen Kangjie waved his hands a little embarrassedly.

"It's quite remarkable to be able to introduce it like this without looking at the information, which shows that you are very familiar with that period of history," Dong Siying praised sincerely.

It's nothing that Dong Siying is familiar with. After all, it's her job. She has to check it several times a month and listen to the reports from the technicians. But Chen Kangjie is different. It's all the knowledge he got from books. He helped Dong Siying rescue Yongzhou. The origin of the government can already be seen.

"Thank you, thank you," Chen Kangjie smiled and cupped his hands.

. . . . . .

"We are now in the northwest of Daming Palace. This magnificent palace is Linde Hall, the largest other hall in the palace. In fact, this building did not exist in the Zhenguan period. Historically, it was built during the Linde period of Tang Gaozong, but Considering that Li Zhi is the ninth son of Li Shimin, whose mother is Empress Changsun, born in the second year of Zhenguan, he inherited the throne of Tang Taizong, so we considered it and added the Linde Hall built during his reign , this hall is the place where the emperor held banquets, watched music and dances, and received foreign envoys. The one we built has an area of ​​5100 square meters. There are symmetrical Yuyi Building and Jielin Building on the east and west sides respectively. There are pavilions, all of which are built on high stone platforms." After Chen Kangjie handed over the right of explanation to Dong Siying, she continued to complete the rest.

"Taoism was prevalent in the Tang Dynasty. I wonder if there will be a Taoist temple in the palace?" He Baoguo asked curiously.

"Yes, there are also Taoist buildings such as the Sanqing Palace, Dajiao Temple, and Xuanyuan Emperor Temple in the Daming Palace in history. In order to save space, we only imitated the Sanqing Palace. The layout is the same as the original historical layout. Northeast corner, I wonder if you are interested in going to see it?" Dong Siying replied.

"It's a long way from the northwest corner to the northeast corner. It's getting late, so I don't think it's necessary. If you live here for three days, you can have a good time," Chen Qigang said.

"Then let's go out from Xuanwu Gate. You can go to the West Market to have a look. The layout of the West Market is similar to that of the East Market, but there will be many jugglers, and you can see many folk performances there. And the way of life of ordinary people, including primitive weaving, pounding rice, writing letters on behalf of others, etc. Our staff usually live there, and the way of life is to maintain the original appearance. If tourists are interested in experiencing it, we will also share Let them rent some small yards to let them experience the life of ancient people," Dong Siying suggested.

"There is a problem here. People who go out to travel like to take pictures. If modern things can't be brought in, how can they bring back this memory and beauty?" The director of tourism asked a key question.

"It's like this. We have considered this issue. The first one is to suggest the use of painting. There are 100 painters who graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in the scenic area. They will provide tourists with figure and landscape painting services and charge a small fee. , if you must take pictures, we also have personnel who can provide them, but the price will be much higher than outside, and each person is limited to 10 photos, we know that this will cause dissatisfaction among some tourists, we have done research on this, but we really don’t want to Seeing tourists with cameras hanging in the scenic spot will destroy the style of the scenic spot,” Dong Siying said.


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