rebirth of change

Chapter 647 A New Level of Tourism

"This problem is indeed a bit tangled. One side is the needs of tourists, and the other is to maintain the characteristics. It is a dilemma. But after weighing it, I personally think it is better to maintain the characteristics. This involves a level of tourism and selection. At present, Our tourism is basically still in the initial stage of sightseeing tours. When we go to the scenic spots, many photos will be snapped and flashed. There is no time to stop and calm down to experience the beauty of real mountains and rivers or historical sites. And edification, the duration of this kind of tourism is not long. People who have been there once will basically not go again. Generally speaking, this is not conducive to long-term development, so I think it will have a certain impact in the short term , but from a long-term perspective, it will win many fans.【 】These people will choose to live here for a few days. It is not worth spending so much money to build such a realistic Tangcheng just for tickets. The tourism industry is about "food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment". Only tourists can eat here, live here, and play here. , entertainment is here, and convenient transportation is provided to maximize the benefits of the tourism industry. In a word, the key is to keep customers." This idea was originally proposed by Chen Kangjie. Of course he has this consideration, but His thinking is a bit ahead of schedule, and this concept is many years ahead of schedule in China.

At this time, Chen Kangjie was talking with his hands behind his back, flicking the corners of his skirt, and when he flicked his sleeves, he was very natural and unrestrained. With his gestures, he really looked a bit like a current prince.

Except for Ouyang Zhenhua and Dong Siying, everyone else was taken aback by what Chen Kangjie said. No one in China has brought up what Chen Kangjie said at this time. Chen Kangjie's decision is a bit risky, but even if it is a loss, He can afford it, anyway, he needs such an experience.

"Director Mao, you are in charge of tourism. You should speed up your learning of new ideas and theories. It is impossible for enterprises to do forward-looking business, while our knowledge level and service level are still in the early 90s." He Baoguo exhorted the Director of Tourism.

Mao Xiaodong, director of the Tourism Bureau, is young, about [-]** years old, and he was brought up by He Baoguo when he was mayor.

"Secretary He, I will. I have just applied for a postgraduate degree in Tourism Studies at Sun Yat-sen University. According to the course, I will go to Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and other places to study and study halfway," Mao Xiaodong replied with a nod, and also gave feedback on his study by the way. Condition.

"The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government encourage cadres to go out and study. Aren't Mayor Chen and I also studying? When you finish your studies, you can go to the Finance Bureau to reimburse half of the tuition fees," He Baoguo said concerned.

"I've already discussed this with Secretary He. We will give some support to government cadres and grassroots cadres as long as they are willing to study. If the study is not organized by the government, half of the tuition fee will be reimbursed in principle. A plan will be given next week. It will be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion," Chen Qigang added.

It is said to be a discussion, but it is actually a formality to let the money be spent legally.Otherwise, if the mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee have studied it well, will they still fail?

"As for the question just now, let me add that what Sister Siying said just now is only in the early stage, and we will add high-tech elements to make up for this problem in the later stage." Chen Kangjie and the other officials finished talking and added another sentence talk.

"Don't you want to pursue simplicity and original taste? Why do you want to add high technology?" He Baoguo felt that what the consultant Chen Kangjie said was a bit contradictory.

"This is not contradictory at all. In fact, high-tech things will not be moved inside."

"What high technology are you talking about?" Chen Qigang asked his son.

"It is to fully and vividly virtualize all the scenic spots inside. It is 360 degrees. Pedestrians on the street will be virtualized on the computer system. Then tourists can pose and take photos at any place where the scenic spot provides this free service. He You can choose any place in the entire scenic spot as the background. In other words, this system will overlap the character image and the background image. Due to technical reasons, it cannot be provided for the time being. It will have to wait for Huawei Software Company to develop it. At that time, I want to Take pictures as you like”, Chen Kangjie said one of his ideas in advance.

"Then what if I want to sit at a dining table in a restaurant and take a photo? Is that okay?" asked a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

These peripheral officials only regarded Chen Kangjie as Chen Qigang's child, and did not regard him as an advisor to the investor.

"Yes, 360-degree stereo. In fact, this technology has already started to be used in many high-tech movies in Europe and America. Just like many scenes we have seen, there is actually nothing like that. When shooting, there is nothing behind the actors. After the filming is finished, the actor’s images and actions are combined with the background, and those backgrounds are all based on real scenes, or they don’t exist at all. Of course, the set of things needed in the scenic spot may be a little more complicated than that. It needs to be made easy for tourists to operate by themselves, so we need to give the technicians some time, maybe a Hollywood team will come over at that time, they are very good at image processing.” Chen Kangjie went to shoot a movie, His knowledge has broadened a lot, and he feels that the techniques that can be presented in movies can also be transferred.

"Science and technology are primary productive forces," the Standing Committee member of the National People's Congress exclaimed.

"There is another advantage of doing that. In addition to avoiding cameras and cameras everywhere in the scenic area, it can also bring additional options. For example, in the scenic area, Lantern Festival, Spring Festival and other traditional festivals that are very important in ancient times and today, there will be lanterns. There are various activities such as poetry fairs, and the scenic area has limited capacity. It is impossible for tourists to come during these lively times. Then tourists can also choose the background of that time as their own photo background, just like he visited on the Lantern Festival. Same", Chen Kangjie always has fantastic ideas.

"This idea is very good, it is really good, as if we travel to Taiwan in summer, but if we really want to stand in the vast snow in the north, then we can take such photos, as if we are there all year round Over there," the gray-haired chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference said longingly.

"Yes, that's what it means. I think this will become a selling point. Besides, it snows here every year. If tourists want to experience the feeling of the vast ancient capital, they also have choices."

"Mr. Ouyang, Ms. Dong, have you already started working on this project?" He Baoguo asked with concern, and he was also very yearning for Chen Kangjie's description.

"This will have to wait until the end of the year. At present, Huawei Software is trying its best to break through the problem of the computer interface operating system, so this will be postponed for a while," Ouyang Zhenhua replied on his behalf.

This is the task given by Chen Kangjie since the establishment of Huawei Software Company. They must rush to develop the window95 operating system ahead of Microsoft. Whoever masters this will end the competition in the desktop operating system. If Huawei Software Company If you want to become an instant success and become a major international company, you must break through this, so thousands of technicians in the entire company are currently working overtime.

Chen Kangjie knew that Microsoft's Windows 95 was released in 1995 in a 12-acre sports field on the campus of Raymond University. On the spot, they also played the famous song "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones. At that time, too many people around the world passed the satellite After watching the press conference through the broadcast, media reports were overwhelming, which made window95 quickly accepted by users based on its superior performance and high popularity, thus realizing the transformation into the world's number one high-tech company.

Microsoft CEO Ballmer once said that in the history of Microsoft, there are three important days, the establishment of Microsoft, the release of window95 and the launch of window8, which shows that the importance of window95 is really critical.

In order to develop window95, Ouyang Zhenhua also secretly provided Qin Xiaobin with an additional [-] million US dollars, and the information obtained from the United States was also continuously passed to Qin Xiaobin and Zhu Danmin, the director of Huawei Software Research Institute.

During this time, Warwick Software has been very low-key. They can't convey any intentions, and they can't make Microsoft feel pressured to advance the release date.

The bottom line of the time given by Chen Kangjie was Labor Day in 1995. Warwick Software had to come up with window95 before this time and apply for intellectual property protection. They were in charge of the development. The specific press conference was left to Chen Kangjie to consider.

In order to hold a grand and globally influential press conference, Chen Kangjie really broke his head, and he still has no mature plan.

"I really hope to get this set of things out as soon as possible," He Baoguo said casually.

"Secretary He, you have to know that businesses are more anxious than your government. It's just that technology really takes time, and it's too late. Anyway, there won't be too many tourists in the early stage," Chen Kangjie said helping Ouyang Zhenhua and the others.

Chen Kangjie’s reason is that the income level of ordinary people is still a bit weak, and the purchasing power has not been greatly improved. It will be much better in a few years. The second is that the Golden Week holiday has not yet been implemented, and many people who have the ability to travel are not yet rich. time to travel.

Anyway, scenic spots like Tangcheng and Songcheng are to cultivate word-of-mouth in the early stage, improve management and enrich the content, and train those immature staff.

. . . . . .

When everyone came to the famous Xuanwu Gate with three gates and was about to leave the Daming Palace, Ouyang Zhenhua made a proposal.

"It's rare for leaders to come to inspect, so let's take a few photos."

"President Ouyang, isn't this forbidding...?" He Baoguo asked.

"Isn't the leaders here? Besides, it hasn't been officially operated yet, and the system hasn't taken effect yet," Ouyang Zhenhua said with a smile.

The reason why Ouyang Zhenhua made such a proposal was because he saw that Chen Qigang and Chen Kangjie were staring at the three block letters of "Xuanwumen", and he didn't know what to write.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were many running scripts used in daily life, but the official font was still regular script, so this family name was written in regular script, which is also the suggestion of experts after research.


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