rebirth of change

Chapter 648: Similarities in History

By the time Chen Kangjie and the others returned home from wandering around Tangcheng's West Market, it was already completely dark. 【^】There are only two people in He Baoguo, today is Chen Qigang, He Baoguo and Chen Kangjie went out together, so Ma Fangqin didn't ask Zhao Yuexiang to cook, but called over to eat together, Song Pingfei and He Baoguo's secretary sent them to the community He was invited back at the door.

The relationship between He Baoguo and Chen Qigang is very close, and their secretaries also get along well.

Under normal circumstances, the two of He Baoguo's family will not go home immediately after dinner, and they will stay for a while. Moreover, they are assigned by the sub-clan. He Baoguo and Chen Qigang go to the study to drink tea and talk about work. , and Zhao Yuexiang would watch TV with Ma Fangqin and the others or chat with their parents.

Today was no exception. After dinner, Chen Kangjie followed the two parents into Chen Qigang's study. Anyway, when they came back, "News Network" had finished playing, so they didn't need to watch the news any more.

"You two, how do you feel after walking around today?" Chen Kangjie asked with a smile after serving tea to the two elders.

"How do you feel? Are you testing us?" He Baoguo blew on the green tea and asked Chen Kangjie with a smile on his face.

"I don't dare to take the school exam, it's just for chatting." Chen Kangjie hurriedly sat down and waved his hands.

"Just one impression, that is, our decision to develop Shuishuang was correct." He Baoguo said calmly and drank tea by himself.

"What? It means that it's all your work?" Chen Kang made great efforts, turned around, and jumped up, feeling that there was nothing wrong with him.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Qigang asked as he put down the teacup he had taken a sip from.

"Here... If I hadn't been the bridge, what would you develop? It is estimated that there are still grasslands and crops there." Chen Kangjie was at a loss for words, but immediately thought of an excuse to refute.

"That's really the case. On behalf of the municipal party committee, your father thanked you on behalf of the municipal government." He Baoguo said lightly. Judging from his overflowing face, there is no sense of sincere gratitude. It is mostly ridicule .

"Well, it seems that I don't want to get anything in return. If you are cruel, I will raise the white flag." Chen Kangjie really had no choice but to sit down honestly.

"Then what do you think?" He Baoguo glanced at Chen Qigang and asked Chen Kangjie.

"I don't have any thoughts. Anyway, I came up with an idea. In the end, I have nothing to do. If you take advantage of it, I will lose money and make money. I will not do this kind of thing." Chen Kangjie turned his head, completely A non-cooperative attitude.

"Hehe, when a person grows up, his temper also grows," He Baoguo said to Chen Qigang.

"Yes, we have known each other for 8 years, and the changes in these [-] years have been great!" Chen Qigang, who had never imagined that he would be the mayor eight years ago, sighed.

"People have changed a lot, and this area has also changed a lot. In eight years, the economic level of our city has doubled. I really don't even think about it. The six are much bigger, and the urban area is also a lot bigger." He Baoguo Also very emotional.

"You won't be satisfied, right? This is a lot bigger? You didn't stand on the roof of Mengting Tourism Group to take a look. In fact, our city is still very small." Chen Kangjie heard the two bosses lamenting the changes and With the results obtained, I turned my head reflexively.

"Isn't that a big change? The first eight years of the development of the special zone with the whole country's efforts are nothing more than that," said He Baoguo.

"That was the first eight years, and now you are still far away from Pengcheng, where there are already many high-rise buildings."

"It's incomparable. They are next to Hong Kong, they have more policies than us, they are close to the sea, the transportation is convenient, and they started early. How can we not compare?" He Baoguo said with reasonable inferiority.

"It's impossible to compare, but there's no need to compare like this. Each has its own advantages. If our city is well planned and developed, there is still a lot to do. For example, we went to Shuishuang today, relying on Tangcheng and Happy Valley. The advantages of tourism, if the government and functional agencies of the Shuishan Special Zone are moved there in the future... Oh, the radical method, ha ha, godfather, high!", Chen Kangjie was talking about the excitement, and immediately noticed it wrong.

"What kind of provocative method? That's what you want to say, and we didn't force you. Since you have already started to say it, let's finish your thoughts." He Baoguo played a rogue.

"I'm not going to do it. I told you to tell me that if you don't tell me, why should I say it? If you talk about it, I'll go back to my room and read a book."

"Stop, come back", how could Chen Qigang let Chen Kangjie slip away so easily, and shouted Chen Kangjie back.

"Don't you want to bully the small with the big and bully the small?" Chen Kangjie returned to the sofa and sat down with a playful smile.

"It's so ugly. In fact, I really feel deeply today. I didn't expect tourism to be able to do that. At first, I only imagined that there would be a tourist town there. Now it seems that this idea can be expanded." Forced The helpless He Baoguo can only talk about his own feelings, but as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he can't only see microscopic things, but more importantly, he has to look at problems from a macroscopic perspective, which is suitable for being a leader.

"How do you plan to expand?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"I plan to extend the development of the development zone and connect it into a piece, so that the city can be expanded by more than two times. What did you say about the government agencies in the Shuishan Special Zone?" Chen Qigang took over Chen Kangjie's words.

"Forget it, anyway, I'm going to talk about it in the end, and I'm too lazy to argue with you. This idea of ​​yours is very good. If it is to be implemented, all the government agencies in Shuishan Special Zone can be relocated to Shuishuang. One is that the relocation of the government will bring about a certain degree of development, and the other is that it can strengthen the management there. There are not many industrial projects in the development zone anyway, and the terrain is flat, so it can be developed as a commercial center, such as Office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, banks, services, etc. can be placed in the development zone, turning this area into the CBD of the entire city..." Chen Kangjie couldn't consume them, and he himself couldn't complain.

"What is CBD?" He Baoguo interjected and asked.

"It's the Central Business District," Chen Kangjie replied simply.

"Then there is a long area between the development zone and Shuishuang. What are you going to do? This area is more than twice as large as the development zone," Chen Qigang asked again.

"Don't tell me that you haven't considered and discussed it. If that's the case, I think the province should replace the two of you."

"Do you think we are idle every day and do nothing? We plan to develop a residential area in this area. With the deepening of housing reform, more and more people are living in housing. Now many people are moving to the city. The second thing is to develop business and logistics. We can develop some high-tech enterprises," Chen Qigang said dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie didn't answer in a hurry, but stared at the two of them.

"Are there flowers on our faces or something?", He Baoguo was uncomfortable being watched by Chen Kangjie, so he took out a cigarette and passed it to Chen Qigang.

"No, I was thinking, you went to visit the Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty today, and it seems that you didn't gain much." Chen Kangjie brought the topic to this again inexplicably.

"How do you say that?" He Baoguo lit a cigarette and asked with great interest.

"It stands to reason that your ideas are good. There is nothing wrong with developing real estate and engaging in high technology, and there is nothing wrong with your thinking, but I feel that your thinking is still not fully opened." Chen Kangjie returned to the topic again.

"What exactly do you want to explain? If you have anything to say, hurry up and talk around, showing off, right?" Chen Qigang didn't cooperate well with his son.

"Did you see the majestic Daming Palace today? Does it feel like Tangcheng is prosperous?" Chen Kangjie didn't give up because of Chen Qigang's dissatisfaction. Instead, he went around even more.

"Although the Daming Palace has been reduced to a quarter, you can still feel the majesty and majesty. Although the Tang City has not been officially opened, it can't hide the historical prosperity it can show." He Baoguo felt that Chen Kangjie asked so. There must be a deep meaning, so he acted very cooperatively. If he didn't cooperate with him to play a good show, this guy wouldn't say it.

"Then do you know why the Tang Dynasty was the most prosperous dynasty in history?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask.

"Officials are clear and bright, inheriting the foundation of the Han Dynasty, and adopting various policies and measures to encourage production, and science and technology have developed..." He Baoguo replied in a clear and orderly manner.

"You said part of the reason, but you missed a very important factor. In fact, the most fundamental reason for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty was openness and tolerance. Do you find it a bit strange? Do you think it is a bit similar to today?" Chen Kangjie is like a teacher Said with hands behind his back.

"It's kind of weird."

"In fact, the construction of the Tangcheng tourism project is very reflective. It is for tourists who really experience life to think about why the Tang Dynasty was so prosperous. When it is officially opened, tourists will find that there are not only cattle and horses in Tangcheng, but also Camels and many foreigners, why is this happening? The Silk Road, the Silk Road is the key factor for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, didn’t you find it strange just now, let me explain,” Chen Kangjie said shaking his head.

"Tell me", He Baoguo was very interested, and Chen Qigang beside him was not less interested.

"The Silk Road brought various civilizations, Indian civilization, Roman civilization, Babylonian civilization, and Persian civilization. Before that, our culture has always been relatively closed, but with the opening of the Silk Road, a large number of cultures poured in. , has brought technology, ideas, art, religion and products, etc. Our tradition is a gentle farming culture. When the gentleness of farming civilization is combined with the glory of grassland civilization and desert civilization, a new one will be created. It can be said that during the Tang Dynasty, our Chinese culture was reshaped, and a country with advanced culture cannot fall behind economically.”


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