rebirth of change

Chapter 649 Turning Disadvantages into Advantages

"Is the Silk Road so influential?" Chen Qigang asked with some doubts. 【y】

"Of course, the core of the Silk Road is actually openness. This coincides with the reform and opening up we propose today. An open country must be strong. There is no doubt that if we want to be rich, strong, and prosperous, we must open up. The most important thing is to open the mind and the system,” Chen Kangjie said with certainty.

"The Han Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and other dynasties were also open. They were not connected with foreign cultures. In the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He's voyages to the West were also known as the Silk Road on the Sea. How can this be explained?" He Baoguo saw Looking at the tall Chen Kangjie, he completely regarded him as a college student.

"The biggest difference lies in the way of opening up. In fact, the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were both conservative compared to the Tang Dynasty. The Han Dynasty and the Western Regions actually focused on war and anti-plundering. This communication method has Very destructive, just like during World War II, China and Japan also had a lot of exchanges, but war was the mainstream, and the result was not good for both parties. Not to mention the Maritime Silk Road of the Ming Dynasty, they enforced the sea ban in In fact, it is a unilateral charity to the outside world, and to promote national prestige. This kind of openness is not sustainable, and it will not bring much practical benefit, just like our aid to Africa to the south of Jiaozhi 30 or [-] years ago, and the Tang Dynasty’s The Silk Road is different, it is a great fusion of peace, even if there are some wars or battles, it is actually for culture and talents, and the gathering place of many cultures at that time is in today’s Hexi Corridor,” Chen Kangjie explained.

"It's interesting, hehe, then why did you choose the Hexi Corridor instead of other places?" He Baoguo smiled and nodded in praise.

"The sense of security is the most secure in the Hexi Corridor," Chen Kangjie replied simply.

"What's the explanation?" Chen Qigang asked.

"This is a bit far-fetched, but it's okay to talk about it, because the big civilizations actually have a certain degree of defensiveness. The ancient Greek civilization inherited by Roman civilization, Babylonian civilization, Persian civilization, Indian civilization, including our Chinese civilization, are all like this. Then To do cultural exchanges, we must choose a place where everyone can rest assured, otherwise it will only cause conflicts and wars. The Hexi Corridor extending to the Western Regions is very interesting. It is far away from the cultural centers and political centers of several major civilizations. It is relatively far away, and the only one that is closer is Chang'an in China. In the hundreds of years before the Tang Dynasty, other civilizations had actually done a long-term exploration and understanding of Chinese civilization, and the result was that the farming culture was the core Chinese culture is the least aggressive advanced civilization. They only want to keep their own land and way of life, they don’t want to expand and occupy large areas of land, and they never think about destroying other civilizations. The sages don’t know the existence of other civilizations at all, and some civilizations are even older than ours. This can be seen from the narrowness of their books. It is because of the combination of these factors that the Hexi Corridor has been created. This is a place where people from different civilizations do business, exchange ideas, and exchange cultures. The Tang Dynasty was the most affected by all of this, and you can find clues from their clothing, religion, and architecture.” Chen Kangjie, Pa La Pa La After talking for a long time, his mouth was dry, so he quickly sat down to drink water.

"I see. Recently, you have been reading books on ancient history?" He Baoguo said with great interest.

"Yes, that's why the old man's wisdom is here. His reform and opening up policy will completely change our country. This is a brand new and larger-scale peaceful Silk Road." Chen Kangjie has always been very respectful to the old chief .

"I understand a little bit, this kid is saying that we are not open enough, and I didn't get the essence after visiting Tangcheng," Chen Qigang said to He Baoguo.

"Yes, we are calling for reform and opening up every day, but there are a few people who have completely reversed the traditional concept in their thinking. Even if they want to develop and get rich, they are only treating the symptoms, not the root cause."

"Hehe, I don't mean to criticize the two bosses. I just think that in terms of economic development, on the road of leading the people to become rich, and in planning for the future, you can see farther and be more open. Be more courageous, this is to learn from history. If your progress only ends here, it doesn’t matter, your previous ideas can be satisfied, but if you still want to move forward, then the requirements are much higher.” Chen Kangjie took a sip of tea , hurriedly distanced himself, and at the same time made naked hints.

"Isn't that the purpose of restoring the original flavor of Tang City as much as possible?" Chen Qigang stared at Chen Kangjie and asked.

"Yes, we don't want tourists to come, just take a few photos and leave. We hope that they can stay there for a few days. One is to experience the slow life in ancient times, and the other is to think about how prosperous the Tang Dynasty will be. Brilliant", Chen Kangjie was blunt about this.

"Is this your suggestion too?"

"This... I did give advice at the beginning."

"Okay, then let's go back to the previous question, what's wrong with what your father said just now?" He Baoguo pulled Chen Kangjie back again, trying to squeeze his wisdom as much as possible.

"Simply speaking, there is no problem, but I think you should not just do what you want, but make a plan for the city's next ten years, next 20 years, or even 30 years, divide the city into blocks, don't just For the area from the development zone to Shuishuang, the northern part can be included, and it can be extended to the section of Yaoshang Reservoir, and the east can be extended to the back of Wude Reservoir, and a development zone can be created there. You can draw Determine the steps and the way forward, and even consider how to include the cities of Liuzhi and Panjiang into the category, form a small urban agglomeration with convenient transportation, and connect those towns in the middle to form a big game of chess. The development advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and the important roles to be assumed are distinguished. It is a basic consensus that no merit is not rich. To develop industry, we must carry out urbanization, and we must transform farmers into workers as much as possible. It involves a lot of institutional arrangements and institutional breakthroughs. In this regard, I think you can learn from a lot of European experience, which not only protects the environment, but also develops the economy, and the people have also received real benefits.” Chen Kangjie’s opinion is completely beyond the two The anticipation and awareness of the top leaders of the party and government.

"Your thinking is really open and generous." He Baoguo gave Chen Kangjie a rare thumbs up.

"Thank you", Chen Kangjie responded without hesitation.

"But it's difficult! After the tax reform, our income is still greatly affected. The urban area and development zone extend to the Yaoshang Reservoir, but there are many mountains," Chen Qigang sighed in a pragmatic manner.

"It's not that you want to go to the sky in one step, it's just that you plan well and take your time. People who have no foresight must have near-term worries. The provincial capital may develop into a mega-city in the future, and the population will reach more than 400 million. Then how do we position ourselves? It is very important, at least we must use the development of the city to drive the progress of the region, and even become a regional center, which has a strong pulling force and radiating force on the economy of surrounding cities and counties. There are several relationships to be dealt with. On the macro level, it is better to handle the harmonious relationship between urbanization, industrialization, agricultural modernization, and the development of resources and the environment. On the micro level inside the city, you have to handle the relationship between work, life and supporting facilities, that is, around the living and working places of citizens, It is very, very important to have a comfortable environment and provide comprehensive facilities such as medical care, education, sports, culture, and transportation.” Seeing that the two bosses took out their pens to take notes, Chen Kangjie made a small pause.

"As for the mountains mentioned just now, it's actually not a big deal. On the contrary, it can turn disadvantages into advantages. I remember a story about a pharmacy janitor in Argentina. It was about a pharmacy in a small town. He has worked in a pharmacy for many years, but he can't read or write anything. Later, the pharmacy was transferred to a young man who asked the janitor to keep a daily record of how many people came to visit him. The pharmacy buys some medicines, but because the janitor cannot read or write, the young man can only give a subsidy and dismiss the janitor. The janitor has no skills, the only thing he knows is to use a few nails Repairing seats, he desperately wanted to make a living out of it, and now he has nothing but a few rusty nails."

"Then what happened afterwards?" He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were both attracted by Chen Kangjie's story.

"Then the janitor planned to use the money the young man gave him as compensation to buy a set of tools in the next town. It took two days to get from his town to the next town. He came back with a complete set of tools, but just after he got home, a neighbor came to him to borrow a hammer, but if he borrowed the tools, he would not be able to work and earn money, so the neighbor finally bought the hammer at twice the price, He had no choice but to buy the goods. When he came back, someone from the town came to him again, wanting to buy his screwdrivers, wrenches and other things. Considering the hard work of buying the goods, they also paid twice the price. He couldn't save face. The only thing to do is to sell. After selling, he went to buy goods. The town knew that he had something to sell here, and more and more people came to him, so he opened a hardware store in the town. provided them to him, and when he got familiar with it, he knew that it was not difficult to process these tools, so he set up a processing factory himself and became a millionaire. Out of gratitude to the townspeople for their help, he donated a In this school, when the mayor asked him to sign the merit list, he said that he was illiterate. The mayor was surprised and asked him, you are so capable, but you can’t read. What kind! The man replied, if I could read and write, I would still be a janitor,” Chen Kangjie continued.


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