rebirth of change

Chapter 65 Interview

Chapter 65Interview

"Lu Xiang, it's your turn, go in"

"Thank you"

Liu Kai's secretary L called Lu Xiang into Liu Kai's temporary office.

Today, many people came to Master Kong Food Co., Ltd. for an interview. Due to the large number of people, they could only line up. After the person in front came out a little downcast, seeing that there was little hope, Liu Kai's secretary called him in.

A few days ago, Master Kong Food Co., Ltd. published job advertisements in both Qianzhou Daily and China Youth Daily. The requirements for the applicants are very high, but the salary is also staggering.The highest annual salary is 45 yuan, and ordinary civilian staff with low salaries are also given an annual salary of 5000 yuan, with additional bonuses.This income is almost three times that of ordinary urban residents in Liushuipan City, and it is much higher than the income of many people in the eastern region. In addition, it is a foreign-funded enterprise, which naturally attracts many people to come here, some of them to hit big Fortunately, some want to find a development platform.

When he went to Hong Kong this time, Chen Kangjie always felt that there were too few talents available around him. When he came back, Liu Kai was doing personnel placement planning again, so he just held this job fair according to the company's needs.

There were three people sitting in Liu Kai's room, with Ouyang Zhenhua in the middle, Liu Kai on the left, and Chen Kangjie on the right.

"Please sit down, please introduce yourself," Ouyang Zhenhua said calmly.

Seeing Ouyang Zhenhua and Liu Kai sitting there like examiners, Lu Xiang was not surprised at all, but seeing Chen Kangjie staring at him with a smile, Lu Xiang felt a little unnatural, and didn't understand what this kid was doing here, but The doubts in my heart disappeared in a flash. After all, I came for an interview, so I still had to get down to business.

"My name is Lu Xiang. I am from Cangnan, Northern Hebei Province. This year (years old), I graduated from the School of Economics and Management of Capital University. I used to be the deputy business manager of Cangnan Economic and Trade Company in Northern Hebei..." Lu Xiang began to introduce himself calmly.

After graduating from Capital University at the age of 24, Lu Xiang was assigned to Cangnan City, a relatively remote city in northern Hebei, because his family had no relationship. This economic and trading company is a small state-owned enterprise. In [-], he only worked as the deputy business manager. He also put forward a lot of development suggestions for the company, but the leaders above were not focused on business at all, they were all trying to climb up, so they didn't like his suggestions. After a few times, Lu Xiang was also disheartened. A few days ago, he saw the recruitment advertisement of Master Kong Company in the China Youth Daily. After learning that he was coming for a face-to-face interview, he asked for leave and took the train for a day.

"How can you be sure that your suggestions are all good and appropriate?" After Lu Xiang finished his introduction, Ouyang Zhenhua began to ask.

"My suggestions are all summed up in my work. There are a lot of survey data, and I have also looked at the materials of many domestic peers who have done well. I found that the reason why they do well is that the methods they use are similar to mine. The suggestions are almost the same. For this reason, I also consulted my teachers in the university, and they also felt that my method is feasible, and I will report it to the leader in a written form after a thorough review." Lu Xiang is very confident in his suggestion plan, and speaks eloquently. talk.

"You used to have an iron rice bowl, which was very secure. We are a foreign-funded enterprise. If you don't do well, you will be fired. What do you think about this?" Liu Kai added a question.

"Most of the state-owned enterprises have not developed smoothly in the past two years. In my opinion, maybe there will be no iron rice bowl in two years, otherwise the state-owned enterprises may drag down our entire country. In addition, although you are a foreign-funded enterprise, you I think that if I have the ability, I will create benefits for the company, and the company will be my job." Lu Xiang seems to have made some observations and studies on this.

Maybe others don't know it, but Chen Kangjie knows it. After a few years, the strong-handed prime minister will reform the state-owned enterprises on a large scale. Many small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises have been privatized, and the "government" only retains the benefits. Good industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood, as the so-called grasping the large and letting go of the small, resulted in large-scale layoffs in state-owned enterprises. The iron rice bowl is really no longer iron. It can also be seen that Lu Xiang is very confident and has certain foresight for social development' sex'.

"Our working place is here, and the conditions will be more difficult. Would you like to work here from Cangnan?"

"Before I came in, I had heard that our company's office building, factory building and dormitory building were all under construction. To be honest, I think the conditions should be much better than my working environment there, so I am very sincere. ", Lu Xiang replied without hesitation.When I was waiting outside just now, some of the interviewees were six local people. Lu Xiang heard them talking about the construction scale of Master Kong, so he was not worried about the working environment and living problems at all. He just wanted to find A platform that can play.

After Lu Xiang answered this question, Ouyang Zhenhua turned to look at Chen Kangjie, as if to ask him what he meant.

"If you were given a hundred combs and asked you to sell them to monks in the temple, how would you sell them?" Chen Kangjie laughed and asked a question that both Ouyang Zhenhua and Liu Kai were puzzled about.

Hearing this child ask such a tricky question, Lu Xiang was also stunned. It was the first time he encountered such a weird question, but he quickly recovered his thoughts and remained silent. The three of them did not bother him. In fact, Ouyang Zhen Hua and Liu Kai are also thinking about this question, how can they sell it by themselves?

Chen Kangjie watched them bow their heads in thought, and laughed in his heart. This was a case that would be mentioned in many magazines and sales courses before rebirth, and Chen Kangjie just copied it casually.

After a while, Lu Xiang seemed to have thought of the answer, raised his head and said, "Monks don't use combs, but pilgrims can use them, especially female pilgrims who often go to offer offerings, so you can try to let the monks in the temple use combs as gifts." Give back to some pilgrims. In this way, although some combs are lost, it will increase the sense of belonging of pilgrims and help to firmly grasp a group of devout pilgrims. For the long-term development of the temple, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.”

After listening to Lu Xiang's answer, Ouyang Zhenhua and Liu Kai suddenly realized that they did not think of this answer, and Chen Kangjie did not expect that Lu Xiang's thinking reaction would be so fast, because relatively speaking, this is the best answer.

"You are going to interview for a regional manager. I don't think you are suitable, but you can be our deputy sales director with a salary of [-] years. Is there any problem?" Chen Kangjie made a decision.

Hearing that he had picked up a big position, Lu Xiang looked at Ouyang Zhenhua in disbelief. It seemed that Ouyang Zhenhua in the middle was the person in charge. Why did this kid make the decision, but did he underestimate Chen Kangjie? Well, just now when Chen Kangjie asked that question, he didn't dare to underestimate it, but without the promise of the person in charge, he was still not sure.

"Mr. Chen Kangjie is our consultant, he will do what he says," Ouyang Zhenhua gave Lu Xiang a reassurance.

Now Lu Xiang's mentality is really mixed. He wanted to come here to see if he could find a platform for development after the economic and trade company was not doing well. , He also knows that many of the interviewees are graduates from prestigious universities, and work experience does not need to be poor, so during the interview, he said that he was applying for a regional manager with an annual salary of 2 yuan. And the results are a bit unbelievable.

"Thank you, I will definitely work hard and not let the three leaders down." Lu Xiang didn't dare to be happy in secret for too long, and hurriedly expressed his opinion excitedly.

"You go to the lady who just notified you to come in to collect the round-trip travel expenses, and you will be given a week to go back to work and personal affairs, and report to work after a week. Is there any problem?" Chen Kangjie nodded, and the rest was up to him.

"No problem, I will arrange my affairs within a week and rush back."

For Lu Xiang, one week is enough time. He did not apply for suspension without pay, but resigned. Moreover, some leaders are already dissatisfied with his "self-righteousness". His resignation application should be approved soon. Finally, It’s really not a big deal. The annual salary here is [-], which is already n times that of him in Cangnan. Lu Xiang clearly distinguishes which is more important.

The reason why people from all over the country come to the recruitment interview of Master Kong Company is that the company promises to provide round-trip travel expenses for all interviewees, so as to relieve the worries of the applicants.

After Lu Xiang left, Chen Kangjie interviewed three more people with the two of them. They were all of average ability. Fortunately, they only asked for interviews with regional managers and ordinary clerks. The shopkeeper left.

Later, Chen Kangjie read the recruitment report and selected six financial personnel from among the many applicants, one financial director, one salesperson, one sales deputy director, one administrative manager, several administrative personnel, one logistics manager, and many more. Human logistics personnel, security guards, a manager of the security department, managers of the planning department, advertising department, purchasing department and other departments and several clerks, as well as a professor of Mizuki University with an annual salary of 1 yuan and a human research team, The professor has a doctorate in food and health safety from Cambridge University, a doctorate in pigment and additive research from Princeton University, and a master's degree in fruit, vegetable and beverage processing technology. Although he is not an academician, this is determined by his 45-year-old age.During this period, Pan Guiren has been giving prenatal training to ordinary workers and foremen, and has not participated in the recruitment.

In this way, the personnel and structure of the entire company are all set up, and the next thing to do is production and sales.

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