Chapter 64 Return from Hong Kong

Seeing Chen Kangjie's return, the whole family was very happy, and the older brothers and sisters were even more excited when they saw the gifts that Han Geng brought in from behind Chen Kangjie, they rushed to grab them and open them.

"Don't grab it, everyone has it," Chen Kangjie persuaded with a smile when he saw that the gift he brought was so popular.

However, none of the elder sisters and elder brothers responded to his words, and they all only cared about "grabbing" things, which made Chen Kangjie extremely depressed.

It was Ma Fangqin who loved her son more, so she pulled Chen Kangjie aside to see if she had lost weight, and then asked if everything was going well.A few words and a few actions moved Chen Kangjie's nose sorely, and he almost wanted to cry. He hugged Ma Fangqin for a while before letting go.Maternal love is the greatest love in the world. No matter how long it has passed, it will always be so cherished and moved in the hearts of children.

To Ma Fangqin's question, Chen Kangjie could only answer that everything was fine, and he must not reveal a single word about the shootout, otherwise he might never even think about going to Hong Kong again for the rest of his life.

Chen Kangjie's family invited Han Geng to stay and have dinner together, but Han Geng would not be so ignorant, he politely declined on the pretext that the company had something to do, Chen Kangjie didn't have much to say, since he came back, the family should have a lot to say, Han Geng stayed It might not be comfortable to come down, so it's better to let him go back.

Most of what Chen Kangjie bought were women's cosmetics, clothing, jewelry, etc. Who told him that he had so many sisters. He gave Chen Qigang a set of Versace suits, a gold pen, and a pair of crocodile leather shoes. What he gave to Ma Fangqin was a necklace, A few sets of clothes, a pair of bracelets, and some cosmetics suitable for middle-aged people. What Chen Yuchang gave was a set of Versace casual clothes, a commemorative zipo lighter, and the same leather shoes as Chen Qigang.

During dinner at night, because Chen Yuchang seldom came back, most of them were busy with the paging station in the city, so Chen Qigang asked concerned: "How is your paging station?"

"It didn't work at first, but after Lao Wen gave me an idea to advertise, he spent tens of thousands of dollars, and the effect is very good. Now there are almost [-] customers, and the monthly fee for this month is nearly [-]." , Chen Yuchang said a little excitedly, as if he had done such a remarkable thing.

However, during this period of time, Chen Yuchang really worked hard, and he had to do everything by himself, and he couldn't be as foolish as before. After all, it was 100 million, and it was his first time doing business. He could only succeed and not fail, otherwise he would not be able to hold his head high at home in the future. up.

Recently, the number of people using pagers in Liushuipan has increased a lot. This is all thanks to Chen Yuchang's advertisements. Such a day-to-day publicity has made the hearts of those with a little financial strength very itchy. No face, especially the sentence "Cell me if I have something to do" when I parted with my friends, very handsome and very stylish.

"Third brother, are you satisfied with only 3000 people? Be proud to get 3 people as soon as possible." Chen Kangjie was complacent when he saw his [-] customers, and laughed and teased him.

"Old man, do you think 3000 people are easy to do? It took more than a month of advertising and it took a lot of hard work to get it out. Besides, how big is our city? [-] people are impossible. You think we Is this a coastal city?" Being ridiculed by his younger brother, Chen Yuchang was naturally unconvinced.

"Hey, our city can't do it, so let's go to the surrounding areas such as Jiebi, Shun'an, and Yixing. Why are you so stupid? With the development of the economy, paging opportunities are getting cheaper and cheaper, and the number of people using them will increase. If you don’t rush to grab the market now, maybe more people will grab it after a year or so.” Chen Kangjie continued to tease him, but at the same time reminded him.

"That's right, we have inquired in several places around, and there are no paging stations. Yes, your idea is good, but you don't have that much money? And you said that paging opportunities are getting cheaper and cheaper? I don't think this is possible in the short term. ?" Chen Yuchang's eyes lit up after receiving Chen Kangjie's suggestion, but he was stumped by the problem of funds.

"Brother, don't you know about loans? You are now a person with millions of assets. It shouldn't be difficult to get some money, right? And after you develop a region with loans, you can use the assets in this region to mortgage the loan , This cycle, as long as your paging station can develop well, the bank is willing to give you a loan, and they also have a task now. As for the price of the pager, you don’t believe it now, you will know later, maybe In a few years, it will be dozens of yuan." Chen Kangjie can only give Chen Yuchang an idea in this way. First of all, this method is feasible. Second, although Chen Kangjie has a lot of funds, he must let him Find a way by yourself, and the third is that even if you can’t afford it in the end, at worst, you can help him yourself.

"Dozens of dollars?" Jia Ren next to him almost said in unison.Why are you so surprised?That's because the current pagers don't cost thousands of dollars.Of course, the tens of dollars that Chen Kangjie mentioned was the later digital machine, but Chen Kangjie couldn't explain it in detail.

"Well, you think the cost of that thing is so expensive. In fact, it is because the country has not mastered this technology, so it is tricked by foreigners. Soon domestic manufacturers will join in, and the price will drop." Chen Kangjie said with a calm smile.

"How do you know?"

"Do you think that I read so many books for nothing? Of course I learned and analyzed them." Chen Kangjie felt that he had slipped up a lot, so he said angrily.

Chen Yuchang lowered his head to think about Chen Kangjie's method, and the others didn't speak, just watching his younger brother teach his elder brother how to do business.

After a while, it seemed that Chen Yuchang wanted to understand the joints. He raised his head with a smile, and gave Chen Kangjie a thumbs up, "Brother, you are really good, no wonder that Hongyuan spent 100 million yuan to hire you as a consultant."

"It's called knowledge is productivity. Don't just think about doing business to make money. If you have time, read more books, and go to school to study later," Chen Kangjie sincerely suggested to his brother.

"Reading? Advanced study? Brother, it's not like you don't know. How can I study? Otherwise, why would I go to work so early?" Chen Yuchang said awkwardly.

"I think what the old man said is right. You are now studying to learn knowledge and to do a better job in business. It is not for you to take an exam." Chen Qigang thought the youngest son's suggestion was very good, so he agreed.

"Oh", Chen Yuchang answered reluctantly. In order to get rid of the problem of studying, Chen Yuchang seemed to think of something, "Lao Wen, are these gifts from Hongyuan Company?"

Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes, "Third brother, I bought it with my own salary, why are they so kind to buy you a gift? It means brothers, I miss you"

"Old Wen, how much did you spend on these things?" Chen Qigang asked with great interest when he heard that his youngest son paid for gifts for everyone.

"Hey, not much, 10,000+", Chen Kangjie originally wanted to say more than 90, but he was afraid of being scolded for spending money "indiscriminately", so he still reduced it by [-] to [-]%.

However, even if it is 10,000+, it still surprises everyone. Although they know that the gift is good and will not be cheap, they did not expect it to cost so much money.

Chen Kangjie had expected that even if he only spent 10,000+, he would be criticized. Sure enough, Chen Kangjie did whatever he wanted.

"You know how to spend money indiscriminately, 10,000+ is not much? You won't save it, and you will have to go to college to marry a daughter-in-law in the future." Ma Fangqin was the first to express dissatisfaction with Chen Kangjie's profligacy.

"Mom, look at how old I am, I just want to marry a wife, isn't it too early? Haha", after being criticized, Chen Kangjie blushed and changed the subject with a smile.

"Hmph, why are you so small? Yu Lan and the others all like you," Chen Jing said to his younger brother.

"Ah?", although Chen Kangjie knew about it before his death, he didn't expect Chen Jing to say it in front of everyone at the dinner table.

Chen Kangjie's embarrassment made everyone laugh heartily.

"Lao Wen, you are so smart and handsome, and you can make money. Which girl doesn't like it? Hehe", Chen Yuchang teased Chen Kangjie in turn, causing Chen Kangjie to quickly finish the rice in the bowl and run away as if to escape.

After playing for a week, Chen Kangjie walked into the school again and started class. Before class, Chen Kangjie went to the Chinese teacher's office and the mathematics teacher's office first, and gave Chen Hongmei and Zhang Fang a small box respectively. What Chen Hongmei got was a silk dress worn in summer. Zhang Fang's is a brooch. These two things were chosen by Chen Kangjie according to their dressing habits and temperament. Although the things are not expensive, the price is two to three hundred Hong Kong dollars, but they are extremely delicate. Both teachers like it very much. It was Chen Kangjie's reward for not caring about himself to the two of them, and it was almost a small "bribery", hoping that he could continue to be free in the future.

Ma Wei smiled happily at Chen Kangjie's appearance. He couldn't find Chen Kangjie during the May Day holiday. He heard that he went to Hong Kong to play, and he was extremely envious.

As soon as Chen Kangjie sat down, Ma Wei put one arm around Chen Kangjie's neck, but stretched out the other hand, fingers spread out, as if Chen Kangjie owed him something.

Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes at him, and said dejectedly, "Who would bring so many gifts to school? Your gifts are all at home, so you can take them yourself after school."

"What did you give me?" Ma Wei was very anxious, wanting to know what gift he got.

"Don't disturb me now, I have to start studying, and I'll know when I get back from school." Chen Kangjie saw his anxious look, let alone talk, and was so anxious to death.Besides, Chen Kangjie had to hurry up to write, and the time left for him was running out. For the sake of the Soviet Union's wealth, he had to hurry up and raise funds.

Mawei saw that Chen Kangjie took out a stack of papers from his schoolbag and started his crazy writing again. Although he was very anxious, there was really nothing he could do, otherwise he would have to eat Chen Kangjie's chestnuts if he was disturbed again. He was treated like this. eat.

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