rebirth of change

Chapter 655 History repeats itself

Fan Wenxuan was very happy, but also very painful. She didn't dare to go to the company. There were reporters from all over the world waiting there every day. She let the secretary and assistant handle it. Anyway, there was only one strategy, which was prevarication. 【-】

After experiencing the turmoil, without Chen Kangjie's permission, no one dared to disclose information about him casually. As a last resort, Fan Wenxuan had to discuss with Ouyang Zhenhua and He Wanrong, but no means were discussed. At this stage, she still has to do it herself Stop it, Chen Kangjie will not come out to meet any reporters.

In fact, Chen Kangjie knew about these things, and Ouyang Zhenhua and He Wanrong called him immediately.But he has too many things to think about, and it is inconvenient to meet with reporters now, so he decided to keep this sense of mystery. Anyway, the album has only been released for a month, and its influence has not yet reached the level of maximization. .

People all over the world have a common problem, that is, the less they know, the more interested they are, and the more interested they are, the more they have to find ways to figure it out.Those reporters all know that whoever gets the key information first will become a gold medal reporter, and the sales of their media will definitely increase sharply. This is a matter of fame and fortune.

Chen Kangjie not only achieved impressive sales of this album, but the previous film also achieved quite good results. It is popular in countries other than the Middle East and Muslim countries. I believe that after the statistics are calculated at the end of the year, it will be a fairly objective figure. There are even entertainment Newspapers began to comment that it would be nominated for an Oscar.

It’s just that Chen Kangjie is staying in the mainland, and it is more difficult to get his information than going to heaven. Few people know his detailed identity and address, and those who know are people who can’t talk nonsense. Chen Kangjie just wants to Quench those people's appetites.

Now Chen Kangjie had to put those so-called fame and fortune aside for the time being. The biggest task at this time was to preserve the reputation of the class first.

On Saturday morning, the colored flags of the No. [-] Middle School were fluttering, and there was a happy atmosphere everywhere. Today is the first day of the school sports meeting. Principal Gui personally organized the two-day competition.

As in Liuzhi No. [-] Middle School before, each class here also got a temporary office with two desks on the road next to the main stadium, and students from all classes gathered here.

In high school, the head teacher generally doesn't pay much attention to sports performance, but when it comes to the actual competition, the head teacher will still appear on the scene. After all, if you can get results, it is a good thing for everyone, and you can't get a disadvantage from the leader. evaluate.

Today, Gao Xuemei came to the temporary office of Class [-] and Class [-] near the Raising Flag Square early in the morning, and ordered a few students who were too idle to buy a few bottles of drinks. It was considered as a benefit for the athletes. The money came from the class fee. .Then she assigned tasks, who would be responsible for security and who would be responsible for publicity. Anyway, it was similar to what Wu Hui did when she was in No. [-] Middle School.

"Why didn't you sign up for the competition this time?" Chen Kangjie and Chen Jing went to school together in the morning. On the way, Chen Kangjie learned that her sister didn't have any events, she was just a cheerleader, so she asked.

"The two beauties of yours are not here, why should I participate?" Chen Jing's answer really left the smart Chen Kangjie speechless, where is this going?

. . . . . .

After Chen Kangjie reported at the temporary location of the class, he began to make preparations. The first event he will participate in is the triple jump, which is included in the physical education class of the third year of junior high school in the city.This is different from the six No. [-] Middle Schools. The No. [-] Middle School does not have this event, but only long jump, and the two are reversed.

"Chen Kangjie, you are the main player in our class. You must perform well and strive for good results." Gao Xuemei walked up to Chen Kangjie who was stretching his legs and encouraged him.

Now Gao Xuemei's attitude towards Chen Kangjie has changed a lot. All this stems from the monthly exam a week ago. Chen Kangjie undoubtedly helped the middle class, Grade 1 and Class [-], to get No.[-] in the whole grade. In addition to making the whole class admire him, he also made all the teachers remember him. With such a foreshadowing, Gao Xuemei's attitude towards Chen Kangjie as the class teacher naturally improved greatly.The grades of the students are closely related to their teaching bonuses. If Chen Kangjie can get the top score in the college entrance examination, then Gao Xuemei will definitely get a huge bonus. This person is not for others, but also for himself.

"Mr. Gao, I will. Thank you for your concern." Chen Kangjie replied without pain or itching.

"You have reported so many items, will your body be able to hold it?" Gao Xuemei asked again.

"It should be fine. If I can't hold on, I will abstain. It's no big deal," Chen Kangjie said against his will.

"Well, that's okay. Everything must be focused on the body. Your task now is to study hard." No matter how you hear Gao Xuemei's words, she feels that the meaning is a bit strange.

"Please ask the second group of triple jump students to go to the inspection office for inspection, and the triple jump will start immediately." At this time, the announcer's voice came from the radio.

This is the same as the six second middle schools. The first and second grades form a group, the third and senior grades form the second group, the senior two and senior three grades form the third group, and the first group does not have three grades. Long jump, so start the game directly from the second group.

"Mr. Gao, I'm going to the competition, you should do your work first." Chen Kangjie put away his spread legs and stood up straight.

"Okay, Wu Guozhang, Zou Pengfei, those of you who don't have competitions will follow and take care of them, and the other students who don't have tasks will also be cheerleaders." cheerleading.

Chen Kangjie hadn't skipped the triple jump before. After the inspection, the referee gave the players 10 minutes to get familiar with the field, and then the competition officially started.

Chen Kangjie did not skip the triple jump, but after watching the Olympic Games, he measured the distance of the starting area with his footsteps. After knowing it well, he tried jumping once, and then the official competition began.

A total of 15 contestants participated in this project. Nine contestants were sent from eight classes in the third year of junior high school, and six contestants were sent from six and a half classes in senior one. Project competition.According to the lottery, Chen Kangjie was ranked eighth.

"The game starts now. The first one is Han Lei from Class [-] and [-], and Liu Bo from Class [-] and Class [-] to get ready." The referee raised a small flag on the pedal area after arranging people to level the soil in the bunker road.

Because Chen Kangjie had never learned the triple jump, so when others were jumping, he watched other people's skills while warming up.

Since it is only a middle school student sports meeting, this long jump venue is slightly different from the official competition venue. In international competitions, the distance from the take-off board to the near end of the landing area is no less than 13 meters, and the far end is no less than 21 meters. The distance between the take-off board and the near end of the landing area is only 9 meters, and the distance from the far end is only 18 meters.The approach distance has also been reduced from 40 meters to 30 meters.

The first Han Lei was tall and thin. He took a deep breath and started to run. His speed was getting faster and faster. Soon he took off from the springboard with one foot and soared into the air. After flying more than three meters in the air, The take-off leg landed, and after taking another step, the other leg landed and padded his body into the flat bunker.

After Han Lei's feet landed on the ground, the force of his body leaning back made his buttocks sit in the sandpit.

Han Lei crawled out of the bunker, patted the sand on his buttocks, and the referee pulled off the measuring tape and began to measure the distance.

"12 meters 12", the referee reported Han Lei's score, and an assistant referee was in charge of recording.

This result can be said to be pretty good. Anyway, the standard for triple jump athletes in our country is exactly 12 meters, and Handa has reached this standard.

The second Liu Bo, who had just learned a few long jump lessons, was even worse, only jumping 11m.

"Old Wen, haven't you arrived yet?" At this time, Chen Jing ran behind Chen Kangjie from nowhere and slapped him on the shoulder.

"This is just the beginning, I am the eighth."

"Chen Kangjie, is this your friend?" Yao Yiyun walked over and asked.

Just now Chen Kangjie was warming up and wanted to observe his skills. The cheerleaders in his class did not disturb him. Seeing him chatting with a girl now, several people gathered around him immediately.

"This is my sister, from Class [-], Grade [-]," Chen Kangjie introduced casually.

But Chen Kangjie's casual introduction was not wrong at all, it was telling the truth, but he immediately offended Chen Jing.

"Wow, why is your sister's grade lower than yours?" Yao Yiyun said carelessly to add fuel to the flames.

"This..." Looking at Chen Jing's swollen face, Chen Kangjie was speechless.

"You have the guts, you wait for me, hum", Chen Jing twisted Chen Kangjie's waist, and walked away angrily.

"Ouch", Chen Kangjie yelled in pain because of the heavy force. After Chen Jing let go and left, he quickly rubbed the sore spot.

"Chen Kangjie, your sister is so fierce!" Shi Yi, who stood watching from the side, said exaggeratedly with her mouth open.

"Yeah, she is the person I fear the most in the whole world, hehe, there is no way."

"Ge Aiming from Class [-] and [-] took off, and Chen Kangjie from Class [-] and [-] prepared," the referee shouted from behind.

"Chen Kangjie, I'm calling you, hurry up and get ready, you'll be here soon," Wu Guozhang reminded loudly, fearing that Chen Kangjie wouldn't be able to hear him.

"I heard that, yes, I've passed." Chen Kangjie left them and walked towards the starting point.

"Chen Kangjie, come on", "Chen Kangjie, you can do it", "Chen Kangjie, don't embarrass our class". . .Behind him, came the words of his classmates.

Chen Kangjie didn't look back, he raised his right hand and waved it behind him.

Ge Aiming in front of Chen Kangjie jumped 11 meters.

After the bunker was paved again, the referee signaled that Chen Kangjie could start.

Chen Kangjie took a deep breath, let out a breath, estimated the number of steps he had just measured, and started to run in anger.

His starting speed in the first half was neither fast nor slow. He didn't accelerate until he was only about 13 meters away from the take-off board. His body ran to the front of the take-off board quickly like a gust of wind. The first step took off, the second step, and the third step. Chen Kangjie's body flew into the bunker.

Chen Kangjie got up and looked back. The distance was at least 12 meters. Anyway, he felt that it was farther than the Han Lei he had seen before, and Chen Kangjie also felt that his feet had not stepped on the springboard.Just when he was satisfied with the first jump, the small red flag raised by the referee made history repeat itself.



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