Wu Guozhang himself was a little scared, and with Chen Kangjie's persuasion, Wu Guozhang chose to leave in a desperate manner. After walking more than ten meters, he turned around every three steps, and he was still a little reluctant to let go. 【|】

"We have released your friend, now it's time for you to express it." After Wu Guozhang left, Young Master Gong continued to negotiate with Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie pursed his lips and shrugged, "I really don't know what to express. I have done nothing wrong. What should I express?"

"Are you kidding me? Just want to eat me? I let your friend go and give you a chance because I saw that you were well dressed. If you have this attitude, you will be rude." , Young Master Gong looked sideways at Chen Kangjie.

"Your father is Gong Huaigu?" Not only was Chen Kangjie not threatened, he asked suddenly.

Chen Kangjie's questioning made Young Master Gong have an illusion that Fangfo's words came from an elder, not a child asking himself, which led to not only the words spoken by the other party, but also the calm and peaceful Condescending tone.

"How do you know my father's name?" Gong Shao was greatly surprised.

Gong Shao was sure that he and Chen Kangjie had never met before, so they must not have known each other, but the other party called out his father's name without asking any questions, so that he would not dare to act rashly. .

Chen Kangjie had indeed never met the so-called Young Master Gong, but it was not difficult to know that his father was called Gong Huaigu.

Gong Huaigu is the third person in the municipal party committee, and his position is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, ranking after He Baoguo and Chen Qigang.Among the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, only Gong Huaigu has the surname of Gong, and Lu Hu's father is the deputy mayor who has not joined the standing committee. The level of one generation is high, otherwise it would not be the case.

Young Master Gong was originally named Gong Rui. In fact, before Chen Kangjie came, he was the most famous and powerful among the yamen in the city.At that time, neither Liang Minkuan nor He Baoguo had children who went to middle school, and they all grew up and went to work outside. This made the younger generation of yamen look after Gong Rui, and they liked to ask him to be the leader in everything. Of course, this is also true. It has something to do with Gong Rui's older age than others. Gradually, Gong Rui gained the status of No. [-] yamen in the city.

It’s just that Gong Rui is not considered a jerk. Although he often stands up for his friends, he doesn’t do many things that are really out of line. He is very good at taking advantage of the situation. When he met Chen Kangjie, he didn't fight like other yamen when they met.

Gong Rui and Chen Kangjie live in the same compound, but I have to say that the compound of the municipal party committee's family is really not small, and they don't go to a middle school, and Chen Kangjie likes to go to school through the back door instead of the front door, so they haven't met each other. However, it is estimated that even if they met, they would not know who each other was.

"Your father often appears on TV, how could I not know him? Hehe, you should be in the third year of high school, right?" Chen Kangjie acted very familiar.

In fact, Chen Kangjie and Gong Huaigu are really not strangers, they know each other, and Chen Kangjie learned from He Baoguo and Chen Qigang that Gong Huaigu is still very cooperative in his usual work, so Chen Kangjie does not want to be with Gong Huaigu. Rui became an enemy face to face, tearing his face apart.Hope to resolve it as peacefully as possible.

"How come you know everything, who are you?" Gong Rui became more cautious and confused.

"It doesn't matter what I know. The important thing is that you really shouldn't get involved. How big of a deal is that? You even called a few soldiers, from the Armed Forces, right? Brothers." Chen Kangjie's eyes were not No, as soon as these four people appeared, Chen Kangjie was watching them carefully.

The four of you looked at me, I looked at you, no one said a word, and finally looked at Gong Rui, which means that everyone knows our background, and you can figure out what to do next.

"You...what's your name?" Gong Rui asked Chen Kangjie, tapping his forehead.

"Chen Kangjie, maybe we will meet again in the future. It's just that if you tell these four people to deal with ordinary hooligans, it's okay. If...you know, I'm afraid your father can't handle it." Chen Kangjie was indifferent, as if he was teaching Gong Rui a lesson in his words.

If it was changed to before, at this time Gong Rui had asked the people he brought to show Chen Kangjie a little color, but now, apart from the huge ups and downs in his heart, he was just observing Chen Kangjie.

From Chen Kangjie's tone, voice, and the content of his speech, Gong Rui has roughly guessed who Chen Kangjie is. The only important cadres in the city are the children of the Mayor Chen's family who are still in middle school, and only the children of the Chen family have this kind of bearing and knowledge. , he heard his father mention several times that Mayor Chen has a child with extraordinary intelligence and bearing, and he praised Chen Kangjie very much.

Now that he has roughly guessed the other party's identity, Gong Rui naturally knows what to do.

"You guys go back, it's okay here", the first thing Gong Rui wanted to do was to quickly get rid of those soldiers who came to support the scene.

"We... just left like this?" One of the leaders felt very strange and thought he had heard it.

"Let's go, let's go, go back and tell my cousin that I met a friend," Gong Rui finally ordered.

Those soldiers are also ordered to come here, no one wants to be troublesome, after all, they are the ones who contribute, and they are also the ones who bear the responsibility when things go wrong. Who wants to come out to do this kind of personal work?So when Gong Rui said that, the four of them turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Master Gong, they left for something, then we... what should we do about that??" Jian's four helpers who were completely relying on him really left just like that, and Lu Hu immediately became anxious.

"What should I do? You guys go too, hurry up," Gong Rui waved to Lu Hu and the others annoyed.

What Gong Rui has to do now is not how to deal with Chen Kangjie, but how to make friends with Chen Kangjie.Gong Rui, he sees these things much more clearly than Lu Hu and those ghosts. Once the relationship with Chen Kangjie is established, and the relationship between Gong Huaigu, He Baoguo and Chen Qigang has always been good, then as long as one of them is transferred , Gong Huaigu will be able to take charge of the government and change from a deputy to a top leader. This is a matter of course. If not, the relationship with Chen Kangjie will really be messed up. Not to mention his hard life, his father's life will not be so easy go.

"Young Master Gong, what's going on here?" Gong Rui understood, but Lu Hu and the others were still very confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

As for Chen Kangjie, at this very moment, he was standing aside watching Gong Rui's performance with his arms folded.

"If you tell you to get out, get out," Gong Rui glanced at Chen Kangjie, saw that Chen Kangjie was laughing all the time, stepped forward and kicked Lu Hu's ass, and then ordered Xiaohui and Xiaojun, "There is nothing wrong with you here , quickly follow me home."

In fact, without Gong Rui's orders, seeing Lu Hu being kicked, Xiao Hui and Xiao Jun had already retreated three to five meters nimbly.

After all the people nearby had retreated, Gong Rui came up to Chen Kangjie, and his attitude was quite different from before.

"Young Master Jie, I was sorry just now, I didn't know it was you, please don't take offense," Gong Rui's tone and demeanor contained a certain amount of humility.

It's really sad that a child who is still in middle school has been brought into the world of adults, which shows the changing direction of social atmosphere.

"You know me?" Chen Kangjie put his hand down and put it in his trouser pocket.

"I'm guessing, if you're right, you should be Mayor Chen...Uncle Chen's child." In order to get closer, Gong Rui hastily changed the name of Chen Qigang from Mayor Chen to Uncle Chen.

"It seems that you are very wise, are you their leader?" Chen Kangjie praised and asked.

"What's the head but not the head? Everyone grew up in the same compound, and I was a few years older, so they like to ask me to help make peace when they have any problems." When the attitude changes, the words also change. It was changed to "Shuohe" by Gong Rui.

"May I have your name?".

"My name is Gong Rui, and I am a senior in No. [-] Middle School," Gong Rui answered honestly.

"Oh, then you are older than me, let me call you Brother Rui!".

"No, no, you can call me Gong Rui, just call me Gong Rui, it's easy to say," Gong Rui hurriedly stopped.

"Then they still call you Young Master Gong. Wouldn't that be much easier to say? I might as well follow their example and call you Young Master Gong." Chen Kangjie continued to use words to tease Gong Rui.

In Chen Kangjie's heart, He Jie wanted to be friends with him, and it was not just casually. He had to have certain abilities, otherwise he would not be able to be friends. This was not like the simple relationship of classmates.

The ability mentioned here is comprehensive, including strength, mentality, and dealing with people, otherwise everyone will not be able to go together.

"Don't don't don't don't, that doesn't frustrate me."

"Hehe, okay, then I'll call you Gong Rui." Chen Kangjie was quite satisfied with Gong Rui's attitude.

The two had agreed to go home together, but at this time Wu Guozhang and Yao Yiyun were leading a group of people over.

After Wu Guozhang was sent away by Chen Kangjie, he did not go home without loyalty, but ran to Yao Yiyun for help.

Yao Yiyun has always been courageous, and his relationship with Chen Kangjie is getting better and better. At that time, a group of friends of her brother's friends are drinking at his house. Yao Yiyun is like them asking for help. Wu Guozhang has already said that the other party is seven or eight people. The two of them go, absolutely not.

A brother's sister asks for help. As a friend in the rivers and lakes, it must not be refused. A group of people stood up and brought up wine bottles, sticks, and bricks.Under the leadership of Wu Guozhang, they rushed towards the Bank of China in a mighty manner.

At the gate of China Bank, I didn’t see anyone. I thought that Chen Kangjie had been dragged to a secluded place. Yao Yiyun suggested that everyone look for it separately. , the two teams finally stopped Chen Kangjie and Gong Rui on the small slope that came up from No. [-] Middle School.


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