Since the six returned to the city, Niu Qihua really began to think about Chen Kangjie's identity. 【@】It seems very difficult to others, but after Chen Kangjie's introduction, it turned out to be so simple.

Liu Kai, the general manager of Master Kong Food Company, received him personally, and accepted all his requests without any objection. Not counting these, he was shocked by Liu Kai's words.

"The sponsorship for you is based on the standard of 100 million to 200 million per year. If it is not enough, it can be increased."

Liu Kai's words caused Niu Qihua, who was drinking tea, to get the tea stuck in his throat and couldn't get it up or down. He coughed for a long time before recovering.

"Mr. Liu, 100 million to 200 million? Isn't it [-] to [-]?" Niu Qihua was really afraid that he heard it wrong.

"Yes, between 100 million and 200 million, you can spend whatever you want, but it must be used in the right way. I know that your coaches need salaries, doctors, nutritionists, masseurs, information analysts, technical analysts, etc. All of these require money, and we have to buy the necessary equipment. We have paid the money, but it must be used in the right way, and don’t go into your own pocket.” What should be provided must be provided, what should be beaten must be beaten, and some It was inconvenient for Chen Kangjie to speak, so Liu Kai and the others could only speak for themselves.

"Mr. Liu, don't worry, it will never happen. Our coaches are paid according to the salary standard of a teacher. What do you think, I will forget it. The other two coaches...have to feed and support their families." At the end, Niu Qihua was a little embarrassed.

"How can this be done? Your goal is to train world champions. The salary is too low. I think it's like this. For the coaches, it's 1000 per person per month. For other staff, it can range from 3000 to [-]. Find someone yourself. Afterwards, you can decide by yourself, and just let us know when the time comes. As for the items you need to buy, you can just give us the ** at the end. Some supervision is necessary, and it is still necessary, that's why Liu Kai said that.

Two to three thousand yuan was not much before Chen Kangjie was reborn, but in the mid-3000s, it was five to ten times the salary of ordinary people. With such a salary, who would not work hard!

"This is for sure, for sure. Thank you Mr. Liu for your support. I am really grateful." Niu Qihua shook Liu Kai's hand vigorously with his excited hands. Unbearable.

"Come on, come on, you're welcome, you're welcome," Liu Kai tried his best to pull himself out.

"I'm really sorry, sorry, I'm too excited, don't mind Mr. Liu." Knowing that he was over excited, Niu Qihua quickly apologized.

After Liu Kai rubbed his right hand with his left hand, he raised his right hand and waved it, "It's okay, it's our bounden duty to support the national sports cause. We have sponsored the National Olympic Committee to go to the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games before."

"We all the Chinese people know about this matter." Whether Niu Qihua knew it or not, he still had to go along with it.

"In addition to the ones just now, considering that you need a quiet and standard training venue, we will renovate the city gymnasium for you to use. The project may take two or three months to complete. During this period, you will first train on the playground of your school. Go ahead," Liu Kai finally added.

What is this decoration for us to use?Niu Qihua couldn't figure it out, if everyone could go shopping, it wouldn't achieve the purpose of being quiet.Niu Qihua really couldn't figure it out, if only Chen Kangjie could use it after the renovation, the cost would be huge.

If the previous Niu Qihua could barely figure it out, then the last one was really beyond his comprehension.Sponsorship funds and sponsorship items are very logical, but now even sponsoring venues is a bit unreasonable.

It's just that if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, and if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. Niu Qihua, who is dealing with big shots for the first time, can't ask anything, and it's hard to say. (For an ordinary teacher, the boss of a big company like Liu Kai is considered a big shot)

"Okay, okay, I really don't know how to thank you?" Niu Qihua said politely.

Niu Qihua is polite, but Liu Kai is not polite. The goals and tasks are very clear, "Helping Chen Kangjie win the Olympic gold medal is thanks to us."

After leaving Master Kong’s company, Niu Qihua slowly recalled the details and wonders. The whole process was miraculous and unbelievable. It didn’t seem like they were looking for sponsorship at all, but it was like Master Kong company was begging them.The more he thought about it, the more he felt strange, but he couldn't find the reason and good explanation factors, and finally he could only think of the source, Chen Kangjie.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Kangjie had too many things he couldn't understand, Niu Qihua began to feel that Chen Kangjie must have an unusual background, otherwise it would not be so easy. As soon as he introduced the sponsor, it turned out to be like someone else begging himself. There was a great misunderstanding in everything. Niu Qihua decided to ask Chen Kangjie to clarify when the time was right.

The two-day school sports meeting ended, and Chen Kangjie won eight first places without any suspense. This was completely expected. The difference was that on the day of the awards ceremony, none of the leaders came. The team went abroad for inspection, one went to Hong Kong and Singapore, and the other went to Seoul and Tokyo. The focus of the inspection was urban construction and industrial planning, as well as learning about the functions of the local government, which was arranged by Ouyang Zhenhua.

On the afternoon of the third day after the school sports meeting, after school, Chen Kangjie and Wu Guozhang walked back together. They walked to the intersection of China Bank, and seven or eight people came up from all around.

"It's him, Young Master Gong, this kid." The leader, Chen Kangjie, knew him, and he was the Lu Hu who had been repaired by him, but judging from what he said, the leader was not him.

In addition to Lu Hu, Xiaojun and Xiaohui who were present that day were also there. Besides, there were four other people who were strong and tall. They were not students at first glance, but the heroic spirit between their eyebrows could also tell that they were not. Social jerk.

These people stood in a fan shape, surrounding Chen Kangjie and Wu Guozhang against the wall of China Bank. At this time, China Bank was closed after get off work, and there was no staff inside.

I really don't understand that the earliest bank to close in the city is the China Bank, and the other banks close at 6 o'clock, but they actually get off work at [-] o'clock.

After being surrounded, Chen Kangjie showed no sign of fear at all, he was calm and calm, neither humble nor overbearing, but Wu Guozhang was a little worried and afraid.In his mind, these people must be up to no good. There are so many people in the family, and there are two people on his side. No matter how they fight, they can't beat them.

After Lu Hu dispersed, a young man with a square face came in from behind. His hair was short and parted. He looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, well dressed, with a much calmer demeanor and expression, with his hands behind his back.

"I heard that you are good at fighting?" The man walked up to Chen Kangjie, looked at Chen Kangjie and asked, revealing a kind of undisguised disdain in his words.

Although he looks bigger than Chen Kangjie, but Chen Kangjie is taller, so there is no possibility of condescending.

"I don't fight, who are you?" Chen Kangjie met the other party's eyes, answered and asked in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"Don't worry about who I am, you just need to tell me if you have bullied them?" The other party was a little annoyed.

"I bully them? Do I bully more people with fewer people?" Chen Kangjie asked sarcastically.

"I don't want to care about your grievances, but I don't like you." The other party's words were very mature, at least there was no obvious expression of happiness or anger on his face.

"Since you don't care, why are you here?" Chen Kangjie used his words to attack the other party.

"Master Gong, what are you doing so much nonsense with him? Fuck him", Lu Hu stood aside and saw the helper he called chatting with Chen Kangjie, but no one did anything, so he was a little anxious.

"Go aside, when I'm talking, I don't like people interrupting." The other party's voice didn't change in strength, but the tone was very calm, giving people a cold feeling.

"Master Gong, I..." Lu Hu felt a little wronged.

"You don't have anything, get out of the way, do I still want you to teach me how to do things?" Young Master Gong seemed to be able to hold back Lu Hu.

Lu Hu listened to Young Master Gong's words, and he really stood aside obediently.

Logically speaking, Lu Hu's father is already the deputy mayor in charge of education. His rank is not low in the city, and he must have real power. Why is Lu Hu still afraid of him?This is somewhat unreasonable.

"Brother, we don't bully others. You beat my brother. Don't talk about anything else. You can't avoid the medical expenses and damage expenses." Young Master Gong waited for Lu Hu to disperse before he stood in front of Chen Kangjie. .

"Well, this matter has nothing to do with my friend, let him go and we can talk slowly." Chen Kangjie didn't want Wu Guozhang to be involved.

"No, why don't you run away when he's gone? There's no door." As soon as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Lu Hu objected.

Chen Kangjie kicked Lu Hu and looked at it for three seconds without saying a word. For three seconds, Lu Hu shrank his neck. The lessons he had learned still caused a certain psychological shadow on Lu Hu.

"Huh?" Since Young Master Gong is the one who can make the decision, Chen Kangjie turned to face him again.

"Alright, let him go." Young Master Gong was quite generous.

"Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie, this... you...", Wu Guozhang wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

"Hehe, it's okay, you can go home quickly, we can chat, let's go", Chen Kangjie said in a realistic way.

From the very beginning, Chen Kangjie saw that Xiong Ziqiang and the others were standing not far away, pretending to be standing spectators. Besides, even without them, Chen Kangjie felt that he could handle it.


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