rebirth of change

Chapter 666 Instructor?

"Mr. Niu, not many people know what I told you just now, I hope you can help keep it secret," Chen Kangjie finally added to Niu Qihua who was still stunned. 【 】

"Oh", Niu Qihua replied stupidly, completely instinctively.

. . . . . .

At 03:30 in the afternoon, Chen Kangjie's special plane arrived at Baiyun International Airport. After coming out of the special passage, there were already a Coaster and an Audi waiting at the exit.

After Chen Kangjie and the others got into the Coaster car, they were taken directly to a sports field in Liwan District. This is the training ground of a certain team A. In order for Chen Kangjie to have a better training environment, Ouyang Zhenhua spent a lot of money to buy it After that, when Chen Kangjie needed it, he used it alone. When he didn't use it, that team was allowed to use it.

A league was first established in 1987.That year coincided with the convening of the Sixth National Games and major events in the football world such as the national team's impact on the Olympic football match.The National Football Association took this opportunity to carry out a series of reforms, and began to try to divide the year's League One into two groups, namely Group A and Group B. In 1987, the A-League adopted a double round-robin system, and there was no relegation system. In 1989, League A was formally established.

Although the A-League was established in 1989, it was a professional system in the early stage, and it did not start to be marketed until 94.

I have to say that neither the A-League that started now nor the Super League that will be changed later is actually not a success, and it has not helped Chinese football break out of Asia. The reason is that the special system is probably a key factor.

After the golf course was bought, some facilities were added to meet the needs of Chen Kangjie, such as a gymnasium, swimming pool, massage room, medical room, etc. in the city.

The receptionist was Xie Yourong, because he was doing the whole process. Ouyang Zhenhua sent him to Guangzhou just to complete this matter. The requirement was speed. As for how much money was spent, he didn’t care at all. , Hongyuan Investment Group spent 9000 million yuan.

"Jie Shao, this open-air venue can seat 38000 people. Of course, under normal circumstances, there will be no spectators. The venue here is the latest one they have built. The lawn, the runway, and the bunker over there are made by ourselves. The same is true for the high jump area, but besides the outdoor one, there is also an indoor high jump area for training." Standing on the empty playground, Xie Yourong pointed around and introduced.

"Very good, the old is a bit old, but it meets the needs." Chen Kangjie said old, mainly because the walls are already mottled, and the seats on the stage seem to have not been changed, and the color is a little faded.

"It's really great, Mr. Xie, thank you very much, this place meets our requirements very well," Niu Qihua, as the head coach, also commented excitedly.

"Coach Niu, it is our duty to do something for the sports cause, and I will trouble you in the future," Xie Yourong said politely.

The current Xie Yourong is no longer what he was when he just came back from Korea. His way of thinking and doing things has been fully integrated into this society. Whether he is in the mainland or in Hong Kong, he can handle problems with an appropriate attitude.

"Everyone is our own person, so you don't need to be so polite. If you are more polite, it will appear estranged. Mr. Xie, please take us inside to have a look." Chen Kangjie saw that they were just like outsiders, so he chose to reconcile.

Enter through a small door on the left side, which is the indoor training ground. Due to the limitation of conditions, the area is not large, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. The facilities that should be there are not bad. An indoor high jump training field and pole mats etc.

"Jie Shao, some coaches, please see if you need to add anything. We are all laymen, and we made it according to our own imagination. Maybe there are some omissions." Even though Xie Yourong hired professionals to do all this , but verbally he still maintains a humble attitude.

"There is no shortage, there is no shortage, treadmills, barbells, arm strength machines, you see, here are even sandbags tied to the legs, I have thought very carefully." Niu Qihua walked to the equipment rack in front, picked up Two small sandbags tied to his legs to practice running, it can be seen that he really likes it here.

"Is this the only indoor venue?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"This is on the left, and there is another on the right. There is a small swimming pool over there, as well as a massage room, a medical room, etc. Let me show you."

Xie Yourong led Chen Kangjie and the others out. After stepping across the green grass, he pushed open a glass door and entered another indoor venue.

There are several rooms in the venue, and there are number plates on the doors indicating their functions. The floor is a bit old, but it can be seen that the doors and everything are new.Xie Yourong took them on a tour one by one.

When you walk to the corner room, you open the door and enter a small swimming pool of about 60 square meters, [-] meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meters deep.

"It would be great if there is another set of steam equipment installed here. Swimming and steaming, it should be able to relax muscles and relieve fatigue." Chen Kangjie looked around and made a suggestion.

"Okay, I will order a set from Finland later." Finnish baths are quite famous, and their equipment is also very reliable. Since Chen Kangjie wants to use it, it goes without saying that Xie Yourong also knows to choose the best one.

Chen Kangjie and the others looked around the entire venue. Tang Wei even checked the softness and fineness of the sand in the long jump bunker by hand, and it was very qualified.

By the time they finished watching, night had fallen. For night training, the venue was equipped with bright stadium lights, which were all turned on at this time, to illuminate them and also to experience the effect.

Generally speaking, Chen Kangjie himself is satisfied.

"It's getting dark now, I can't go back today, we'll stay here tonight, and we'll go back tomorrow," Chen Kangjie said after walking out of the venue.

"Jie Shao, we have booked a room at the Great Wall Hotel, do you think we should go there for dinner and rest or...?" Xie Yourong both reported and asked for instructions.

"It's all right, but it's still a bit far away. It's impossible to live there if you train for a long time. It would be great if there is a house around here," Chen Kangjie said tactfully.

After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie didn't care too much, but Xie Yourong did. Not long after, he got two nice villas not far from the surrounding area. They were not luxurious, but they were close and quiet.

It was the first time for Chen Kangjie to eat at the Great Wall Hotel. Ouyang Zhenhua invited him and his elder sister Chen Yuqiong to have dinner. At that time, the Great Wall Hotel was not particularly prosperous. When I came back five years later, there were already people coming and going here, and many dignitaries came in and out. , Hong Kong people, Southeast Asians, and some are white, which reflects the current economic vitality of Guangdong Province. As the frontier of reform and opening up, Guangzhou is currently showing infinite charm and a broad mind to welcome guests and guests from all over the world. Gold Rush.

Chen Kangjie and the others ordered a table of seafood on the corner of the window on the third floor. The hotel separated different guests with screens to form a relatively independent small space.However, this kind of sound insulation effect cannot be very good, of course, the conversation between the guests should be a little louder, and the neighbors can hear it, but there is no way to do it. , or the relationship between businessmen and officials, they all like to choose such high-end places, otherwise they will lose face.

For Chen Kangjie and his group, if Chen Kangjie didn't speak loudly and make jokes, neither would the others. They basically just worked hard, calm and steady.

When Chen Kangjie picked up a deep-fried prawn and was peeling it, a table of guests came from the next door, and they all spoke very boldly, and their voices became louder when they were bold. The reason why Chen Kangjie and the others chose to sit by the window was to have a quiet place Now it seems that there is no way to be quiet.

"Director Gao, I'll leave this to you," said a rough voice.

"Boss Dong, well, it's a trivial matter, as long as the investment is sincere, we welcome it. Protecting the interests of foreign businessmen is what we should do." A gentle voice said the orthodox official formula.

"Yes, yes, it's just that we don't know the place well, and with Director Gao taking care of us, many things are much easier to handle," the rough voice continued.

"Hehehe, it should be, it should be," the gentle voice replied calmly.

"Director Gao, let's order first. Look, what do you need to eat?".

"It doesn't matter to me, Boss Dong, you can order it, you can order it, hehe."

"Okay, okay, then I'll do it for you." The rude and humble words immediately changed, "Miss, here is an Australian lobster, ten abalones, five bowls of shark's fin and bird's nest soup, um, this one, crispy suckling pig , also, and this, honey pigeon, this earthen pot turtle soup, one serving per person... ", this person ordered a large table of expensive dishes, and he didn't care if he couldn't finish it , anyway, face must be stretched.

. . . . . .

"These people, hey, really, it seems that another government official has entered the water," Lin Zhidong said, shaking his head.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, it seems that you are quite jealous," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"What's the use of that, the world has changed now," Lin Zhidong continued shaking his head.

"This is a social issue, as well as a cultural issue. It is impossible for us to change so much," Chen Kangjie said casually.

At this time, the conversation behind that side aroused the great interest of Xiong Ziqiang, Dong Mingshu and Pang Hui.

"Old Zheng, you used to drink a lot in the army, you should pay the director a few more drinks later," said the rough voice to the people around him.

"That's for sure," a rustling man's voice replied.

"Mr. Zheng served as a soldier?" Director Gao asked curiously.

"Director Gao, Lao Zheng was also in Guangzhou before, and he brought out your first special force. He used to be an instructor," Boss Dong said proudly.

"Instructor?" Xiong Ziqiang and the three of them said this in unison.


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