rebirth of change

Chapter 667 Keeping the Promise

"Do you know this person?" Chen Kangjie saw that the three of them were so abnormal, he put down the food in his hand, looked at the three of them and asked. 【-】

"I'm not [-]% sure yet, but we think he should be our former instructor," Xiong Ziqiang replied cautiously.

"Your instructor should be very capable, you can find a chance to get to know him," Chen Kangjie said.

"Jie Shao, then I'll go over and have a look, if it is, I'll call over." Pang Hui was anxious to stand up and call for someone.

"Hey, don't be so anxious, it's so rude, I can hear that there are guests over there, let's eat first, wait a minute", Chen Kangjie was still very reasonable.

"Then we just wait like this?" Dong Mingshu asked.

"We haven't finished eating anyway, everyone finishes eating first, and then we will see the situation, they will finish eating at some point, if they rush over, if not, wouldn't it be embarrassing and rude, sit down, let's continue! ", Chen Kangjie greeted them to continue working.

Chen Kangjie's voice was not loud on this side, and they couldn't hear clearly from the other side, so those people didn't know that Chen Kangjie was talking about them.

I continued to eat here, and I started drinking and eating there.

That old Zheng seemed to have received the task, and began to toast to Director Gao non-stop. Director Gao was not alone, someone kept standing up to block the drink, and some people wanted to toast Boss Dong's wine in turn. Well, after Boss Dong drank two cups, Lao Zheng had to block the rest.

In order to confirm the identity of Instructor Zheng and get in touch with him, after Chen Kangjie and the others finished eating, Niu Qihua and his three coaches took their room cards and went back to the upstairs room to rest. Chen Kangjie and the others continued to sit in the restaurant drinking tea and waiting.

While waiting, Chen Kangjie also learned from Xiong Ziqiang and the others that this instructor Zheng is named Zheng Jun, who is XX years older than Xiong Ziqiang. An instructor of a special force of the People's Liberation Army taught them for a total of three years.He is strict like a father during training, but kind like a big brother in his spare time.

On the eve of their retirement, Zheng Jun was transferred away, and he never saw him again, and he didn't know if the one next to him was definitely their coach, anyway, they hoped it was.

After almost half an hour, Xiong Ziqiang and the others waited for such an opportunity.

"Boss Dong, your Mr. Zheng is really a good drinker. I rarely see someone who can drink like this." Director Gao seemed to appreciate Mr. Zheng's boldness and capacity for alcohol.

"Director Gao, in fact, I can't drink enough. Today I want to accompany you, so I'm going all out," Mr. Zheng said modestly.

These words are one to be humble, and the other is to give face to the other party.

"Hehe, Mr. Zheng, I am also from the army. I know what kind of environment it is. It's just that I'm getting older and socializing a lot every day. I'm not in good health. I don't have the aggressiveness of you young people!".

"Oh? I can't tell that Director Gao is also a comrade-in-arms! Hehe, then I have to toast you, the chief, and your comrade-in-arms." Mr. Zheng raised his glass again.

"I'm drinking this cup, not because of some chief, but a comrade-in-arms, comrade-in-arms, do it." Chen Kangjie and the others could hear the rubbing sound of chairs being pushed back, as if the director Gao had stood up.

"Thank you, Director Gao, Mr. Dong, please accompany Director Gao first, I'll go out for a while." Mr. Zheng has something to leave.

"Comrade-in-arms, did you drink too much, can you die?" Director Gao asked with concern.

"Hey, it's a little bit, I can still hold on, I'll come as soon as I go, and I'll drink with Director Gao later." Mr. Zheng admitted it, but he didn't lose his momentum.

"Okay, you go, go and go back quickly."

"Okay, sure, sure."

. . . . . .

"Jie Shao, there is a chance, let's go." After waiting for a long time, it was just for this time, so Xiong Ziqiang immediately made a suggestion.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

When Chen Kangjie and the others came out of their private room, they saw a big man in a suit walking towards the bathroom in front of him. From his steps, there was no trace of drunkenness.

Following behind him, through the crowded hall, Chen Kangjie and the others also walked towards the bathroom.

"From the point of view of body shape, it's out of ten," Xiong Ziqiang said to Chen Kangjie, as if talking to himself.

"I think it looks alike too," Pang Hui echoed.

Seeing the man push the door and walk into the men's room, Chen Kangjie waved his hand, "Since you all say you look like each other, then go and meet your instructor."

Xiong Ziqiang was in front, Chen Kangjie was in the middle, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu followed behind.

Xiong Ziqiang stretched out his right hand, pushed it against the wooden door of the toilet, and pushed it open. His body was only halfway in, and his collar was immediately sealed by a big hand, and a gleaming dagger was pressed against his neck.

"Don't move," Chen Kangjie wanted to help immediately when he saw the accident, but Xiong Ziqiang stopped him in time.

Just when Chen Kangjie raised his fist to smash it, the man's left hand, which was still covering Xiong Ziqiang's chest, unexpectedly grasped a gun at some point, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Chen Kangjie's chest.

"Is it you?", when he saw the face of the visitor, the other party asked suspiciously.

"It's me, Instructor Zheng, we met again, but I didn't expect you to give such a gift as soon as we met," Xiong Ziqiang said jokingly.

"Your vigilance is too low. I really doubt if it is the soldiers I taught." Instructor Zheng put the weapon back on his body. After criticizing, he had a bear hug with Xiong Ziqiang.

If an outsider saw this scene suddenly, they might think there was something wrong with their sexual orientation.

After greeting Xiong Ziqiang affectionately, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu also followed in and hugged their former teacher cordially, and both of them were punched on the shoulder by Zheng Jun.

"It's not that our vigilance is low, it's because they all think it's you, so we're not prepared." Chen Kangjie waited for them to finish greetings, and looked at Zheng Jun and said a fair word.

"Young man, the reaction was not bad. I almost fell for you." Zheng Jun turned to Chen Kangjie, wondering if he really praised him.

"Instructor Zheng,...".

"Come on, now you and I are not soldiers, don't call me instructor Zheng anymore, call me Lao Zheng." Zheng Jun helped Xiong Ziqiang change his name.

"Well...Okay, Old Zheng, this is Chen Kangjie, our boss." Xiong Ziqiang introduced Chen Kangjie to Zheng Jun.

Hearing that Chen Kangjie is the boss, Zheng Jun looked at Chen Kangjie intently, "It's not easy to take three of my students under my banner at such a young age."

"Aspirations do not depend on age, not to mention Big Brother Xiong and the others, I treat them as big brothers more often," Chen Kangjie replied very appropriately.

"Hehe", Zheng Jun smiled at Chen Kangjie, and then turned to Xiong Ziqiang, "Did you teach him Kung Fu?".

"Instructor Zheng, we can't teach him. He practiced more by himself. If we compare it like this now, I am no longer his opponent." Xiong Ziqiang still couldn't change the name of Zheng Jun for a while. Ziqiang changed his name back, and Zheng Jun didn't stop him.

Although Chen Kangjie hadn't had a formal competition with Xiong Ziqiang and the others, they could see Chen Kangjie's progress. Take that run in the China Amusement Park as an example, not only Pang Hui lost, but Tan Jun also lost.Seeking truth from facts, Chen Kangjie's skills are the result of Tuo Zhihan's teaching and his own practice.

Regarding Xiong Ziqiang's words, Zheng Jun just nodded to Chen Kangjie without making any comments.

"Instructor Zheng, what are you doing now? I haven't seen you for several years." Xiong Ziqiang asked about Zheng Jun's situation.

"You were supposed to be next door to me just now?"

"Yes, I heard your conversation next door and knew it might be you, so I waited for the opportunity to follow," Xiong Ziqiang replied honestly.

"Since this is the case, then you have heard it. I am just a horse boy, and I hang out with a Malaysian overseas Chinese. He is now going to open an entertainment venue in Guangzhou," Zheng Jun said unwillingly.

It is true that a former military elite has now been reduced to the point where he has to serve as food for others, no one will be reconciled to whoever he is.

"Then that director Gao just now is the director of the Public Security Bureau?" Chen Kangjie interjected and asked.

At this time, several people wanted to go to the toilet, but they were blocked by Tan Jun and Wang Wei outside the door to go elsewhere.Tan Jun and Wang Wei had nothing to do with Zheng Jun, so they didn't follow up. Moreover, someone needs to keep a vigilant at any time, and they are now taking on this function.

"A deputy director, in the entertainment industry, can't do without a song protection umbrella, and I don't know how Boss Dong found him." Zheng Jun looked a little helpless.

"Instructor Zheng, you are so skilled. If you don't mind, you can come over and bring your former subordinates to work together." Chen Kangjie sent out the invitation in a timely manner.

For such elite talents, Chen Kangjie hoped that the more the better, even if they raised them for nothing, it would be cost-effective, not to mention that Chen Kangjie had no intention of letting similar people idle, he had important tasks for them to do.

"Little brother, thank you for your kindness, but I can't do that now," Zheng Jun said to Chen Kangjie.

"Instructor Zheng, why is that? Young Master Jie is very kind to people, why do you have to be called around there?" Pang Hui felt a little unworthy of Zheng Jun.

"Being a man must have credit. In my most difficult time, it was Boss Dong who helped me and gave me a chance. I promised him that I would work for him for at least three years. I must keep my word, not to mention he treats me well. It's not bad," Zheng Jun explained his reasons.

"Instructor, how long have you been working for him?" Dong Mingshu added a question.

"It's been two and a half years, and I have no plans to leave in the short term," Zheng Jun replied.

"Instructor Zheng, since you have an appointment with others, I will not force it. A man stands between heaven and earth, and trustworthiness should be the most basic character. I support your choice, but I hope that if you have the opportunity, you Let’s come and have a look, anyway, you guys are reunited now, so you can leave your contact information, and there is also communication and thoughts between comrades.” Chen Kangjie doesn’t intend to force others to make things difficult, and if Zheng Jun chooses to betray regardless of his promise, Chen Kangjie will also Don't dare to reuse.

After Xiong Ziqiang and Zheng Jun left each other's contact information including phone numbers, Zheng Jun put a soak in the water and went back to continue drinking. They couldn't keep chatting like this in the toilet.


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