rebirth of change

Chapter 672 Transportation Development Conference 2

During his tenure as mayor, He Baoguo focused on four aspects of work. 【*】First, the city allocated a lot of financial funds to support state-owned enterprises in technological transformation.Second, make institutional reforms and gradually relax the supervision of state-owned enterprises.The third is to gradually allocate the society run by enterprises to local governments, such as schools, hospitals, and culture of state-owned enterprises, so as to help enterprises reduce their burdens and let them go into battle lightly.The fourth is to encourage and support state-owned enterprises to participate in the construction of large projects, and to accumulate strength for them. Whether it is two expressways, numerous tourist facilities, coal chemical projects, food parks, etc., state-owned enterprises are involved.

The most typical ones are the city's No. [-] and No. [-] construction engineering companies, which have made a lot of money in the past two years. The city's cement factory and Shuishan Iron and Steel Company have also benefited a lot. The city's batik factory has formed a partnership with Mengting Tourism Group , the tourism group gives the batik factory production, design and management opinions, and the batik factory provides the tourism group with reliable quality and beautifully designed products.

After the three mining bureaus were placed under the jurisdiction of the municipality, the municipality invested 3000 million yuan in technological improvement every year, which allowed them to increase the utilization rate of machinery and reduce the number of workers, especially underground workers.This improves efficiency, reduces accidents, and improves safety in production to a certain extent.And these diverted personnel are not short of places to go. A single coal chemical project requires a large number of technicians and workers, and other projects also require a large number of workers, and the salary is not good.

With the joint efforts of multiple measures, the state-owned enterprises in Liushuipan are generally operating well, and there is no such thing as the deep decadence and failure to pay wages like other places.

Huang Zhenhua is using the current high-level discussions to break through the ideological bottleneck of the province's development.

It is also of practical significance for the province to cooperate with Chen Kangjie and others to launch such large-scale measures during this period of time.

Whether it is Huang Zhenhua or Tan Changguo, they have smelled the implication that the entire state-owned enterprise will have major surgery measures from the contacts with high-level officials. Tan Changguo's father, Mr. Tan, once told Tan Changguo that at present, whether a cadre has courage and ability depends Can it handle the big burden of state-owned enterprises?

Therefore, Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo hope to alleviate the pressure of many state-owned enterprises in the province through large-scale construction, and buy time for their smooth restructuring and transition. Moreover, to transfer a large number of state-owned enterprise employees, it is necessary to provide dozens of Tens of thousands of jobs, and the only thing that can provide so many jobs in a period of time at the same time is the large-scale construction of infrastructure.

The large-scale construction of infrastructure can drive the demand for steel, cement, transportation, infrastructure, scientific research, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, and even coal. These industries are closely related to many state-owned enterprises, and the number of construction workers required is huge.

"We believe that after the arduous construction of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the Tenth Five-Year Period, the economic development level of our province will definitely rise to two major steps. One step is in terms of economic indicators. We predict that by the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, our province's economic development will The level can reach a total of one trillion yuan. Secondly, on this level, we are more confident in realizing the grand goal of modernization in the province by the end of the [-]th Five-Year Plan," Huang Zhenhua continued to finish his speech.

Huang Zhenhua's big pie is not too big. According to the current economic aggregate of the province, it needs to be doubled by more than ten times in ten years.No matter how much domestic officials like to speak official words, how much they like to slap their faces to pretend to be fat, but there are really not many people who dare to say such words in front of so many people and the media, and he is a big official in Xinjiang - the secretary of the provincial party committee .

"Thank you, Secretary Huang. Next, I invite Comrade Tan Changguo, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, to give a speech." After Huang Zhenhua finished speaking, Situ Kuo continued to play the role of host in the speech booth.

Tan Changguo straightened his clothes, walked to the podium with a stack of manuscripts, and gently pressed the microphone, because he was slightly shorter than Huang Zhenhua.

Tan Changguo's speech is about specific things, not as macroscopic and comprehensive as Huang Zhenhua's. This is determined by their different division of labor.

But I want to explain that Tan Changguo's speech was not prepared by him before, but was revised last night, which is what Chen Kangjie meant.

After Chen Kangjie spent more than a day studying the province's planning, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it on the whole, but there were still some deficiencies in some details. This was because Chen Kangjie had more than ten years of later knowledge than them.

Later, Chen Kangjie told Ouyang Zhenhua and Xie Yourong what he meant, and the two met with Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo, Teng Mingai, Director of Transportation, Cao Weihua, Dean of the Provincial Transportation Design Institute, and Professor Tao Bizhang, Dean of the School of Architecture and Engineering of Qianzhou University. After communication, Tan Changguo's speech, or an abbreviated version of the transportation development plan, was finally formed.

Originally, many of the previous manuscripts were finalized after many discussions, but they didn't expect Chen Kangjie to come up with this one, but they could only follow it. Chen Qigang's criticism of Chen Kangjie was right, and he was really scratching his head on this matter .In fact, he can't be completely blamed. He thought that those so-called experts and scholars would consider it thoroughly, but he still found a deficiency, so he added it.

Under the current circumstances, no one will offend Ouyang Zhenhua, because everything starts from him. If Ouyang Zhenhua withdraws, all these plans will be waste paper, at least within ten years. , so no matter how difficult it is, we still have to follow Ouyang Zhenhua’s opinions, and the opinions added by others are not random, but very forward-looking, such as introducing environmental protection and low-carbon into the transportation field for the first time, This is difficult for the current experts to think about, at least they are not willing to think about it under the pressure of funds.

"Leaders, guests, friends, and comrades, Secretary Zhenhua has already introduced the transportation development plan of our province in general, so I won't repeat it. Next, I will report to you in detail." , Tan Changguo didn't read the script for the previous set of phrases, he just blurted them out.

"After two years, through the close coordination and cooperation of multiple departments and units, combined with our provincial situation, we have made a bold and feasible plan. Next, let me talk about the part of the expressway. The expressway will serve as a The backbone network of our province's transportation, in simple terms, is six horizontal lines, seven vertical lines and eight lines plus four urban ring lines. The so-called six horizontal lines, the first is the Jiangde to Shuixi line, which is 215 kilometers long and divided into three sections in the middle , Jiangde to Chuanwu, 40 kilometers, Chuanwu to Anzheng, 50 kilometers, Anzheng to Shuixi, 125 kilometers. The second is the Xingda to Ningwei line, which runs through the whole province longitudinally and extends from the border of Nanhu Province It is 722 kilometers to the border of Caiyun Province. It is divided into 13 sections in total, Xingda to Rentong, ) kilometers, Rentong to Koujiang, ) kilometers, Koujiang to Nansi, 91 kilometers,... ", Tan Changguo began to talk about every section of the route.

Behind Tan Changguo, there is an extra-large map of the province. This map is constantly changing. This is because the staff put different slides on the projector, and the final slides are projected on the huge on screen.With the use of high-tech means in this way, coupled with Tan Changguo's explanation, all participants can understand at a glance.

"...The ring line of the four cities is the Zhucheng Ring Road, with a total length of 151 kilometers. It is divided into six sections, from Erpu to Jianpo, 7 km, from Jianpo to Yunguanpo, 35 kilometers, from Yunguanpo to Xia Dam, 38 kilometers, Xiaba to Erpu, 31 kilometers, Zhucheng Ring South Ring Road 89 kilometers, Zhucheng City Connecting Line 82 kilometers. Huicheng Ring Road, 60 kilometers. Liushuipan Ring Road, 7243 kilometers, Shun'an Ring Road, 392 kilometers. A total of [-] kilometers of expressways we need to build, of which [-] kilometers are repeated.” When Tan Changguo slowly counted them all, the audience didn’t feel much surprised, they were all substituted in, but when Tan Changguo reported Those who didn't know the final total number were shocked, and even those who knew it were thrilled.

The figure of 7243 kilometers in 1995 was much higher than the total mileage of existing highways in the country.It is such an inland province again, with such boldness and generosity, how can it not be shocking. However, the shock is not over yet, and there will be more to come.

"With the backbone, we need blood vessels, which are the village roads connecting each village. Apart from our expressways, we still need to increase the number of rural roads to 7.6 kilometers at the end of the 15.73th Five-Year Plan, and to 88 kilometers at the end of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. In this way, 1795 counties, 19551 townships, and [-] villages and offices in our province can all have access to roads. This is of great significance to our development of county economy and rural economy.” After talking about the high speed, Tan Changguo introduced I mentioned the part of the roads in villages and towns, but this part is much simpler, and there is no way to explain it as clearly as the expressway, otherwise it will take a few days to talk about this part alone.

"In terms of inland shipping construction, as of now, the province's navigable mileage is less than 00 kilometers, and the registered waterway is less than 1 kilometers. We propose that by the end of the "Ninth Five-Year Plan", the province's navigable mileage will reach 0 kilometers, and the graded waterway will exceed 3300 kilometers." At the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the province's navigable mileage reached 00 kilometers, with 3563 kilometers of classified waterways, of which more than 2301 kilometers were classified as fourth-class waterways. That is to say, within ten years, we will increase the current shipping construction capacity by more than 300%, "Drink After taking a sip of water to moisten his throat, Tan Changguo continued with his report.

In the eyes of outsiders, his content and figures are boring, but in the eyes of concerned people, especially those stakeholders, they are white money.

If someone pays attention, they will find that the eyes of the CEOs of those construction engineering companies are full of golden light, and their mouths are about to flow down.Such a huge amount of work requires astronomical figures without careful calculation. Thinking of this, they can't help but feel a little bit worried. It is not so easy for a province to solve such a huge problem of funds.


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