"As we all know, there is no doubt that relying on the strength of our province alone, we will never be able to spend so much money to build such a huge infrastructure project, so we divided these projects," Tan Changguo began to follow the script We introduce source of funds and division of construction. 【_】

"Among these huge projects, the one that needs the most funds is the province's expressway system network. Combined with future price appreciation factors, the completion of the entire system requires funds of more than 10000 trillion yuan. Even if it is split, the annual It also needs hundreds of billions of funds. We can only rely on market factors to solve such a huge demand for funds. The government will not invest in it, and will push them all to the outside world. Investment companies from inside and outside the province and from home and abroad are welcome to invest. , we will provide appropriate policies and systems to guarantee their income. Our expressway construction will be divided into two parts. The first part will reach 5000 kilometers by the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. Planning goals”, through the previous speeches, and the experience of Shuipan Expressway and Shuipu, everyone can already predict that this area will adopt the same model.

"The expressway is a complete bot model, but other parts cannot be completely like this. As for the railway system, due to the current policy and it is related to the lifeline of the national economy and the people's livelihood, it cannot be solved by the market. We only We can pin our hopes on the central government. We have reported this issue to the central leadership many times before, and we have also reported and fought for the leadership of the Ministry of Railways many times. We have received strong support from the central and ministry leaders. Investment is made in our province’s roads, so the central government said it will allocate 0 billion yuan to support our province’s railway construction every year. After accounting, this fund can barely support our railway construction. Our segmented goal is every The five-year plan will increase the distance by about 1300 kilometers.” This principle is reasonable and reasonable.

Every year, the central government has to transfer some infrastructure funds to various places for the construction of roads, railways, water conservancy, etc. Since Qianzhou stated that it does not need funds for roads, it will naturally increase the amount of funds for railways.

The decision made by the big bosses in the central government is more or less influenced by Chen Kangjie, especially Wei Zhonghua, Huang Zhenhua and others. When these people think about this issue, Chen Kangjie's shadow will flash in their minds.This is a person who cannot be avoided. Don't think about it. They also know that Chen Kangjie is the promoter of this huge plan. Otherwise, how much money will be invested in this land that is still barren, let alone not so many people. Now they are keen to invest in infrastructure, even if they do, they are still focusing on the coast, where the benefits will be much greater.

Now that he knows that Chen Kangjie is the pusher, and he is willing to pay such a large sum of money, then of course these bigwigs are willing to cooperate to continue the play.Although the central government now pins its hopes on the coastal provinces in order to achieve rapid economic success, where the transportation is convenient, the population is large, the foundation is relatively good, and the connection with foreign countries is relatively dense, but for the inland areas, sooner or later they will have to be developed. Now Since someone is willing to stand up and take on a lot of work, they are just giving it a push.

"On other township roads other than expressways, this responsibility can only be borne by the province. Our province is very difficult, but the past two years have been much better than before, so the province will do its best to spend 50 to 100 yuan a year. 7000 million supporting funds to do this work, and, for road maintenance, the standard of 3500 yuan per kilometer will be implemented for county roads, 1000 yuan per kilometer for township roads, and [-] yuan per kilometer for village roads. The province is responsible for the township roads, and the remaining village-level roads are the responsibility of the cities. Our goal is that by the end of the [-]th, all organic villages must have roads, and the province will assess the roads of each city in stages. The completion status will be used as an indicator of performance evaluation. At the same time, we must also point out that cities and counties in various regions can fully mobilize the masses to contribute to work and the government contributes money and materials to increase the speed. At the same time, it also allows ordinary people to supervise the project. Quality", Tan Changguo resolved the tasks one by one, and also pointed out some methods.

All the county and city leaders who participated in the meeting listened to this paragraph very seriously, and many of them were already thinking about how to implement it after returning home.It's just that the leaders of prefectures and counties in the south and north are a little uneasy and anxious.

So far, all of Chen Kangjie's investment projects have been concentrated in the southwest, northwest, and central parts of the province. No major investment has been made in the four regions of the southeast and northeast.To a certain extent, this will make their economic strength worse, and their resource capabilities for governance and services will also be inferior, so they will worry that they will not have enough strength to complete this target, and they are not in the central and provincial governments. subject to appropriation.

In fact, it is not that Chen Kangjie is biased, but his logical thinking is consistent with the central government.When the central government makes decisions, it will first develop the coastal areas and then advance inward.The same is true for Chen Kangjie. The existing conditions and resources of the four prefectures and cities are generally worse.They are rich in tourism resources. To develop tourism resources, transportation must be established first. If an industrial park is to be established, transportation must also be established, otherwise it will be a big problem.

Therefore, investment in those four regions can only be carried out gradually with the improvement of transportation, or it depends on the ability and willingness of the local government to govern.

"In terms of airport construction, the funds mainly come from bank loans, which are double guaranteed by the provincial government and local governments. According to our previous communication and negotiation, the three major state-owned banks, China Agricultural Bank, China Development Bank and China Construction Bank, have promised us To provide credit, 9 airports will need funds of about 2 million yuan, and they will provide a credit line of 250 billion yuan. In the next stage, we will soon sign the agreement. The 9 airports will be completed in stages , and ensure that they will all be put into use by the end of the [-]th Five-Year Plan.” Tan Changguo continued to analyze and explain one problem at a time.

The construction of the airport is completely planned in advance with advanced consciousness. The central government has already invested funds in the railway, so there will be no increase in this area, and it can only be solved by the local government.

At present, there is a huge demand for funds everywhere. Every place is short of money, every industry is short of money, and financial institutions are actually short of money. However, Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo still persuaded three financial companies to carry out the construction of the airport in Qianzhou. The financing, in fact, is for the Qianzhou Airport Management Group. Those regional airports will be assigned to this airport group. Only a strong airport group can compete with similar domestic and even international companies in the future.

Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo were able to persuade the three banks to provide such a large amount of funds despite the shortage of funds.That's because they have a premise, and they have to come up with a bargaining chip.

The premise is that these banks will not provide these loans until at least three high-speed highways have started construction.

The banks also have their own calculations, and they don't want to have so many bad and bad debts. In their view, if Qianzhou can start construction of more than three expressways soon, it means that their huge plan is reliable.Since such a large-scale construction can be realized, the future income will not be small, and they will be able to repay their bank loans without lingering in bad debts.

"In terms of shipping channels, our construction funds will be a little tight. So far, only the Ministry of Communications has promised to help us partly. The remaining funding gap is still relatively large. We can only hope that the China Bank of Communications can provide We have a certain credit line to support our inland shipping construction. At the same time, we will actively contact other financial institutions to play the role of our provincial trust and investment company and actively raise funds. I believe that as long as we make up our minds, we will firmly Our steps, I believe that there are always more solutions than difficulties, let us work together to overcome difficulties, emancipate our minds, and work hard, strive to achieve a major breakthrough in the province's transportation as soon as possible, and strive to achieve a historic leap in the province's economy and society!", Tan Changguo Finally, after leaving the difficulty to the end, he ended his speech.

Although Tan Changguo showed some practical difficulties in the last part, he still won the fierce applause from everyone in the audience. Everyone stood up and applauded warmly. Some were happy, some were excited, some were excited, and of course some were excited. Excited and envious.Either way, it wouldn't hurt them if the plan came to fruition.

"Next, I would like to invite Comrade Deng Hongwei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Communications, to speak." Now that the provincial affairs were finished, it was time for the leaders of the Central Committee, and Sima Kuo walked to the microphone again.

"Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I was appointed by the Central Committee and Comrade Wei Zhonghua to attend the Provincial Transportation Development Conference at the beginning of the New Year in Qianzhou. New attempts, new measures, and new explorations for leapfrog development. The introduction of the Qianzhou Transportation Master Plan this time has received active support and cooperation from multiple departments of our central government. We also hope to do some practical work for poor areas, especially mountainous areas. Regarding the current situation, when compiling the national plan, we will consider Qianzhou’s advanced speed and make programmatic adjustments, thank you everyone.”

The purpose of Minister Deng's speech is twofold, one is to ask for credit, and to highlight that many departments of the central government have also done work and made contributions.The second is to express their position and express their support for this work.

After Minister Deng spoke, those high-ranking officials from other departments also stepped up to the podium to make some remarks. Anyway, the meaning was the same, only the speeches of those high-ranking officials from neighboring provinces were somewhat different. They mainly supported and hoped to be able to communicate with each other. To enhance cooperation and strengthen communication, they also hope to get a share of the pie and reap some benefits.


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