rebirth of change

Chapter 675 The Great Hanshin Earthquake

These few days He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were the busiest, they were so busy that they didn't touch the ground, they didn't have as much leisure as Chen Kangjie and the others, they made their own decisions and left everything to their subordinates, they couldn't do it. 【y】

So many colleagues from prefectures and cities, so many provincial leaders, so many central government officials, and officials from surrounding provinces and regions all need them to receive them. Even if they do not need to lead some receptions, they must accompany them. This is the officialdom. The cumbersome rules cannot be changed.

In the past few days, this place is very much like a diplomatic occasion. There are many unilateral or changeable diplomacy going on every day. There are different meetings and discussions between each other. Everyone is trying to do their best for themselves and for themselves. The department or unit in which you belong seeks the greatest benefits, and all want to get a share of this big cake.

The whole process lasted until January 1th. Those who should return to Beijing should return to Beijing, and those who should return to the province should return to the province. However, the song is not over yet, and the next thing is to actually implement it.

Since New Year's Day, all the news media in the province have focused on this conference. After repeated bombings, everyone was talking about this topic from top to bottom. Both cadres and the masses were greatly encouraged.

When you go out and take a car, you can definitely hear someone talking in the car. When you walk in the park, you will definitely hear someone talking. When you walk in the community, you will find someone talking. Even in remote villages, as long as you receive this information, the villagers It is also discussed in anticipation. Even in the university, before the winter vacation, many departments have organized seminars.

In short, everyone was thanking the party, the government, and the leaders. No one mentioned Chen Kangjie, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

"You will worry more about this matter in the future, mainly in the early stage. The summer vacation will be over soon, and then I will conduct closed training. I will not bother with these matters anymore." Before Ouyang Zhenhua returned to the provincial capital and Hong Kong , Chen Kangjie confessed in his hotel room.

"I know that our capital should not be a problem. Now the appreciation of the yen is faster than expected, and it has reached 80 yen. Should we withdraw?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked for instructions.

"So fast? It seems that some things have been blown by the wings of a butterfly." Chen Kangjie was a little surprised at first, and then he talked to himself.

"Jie Shao, hehe, even so, it is roughly the same as what you predicted. This is already a very miraculous thing. Besides, the result is better. Are you still not satisfied?" Ouyang Zhenhua thought that Chen Kangjie was Annoy yourself with predictions.

"Hehe, yes, it's really a good thing... I'll think about it." After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he stood up with his arms folded, and walked to the window.

When thinking about problems, Chen Kangjie always likes to look into the distance. Fangfo's broad vision can release his infinite thoughts in his heart and stimulate his potential, especially his pride.

As the saying goes, stand tall and see far, and have a broad vision to broaden your mind.

When Chen Kangjie was thinking, Ouyang Zhenhua, who had a tacit understanding, usually would not bother him. He either drank tea by himself or smoked. Now Ouyang Zhenhua took a cup of green bud tea and sipped it carefully.

"The plan remains unchanged, and we will start withdrawing in April." Chen Kangjie confirmed his thoughts and turned around.

"Okay, but... Young Master Jie, do you think the price will go up?" Ouyang Zhenhua was not sure, so he tested Chen Kangjie.

"It should go up for a few more months. Oh, by the way, in January, don't go to the Kansai area, and tell the people below not to go to cities like Kobe," Chen Kangjie suggested after affirming.

"Why?" Ouyang Zhenhua's question is a pun. One is to ask why the rise will continue for several months, and the other is to ask why they can't go to those places. Kobe is a big city in Japan. They have business in over there.

"Don't ask too much about this, I don't know how to explain it, just feel it." Of course, Chen Kangjie couldn't explain it.

The reason why Chen Kangjie said this is because he knew that something would happen in Japan at the beginning of 1995.

What Chen Kangjie refers to is the Great Hanshin Earthquake (hanshin-awaji-daishinsai), a disaster that occurred in Kobe, Japan at 1995:1 in the morning on January 17, 5, Japan time. The scale of the earthquake was 45 on the Richter scale.The epicenter was on Awaji Island, 7.3 kilometers southwest of Kobe City, in Hyogo Prefecture in the Kansai region of Japan.The earthquake was caused by activity in the Rokko fault area from Kobe to Awaji Island, and it was a strong earthquake of the up-and-down vibration type.Since Kobe is one of the largest cities in Japan with a dense population (23 million people), and the earthquake occurred in the early morning, it caused quite a lot of casualties (official statistics about 105 people died, and 6500 people had to live in prefabricated houses due to damage to their houses. people).

"The Japanese are the most difficult to understand. Conventions recognized by the West are meaningless to the Japanese." American female anthropologist Ruth Benedict () described this in her famous book "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" Japan.

This sentence also applies to the "unconventional" performance of the yen after the earthquake in Japan.As a general rule, when a natural disaster of this magnitude occurs in a country, its currency exchange rate usually falls in response.Chen Kangjie does not remember the detailed performance of the Japanese currency after the Great Hanshin Earthquake, but after the Great Japanese Earthquake on March 16, 3 years later, the exchange rate of the yen against the US dollar was just the opposite. Instead of falling, it showed a trend of substantial appreciation.

Regardless of whether it is abnormal or normal, Chen Kangjie feels that there must be some inherent logic in it. Since the yen will appreciate sharply after the 11-year earthquake, it will definitely do so this time.

A few months later, Chen Kangjie's judgment was indeed confirmed. The yen not only did not fall after the Great Hanshin Earthquake, but rose sharply.

In fact, this is a reasonable explanation with economic principles.The two major earthquakes were both at the most difficult time for Japan's economy, both of which had financial crises, and Japan had capital investment from all over the world.Under such circumstances, the first thing Japan has to do is to transfer overseas funds back to the country to support domestic construction and development. The entry of a large amount of funds will naturally push up the price of the yen, forming an objective appreciation trend.

The Great Hanshin Earthquake caused a direct loss of 2% of Japan's gdp. It was so destructive that it was impossible for Japan to return funds from the government to enterprises. This would bring Chen Kangjie and the others a rare opportunity , You can kill another piece on this piece of meat.

There will be gains in money, but Chen Kangjie does not want to cause further losses in terms of personnel, so he advises Ouyang Zhenhua and the others not to go to the Kansai area during this period. He remembers that the earthquake occurred on January 1, but the current history has made He wasn't sure if the time would be so accurate, so he could only expand the time range to the entire month of January.

"Feeling? Do you make decisions based on feeling?" Ouyang Zhenhua felt a little inconceivable.

"Yes, it has always been about feeling. Feeling comes first, and knowledge is assisted. Everything in the world is very miraculous. Not everything can be explained scientifically and rationally. The only thing to blame is that nature is too amazing." Chen Kangjie not only boasted Admit it, and find out some high-sounding reasons.

"Well, if we don't go, then the earthquake research team we funded doesn't need to go either?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"That won't work, you won't go? They have to go, if they don't go, why don't they study?" Chen Kangjie immediately objected and dismissed it.

In response to the earthquake that shook the country 13 years later and killed more than 2 people, the Huatang Foundation has funded a national earthquake research team since last year, providing them with [-] million yuan in research funds for basic research. and instrumental research monitoring.

The Earthquake Administration is a Qingshui yamen, and this subject is relatively biased. There are few researchers, and the research funds are even less, because it has no obvious effect, and it is mainly government-funded, so the government will invest a lot of funds in some economically beneficial areas. , the field of research that is effective and relatively fast, which makes the national seismic system short of funds for research and detection.

Under such circumstances, the annual research funding of 2 million yuan provided by the Huatang Foundation is very critical and important.According to Chen Kangjie's request, the research team consisted of 17 top scientific research experts drawn from the National Earthquake Administration, China University of Geosciences, Xichuan Provincial Seismological Bureau, and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The team leader was an academician of the Academy of Engineering.In addition to the daily funds, in terms of project research, they currently have 1000 million research funds per person per year, and such sufficient funds will be able to support the necessary research they need.

According to the prior itinerary, all members of this group will go to Japan at the beginning of this year for earthquake seminars and academic exchanges, and also conduct field trips to this region of the Pacific plate.

It's just that the place they arranged in advance was not what Chen Kangjie expected.

"Jie Shao, you don't think Japan will have an earthquake, do you?" Ouyang Zhenhua joked.

Chen Kangjie's request is too abnormal. They can't go, but those who study earthquakes can go. Doesn't this obviously mean that Chen Kangjie's premonition is that an earthquake will happen there? After knowing Chen Kangjie for so long, Ouyang Zhenhua is very familiar with Chen Kangjie's logic of.

"You really guessed right, this is the feeling, you arrange it, let them go to the Kansai area, don't go to the Kanto, and then live outdoors, don't live in a room, study earthquakes, don't observe the omens of natural creatures outdoors , lying in a comfortable room, what's the use?" Chen Kangjie mainly didn't want these experts to be lost there.

"Jie Shao, you may not know it. The seismologists believe that the Kansai region of Japan is unlikely to experience a major earthquake. The earthquake will also occur in the Kanto region. The Kanto earthquake that year is a clear proof." Ouyang Zhenhua has seen that A group of research experts, so it also adds a little insight.

Before the Great Hanshin Earthquake, the scientific community did think so. However, it was this kind of blind and arbitrary judgment that caused the same heavy losses in the Great Hanshin Earthquake. It was not until 1998 that the earthquake area returned to the pre-earthquake level.


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