Chen Kangjie has been training in the dedicated gymnasium in Guangzhou until January (the twelfth lunar month) before returning to Qianzhou by special plane. During the Spring Festival, he himself only has 1 days of vacation, which is much better than other athletes. Many Olympic champions, before winning the prize, But I haven't been home for several years, and I haven't spent the New Year with my family. 【 】

It was only four days and told Chen Kangjie that it was still very tight. He only spent New Year's Eve at home, and went out to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year.

The focus of his New Year's greetings this time is on the direction of the capital, but he still needs to delay one more day in the province.

On January 1, the first day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Kangjie went out early in the morning, and the place he went first was six.

Now that the Shuipu Expressway has been repaired and the road is not icy, Chen Kangjie and his convoy drove all the way. It took only one hour and 10 minutes for Chen Kangjie and the others to arrive at the six. This time has been shortened by more than half than before.

He came to Liuzhi for two purposes. The first is to meet classmates who haven't seen each other in a semester, especially the two beauties Fan Xuexi and Deng Min. The second is to see the eldest sister's family. Their family did not go to the city this year. Instead of celebrating the New Year together, I chose to spend it with Xu Guoqiang's parents and sisters.

A large group of classmates who made an appointment early got up very early. They gathered in the square next to Taohua Park at 9:[-], waiting for Chen Kangjie's arrival.

In order not to cause a psychological disparity, Chen Kangjie did not take the car directly to the square, but got off the car after a difference of 200 meters and walked over by himself.

The students who haven't seen each other for several months will naturally have some excited intimacy. As soon as they met, Ma Wei ran over and gave Chen Kangjie a strong bear hug before letting go of Ma Wei, Yang Cong, Chu Xiang and the others. Running up one by one, Chen Kangjie was like a leader receiving his subordinates, but instead of shaking hands, he used hugs, which were all learned from movies.

What these boys started gave Chen Kangjie a grand opportunity. He could embrace Fan Xuexi and Deng Min generously in the public.

When embracing the two beauties, Chen Kangjie obviously exerted a lot of force on his hands, and whispered an affectionate word in each other's ears.

"You lost weight, I miss you very much".

He said this sentence to both Fan Xuexi and Deng Min. This is not because Chen Kangjie is sensational or hypocritical, but he can really find that the other party has lost weight no matter from the eyes or the feel of the hands. However, this also makes them more attractive. A charming beauty.

Chen Kangjie's tender words almost brought tears to the tears of the two already slim beauties. They were very moved, and felt that these words made all their thoughts worthwhile.

"What are we going to play today? I have something to go to the provincial capital in the evening, so I can only play with you until the afternoon. If you have any ideas, feel free to bring them up," Chen Kangjie said while looking at the crowd.

"Let's go mountain climbing. It's a good omen to climb the mountain on the first day of the new year." Pang Yanli made an auspicious suggestion.

"It's windy on the mountain, you girls are not afraid of catching a cold? The Zhonghua Amusement Park must be crowded and lively today. Let's go there to play." Yang Cong found a reason to refute Pang Yanli and put forward his own idea.

"It's not that I haven't been to China Amusement Park. Besides, what's so good about having too many people? It's so uncomfortable to squeeze each other. If you ask me, it's best to find a place to sit and chat." Zhang Qiang refuted Yang Cong up.

This is difficult to say, there are too many people, everyone has their own ideas, otherwise how could there be a famous saying, "1 people, there are 1 Hamlets".

"We haven't been to Happy Valley yet. It just opened. I heard that there are many exciting and fun things in it. Let's go and have fun. We can sit down and chat in the cafe inside." Fan Xuexi didn't criticize anyone, just watched Chen Kangjie propose own ideas.

Happy Valley is really built in a flat valley. There are roller coasters, pirate ships, Ferris wheels, roller coasters and other fun projects. For young people, these are very popular, but the tickets are not low. Local Many people have not gone in to play.

"It's good, it's just the entrance fee... it's a bit expensive, let's go somewhere else," Mazi said with a little disappointment while touching his purse.

"Everyone thinks it's fun there, so let's go here." It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to disagree with Fan Xuexi's opinion, but he also has to take care of the feelings of some students who are cash-strapped, so he put his arm around Pocky's shoulder and said: "Brother , It’s been so long, how can you let you pay out of your own pockets? Today I treat you to make up for the fault of not coming to see you for so long.”

With Chen Kangjie's words, all the problems became simple, and no one would object to such a well-intentioned decision.

It was not easy for so many people to go to Happy Valley. It was difficult to take a taxi and the bus was too crowded. There was no way for Chen Kangjie to go to the side and call Dong Siying for help.

Dong Siying was celebrating the New Year in Hong Kong, so she had to call the manager of Happy Valley and ask them to send a tourist bus to pick her up.

For Chen Kangjie's ability, everyone is not surprised anyway. He can organize everyone to go to the China Amusement Park for a spring outing. What else can we not handle?It's just that no one can figure out how much his energy will eventually be, even Ma Wei, who knows that Chen Qigang has become the mayor, can't figure it out. Anyway, Chen Kangjie rarely talks to them about it.

A group of people went to Happy Valley to play for more than three hours. There were a lot of people today. Many people came from the provincial capital and other places to play. There were long queues for many sports, such as roller coaster games.

From the start to the end of the game, it takes just a few minutes, but many queues take more than an hour.

Chen Kangjie didn't want to take advantage of his privileges, but he really didn't have so much time to spend here today, otherwise, he would probably spend the whole day here.So Chen Kangjie had no choice but to find the manager Jin who brought the car to pick them up.

Manager Jin stayed on duty during the Spring Festival. When he received a call from Dong Siying, Dong Siying explained on the phone that he must serve Chen Kangjie and his group well without any mistakes.

With more and more contacts with Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, Dong Siying understood that Chen Kangjie was the real behind-the-scenes person, so Dong Siying's attitude towards Chen Kangjie also quietly changed, and gradually More and more respect, more and more attention, no matter how you say it, her future is in the hands of Chen Kangjie, not to mention hers, even her boyfriend Zhu Yutao's.

With Manager Jin's front stop, Chen Kangjie and the others don't have to queue up no matter what event they play, they can play as soon as they go, and Manager Jin will directly accompany them all the way.The distance between the play items, as well as the battery car pick-up, the service is really meticulous.Selfishness inevitably makes some tourists protest.

After playing in Happy Valley for two hours, everyone sat and chatted for another hour. Chen Kangjie looked at the time on the watch and couldn't allow it, so he went back home.

Manager Jin continued to use the car to send everyone to the city, and then everyone dispersed. Chen Kangjie went to Chen Yuqiong's house, and when he arrived at the six, it was really unreasonable not to go to the eldest sister's house.

But even though he went, Chen Kangjie was still scolded in the end, because he patted his ass and left without eating after only sitting for more than an hour.

When Chen Kangjie and the others were chatting in Happy Valley, they had already eaten lunch. No matter how big Chen Kangjie's stomach was, it was impossible for him to be hungry so quickly.

Cursing and scolding, Chen Kangjie still has to go, he doesn't have much time, and Chen Yuqiong also understands that his younger brother is not big, but he never goes home and is a busy person, so he didn't stop him, but forced him to stuff [-] yuan lucky money.

Chen Kangjie is the one who is not short of money at all, he doesn't want it, but the eldest sister must give it, so he has no choice but to accept it, anyway, the current eldest sister is so rich that she doesn't care at all.

Coming out of the elder sister's house, Chen Kangjie got in the car and went straight to the provincial capital, trying to maintain a fast speed as much as possible along the way. However, even so, when they entered the provincial city, the lights were already on, and firecrackers were being set off everywhere. And fireworks, a scene of prosperity and peace.

Chen Kangjie and the others don't have time to appreciate the rich atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Huang Zhenhua is still waiting.

Chen Kangjie came to the provincial capital this time mainly to see Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo and Sima Kuo, and it was a New Year greeting for them.Currently, I don't have anything to ask of them, but the relationship needs to be established on a daily basis. In this regard, I absolutely can't cram for a while, and Chen Qigang will still need these relationships in the future.

At this moment, Huang Zhenhua and the others also wanted to see Chen Kangjie.

The province's transportation development conference has been held for almost a month, but none of the plans in the province have started yet.Although the province and relevant units contacted Ouyang Zhenhua and the others, they said everything was very good, but before they took any action, these leaders were still a little worried.If this aspect fails, then this huge plan is not a political achievement, but the ticket to the end of their official career.

In fact, it’s not that Ouyang Zhenhua didn’t give actual action. Now Hongyuan Investment is not short of money at all. The 2000 billion US dollars transferred from Japan before still has more than 1000 billion that has not been moved. Ouyang Zhenhua moved the funds for oil futures , It has also been rising steadily.

All of this was caused by Chen Kangjie, and he hoped that he would sell this favor, so he instructed his subordinates to agree to everything, but don't move, everything is waiting for him.

Huang Zhenhua and the others planned to take this opportunity to set the tone from Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie also wanted to take this opportunity to really send out the big gift. Only in this way can this favor be regarded as his own.

Speaking of it, Chen Kangjie is selfless. He spent so much money in the country, and the income is relatively low, not to mention the long time.But he is also selfish, he has to get something in return for what he has given away, this is his usual style, the worst thing is, he has to be human to carry it.


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