rebirth of change

Chapter 678 For Them For Himself

Huang Zhenhua's family is here today. Two sons who work in the capital bring their daughter-in-law and grandson. The granddaughter is back. The daughter who is a lecturer at Xichuan University also brings her uncle and grandson to Zhucheng to celebrate the New Year. It is only at this time of the year. The Huang family will be lively, otherwise, he and his wife usually live together, even though there are nannies and guards, they are still deserted and lack the warmth of home. 【|】

However, his sons and daughters wanted to transfer their work back to the province, but Huang Zhenhua refused. For example, Qianzhou University once wanted to bring Huang Zhenhua's daughter Huang Yingying from Xichuan University, but Huang Zhenhua, who knew about it, opposed it. The attitude of the two sons who work in the Zhongzhi unit also has this idea, and Huang Zhenhua also does not support it.

The reason for this is that Huang Zhenhua didn't want to harm himself or his children.

Chen Kangjie's arrival was welcomed by the whole Huang family, and the whole family waited until he arrived before eating.

Huang Zhenhua first introduced Chen Kangjie to his family members one by one. Huang Zhenhua's wife, Chen Kangjie, had met him before and worked in the Party History Museum. This was the first time Chen Kangjie had met other family members.

For Huang Zhenhua's children, Chen Kangjie uniformly called "brother" and "sister", which also gave him an advantage. Huang Zhenhua's grandson, granddaughter, and grandson all had to call Chen Kangjie "uncle".

It's cheap, but it's not so easy to take advantage of. Today is the first day of the new year. According to the custom, the elders who pay New Year's greetings will give lucky money to the younger generation.

Chen Kangjie usually does not carry any money with him, but today when he was about to leave, Chen Yuqiong gave him 1 yuan in new year's money, and it was a brand new bill with serial numbers.

Chen Kangjie shook off the scarf, and took out the stack of tickets from his suit pocket, "You all call me uncle, so I have to give you some New Year's money anyway, how about it, ten tickets per person."

Even in the winter in Qianzhou, when everyone else wears coats and sweaters, Chen Kangjie doesn't want to dress too bulky. What he wears today is a T-shirt, a brown wool shirt, and a casual suit.This is because Chen Kangjie has a good physique on the one hand, and on the other hand, the quality of his clothes is old. Although they are not thick, their warmth retention effect is first-rate.

The white scarf was secretly slipped by Deng Min to Chen Kangjie during the course.Xu Wenqiang's influence is far-reaching. In the mid-90s, there were still many young people in the mainland who were proud of having such a scarf.I really don't know when this girl Deng Min learned to weave scarves.In order to reduce trouble, Chen Kangjie waited for everyone to break up before wrapping him around his neck. Not to mention, besides feeling warm, he could also smell a special fragrance.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was about to hand out lucky money after spending so much money, Huang Yingying hurriedly stopped him.

"How can this be, you are a guest and a student, how can you give them lucky money, and there is still so much!", 1000 yuan is a small kiss for Chen Kangjie, but for ordinary people, it is definitely not a small amount. Even for a high-ranking family like Huang Zhenhua.

"Sister Yingying, it's nothing, there's no reason why I asked my uncle not to give the New Year's money?" Chen Kangjie seemed to be addicted to being an elder.

"Yingying, don't stop me now, just let him go, you don't know that our family earns less money than anyone else," Huang Zhenhua who was standing beside said happily.

If it was given by someone else, then Huang Zhenhua would definitely not take it, but Chen Kangjie gave it to him. Suspected of bribery.

"Father, isn't this bad?" Huang Yingying knew that her father never accepted cash gifts, so she was a little uncertain about what he meant.

"It's nothing good, who calls him an elder?" Huang Zhenhua looked at Chen Kangjie with a smile and said.

"That's true," Chen Kangjie responded calmly, and after giving all the lucky money to those little boys, Chen Kangjie continued, "Uncle Huang, it's right for the elder to give the lucky money to the younger generation, what do you say?" Right? Uncle Huang, the fine tradition of the Chinese nation is reciprocity, don’t you think so?”.

Every time Chen Kangjie said a word, he had to call "Uncle Huang", and matched with his subsequent words, the meaning couldn't be more clear, and there was no way to get the benefits of Chen Kangjie for free.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, the smile on Huang Zhenhua's face disappeared immediately.Chen Kangjie gave the younger one a thousand New Year's money, so Huang Zhenhua should also give Chen Kangjie the New Year's money, and the amount should not be less than one thousand, only higher.

"Hehe, you have taught us that etiquette is not easy to receive, easy to get in but not easy to get out, now you have learned it yourself?" Aunt Huang stood beside Huang Zhenhua and teased him.

"This..." Huang Zhenhua couldn't say anything for a moment.

"Xiaojie, let's eat, let's go, sit down, if you don't eat, the food will be cold." Aunt Huang didn't care about Huang Zhenhua's embarrassment, and pulled Chen Kangjie straight to the restaurant for dinner.

. . . . . .

After eating, Huang Zhenhua pulled Chen Kangjie into his study, and the others watched TV in the living room, or went outside to set off fireworks or watch others set off fireworks, anyway, no one was interested in following them in.

"...Xiaojie, I'm sorry, you, Uncle Huang, I'm a poor man... For this, it's only one thousand and five, count it as the lucky money I gave you... just keep it." Just arrived at the study, Huang Zhenhua Embarrassed, he took out a yellow-gray envelope from the drawer and pushed it in front of Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, Uncle Huang, did you come to prepare this just before dinner?" Chen Kangjie picked up the envelope, did not open it to look inside, but patted it on his hand and said.

After Aunt Huang led Chen Kangjie and the others over for dinner, Huang Zhenhua came there 3 minutes late. At that time, Chen Kangjie was still thinking about what the old guy was doing. It turned out that he was preparing lucky money for himself.

"You almost asked for it, can I not prepare it for you?" Huang Zhenhua acted like a bitter woman.

"Hahaha, haha, look at you, you are still a prince, you are so stingy," Chen Kangjie joked happily.

"One prince? Have you ever seen such a poor prince?".

"Hehe, who knows if you're just pretending? You know, many of them are officials, and they look clean on the surface, and when they are caught, they will know that they are big corrupt criminals." Chen Kangjie said too much, but Chen Kangjie still Having said that, it was a wake-up call, Chen Kangjie didn't want to be in the company of big corrupt criminals.

"Look at what you said, Uncle Huang, am I that kind of person? Really, if you like it, you can take it or not, and if you don't take it, return it to me. I'll buy clothes for myself." Huang Zhenhua was about to reach out to grab Chen Kangjie Money envelope in hand.

"Give it out, but do you want to go back? There is no door." Chen Kangjie moved quickly, putting the envelope into his pocket in the blink of an eye.

Huang Zhenhua didn't succeed, so he could only sit down resentfully with a half-smile.

"Uncle Huang, why don't you transfer Brother Huang and Sister Yingying to Qianzhou, then you will not be lonely!" Chen Kangjie took the initiative to mention Huang Zhenhua's family affairs.

"I'm doing it for their own good, and it's also for my own good," Huang Zhenhua said slowly, touching his forehead.

"How do you say that?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"If they work in Qianzhou, it will be very difficult for them to be promoted," Huang Zhenhua said a profound sentence.

"Hehe, Secretary Huang, you are talking nonsense, it will be difficult for them to be promoted in Qianzhou? How is it possible, even if you don't say a word, their leaders will find a way to promote them. Do you think I don't understand?", Chen Kangjie Self-righteously teased.

"It is for this reason that I said it will be difficult for them." Huang Zhenhua did not laugh with Chen Kangjie, but explained seriously, "If they work in Qianzhou, in order not to gossip, I will Even if they achieve results based on their strength, I will try to suppress their improvement speed as much as possible."

"You are completely selfish. It seems that staying outside to work is really for their own good. At least I can speak with my strength. I will be promoted when I should be promoted, and I will be degraded when I should be degraded. Then it is good for you, so how can I explain it? ".

"If they transfer here, if I don't suppress you, you can imagine that their jobs will be promoted very quickly. As you said, even if I don't say a word, those people will figure out what I mean. If they meet the conditions, they will be given higher positions, tell me, is this a good thing for me?" At the end, Huang Zhenhua directly asked Chen Kangjie a rhetorical question.

"That's really not a good thing, something will happen sooner or later." Of course, Chen Kangjie understands the truth in it. It's no wonder that a spoiled and spoiled child doesn't have problems.

It's rare that Huang Zhenhua is so open-minded, and can bear to make such a decision. However, even in other provinces and cities, those who know the inside story will probably give some convenience, but there is no way to avoid that situation. Yes, and it was difficult to involve Huang Zhenhua.

"Okay, kid, let's get down to business, shall we? When will you take some action over there? Isn't this the way to go? The Prime Minister has called twice to ask. If there is nothing practical after the Spring Festival, we will very soon." Passive!", returning to the main story, this is what Huang Zhenhua is most concerned about.

"I heard that you won't agree to any request?"

"A request is a promise, but actions speak louder than words. If there is no action, then the loans from several banks will not be able to be granted." Huang Zhenhua was really a little anxious.

"This... I am also urging this matter. Now this is not just your matter. My father and my godfather are also involved in it. Don't forget, where is the transportation development conference held? ".

"It's good that you know, what's the result? Can you get a fund first after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month?".

"We just had a conference call. Well, it meant calling each other. I tried to persuade. After the seventh day, a working group will come and formally sign an agreement with the provincial government on four highways. At the same time, 2 million The funds will follow, the first one is to extend the Waterfall Expressway to the provincial capital, the Waterfall Highway built six years ago is outdated.” Chen Kangjie lied to meet Huang Zhenhua’s request.


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