That night, Chen Kangjie chatted with Huang Zhenhua very late, and all the discussions were about the development plan of the province. ┌* ┐

These are two people who are particularly contradictory and uncoordinated. The secretary of the provincial party committee from the grandfather's generation and Chen Kangjie from the middle school age, they both talked about the same topic, and it was quite in-depth.

There are two main suggestions from Chen Kangjie to Huang Zhenhua. The first one is to break the conventional thinking. If our country wants to be prosperous and strong, we must rely on reform and opening up. As an inland area with a weak foundation, we need reform and opening up even more to develop. , we must boldly break the rules, only in this way can we find a new path, otherwise, we will not be able to catch up with the eastern region.

It is advocated by the central government to break the conventional thinking and carry out in-depth reform and opening up, but it is easier said than done. Now, after all, there are too many restrictions and rules, which exist deeply in terms of ideology, system, and institutional settings.Huang Zhenhua had a deep understanding of this.

When he was governor, Huang Zhenhua really wanted to streamline and merge some organizations, but he couldn’t do quite a lot of them. This has something to do with our management system from top to bottom. If the top remains unchanged, the bottom changes, and management will be chaotic. , the upper departments do not agree at all. For example, the agricultural system, from top to bottom is the Ministry of Agriculture, the Department of Agriculture, the Agricultural Machinery, etc., and the hierarchy is clear. If you merge the Agriculture Bureau and the Forestry Bureau into the Agriculture and Forestry Bureau, but the upper level does not change, it will be troublesome. It is very big, the Ministry of Agriculture does not agree, and the Ministry of Forestry does not do it, because it means that they will lose the main body of management and their rights will be reduced.

"Secretary Huang, that is to say, we have too many rules and regulations, so we need to break the conventional thinking and reform and open up. This is courage, otherwise things will be very difficult and slow to do things," Chen Kangjie said directly.

"Once the economy involves politics, it's not so easy, kid, don't talk about me, even Comrade Wei Zhonghua can only do things step by step, let alone me, we can only play around the edges, and then use the results obtained to promote the system. There are changes and detours, understand? This is a strategy, and it is also a strategy," Huang Zhenhua said to Chen Kangjie earnestly.

"Hehe, yes, it's just like our foundation." Even if Chen Kangjie laughed, he could only feel helpless.

"That is, at present, almost all foundations in China are government-run, such as UNICEF and Youth Development Foundation, all belong to established departments, and their work is also step-by-step. Donations from ordinary people can only be made through For organizations like Women’s Federation or Youth League Committee to implement it, only you can bypass the intermediate links and do it directly, and your foundations are all registered overseas,” Huang Zhenhua added to help Chen Kangjie.

"All we do are non-profit charities. Otherwise, it would be even more difficult to get in. Even so, without the cooperation of the local government like you, we would not be able to do any good deeds." What Chen Kangjie did was Roundabout hit the edge of the ball.

"However, stimulated by you, the foundation management regulations will probably be issued soon, and then you will be able to establish unofficial foundations in China." Huang Zhenhua revealed a little information he knew to Chen Kangjie.

"It's been so many years, it should have been introduced long ago, and the efficiency is really slow," Chen Kangjie complained dissatisfied.

In fact, this is still due to him. If it weren't for the excitement of the Huatang Foundation, it would take some time before the regulations would be issued, and it would not be so soon.

"Actually, our breakthrough is already very historic. This transportation development conference is proof that we have withstood great pressure. To this day, although the central government has not expressed objection, it has not expressed affirmation either. ", Huang Zhenhua said worriedly.

"Everything is based on grades. It's not a few years ago now. The general environment has changed. Don't worry," Chen Kangjie comforted confidently.

"Didn't you just say that there are two suggestions, and one more?".

"Of course, there is another one to prevent corruption. Don't look at you all shouting slogans to punish rape in meetings all day long. To be honest, the effect is really getting worse and worse. There are more and more corruption. Don’t you think it’s strange?” Chen Kangjie’s point probably attracted the attention of ordinary people all over the country.

"This is inevitable in the development of the times. It is not easy to train a good cadre. As an organization, we must love cadres. They are the backbone of our development and work!".

"You said this, almost all the emperors in ancient times said it. I remember that there was an emperor in the Qing Dynasty who was worried that if all corrupt officials were investigated, no one would do the following things. Is this true? If this is the case, the common people really hope that no one can do those things well, and the more people have this kind of thinking, the more they will be greedy. After all, you guys are just for the chair under your buttocks. I am worried that my comrades will oppose me a lot, and my position will not be guaranteed, but if this is the case, sooner or later all of you will lose your position," Chen Kangjie directly criticized with disdain.

"You are really angry, but you understand my meaning one-sidedly." Huang Zhenhua was not angry because of Chen Kangjie's criticism, "Now is a period of social transformation, which includes changes in systems, changes in thinking, and changes in organizational structures. The transformation, the transformation of the ruling culture, etc., is a big shift in the system. At this time, it is the most chaotic. This does not mean social chaos, but our own internal chaos. Therefore, at this time, anti-corruption is the most difficult. Moreover, At this time, we must give priority to stability, and stability overwhelms everything else. If our internal chaos spreads and develops into society, it will cause social chaos, and our achievements in reform and economic development will be paid for. Dongliu, now that we look back at the disintegration of the Soviet Union, we have to say that there were such factors in it.” Of course, what Huang Zhenhua saw was not as superficial as Chen Kangjie said.

"Of course I know this, otherwise I wouldn't have made this suggestion. People who are too poor and have no conditions for freedom, too prosperous, citizens' awareness and a sound system will limit freedom. The difficulty is at this stage. Whether you are poor or rich, and there are many things to do, I know that anti-corruption is the most difficult at this stage, but you can’t stop doing it just because it is difficult, otherwise, everything in front of you may really be ruined in your hands.” After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie still Forgot to make a joke, "Old comrades, the people are watching you! Don't let ordinary people like us chill."

. . . . . .

On the morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Kangjie called on Tan Changguo and Sima Kuo again.

Tan Changguo had already gone to the capital to celebrate the new year, but due to the freezing in some parts of the province, he, as the governor, had to go down to condolences and inspect, so he only spent New Year's Eve at his home in the capital, and rushed back on the first day of the new year.

Chen Kangjie chatted with Tan Changguo for more than an hour. He was going down to inspect, and there was no one cooking in their house, so Chen Kangjie went to Sima Kuo's house without wasting his time, and talked with Sima Kuo about the high-tech city.

Chen Kangjie hopes that the Provincial Party Committee and Zhucheng City Committee can speed up the infrastructure construction of the high-tech city. The focus here is on the communication network, which requires not only fast speed, but also a high starting point.We will soon enter the Internet era, and without a high-standard cooperation in this regard, it will be difficult for the Hi-Tech City to maximize its benefits.

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie should discuss these matters with Yao Zhe, but no matter what, the high-tech city is still nominally under the leadership of the municipal and provincial committees. Sima Kuo is not only the leader of the municipal committee, but also the leader of the provincial committee. is very necessary.

The most important thing was that Chen Kangjie didn't have that time either. He didn't see Zhou Yi and Luo Zirong when he arrived at the sixth place, but he just called them when he left, so he couldn't see Yao Zhe in the provincial capital.

After having a sumptuous lunch at Sima Kuo's house, Chen Kangjie flew directly to the capital by plane.

Because it was the second day of the Lunar New Year, both the Zhucheng Airport and the Capital International Airport seemed empty, and there were not many passengers traveling, which made the originally lively atmosphere of the Lunar New Year exude a tinge of desolation.

When Chen Kangjie arrived in the capital, it was mainly related to the New Year's greetings office. In advance, someone below had prepared some local products for him here, and the one sent to the old chief was still black goat meat.

Thinking that the old man might leave in two years, Chen Kangjie couldn't help feeling a little worried and sad, so whenever he had time, he tried to visit the old man as much as possible.

Walking into the Xishan Villa, which is full of fallen leaves and withered yellow, the environment is quiet, it can also be said to be deserted, there is no trace of green around, and here you can’t set off firecrackers like ordinary people’s homes, only red lanterns and couplets at the door of each house It will make people feel that this is really the Spring Festival.

Before the Chinese New Year, the leading comrades of the Central Party, government and army had already visited the old man, but Chen Kangjie was the first visitor when the Chinese New Year came.

The old man is obviously older than two or three years ago, and his hair is thinner. However, he is wearing a gray jacket and looks in good spirits. Chen Kangjie can be recognized from a long distance.

The old man was very happy to see Chen Kangjie, and of course Chen Kangjie was also happy.After sitting down, Chen Kangjie didn't chat with him about any work-related matters. He was all chatting with his family about life, his studies, and even said that he would participate in the Atlanta Olympics next year.

For Chen Kangjie to participate in the Olympic Games, the happiest person is not the old man, but the old lady and those third-generation children.

The old lady even made a promise to Chen Kangjie that as long as he could get back a gold medal, she would give him a book.

"Grandma, your study room has to be prepared to open up, I may have to carry a basket to pick out books, ha ha", Chen Kangjie responded confidently like this jokingly.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't want to increase the old man's workload and burden on state affairs, and didn't talk to him about work matters, when Chen Kangjie was about to leave, the old man still asked about the inside story of the Qianzhou Transportation Development Conference.


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