rebirth of change

Chapter 680 Be Careful

When the old man took the initiative to ask, Chen Kangjie had to say that he honestly reported the whole situation, and he didn't even hide that he was secretly promoting it, including when he met Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo and the others, and talked about everything. Explain in detail. ┌* ┐

To the old man, Chen Kangjie has nothing to hide. The old man knows his details clearly, and reporting to him can be regarded as helping the province to relieve some pressure. If he can get the clear support of the old man, then he will continue It couldn't be better, no matter what, he still has two years to live, and the weight of words is the heaviest among the high-level people.

"I learned about this from the news. He has already retired, so I didn't ask much about it. When you came today, I just wanted to know what happened. If you do this, you will hand over the backbone transportation network of a province to In the hands of private individuals, are you not afraid at all?" In the old man's office, the old man lay on his back on the armchair, and said leisurely.

"Grandpa, is this considered private? I belong to the country myself, so how can there be any private?" Chen Kangjie said jokingly, "Besides, if the inland areas do not have unconventional means, if they want to develop, then We have to wait until the year of the monkey. To be honest, our pace of reform and opening up is not big enough. Especially in the Mainland, only innovations in mechanisms, systems and policies can make a difference. If not, the gap between the east and the west will widen. Bigger and bigger", Chen Kangjie didn't dare to joke anymore, but had real thoughts.

"Yes, when the gap between regions is too large, the gap between rich and poor is too large, the society will be unstable, and social instability will cause more troubles, and even endanger the security of the regime," the old man said sharply.

"That's why I made a little money to do this thing. I have a clear conscience for the country and the people, so I have nothing to worry about. Besides, don't you have your support for this?" Chen Kangjie flattered Said.

"Little ghost, that's not petty money. The central bank can't afford that much cash now, but don't be too petty. Why do you keep staring at you, Qianzhou?" The old man criticized Chen Kangjie.

"I'm still petty? Old man, are you going against your will when you say this? The money I spend in it every year is not much less than you. You say that I always stare at Qianzhou. There is some truth to it, but it's not complete. I Now we have already paid for people to dig wells, repair water cellars, and build schools in the whole west. This alone costs several billion yuan every year, so it should be completely donated.” Chen Kangjie was dissatisfied and wronged, As if everything I did was for nothing.

"I understand this. We haven't erased your achievements and contributions. In contemporary times, you are the one who deserves a patriotic medal."

"It's pretty much the same. It doesn't matter if you get a medal or not. As long as you don't drink water and forget the well digger, don't be cunning and die, just cook it." Chen Kangjie did all that without asking for anything in return. I am doing it spontaneously in my heart.

"What are you talking about children, do you really think of us as those old feudal bureaucrats?" After half-criticizing Chen Kangjie, the old man continued what he said just now: "Although you have done a lot of great things. , but it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. In the western region, only by developing industries and transportation is the root of poverty alleviation.”

"It's not that I haven't thought about it, but you know, it's impossible to do this kind of thing without official support. My money comes from overseas, and I'm an individual, even if If I have started a business, it is also foreign-funded. Here, if there are no local officials with courage from top to bottom, it is really impossible to get together. Qianzhou, except because I am a local, my father and godfather are both there In addition to working in the local area, I also had more contact with leaders like Huang Zhenhua for a long time. When Uncle Zhao Zhibang was the secretary in the province, he also communicated more. Because of this multiple relationship, everyone achieved a goal of communication and mutual trust. Otherwise, I really wouldn't dare to make such a big noise," Chen Kangjie said realistically.

If he was asked to make large investments in other provinces, especially investments that broke through the existing institutional framework, he would really dare not go without official guarantees.This is not because he is worried that his money will be eaten, but because he is worried that what he should do will not be able to achieve the maximum effect, and that it is easy to get in and difficult to get out.

As the saying goes, people do not fight against officials. Although Chen Kangjie is not an ordinary civilian, he may not be able to fight a large group of bureaucrats, and it will take a long time, so he would rather donate money than Make big infrastructure investments or big project investments elsewhere.

After listening to Chen Kangjie's words, the master did not speak on the spot, but fell into thinking.

After a while, the old man touched his forehead and said: "Your worry is not unreasonable, but well, it is not impossible to solve it."

"Old man, tell me, what can you do?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"You will know later," the old man did not tell Chen Kangjie his method.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't talk about it, it's that it's inconvenient to talk about it. He is very unsuitable to come to the front desk for many things now.

. . . . . .

After chatting with the old man, Chen Kangjie left. The old man's family asked him to stay for dinner. It was not convenient for him to stay because of time.Of course, he also bluntly said that he still had to pay New Year greetings to Wei Zhonghua, Zhao Zhibang and other leading comrades.Before leaving, the grandmother gave Chen Kangjie a red envelope symbolically. When he got outside, Chen Kangjie opened it and saw a green bill of 50 yuan. Chen Kangjie smiled and put the red envelope into the inner pocket of his clothes.

In the whole country, Chen Kangjie is probably the only one who can have so much face and courage to pay New Year greetings to so many important leaders.

Chen Kangjie was very disciplined, everything was from high to low, leaving the old man, he went directly to Wei Zhonghua.

I have made an appointment by phone in advance, and there is no obstacle in entering the palace, and the journey is smooth, but it is the same as going to the old man's place. He can enter alone, and his bodyguards can only send him to the door. The rest will naturally be left to the receptionist. staff are responsible.

When he arrived at Wei Zhonghua's home, Chen Kangjie brought not only some souvenirs, but also a latest Swiss electromagnetic physiotherapy device.Wei Zhonghua's wife's health is not particularly good, and Chen Kangjie prepared this specially for her.

When Chen Kangjie saw the old man, he didn't take the initiative to directly talk about work, but when he saw Wei Zhonghua, it was completely different. The time for small talk was less than 5 minutes, and the rest of the time was spent chatting in the old man's study.

Chen Kangjie took the initiative to mention the situation of the just-concluded transportation development conference.

"We have already listened to the relevant reports. Although we did not come forward to express our support, we did not oppose it. Besides, we sent several ministers to participate."

"Then...this...why don't you directly support it? It makes everyone in the province have no idea." Chen Kangjie really didn't understand.

"You, I thought you were really smart. You don't even think about it. Some things can only be done and cannot be said. Some things are the other way around. You can only say but not do. This is political wisdom. , understand?" Wei Zhonghua criticized and educated Chen Kangjie.

"Oh, I understand," Chen Kangjie nodded thoughtfully.

These giants are also avoiding their own pressure and risks. After all, there are still a group of people in China who want to go back to the old road of the past, and most of these people can only adopt a united approach instead of a hostile attitude , so they are so cautious.

"Besides, your family background hasn't been exposed yet, so why do we support it? If we support it and you can't get the money, where will we put our face?" Wei Zhonghua's last sentence basically It's a joke.

"I'm not that kind of person. By the way, Uncle Wei, help me with some funds. They don't have any funds for the inland waterway transformation." Take advantage.

"Don't ask me for the funds, we have no money, and the current money is almost a coin that can be broken into two halves." Wei Zhonghua waved Chen Kangjie directly.

"You don't have money to do business, but you have money to support so many officials. What kind of logic is this?" The more familiar Chen Kangjie was with them, the more freely he spoke, and he could say whatever he wanted.

"That was a last resort. Remember the story you told back then? Your story made us suppress the construction of office buildings in many places, and the money was invested in education and economic development. At present, let alone that, military spending There is not enough money, and the current state-owned enterprises are becoming more and more difficult to operate, and a lot of money is constantly being invested in them," Wei Zhonghua said to Chen Kangjie.

"I see, that's a bottomless pit. No matter how you fill it up, you won't be able to fill it up. It's better to reform the system as soon as possible and spend the money on the employees so that they can have more security and benefits. Now hundreds of billions are invested in it every year. , It can only cause the enterprise to linger, at most it will cultivate some moths." Chen Kangjie is not optimistic about the state-owned enterprises under the conditions of the market economy.

Those so-called state-owned enterprises with good profits later relied on monopoly, while others relied on subsidies. If there were no monopoly and huge subsidies, Chen Kangjie dared to say that most of the state-owned enterprises would die without a place to die.Because they lack competitive genes from the moment they are born.

"Now that we are discussing and soliciting opinions extensively, you think it is as easy as you think, but this involves the jobs of tens of millions of people, hundreds of thousands of enterprises, and trillions of assets. There is no reasonable planning and Arrangement, it will cause big trouble, you need to be cautious," Wei Zhonghua said.

"Hehe, I'll just say that, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously", Chen Kangjie can only pretend to be cute as a child.

"When you come to the capital this time, you don't come and go in a hurry, do you? Do you want to stay a few more days?" Wei Zhonghua asked kindly.


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