rebirth of change

Chapter 685 Will You Marry Me?

To be honest, Chen Kangjie is indeed paying attention to the news in this area. This is something about him. It is still not developed enough, and many overseas news are blocked, which is far from the level of the later Internet era. ┏ _ ┓

Most of Chen Kangjie’s information comes from Hong Kong. As an international metropolis and a free port, Hong Kong is also a place where information gathers. Here, as long as you want, you can get the information you want, even if this Things are happening all over the world.

In order to save Chen Kangjie's time, Feiyang Entertainment specially collected this information, sorted it out, and sent it to Chen Kangjie by fax. In this way, after he finished training every day, he could comprehensively see the progress of related events.

To be honest, at first Chen Kangjie really didn't feel unbalanced in his heart that he only won such an award, because he had predicted all this before.A person will have a good ability to accept the expected results when they appear, just like a person jumping off a building, but a soft cushion has been laid underneath.

But when fans from all over the world challenged the jury for this matter, he felt a little proud. Awards are not very important to him, but the enthusiasm of fans is what he needs. He wants to be For the uncrowned king, he must have such a large number of lobsters with crazy enthusiasm.

Lobsters are delicious, expensive, and domineering, because they are not ordinary small shrimps, they are shrimps with a dragon (long), they may be docile and cute at ordinary times, but when they When you show your teeth and claws, it can also hurt people.

Although Chen Kangjie is concerned about this matter, he has no plans to speak out immediately. One is that the National Academy of Recording and Science has not issued a request, and the other is that Chen Kangjie has to rush back to sign up. The new semester of high school life is about to begin again. up.

The night before Chen Kangjie returned to Qianzhou after finishing the training, he received an unexpected call.

After more than a month of intense, substantial and high-intensity training, Chen Kangjie's various sports performances have improved a lot, especially the use of competitive skills, which has greatly exploded his already unfathomable potential At present, his level, not to mention the school sports meeting, has even surpassed the level of the National Games. In other words, after letting go of the control of the school sports meeting, he can reach the top level in China.

The training during this period was also extremely hard, which can be clearly seen from Chen Kangjie's already slightly rough skin.His skin was fairer and smoother before, but that's good, it added a touch of masculinity to him.

In order to hurry up, there is no time limit for his training. No matter it is windy or rainy, he is under the request of the coach, and he has withstood all difficulties in training without missing a day.

Fortunately, the smart Ouyang Zhenhua found such a quiet venue in Guangzhou. If he trains in Qianzhou this season, he will probably be in big trouble. The sub-zero temperature and continuous winter rain will definitely bring great harm to Chen Kangjie's body. Large damage, at low temperature, once the energy of the body is about to explode, the Achilles tendon and ligaments are easy to be injured.

The temperature in Guangzhou, even in winter, is basically above ten degrees, which has objectively protected Chen Kangjie's body.

It's just that Chen Kangjie doesn't plan to use this venue again after using it this time.

With the advancement of industrialization, Guangzhou does not pay attention to environmental protection at this time. The number of cars in this big city increases rapidly with the advancement of the economy. Even if Guangzhou is close to the sea, the air quality is still relatively poor. In order to take care of Chen Kangjie's training needs as much as possible , A brand new training base is already being built on Qiongzhou Island in the South China Sea.

The industrialization process of Qiongzhou Island is far behind the whole country, the vegetation is well maintained, there is no winter all year round, the air is fresh, and the climate is pleasant. As long as it is not the hottest summer for training, it should be able to meet Chen Kangjie's needs.Since there is no need to build a new stand, only standard venues and some additional facilities are needed, plus sufficient funds, the construction speed will be relatively fast. The training center located in the suburbs of Siya will be put into use in the autumn of 95. By then In winter or spring, Chen Kangjie's training will be carried out there. In summer and autumn, the climate in Liushuipan is pleasant, neither hot nor cold, which is most suitable for his training.

This call was made to Xiong Zhiqiang's mobile phone. When Xiong Zhiqiang knocked on Chen Kangjie's door and handed him the phone, his expression seemed unnatural. He wanted to laugh but had to suppress it. He wanted to sympathize, but he couldn't express it.

"Whose phone is it?" Chen Kangjie asked while reaching for the phone.

"You'll know when you pick it up." Xiong Zhiqiang put the phone in Chen Kangjie's hand, turned around and disappeared in a flash.

This made Chen Kangjie baffled. It was the first time Xiong Zhiqiang had such a reaction, and he had never been so abnormal before.

"What the hell is this guy doing?" Looking at the closed door of Xiong Zhiqiang, Chen Kangjie murmured, and then asked into the microphone: "Hello, who is it?".

"Are you okay?" A gentle and lonely female voice came from the microphone.

Hearing this sentence, Chen Kangjie was stunned on the spot. With his strong listening ability, he could of course tell who the other party was from this short sentence. It turned out that the call was from Lin Ling.

Since that incident happened in the provincial capital, Chen Kangjie and Lin Ling have neither met nor talked on the phone.It's not that Chen Kangjie forgot the existence of that incident, nor is it that Chen Kangjie is irresponsible, but that he doesn't know what to say at all, and he doesn't know how to properly get along with such a relationship.This is mainly considered from Lin Ling's point of view. After all, Lin Ling has reached the age of marriage, and she is only a teenager. From a legal point of view, she is not considered an adult.

That's why Chen Kangjie tacitly adopted such a cold treatment method. First, give Lin Ling a suitable time to consider her own choice. Chen Kangjie said that he would be responsible, but if Lin Ling chooses to find someone who can marry at this time to marry Well, Chen Kangjie couldn't even utter a single word of objection. He had no way to object, and he wasn't qualified to object, because he himself couldn't marry her no matter what.

From the first day to the sixth day of the new year, Chen Kangjie didn't think about contacting her, or seeing her, but in the end he gave up this idea. He was worried that his rashness and abruptness would embarrass her and embarrass her.

"Oh, I'm... fine, how about you? Are you okay?" When the phone call came, Chen Kangjie couldn't help but talk, because he really didn't know what to say, so he could only imitate the other party's politeness and greetings.

"I'm fine too," Lin Ling replied simply and in a low voice.

This kind of sound often indicates that it is not very good. Chen Kangjie, who is already 40 years old, can naturally grasp this meaning.

"Is something wrong? Tell me, see if I can help?" Anyway, she is already Chen Kangjie's woman, so it's impossible for him not to have such feelings.

"Where are you now?" Lin Ling did not answer Chen Kangjie's question directly.

"I'm in Guangzhou. I'll go back tomorrow. I'll be in Guangzhou for the whole vacation," Chen Kangjie replied simply.

"Why are you going to Guangzhou?", as if the initiative of the conversation had always been in Lin Ling's hands. This kind of caring question was very similar to a wife's attitude and emotion towards her husband.

"I'm here to train, and I'm going to participate in the Olympics next year." Chen Kangjie didn't realize that there was something to hide from Lin Ling.

Between people, it's amazing, especially between men and women, that's the thing, once that layer of window paper is pierced, no matter how much distance there was before, from that moment on, the psychological distance will be destroyed. Much closer.

"Oh, you...are a person who does business." Lin Ling's voice seemed a little numb, and the feeling of loneliness added two or three points.

Lin Ling said this so that Chen Kangjie didn't know how to continue. Unlike other people, Chen Kangjie could still make jokes, and the whole atmosphere fell into a pause for a while.

A few seconds later, Lin Ling spit out another sentence that Chen Kangjie didn't know how to answer, "My family said they would introduce a boyfriend to me, saying that I should get married."

Chen Kangjie really didn't know how to answer this sentence, but after Lin Ling finished speaking, she also chose to remain silent, which forced Chen Kangjie to speak.

"Then what do you think? Do you think the same as them?" Chen Kangjie asked Lin Ling.

"I... I don't know, I don't know what choice I... should make now," Lin Lingqi said word by word into Chen Kangjie's ears.

"Do you want to get married now?" Chen Kangjie took a deep breath and asked the question again. He had to know Lin Ling's true thoughts. Only when he knew her thoughts could Chen Kangjie take appropriate countermeasures.

"I don't even think about it. From an age point of view, I should get married, but... from a career point of view, it's not the time yet. More importantly...".

"What's more important?" Chen Kangjie caught Lin Ling's ending and asked.

"... More importantly... you and I...", Lin Ling answered Chen Kangjie's question, but he couldn't answer it completely.

But for Chen Kangjie, he thought he understood Lin Ling's meaning, "I'm sorry about that matter, if you need me to be responsible, no matter what you ask me to do, I will be responsible. This is definitely not an empty word."

When it is time to take responsibility, Chen Kangjie will not shrink back, especially when it comes to the relationship between men and women, he will not shirk his responsibility.

"Will you marry me?" Since Chen Kangjie said that he would be responsible, Lin Ling was not polite, and asked a question directly to the core.


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