"Will you marry me?". ┌* ┐

This question hit Chen Kangjie in the spotlight. To be responsible, one must face this question, otherwise it will appear false.

Chen Kangjie hesitated for a while, and replied frankly: "If you want, I will marry you, but not now. You know, I can't get married now, not to mention other things, I can't reach the age, so, if You choose me, and you have to wait a few years."

"Do you not mind that I am much older than you? Did you marry me because you liked me or because of that?" Lin Ling did not simply end, but asked another question that was more difficult to answer.

Chen Kangjie is also asking himself at this time, does he mind her age?The other party is ten years older than himself, will this become an obstacle?Chen Kangjie thought to himself, this won't be an obstacle, doesn't he just need a mature woman, sibling love is not a big deal.

But soon Chen Kangjie thought of Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, what would they do if he married Lin Ling?Three wives and four concubines?Chen Kangjie hadn't seriously thought about this issue before, and there was nothing forcing him to think about it.

Hey, other difficult things are easy for Chen Kangjie, but now this kind of thing that may be easy for others is very difficult for him. The most important thing is not to deceive others, but to tell the truth.

Suddenly, Chen Kangjie thought of a person, Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and Ding Tale", doesn't that guy have 7 wives?Isn't there a wife of the leader of the Dragon Sect who is older than him?He's fine, isn't he inferior to him?

"I remember the common saying that people often say, 'height is not a problem, age is not a distance', I think this can't affect you and me at all. As for you asking me whether I want to marry you because of that matter or out of love, Well, I can only say this, it is impossible for me to marry a woman I don’t like, it’s impossible, it’s pain, the pain of both parties.” Chen Kangjie sorted out his heart and answered Lin Ling’s question road.

In the end, Chen Kangjie did not directly say that he liked Lin Ling, but adopted a roundabout way.Because when Chen Kangjie was thinking about this question just now, he was really not sure how much he liked him. He must have a good impression, but they had too little contact after all. Although that incident brought him great joy, but that After all, it was done hastily and by chance.

"Oh", Lin Ling simply responded, not knowing whether she was satisfied with Chen Kangjie's answer.

"No matter what, I'm speaking from my heart," Chen Kangjie added.

"I see, you are coming back to start school, be careful on your own way," Lin Ling reminded with concern.

"You should also take care, I hope you can live happily and happily", Lin Ling's concern also triggered Chen Kangjie's heart, making it rare for him to say such a sentence with strong emotion.

Their phone conversation ended here. It felt like they talked a lot, but they didn't talk about anything. It was weird, probably because there was no clear conclusion.

Chen Kangjie signed up on the second day after he came back from Guangzhou. This time, he did not encounter any obstacles in the registration like last time. Everything was easy and everyone was learning and improving. It is no secret that it is already within a certain range to be demoted to guard the gate.

It's just that Zhu Yan no longer guards the gate at No. [-] Middle School, but goes to No. [-] Middle School. Unfortunately, he has to continue to guard the gate when he goes there.

How did that happen?This is because Zhu Yan likes to be troublesome.

After being disgraced in No. [-] Middle School, Zhu Yan naturally didn't want to take it here. One day here, the depression in his heart will be more uncomfortable. Later, after discussing with his wife, he took out all the savings in the family, just like Niu Qihua, and entrusted people to operate everywhere.

After a month and a half of careful operation, he finally found the fifth middle school as the receiving unit. Zhu Yan felt that he would be much more comfortable going to the fifth middle school.If you are willing to accept it over there, you have to let it go here.

Zhu Yan brought the gift to Gui Mingming and talked about it, basically begging. Gui Mingming thought that when Zhu Yan first came, he respected himself and flattered him well, so after accepting the gift, he let him go .

Perhaps Zhu Yan felt that he was about to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, and he no longer behaved like a man with his tail between his legs. He actually went to Lu Hu, saying that Chen Kangjie beat them that day, and hoped that after sowing dissension and instigation, Lu Hu would go to find trouble with Chen Kangjie. How did he know that Lu Hu had already looked for Chen Kangjie, and he brought Gong Rui together.

After they approached Chen Kangjie that time, Gong Rui warned Lu Hu not to provoke Chen Kangjie, not only not to provoke him, but also to help him as much as possible when the opportunity arises.

Later, Lu Hu also roughly knew the identity of Chen Kangjie. After all, we all lived in the same compound, so it was normal to run into each other occasionally.

Lu Hu is not an idiot, he was beaten that time, he has no way to retaliate, instead he should follow Gong Rui's instructions and try his best to build a good relationship with Chen Kangjie.Now Zhu Yan actually came to him to speak ill of Chen Kangjie, Zhu Yan didn't say anything in person, turned around and told Gong Rui the news.

Since this guy is so ignorant, Gong Rui doesn't mind giving Chen Kangjie a gift. Through his relationship, he greeted the fifth middle school, hoping to maintain the same treatment as Zhu Yan and the third middle school.

Gong Rui didn't intend to bully Zhu Yan, it was unnecessary, and he didn't want to set fire to him, just maintaining the same treatment would be enough to make Zhu Yan feel uncomfortable.

Sure enough, the promise Zhu Yan got was to go to the fifth middle school to work as a clerk in the teaching office. The teaching director didn't even think about it, as long as he could sit in the office, he was satisfied. However, after he went to report, he would arrange His position turned out to be the security guard of the security department, which made him very angry, and he was furious with the personnel of the personnel department. Later, the vice principal found him, "If you want, you can do it, if you don't want to, then you can go back to No. [-] Middle School , there is nothing we can do about it, I hope you understand."

The vice-principal's words have already told Zhu Yan that there is no possibility of changing the result, and at the same time, it is a last resort to name them.

The vice-principal ordered it, but Zhu Yan still didn't understand what was going on.It is impossible to go back to No. [-] Middle School, and it would be even more embarrassing. Gui Mingming finally let him go. Now that he is out, he will go back immediately. The consequences will only be worse.

Zhu Yan also thought about quitting, and simply learned how to go into the sea like others, but he couldn't take this step at all. He had no capital and no other skills, so he could only die of starvation if he went into the sea.It's better to stay in school and mix this salary with retirement salary.

With an extremely depressed mood, Zhu Yan stayed in the guard room of No. [-] Middle School, opening and closing the door every day, and then drinking away his sorrows. His life was already doomed to sink, and there was no possibility of getting up.

A person, when his heart and beliefs are shattered, basically can't get up. Zhu Yan belongs to this kind. After being tricked a few times, he doesn't even have the strength and courage to fight, so he can only choose to accept it.

Gong Rui is not the kind of second-generation official who is restless and flamboyant, he still has the maturity he should have.He didn't tell Chen Kangjie what he did, once he said it himself, Gong Rui understood that the effect would be greatly reduced, this is what he learned from Gong Huaigu.Such things can only be done, not talked about. As for whether others can know, it depends on luck. People who do something and then claim credit will have no future, because no one will like it.

It was the first day of class after Chen Kangjie signed up. Just after school ended at noon, Ouyang Zhenhua called, saying that the National Academy of Recording and Science could not stand it anymore, and had already sent two faxes in a row, asking Feiyang Entertainment to let Chen Kang stand out Put out the fire.

"what's up?".

"Hahaha, they were almost drowned in letters and phone calls, and some people ran to the gate of the association to protest, because you didn't come forward to say a word, and you didn't come to the scene to receive the award, the fans thought you Very angry, very unhappy, I will vent my anger on you!" Ouyang Zhenhua seemed very happy, as if he was happy to see their predicament.

"I don't have anything to be angry about, I just don't have time." Chen Kangjie looked very calm.

"Then are you going to let it go like this? It may not be good if you completely freeze the relationship with them." Ouyang Zhenhua was happy, and he was not confused yet.

"It's not very good..., how about this, I will sign a statement to pass to you tonight, you let Fan Wenxuan handle it, I can't go to the camera to talk now", Chen Kangjie thought of a compromise .

"Okay then, if you don't say anything again, those foreigners will cry for their fathers and mothers," Ouyang Zhenhua finally said gloatingly.

That night, after Fan Wenxuan received Chen Kangjie's fax, she held a press conference and distributed the Chinese and English statements written by Chen Kangjie to various reporters.

"Dear fans, I am moved by your actions. I sincerely thank you. Here, I ask you not to take any protest actions. We should trust and respect the fairness and professionalism of the selection agencies. And here I have to explain Let me tell you, I make music for you, not for winning awards. That’s just a kind of recognition. In comparison, your recognition of me surpasses any awards. Gold and silver awards are not as good as your compliments, gold and silver cups, It’s not as good as your word of mouth, in order to express my respect and gratitude to you all, I will release a new album in the middle of this year to dedicate to you....” Chen Kangjie’s statement has both a humble side and an unruly side , This is entirely the expression of his character.


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