rebirth of change

Chapter 688 Indirect Economic Benefits

On March 1995, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Y Award) awards ceremony, in the invitation letter, it was specifically indicated that Long himself must attend. 【 】

Two copies of this invitation letter were sent out, one was sent to Miramax Company, and the other was sent to Feiyang Entertainment Company. It can be seen that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has done a very detailed job. As for adding that sentence specially , Whether it was affected by the previous Grammy Awards is not known.

Now these two invitations have been transferred to Chen Kangjie, and he is considering whether to participate. This time his film "True Lies" broke through history and was nominated for three awards, best visual effects (best visual effects) ure).

Breaking through history is also caused by himself. The biggest winner of this year's Oscars should have been "Forrest Gump", but the filming of this film has not yet started, and the film adaptation rights of the original novel have been bought by Chen Kangjie Yes, he also wrote a screenplay, but never had time to make it into a movie.Because of the absence of "Forrest Gump", "True Lies" can stand out.

Chen Kangjie has nothing serious to delay him now. Even if several large-scale transportation projects are launched here one after another, he does not need to keep an eye on them. What he hesitates now is that once he goes, he will be exposed to fluorescent lights.

He is weighing whether this time is appropriate.

Chen Kangjie is now a high school student. It stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with appearing in front of the world, but traditional cultural concepts have to consider that his actions are very likely to cause trouble to his family and friends.

"Chen Kangjie, what are you thinking? You haven't read a book, you haven't attended a class, which beauty is so engrossed in your thoughts? Tell me." Before Chen Kangjie could come up with a conclusion, Wu Guozhang beside him interrupted out of his mind.

"Do you think I look like a beautiful woman?" Chen Kangjie threw him a word angrily.

"Hey, let me tell you, have you heard?" Wu Guozhang didn't mind, and said mysteriously.

"Brother, what news did you find out?" In school, Chen Kangjie's news was definitely not as well-informed as Wu Guozhang's, because Chen Kangjie's attention was not on the campus.

"What do you want me to inquire about? I didn't inquire about it. The news came to my ears automatically. I heard that Di Shuyi, the class flower of the first class, likes you." Wu Guozhang gave Chen Kangjie another peach blossom.

This Zhai Shuyi and Chen Kangjie have seen it before. She has delicate features, is about 1.6 meters tall, has short hair, and likes to wear skirts. Anyway, she feels refreshing, generous, and a little fresh. Her academic performance is also quite good. Last semester In the final exam, Chen Kangjie got the first grade, and Zhai Shuyi got the third grade.

Pretty girls will be chased by many people, and where there are flowers, there will be no shortage of bees.But Zhai Shuyi is a little bit abnormal, there are really few people chasing her, this may be related to two reasons.

First, their family owns a shopping mall and a hotel in the city. They belong to the relatively wealthy upper class. If they only have good academic performance and no power in the family, they dare not chase after them, and they will feel ashamed.The second thing is that he studies well, which is also a problem. Those who claim to have some money and power in their families, if their grades are not good, they have no talent at all, and they dare not chase after them, they will lose face.

There are quite a few people who have a crush on Zhai Shuyi, anyway, I really haven't seen anyone chasing her openly.Unexpectedly, she fell in love with Chen Kangjie instead.

Speaking of it, only Chen Kangjie is the most suitable match for her. He is better at studying than him, has no shortage of power and money, and is tall and handsome. But Chen Kangjie himself has not solved his previous troubles, so how could he have the heart to make love in the third middle school?

"Let me tell you, don't make rumors casually. She is a girl. If you spread rumors like this, it will damage her reputation. How can you make others feel uncomfortable?" Chen Kangjie didn't believe Wu Guozhang's words, so he preached Wu Guozhang instead.

Chen Kangjie has his own analysis, he thinks, this matter is not reliable, and from Zhai Shuyi, even if she likes a boy, she won't talk nonsense, how could everyone in Class [-] know about it? ?Isn't this tearing down her own platform? Zhai Shuyi would not be so careless.

"What? Who spread the rumor? She said it herself. What does it matter to me? Why, how could I tell you good news, and you told me instead?" Wu Guozhang felt a little wronged.

"Because it's not good news for me."

Having more peach blossoms is not necessarily a good thing, especially at Chen Kangjie's current stage where he can't do anything.The Peach Blossom Island in Jin Yong’s novels has many peach blossoms on it, but those peach blossoms are all formations, traps and traps.Chen Kangjie now wants to control the number of his peach blossoms, otherwise, he will also become a peach blossom array, and finally become a peach blossom robbery, which is not good.So in No. [-] Middle School, he actually kept a low profile as much as possible. It can only be said that although fireflies cannot compete with the sun, at night, people can still see fireflies flickering in the sky with their naked eyes.

"Em lump, I really don't understand, if there are beautiful women, why are you so tall?" Wu Guozhang disdains and despises Chen Kangjie's indifference, isn't this violent.

"Hehe, shit, what kind of logic is this?", instead of being angry, Chen Kangjie was amused.

"Some students should pay attention to the lectures during class, at least not to affect other students," the mathematics teacher standing on the podium said while looking at Chen Kangjie and the others.

Wu Guozhang stuck out his tongue and quickly lowered his head. Chen Kangjie didn't bow his head, but just gave the teacher an apologetic smile.

In class, Chen Kangjie was rarely criticized. Who told him that his grades were too good? What the math teacher said just now was not to blame Chen Kangjie, but to criticize Wu Guozhang. The implication was that he affected Chen Kangjie's lectures and studies.Anyway, the normal logic is like this, the teacher will not think that good grades lead to bad grades.

After the math teacher made such a fuss, the two stopped talking. Wu Guozhang listened to his class, and Chen Kangjie continued to think about his own problems.

He sent two invitation letters so solemnly, and also made a note asking him to go, if he didn't go, it would be too embarrassing.The matter of face is not valued by Chinese people, but by people all over the world. Once you step into this circle, you can't break the rules of the game too much.

Coupled with the Grammy Music Awards just happened, if there is another accident at the Oscars, it is not what Chen Kangjie wants to see. When there is too much pressure on others, it will rebound. Once it rebounds, it is extremely possible will hurt yourself.

Thinking about it, Chen Kangjie thought of the press conference he held for this movie. Come to think of it, he had already appeared in front of the media, but that time he wore a hat and sunglasses to cover up That's all.

After making up his mind, the rest of Chen Kangjie was how to ask for a few days off. After coming and going, three or four days would be unbearable. Just talking about staying on the plane would take two days.

His leave is not only for family and school, but also for his coaching staff.If you are an athlete, you have to look like an athlete.

Now that the municipal gymnasium at the foot of Zhongshan has been decorated, it is fully enclosed for Chen Kangjie to use. At the same time, another new gymnasium is also undergoing earthwork clearance, just behind Zhongshan. This is the exchange condition.

As for the old-for-new trade-in, the city was cheap and didn't suffer, so He Baoguo agreed, which was equivalent to buying the old gymnasium, and the 1.21 million funds had already been transferred to the city's financial account. This money is used to build a brand new standard stadium.Moreover, the set of venues that Chen Kangjie is using will be open to the public for free when he is not using them, and the management fees are also borne by himself.

Chen Kangjie has always been opposed to building luxurious stadiums, libraries, theaters, etc. in the suburbs. These are livelihood projects and cannot be turned into image projects. Otherwise, if they are all put in the suburbs, what is the use?It was useless at all, so after donating money, Chen Kangjie asked not to move the stadium far away, but to build a sports center around Zhongshan.

That's not to mention, the city is now preparing urban planning, and their main leaders have already inspected several developed cities in the world.Chen Kangjie's suggestion is to build more cultural facilities, such as art galleries, exhibition halls, museums, gymnasiums, and cultural centers, which should be free and open, and the location should not be too bad.

The culture and atmosphere of a city are closely related to this, the quality of citizens of a city is also closely related to this, and the happiness of ordinary people in a city is also closely related to this.It cannot be developed for the sake of development. The purpose of development is to improve the lives of ordinary people. If the masses cannot share the fruits of development, then such development is meaningless, illusory, and a castle in the air.

At first, He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were not in favor of it, because it seemed unnecessary and would take up a lot of funds. Now the city's economy has made great progress, but there is still a long way to go before it becomes rich. The finances are not well off.However, after they returned from their investigation and chatted with Chen Kangjie twice, they still accepted his suggestion.

Chen Kangjie is not just talking idealistically, another reason he persuaded the two leaders is that it will bring economic value, a city's level of civilization and comfort will be greatly improved, and only then can it attract high-end talents and high-end industries, and ultimately develop a high-end economy , Moreover, the tourism industry also needs the cooperation of these things, and the leisure industry also needs it. Therefore, those cultural facilities will also bring indirect economic benefits.

Chen Kangjie also gave the example of the high-tech city in the provincial capital. They planned to build a lot of cultural venues, which are found in every community. Now more and more high-tech and high-quality talents come in, which promotes the rapid development of the high-tech city. , and achieved very good economic benefits.


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