rebirth of change

Chapter 689 Awareness

Chen Kangjie didn't encounter any obstacles to asking for leave at home, so he asked Ouyang Zhenhua to make up an excuse to solve it. Anyway, it's only natural for a man to help others with money and money. ﹛ (~ o ~)y﹜

On the contrary, when I asked the coaching staff for leave, I encountered a small obstacle. Every coach scolded him, saying that it would affect the results of the competition, affect the consolidation of the previous training effect, disrupt the training plan, etc. Anyway, I just don’t want Chen Kangjie Leave for four days.

In the end, Chen Kangjie could only guarantee that he would continue to train during the four days he was away, and that he had to leave, so the coaching staff reluctantly gave up.

In fact, how can Chen Kangjie persist in training? It is impossible to spend more than ten hours on the plane. If he insists on exercising, Chen Kangjie has always done it, and he can practice while sitting on the bed.It can only be said that whether Chen Kangjie can do it or not is beyond Niu Qihua's control. They can only trust Chen Kangjie as much as possible. They don't know why Chen Kangjie is leaving.

In the early morning of March 1995, 3, Chen Kangjie drove directly to the airport in the provincial capital with his people. Last night, Ouyang Zhenhua's Sky Express XRS had flown to Zhucheng Airport and was waiting for him. They will fly directly from Zhucheng to Los Angeles , as last time, stopped at Kai Tak Airport to refuel once.

Regarding Chen Kangjie's decision to attend the Academy Awards, some people were surprised and some were not. Ouyang Zhenhua was not surprised, but Fan Wenxuan was on the contrary. He didn't know Chen Kangjie well enough, so he thought he wouldn't this time either. join.

After an hour-long flight, Ouyang Zhenhua boarded the plane after hearing that it was on the special apron at Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. He didn't come to see him off. The main reason was that he was willing to communicate with Chen Kangjie whenever he had the opportunity. It is also the attitude that a subordinate should have.

"Jie Shao, you are really doing them a favor by coming to the Oscars ceremony this time!" Ouyang Zhenhua joked as soon as they met.

"Are you making fun of me?" Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"How could it be? If I make fun of others, I don't dare to make fun of you. This Oscars must be a good show."

"Then why don't you go with me, anyway, there's not much more." Chen Kangjie pushed a small cup of Maojian tea that had just been brewed on the small table in front of Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Thank you, Master Jie, you think I don't want to go, I really want to go, but I can't leave, I have to go to Qianzhou tomorrow, a few projects over there are in the final contract stage, I have to go Well, besides, there are still a lot of things to do when Japan is about to withdraw.”

"Yes, we can start preparing." Chen Kangjie picked up the tea and nodded, and drank the tea in one gulp after speaking. It was like a cow's drink, and he didn't have the demeanor of tasting tea at all, but it showed his spirit very well.

"Master Jie, there is something I need to tell you, but there is no proof," Ouyang Zhenhua said with a frown.

"What's the matter? Tell me directly." Seeing Ouyang Zhenhua's deep brows, Chen Kangjie also felt that what Ouyang Zhenhua was going to say must be very important.

"I always feel that someone is investigating us during this time," Ouyang Zhenhua said with his head down.

"Is there any sign?" Chen Kangjie asked seriously.

"Obviously no, there is always a feeling. I was chatting with Fan Wenxuan two days ago, and he accidentally said that his desk seemed to have been moved, but nothing was missing. Ten days ago, I also I feel that there is something wrong with my desk, but there are many things, and my bodyguard told me that there have been strangers haunting my house three times a while ago," Ouyang Zhenhua said cautiously.

"According to this, I think about it." Chen Kangjian didn't think that Ouyang Zhenhua was talking nonsense. His words aroused Chen Kangjian's interest and attention, but for a while, Chen Kangjie couldn't help but wonder whether it was true or not. What forces have a strong interest in them.

Ouyang Zhenhua's bodyguards have changed from policemen to G4s. These G4s have all been trained by British intelligence agencies, and they are not without two brushes. What's more, when Chen Kangjie was away, Samidov and the others stayed Hong Kong's.

The KGB and the CIA have been old enemies for many years. During the Cold War, the two of them fought fiercest on the intelligence front, winning and losing each other.Now that the Soviet Union has disintegrated, the funding of the KGB has dropped sharply, and its strength is not as good as before, but this does not mean that Samidov and the others are really useless, and they really lose their sensitivity.

Hong Kong is the center of intelligence collection and trading in the Far East. Intelligence personnel from various countries and organizations are looking for the intelligence information they need here. This is why Chen Kangjie keeps Samidov and the others in Hong Kong and Ouyang Zhenhua in most of the time. The reasons around.

In the mainland, due to strict control, intelligence agencies will face many difficulties if they want to operate. In addition, they have the protection of the central department, so the probability of problems is not very high. Ouyang Zhenhua is different. Most of Chen Kangjie's information on Ouyang Zhenhua They are all clear, and almost all of them have passed through his hands, so it is necessary to strengthen his protection.

"Samidov, Tan Jun, what do you two think?" After thinking for a while, he didn't know if he had an answer in his heart, but he saw two people standing four meters away paying attention to their thoughts. Talk, so Chen Kangjie directly threw the question to them.

"Jie Shao, what is the specific situation... I can't say..." Samidov said hesitantly.

"It's okay, just say what comes to mind, after all, you've been by President Ouyang's side all this time," Chen Kangjie encouraged.

"Since Master Jie said that, let me share my opinion. I believe that President Ouyang and President Fan will not have memory errors at the same time. Coupled with our observations, we should be able to judge that there are indeed unknown people approaching However, as for us, as for who it is, we can only analyze it from the efficiency and means of handling things. Even under the protection of many people, they are still approached by the other party, so the ones who can achieve this efficiency and superb means are nothing more than cia, mss and English* *Information No. 007, which is the so-called department where [-] is located, other than that, no one should be able to do it easily," Samidov rolled his eyes and said in thought.

"First of all, mss can be ruled out. If they want to find useful information, they can bypass President Ouyang and go directly to Jie Shao. Now that Hong Kong is about to return, MI[-] needs to know the situation of a group of powerful Hong Kong people. It is also purely natural, but there should be no need for them to lurk into your office, Hong Kong is still the territory of the British, so the rest, I think cia is more likely." Tan Jun took Samidov's words, Analyzed from a side angle.

"I think so, cia likes to do this kind of thing the most," said Xiong Ziqiang who was sitting next to Chen Kangjie.

"***, I didn't look for them, but they rushed up by themselves." Chen Kangjie lowered his head and patted the wall of the sofa heavily, then raised his head to look at Ouyang Zhenhua, "You didn't put the relevant information in the office Bar?".

"No, how could I be so careless? Some are stored in the underground safe at home, and some are stored in the bank's safe. They are separate. Only when they are all together can we know the clear inside story. Otherwise, it is useless to get only a part. Only some superficial information will be kept in the office." Ouyang Zhenhua also knew that many of the things they did were of great importance, so they had to take some special precautions.

"That's good. To be on the safe side, you should do a comprehensive analysis after you go back. If you shouldn't keep it, just destroy it. The information at home and in the bank safe will be further split up. It's better to be more prepared. "Okay," Chen Kangjian said with some worry.

Since they all judged that it should be cia, and it was similar to Chen Kangjie's own judgment, then it is most likely that it should be cia.Chen Kangjie had no doubts about CIA's ability to spy on intelligence.If there were only two places, Chen Kangjie was still worried about being spied on by those all-pervasive guys.

For external forces, Chen Kangjie's most important thing to guard against is the CIA, and the second is the Japanese intelligence agency.Otherwise, if Chen Kangjie's true strength is known to them, then he himself will become very passive and troublesome.

"Okay, I see," Ouyang Zhenhua nodded in agreement.

"You should also pay more attention to the safety of President Ouyang. I hope you can give full play to your professionalism and effectiveness." Finally, Chen Kangjian urged Samidov and the others.

"Jie Shao, we know, then you go to Los Angeles this time, we..." Samidov asked tentatively.

"You four can go, two can go, two stay, I think Basev and Lovsky go, you two stay, I'm going to the awards ceremony, there shouldn't be any problem ", Chen Kangjian instructed.

. . . . . .

After half an hour of refueling and formalities, the plane is all ready and ready to take off again for its destination Los Angeles. <), Los Angeles Music Center (y), etc.In the original history, from 02 onwards, the place of award presentation was fixed at the Kodak Theatre, which was the first time in the history of Oscars.

The host of this awards ceremony is David Letterman, the host of the nbc talk show "David Late Show" (the late show with david letterman), who is a household name in the United States. He is also a comedian and show producer.

In the United States, those who can host large-scale programs are basically humorists. It is difficult to host a program without a certain level of humor. an almost natural expression.

Chen Kangjie arrived in Los Angeles at 10:[-] p.m., and the awards ceremony was held at [-] p.m. the next day, so Chen Kangjie had enough time to beat the jet lag.


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